Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Matth,6. v.;,4a Sinneguu not.tlunr;, Thttri'C&• n1n;:. Sermon in the :5\.1omit. 191 r fuch priuate tdcife,iti~agteat difordcr:likos ' A · ccale the fame from men. Yet hete C.hrl!Hot• it is inafamily;whcrc the chHdrcn and feruallts bids not all giuing of Almes in open place, or know not where and when to hauc their din.- in the fight df n1cn, but his meaning is to re.: ncrs: for the poorc arc Cods children in his faftrainc the ambition ofthe heart after chepniifc: mily; and ought to be prouidcd for in better ofmcn:tht ,iucr muH not intend or dciirc that j fort then by fuch priuatc rclccfc: and therefore men ihoula lCC him giuc almcs,chat they might / where good order is w:intl 4 ng forprouiflon for praifc him: but his heart mufi fimply anJ 1111"' the poore, it ought in <onfcirntc to be begun, ccrely feek to approouc it felfe vmo God;This j & whcfc it is begun, menmuH carefully mainwill :ippc:ire to be the right meanitlgofour Sa.);. i tainc and continue the fame. uiour Chrilt, by comp:~.nng rhis vcrfe with the I Thirdly, in rhis example of a ct)rrupt manfirft: for here Chrift rcnucch the commande-._ ncrof AlmCs.:.giuing, fee the coficurrenec of rhcntdu:regiucn, and forbiddeththccortnpt l fundric finncs. Fir1t, here is noted h;poCT'ijif; deJlrc of the heart after vainc gloric in the gi.: I ·which were enough to condcmne a man1 bht uing of almes. . yet ,..,ith this their goes ambiti"", and \"·:ith Now for our better vndcdlandingof rhis ' both, an opm contempt and bre,'{ch of g~od(lr• com<Ti:"tndCmcm;firtl;we \Vil t}l.cWwhat lS he;re tier in prbuiding for the poorc: \o\'hich fl1cwts B forbidden: and fccondly what is commanded. cui<icntly th&t no finnc goes alone,but ordina;. I Here arc two things forbidden; firfi,all ddirc rily hath his companions: for tinnes are fo inor itltcntion oftnens beholdingofvs;-.,vhcn we folded one in another, that he which commits giuc onr Ahnts:fccondly,all refpeet and int<nt onc,)snot free from any othcr:this moy plainly to pleafe our fdues in Almcs-giuing' for the be !hewed by many epmples. In fin left hand mutt ndt know \vhat the right hand there wa·s tbt breach 6ftho whole law in cucry giueth.The thing here commanded is this,that · commandcmem~ dth~r dirc;C.Hy or1 by confch~ whish ~iucs almcs,muH doe it t1.mply intcnor quente: for be !hewed euident wamof-loUe ding and aefirlng oncly to pleafe God, ond to l ,to God, in bclecuing Satan more then God; approouc hili workc vncoGod without all by• therein he thofc Saratf fur his God-;•hc worrclpeCl::s of mens praiiCor approbation. {hipped.Safan, and cooke Gods namcrin vainc; Here.. then firft •is cond~:mncrl tht doCtrine 1 ~f;;111~~n 'he f11cwed alfo cuid"Ct "tV"ant of brothcrJy louc, of the Church_of Rome; whkh teacheth men M~cch.6. I for hcre_byhe bacam.c a n1ur~~rernot onelr, of~ 1t(:S doe good workts, with opinion ofmeriting fc«:.l. himfclfe, but ofalllus poil:ent1e: and tbu; doe •lift cucrlail:lng thetcby at tbd,ands ofGod:for 'flnncs c~ncufre m eucry wicked atl:ion, in that is farremore then to'd0'e them for this end which rcgord it may be [aid witl>gbimu, that ,C ro get proife of men,"' hi-th-yer is bereforbidluewhicli'foilfth in on( commandemmt, Ugililrie denz & therefore-the Othci-'mufhteeds be ab 0 ·.., ofaU: which mutt admo~ilh·v-s to make con(ciminable. cnceof eucry finne: for we can·any. - ,Set~:mdiy, feci !I gin our welt-doing v1c tmtll ~ one,but WC<InuH: needs runne into.mBny other. fin;tpiy. intend .. to appr.oouc our ~dues vnto ~~:~~r~v~~:s Vert:ly I fd; vntoyoH; the; hnuc their ·rQllltrd. God, .Jt !hall not be amdfc hctc to fl1cw, hoW well. Thcfc words containe thc'rtafon ofthe.former wqnoy fo do our good workcs that God ·m•yptohibition~ whereinwe may fee tl,1e V.anitic of ap-pfoooc thcrc:of. Hereunto .fout-c things are' • this giuingJofAlmcs:for the praife ofnl~n is-all r-tquircd: faith, !outt, humilitte,and(inceritieor rcw3rd. ;they hauc' none with God)as W~ JimpfiCitif. For c.hc firfl, in ~ucry g6bd \o\'orkc ib6Wcd lfl th'c tOn,cqu:.rfe; 'L· ·:u i~ ).. ''"'' there muLl be a·n-''o-fold faith: IuffifJinJ!faith'} '\!'.,. 3',,: 'B t{t ~.-t,·9,e_ ..n. -t ,_hD'U_,',','J_,'Pfl and~ general! f•irJ,, Iujlifjing faith, whcrtl>y. ,, '" t~•h- .. ~t rl". lhc·p·ct:fth1 doit'g the workt nuifi 1bc 'rccoilcithine;_ · t!Yf fmes-, /et ·not;thJ/efc led-do @od,and~~i>db~fore God :I true mctn• '!·a''n1/..n'·.~-~- ·~h- a'"t' t'IJ~~·,,·"tidb ' 't,'h-~n".''d~ ' ., berJdf<€hriA!:'fGMthis it is (aitl;>lf'ithout f•ltl! • H<b.n.6. I /] a-t~ ..,., -rr '/ 0 H itit-impofliblm•-;pl<afe God. And Chrlll faithl ~-ih· · c:_,c.. .. : .H<JOJ'Jl:;· .• . "10_' bc.J.. ·D 'or'E!ru;lrr2t>idJJtbilt!lhilterhnorfn1ith! mu" tiJt b Ioh.;p.s 1 / _ 4i ih4t~~~~iJi~-~~,~~o;~- 1~,' I r.:::.rrt~~:::1~:~~~::~·7~~·~:h:ro:~~~ H'r I would doe a workc.~acprablc to God, nHifi ~efeene ,infecrey.-_a_n,~;~h~if1 ',a,: !ir.!\bi:·lnChritti: 'and·thc rcafon is euident~for 'b h r;. b' · r;, • ' h .. ' i'7 1 ~rftrh~petf,mworking mu!lbe occcp!ablcto t er._t _tit ,eet _zn:~eeret; IN}'VJU . ~<Jd),bffote<his>Wbrke>can be approoucd; but w·· iit/:; 1 i-/· [,- ' ' ..,,r.,~.<io~ , ~i~Jn-r.,ns;pcHon)i'Sapp-rooucdofGod, before re ar . ·. ~t,.Orffl._ll·• " ·. ' ,,!;,~;..." • , .\;4-bCJin Chritt.: and therefore iuttifyi•Jgfoitb Thefc worcls coill:!iine<i:h"ifis 1ccond (orro- · rwhtr~hY'''CIOtl!'vni•"d vmo Chrifi Is 'chiefly mandcmcnt touching the of~~'lnres.:.. 1hotdfa-ri~;: By!lf..enerttl~·.fi-tith I ·111ea11c that, , ~i,\ing, wit)l \he ro_af"''·li\Ci'Gbf. !\1c ''f-"m;n- , ;whncb~ a•inan --bdcoues ~hat the worke he oerncnt IS 10 tl1c th1rd vcr(c, and Jtbcarcth this do)h is pft:thngvtiro"Oo<tHer-cofc Paul f. 1 ith, c Rom.14-3.3 fence: th'at i~the lcf,han<\ S'lul4 1vn~~r!laod, : ·whdtfitell.-r '' ndt offaith, is jinn<. A workc yet 1t.(h01;ld not know what 3ur rigb! 'h:\"d 1 fm"Y'be:go!ld h1 it fclfe, and ;'et finncfull in the g:tuc; and th~refo're 1nbcl{1iior'CmUft ~ve~b.i.. dod, if:)lc w2.nnhis_gcncrall faith. No\V vnto - -- 1 --------------- ---~ .} --=-·------- _ _<his .