Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~--------~==~~~-~~~~~--~~--~~ ll'(<tth.6. ----~---£_. ·e'-r_m_o_n_·z_·n_t_h,--e_~--,-kl_o_u..,.nt~··.......:....:...---:----:--:--::-'-:-:-:- 1. - ~.·:u ~ our ;,~firm.itirs, cuen the fPirit of OJtr·Adopticm, .A" :u1Cmblics of the Sai~ts, and priuattly in Otl'r whicb te:1.clurh 111 to cry , A bba ,_[.1ther. 1 y. ' f:unily~s , bccing ma!tctS 3nd gouc:n}qur§ ! Byprayer we hauc fpiriruan cOril\~ni~n an~ tJ_- tOr no family ought to want this ttlDrn!~g and' miharitic with God: for in the prcachmg or the C.Uf'ning facrificc of prayn ana th:mktglding ~ word, God fpcr.kcs to vs; and in prayer v\'CC yea, \VC mufi pr:~.y by om fahJC•s patciculal'ly in fpcakc to God) ancl rhc·t~lOrc we pr:l)';thc :1ceregard of our p:wtitblr~t ~·afus. l n.dctdo ·rha rcr and greater fcllow£1up we hauc '<''tth God; nio!l doe thus plead fdr thcmfelucs; that thry [ which on~ rcafon (if there were no ino1·c ) is vf~ to pray often: but rhC truth is, th:\t the eO~ fuffici.!t to pcrfv\·:tdc vs ofthe ncccffity ofpr<\J; mon pr'atfifc dfour people ~1 praycr,is A9th~11g I cr. and ro moouc: \15vnto diligc~1cc tbcrcin. I bm lippr:-labour ar1d a mocking of God: fOr But fundric obicCI:ions arc m~c og'linll the ....vhat be their praicrs, but the faying Ol1Cl' th~ Obiea.r. nccc{fi"rie of prayer: is 13id God knowcs I tcnnc Com.:liandcmcnts and the Crtcd(.','Whfch our thoug~ts bcfore .w._e. pra)',, ~n~ thercfo·rc it are no prayers : yea, their repctirio'no~ ~h.eo is needidle to C((pl'cfic cht:m oy prlyc.:r vmo Lords prnycr without vndcrlbn·dingo~·tlcuo-: hhD~~ Anf. \Ne prly not eo ;Icquiki11t .God with tion,is no prayer with God j when they do~ i~ our fi1itcs, or wi_~h ou;hc~rts, as.tpough hce ,B · onlyofcuff6me,and reA: in the V\'Ork dooC.Bu~_ knewe them not, but to performe obedience hc-t-e is required an Other p1'nnnc·r of pr~ycr thC vntb hiscomm:.lndment,wh::> requireth th!s du... this. And to incite vs vrti.O it,lct t·s·conGder thE:: tie-at our hands. Ag:tine,wc pray vnto God,to v.:orthy examples of Chri!b feruants herd.!)! . , .. ,. \ honour.him, in acknowkrlging him to be the .Jt1bfeJ praycc1. for the fauing of tht Hi·~clites '! ~~it'!., 13 ' knower ofour hearts·,thc -giue1· ofall goodn es, fourty d11in r.nd forfj nightI wi1lioU'r inMr~r~r~~kJ . . thcd"Ny ofdur faith apd hope 1 in whomoncly Dttl$id pd.ied.foauentirt?!iddil):·a'ndQftfSalt/Of,., :Pf:-'\1.~t;.u..,_· weput _a!! our uufi and confidence. ChrH1-ffimt wh()/c ni,IJtJ it~pr~jrn. N0'Wihefti hk... u. ~ Obit:a . z. Whcthcf\·\'Cprayornot,GodwiU examples vvd·c written for ·our ltai-ning\ !ro giue vs the blcffings ""hkh he Uleansto bellow q:ach •ts to addiCt o-ur fclucs· to this holy dUtiC on vs. Anfwer. This is flar Acheifinc : and yet ..,\·hereiri our hearts fpcake vnto God. The \\'C'C mu{t di!linguifhof Gods bldlings , fot' want hereof is r:hc c:1ufc of the cort'll'nC111 A~ foiuc·arc Common blc(.Jiugs which God oft theifmcthat is in the world, -Of iuiuRice"1{lnd giucs to mC \\'ithout their asking, becaufe they crucltibin mens callings, of fweari11g, pdde,&. le rue to prcfcruc nature : as ra.ine aud fruitfull backbiting jn mens Hues : for ifmc:n~\.~ou·ld of ... fcafolls, food ,raiment, &c. A6't.14. 16, and ' ten fctthemfelucs in the ptdfertce of' God;i by·.' yet euc:n thcfc-c?:-flln~n bidlings muft b.c prai- C vnfatm-;d inyocation,thc rcmcmPrnrtcc c·hcrcor' , cd.for<I'hil+6. l" alfrhingi /erl""·reqnejh k" would ffil[bc beforNhcjr c'9cs,al'ldcauf~ th•mh l:am+S· made ·k._nowne to God: -and lam~ I h. faith' 1OH to abfraine·ft:Om all thc'fe cjniquit~es ~ rfrlt-\vhw I tuft andhat~< not, bmmfeJ" .ukJ hot: l'fal.ro6. bccing !lained with fuch'tran fgrdft,ons.du'rfr ' 1.Jw 44ofci prap rfaues the people from de!lruprcfcnt hiolfe!fc before the !1Y.Iidlicof' G6d ·· 8ion. Others, are fpcciall bldlings of the Ewho is a' confuming 'firc>againll all C.n:nrl 2nd• i le&., and thefc mufi alwaics be fo.uglu and ob... wickednc~,-hauiOgft~ii~eJN to f~e th~~t~1\nc'!'"t Kev.i.iJ,T.-,; 1 taitJcdby pra)'<J;. ;, , · andfateofbraJf' tO .~ru:ft dwnm ·J><:Ct~ha~ : _. ObieEt. l · Gqd,JlathdecrccdaUeucms,and willn'ot·repcnt. · ', · ., ".·> "" . euer)• thing 01all fo Fall out"' he hath appoin• Secondly ; in this proH!bitldn agai·niU\ypo• feet, and thcrcfqre its- tlf~dldfo•!,and olcrilie irrpra'ytr we may fee, that to concFiuc-:-a 1 tentimes irs-buc. the ' toiling ofG\ld.$ will..Anf. prayer, and eo r1ake·profdfiori·of reHgioQ.:nta.y• 1:hi.s.rca'f~n isnaugb{:for :-~s Gbihh~th decreed fer rhC oufward workC,, as ...,,~ell bcperf.dryttcd tlu;lcucnt of aJJ,things, 'fo lik~wifa.hc h-ath apfrom p1·idc df litart' -2s f-r-om rhc grnc.~'·o£~ poin,ted the m~age> )(vbcrcby his, dl:credhal! earnall n\cnn\ay doe thi.t l!!pride,whiop0 <><!; be effeCted :.· and pra;cr m:my,timc.S; is a princhild'rc~ Cl~c by.:gfa:ee,~.s~v.c fhf.,,_~Cd lrr th~ fo~ I 1 Cipall mcancs t9 bri-ng Gods "'~lll tO paffe ,: I. D me: pomt'· ~f ~~~nes· gmrn~ :.·.thaT ,t~Ct:~~-bre . tt.f":.:::·:.: rr t Kirg.:S.r.God ll't"'en to Eh<li>!h-at he would wh:ch <thn~ Ia:d of .hearl~!,!l rhe;'or'd'f't~/(l jl . fc.nd~~a~nc inlfriicl after th~t lbllg(drou.g_ht,ancj ... hudehow'you'.ht'are-, ·mu{tib~ oorWc!ued't!Q':O~e 1 vcrf..4'· )!"~t the •Pr()pbct croY.t,be·d7111fo th~ p:rrh ,·&put f})okcn t?'Vs 0~prayer atftf,t'h_e·ptoktlitDUi~frc:'-' J 1 hi-s ft:tc~hetwun~ h~ k.!_1a'; no ddubt humblinO Jig-_ion·,/·-?~(ht~dehowy()tl<pr'a_{, a,jJ"~~til.JoNpr.Q'. r k Iam.J.I!. hin,fdfc iQ prayer .to9od for h·, 13S S. k lame~ fcfft:n~lfDi~J;, And lndccec:!c"bcfor.c ',\'1!!-pdy ,~M·b t~ ...... , nA1 a. f-aith\ Where we m2y tr:e,that pr:~ycr is not eO-: ought t'::,_e.n!er intO> ellll htahs'.;. and\. tHote .to <ir.c;":..;_,·'~ ttqric-tp God-s d.o"crce, but afbbordinatc mea.. fi.~'rdi Ou~ Gt11~conuptions rliHgontly~ tHatt\"cd ~·l.!··:.:r ~ l:lC~to bring the f~J)1C to pa.ffe :! :l.lHi thc\-t.:forc may" ili qu'r fclu~s i?ctr\iOOcne .. t.! l,li l,.;;athcr r<!;tf-on thus , th<}t·bec:lufe.Cod prid~, ·:ttHi>~od.r grt?cc ;'and, ··fo.;pcr(biu~e :t.'P-'On, hatllc:icn~ced ths:euent o!-" all things , and hath wktt groUnd wCe·prart;thht ithe.uovfronv3 ~ppv.inted prayer as 2 mcanes r.o~ dfcCt fundric d:nn~:tb!C' pHde , but''faui.J.ig·g-J'"1.'aof o~his·dccrccs, therero·rc we mufl vfc it. GodsPelyfpirit. r,·, f f. •_;· '\t•J !'. ~~~!i;;c:-ncein -' Confidcring then that prayer is ncccffaric:; Thifdfy-,'!fn this ~prollil?itiori· ChrH¥ ,.JJOd~ l ~ny~r. OQtWitldlanding _::~ll r_har ~an be Gid againH it; ?.cnm~s tl~i·~~::.~alf~ chde p~r.d)rtt: \\•hen mcn.clo r-·e:mu~ lcJ.rne \' Jp~c1all rcucrence to giuc ~~~tohHiitft·itife ·Ofmen.;.\\tirue~y ·WO1ha.y ikhs, out felucs vmo .'!'" dm:s!:_o~y~likely in the ma. .\t i~ll{hlng· incirleno w<h" profclfor~. of - - - tile ----~~:--!_...,...-· -