Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I uo / rvfnExpojitionofChrifls ~--- advanced, whot11 God himlclfc fhould vouch... A Pharifies thought thcmfclucs more righteous 1 fafc to praifc :1nd commend. ~, · ·\. then all other men, :md therefore iudgcd .. 'l)Cfr ~ cvf11d 1 "f1Jlen thou th:tt thay had 110 ht'Cde tO humble thCIU-1 - · ' J' 1 ' ~ \ fclues fo mu<i1 either in foult or bodie >s , 1 prayrfl, be not iU the hypocriteS~ the Publican; ar.d !inners did. Againe, Chri!l 1. h 1 · Jl d d 11erc cmrdcmncth not the aCtion of prayer in l1 or t ey IOUC. 10 an an .pray d~<-ie places, the s,,agog•erand thefh·mes,for ' · h S · ' ' d •' 1.1" nonJJI\lWM cucr fo1·batOcn of God to pny in tn t C tynagogues, tll), tntce anypla«. ThePatriarkswcrenotticdto ""Y COY_ ners oftbe /freet'e'F: t{Jetazi~, placc:>nd vnderthc lawhowfocll<rtheTcm" "' . "f': plE~lW:lS ch·C',placc appointed for Gods outward the.y 'J'Pould be fiene "of men ~ wodhipini:tcrificing,an<lfilchlike, yeteurn " j j' (. h · then i't was b wftlll for the lc\\'CS to pray in any llere!) ;4) 'lmtoyou~ they aue pbcc; and after ChrillscommingPAul" wHiet!J their rmard. th.ttm"" f>'A1 fiUrie whrre lifting "'fpnre hAr.dl vnro God: but here is condemned this grOffc OE ,rayer. In this vcrfc and the rdl to the fourteenth, B fault ofthcfc Scribes 1nd Pharifet, that 'thcyCh,rift intrcarcth ofs.hf Jutic ofpraicr,where_. minded no wherr cls, but in rhcfc-op-cn in he.dealcth as_ in the former point touching and p_ublikc places , vvhich is ·cxprdlCd by this -Almesgiuing:for fidl he forQids a ~wofold vicC phrak, th~J /oue toflattd·and··pra;: So rh:t in .a · in ptaycr; hyp()crifir:, and b.tbling; a.nd rhcu reaword this meaning of this vcrfe.;..Tt~s my chcth the comrade venues, an<ltlu: right prahc.zrers ,rwh~n;o~tpr4_},tllk; hude tf rbt 1Jypocriclife ofprayu. The vice of llJP"rijit in prayer jieofth< Scr.iln:randPhJ<rifre~r,for.·thryregard~,:. isfarbiddetl in thi~ fifth vcrfc, and,thc contra... fJ therttift,ofw:n,, fuchge-- ric·vcrtuc Cnioync•l in the llCXt. ' flure tn prll)U-~ and.choofo fuc./J pfaC6S tOfYflJ i1f, • 1 ' The Expofition·. when rhaupr,tirft ]Topral, that theymJJ)rbrft be fome ofmen. Where .wcC. properly is ro antreate. of' God. tl;e!!/ft·of fom~ fee-, hc,_d;re41:lycoridcml1cS tflcirhypocrHie ., ... 'l.oodr~ingcoucr:rnmg M-?r[clucs:and in this ff:nf~;!rifl rdp.eCl: of i:hcgr.omtd thcrcof,.\,•hjch it is ondy one part.of that holy wor!hippc of was tb< .prid< •J he"""•"md ilob Gods Pnu ofiuG.odrwhich is called Invocation: for 1. Tim.z. gracF :-ras,b Jfo.jn rcg3rd Pirtlw end, thereOf, 1 _the ApoHlc maketh foure kinds or parts of \Vhich•~ifoofm<n ,and not t)tcbglorie invocation: to wit,l. Si!pplication, when "':'-'iO"' of God. · !i.:- . ·j • · -.. trd.tGod vs. 11! 2 ·. The vfr. vJ•. \tVhcrcas 1 Chriftiaith.,drheW– Pntfer, whereby-we beg at the hands of God l tho!fpr4•efo.· he take1h it fQr·grauntc<l•;>r\tWio.ll of fome 'good thing vmovs :and theCe men ofy.e'lf"' tnuft-pray :a\\(\ \\•hereas he '""• t \:-.!0 canccrnc our felues. The lll:is- lntercr}ji-- 9-~lllQC'S; cbef~Lfc manncr_;o£.prayc_r, 3d~ ·frts011., "\'\:.ben 3S.\'VCe imrc:ate the Lord to gral.tnt dowpc the-rtgh~ forme 'and U)noner thcrb9fi be fame good thitlg~mo our brc:thrt·O, or to re.. te'adlt;th Yi\rtpatJH: is a rvoil n~:ceffarie tltting.tor moouc fomc cu:t trom th""".Tht IV. is thaiikf- 'Ill th~t blmc ili!Cretioq; ro.cxercife thtmfelues .gi~inu, whereby wec'f;iucJau< to tcligio•il\)lii:I~IJ\s.dutic·ofipraytt.-And becaufc I f~ol for blcffill§S rccciucd , either by· our Qur S~uiPun hcf.q,,Vrgcth;;thistsluti~ f.o muCh, l felucs, or byour brf thren. No~··in•this plac-e will here fi1cwe the ,nueJfitie of prayer.;t?lJ'hkh- ·Prayer i5 not tcrbc taken Hri&ly.fo_r~oqcpart of tn::ty, dpp.C.l(C .'\-linO YS liy !fundde ·re.afonsl I. invocation, but gcncrJlly for the whole ·WOt• Or.ay~r. is!O:Jl<: p-J: tl~Q rnoib p.r~JJq)pall: puts of ' lflip·<ifGod by invocation; as i•ise6ri10nly iaGods·. '''ori)lip' fPr ·hetcih .Wee acl<nowtcdge ken o£vs:, and oftonrvfcd in Scripti~rc,one part hlti1 to be t,l)_c,gi.>~~r o~ alhg~ncllt , . the;fuN being put for the whole. JJenot '"the h;pocrittJ] cb~r and lo1>0"ier·0four llc\\ns;.and hereliy.we that is, doe not as thcy.doc in pray_cr; ,by h;po0 t.~llific-thf'faith,hopc,an.d ~onfidence wehaue <-riw, he vnderll:mdeth principallythe JewiJh ID in God. And-prayer is-plk_dMb( e'alttn of our rcacln:rs·thc SaibcmndPharifirJ, .fu.r aJ ·them (tppp, b~c:iufel(is ~ facri/ic~ }Yd pkaling.V'\'(l he ai.ncch in this part.ofhis 6ermon.&or,thq God. IJ.Jly.pri}yer: r~A<>~·olmliitc, aod.) IJQ lot~t'-NJftand m:dpra;'}n the Sjndgot,ud, .,dmtli~ tP.minuc. ~1\.Q pt~f·~U.<Yill9·<>tlr' fdu.<!~1!:\lt<ic jh'mcn],Wcc mufLriot hi:rt conc<iue that gp~dg•a<t-"·bl$llil'gofG<t<l$,fpccially-'fach Chrill condcmnes Ol.toge•her this gellurc,af f.F,Qn~<n'~~crtl<tlllife·:- for, G.od·ptoniilfkb ,_, ft:inding ·in pr:tyer,as_.vnla#ull: if>r.,himli:lfe hiiJpirit·~o-tl).Cn;nhqta$h.i~!J.y. c Joh.n.••· pr>ied ftandin_cmhe,.,,J,euaifodvp..L4-..rr"'' & fil;lt~onuerf<o.n·~f.~ finnor;ho.\y{o~u&ith<!.rhe the Primitiuc Church in their •lfcrnbli\:s·ra!ltd (r~t,gift Qf.(\od., yet h)lQ<)Jls gr~ed rnclq~;..g d. Oci~.hom ' d»S, pra.ycd fhmding : hltf he tcprqouctb aud~nabJtn.gtiP:,an thereUntO!, 'is,o~taiilo.d~h-}1: .,_rn N"m"· i li'ere the abufc of this gd1ure il1 Al'ffe:f<wifb p.f~:yer. ;, nt).fp-nr~-alllhc g0.o,d,gra<~s.JQJil"tJ I teachers. ·For fidl', they vfe<lthi.< gdrpri:. tb.a iQ.)i, (}11< . ~onu~liion, 1bo•l) gotlc~<~nd,inae•- wrong endc,namc.!y, thereb¥.to.g~Hlu p-raiff f<A~:UL. 'th!Hruc gift·is_a: ~kadgt 1 of men' bccaufcilanding is thdluO!tcgdlu~e of the' fp.mtc-of,,AJg~tli>Ih~i nnd. Jhcrcf~rc fccnc ofi others: Sc.concly,, thefc ;Soribes and ~~gr~a. And P41d .• Giths- rl~ ftirit ;helptt d t.Tjm~. Tfw:Mc-ta""t. ti.c cfpraicr. l ~ t f t.1alt.u. I which :JJtnan can vfc jn pn.ycNomake ~;4(1-c/Jqrir <?:all$ ,d'le '{pirir,of.P~"I!frr·, thc-ffiirit ___:..:..:..... ~" __.________-r-;:_:'::_f____~-- - ,... ..,_ ~~~~ ~ - ,-.....-.