Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

lvMrb.rJ. 'U.6. ' How topray .ari£ht. ...,.duties I bciMeWe ~pray. I I ! l Ioh.9,Jio b P(66.J8o Sermoh'in'the ~ount. - rending oncly to approouerhy k:Jfe, anct thine A ·t1ikch ·vp with diuine and 'huly rhoughtSJ heart vnto the Lord, hauing no refp<~-ho any ' t· an'J'•his hem pdffdf«~ with ht5ly ddir«_l {j od cr.eaturc in the world;for-this Chrifl nll:anes by ! In Chrifl mua -be hrs whole dclighr,and all by~ praJing·in 4 chamher,or.c/o{et;naincly;that atnan thoughts mui\ b~ banifhed.Our.~iuiotir Chrift in prayer fhouiJ not refpeC! him(df~- , or any 1<ifed to pray irl ~h< night, and in folirari< places 1 creature, bui flmply intend :ind •J<prooue him" apirt tiom the fo<\~ti<l dfmcn ',"rhis he did :n_o I fclfevnro God o11dy. , . . · " : doub!)forrhi•e!t~<,rhat he might fer himfrlfe • In the-words th¥S 'explained ,,vc are tO ob• I Wholly before Cod '; an'd b~ft~•ifrorn all ob:a-" fcruc t\\',o thing'; a comm::uld(:mcnt ,·and a ,! fid•13 of diftrttlli.btf~n that'diU~rre·dutie. i":'t_•:d \ rcafon·thereof; the codtmandement in thefe .., · j[)lltits- in p~,!fir ~te efpeciall!' fiuc.. _vVVi!• ,: t·r~~i~~f,~ :n words, !IJhcn rh••prai'ft~•t~r intOthJ chimb"' ; hiufl bbbut (d•ll~u~a rtuc fc-nft~•nd f~elrng ,oB f · i and when thoHhaftjh!tt fhedo·ore', pra1 vnto thJ ?ll~ Wants,. ~fdti~ .fi~nesand C6rruptions,"and t f•ther whiclf'u in flcrcr·, ;rhis commat\dcmcnr . &·e•Jhw:trdly tbrleht:d in con!'<i~dc-for rh, fam<~' inioyning.rhc right difpoP.tionofthe heart fd J for as the begg'ct'(i'rs {Hll at hdl)ltl, and heutr God-ward in our p'r>yors, doth p>efcribe the B; goc' td beggc t~!ecfc; t~l·h'ei: f~d_e hir_nfclfe· truC :and:perfect n)annerofpraicr; whcreto that . pmchcd W~th hunger 01nd w.apt,fo 1t ts wnh"~i ! WC n:lay.thc, I \\'"ill Jl1S!W h6w the· ll. till'v.·e fe~~G\\r owne want.s· ~nd m~ferics· bY. !:Uttt i~p;rfortned.. ' . rtnfon of our fint>cs, we tail n.<ll<r put Th:it aman m prarermayapprooue hrmfelfe tatne(! and hellrrii prayer to God, 2. ·We mull and hi• alli~ns vnto God alone, rhi·ee kind of 1\..,e an-i'nward fctucnt ar1d·~~falncd d<flre t<i•' dutit~ ate required: foine !;6ing before prayer, \Vtitd God;fot thdripply!of..aiJ our want! 'and/ fomc in the aCt of ·prayer, andfO'ITIC after , ltlifcric1,this;jg~f~eciallthingirt'pfaxcr,Whidl prayer, · ·· tnaketh it n6r only to b• apclitwn ofrhe Hr, pi, Jloforopraicr fouro <luties'are required. r. A bur a true rcqudt ofthe hartThrs rhc Prephet man muH: hauc:-Lcn.,w!edn-L- Of three things con..: JJ~m·d rxprdfcJ ;.-vvhc:n he faid'.to Qo"d> c M] i P{.J4j.f, ' ccrnirl.g puicr (fdr cuc~y prayer mutt b ... cmade· fo!lledr:ftretb ttfrerrhee, M tin t'hirflii /an~ dct~ J -~ 1 infaith,and inobed!eilce to God, w_l~ich ~ith- ;~'f;r rdmt: and ]{annaalfo ;_·when ihec.lolii' 1 out knowledge d.on)to wu ,oft...,;;ods E!te f tl1atjhelp~wu~om ber:.fdilt M »'lifer lf~[flf'i f i.sam.·1,xs comit#lnlelnmt to pray:Ofthe rhi,~!wee·a~k11n rJ;_e{.Jord. 3.l!uhie pcti.tio'nmtiH .bt ma(ki'l) ·a-: 3 ' pra.yer ,_ an\.t of the 111anncr df ::~sking ~ \vhich liediente ~ diit is'i ..,,.e__ mufi hauc: s Cormna,dl• tsthis,fpirjrual bleflings cocerning lit<: eternal; m<nr inioymng: vs 10 aske_.rRe thing we p"r")las remiffifin,offinnes-;!~nC\ificarioii,and other tor, and afr<mifhoafftir<'·t~that it !hall '!lee necetfarie gral:es muflhe<oskcd Jimp1ywirhour C gr_aunred vnto'vl;: and yet h{r~·thi$fpeciall c~J conditJi>'h: but _remp'llrall things conceming ueat mull bt<etnf:'mbred, 'thilt wei:loaij_eb·ath this life;ts healrh,wcal!b,liberry,and'fu<h like, rherimean!l r!>c mannt!r pf ·~~omplifliinS ,oui mull be asked With condition ofGdds wiil 1 ;Is requc{\s , tot'he good plcafr\rnudwife.dl>'tnbf they.feruefor his glory,rhe good 'ofi/ui felues 1 God. 4· Eucti.-periti:on frilf(l.~~ prefenre'Ci .tel •nd ofour brethren. '•· A man m~(l. fabour to God in rheg name nndmtdialldfl bfChi-;fJ! for .findehimfclfcconuertedVntoG.od, hauing a ln our fclucs w'c arc finntrs, ·an.d· hOUr-hu(tiJitib t-rue purpofc of heart not ~to·liuc,trl-any fin ne; maJ-5 afop~mrion6etwren Gl/d?tndtis; {c) t~3.t We for ); a-oil he4reth YrotJimib-J: ao.d DaUM fairh, C31\llOt hauc-accdfcYnto fhefathet f faU't On-e.., b If I re[~rdr•ick{dnejJe ;n"'!heart, God ,.,;1/mr ly by the m<diation oOefus -Chriit. 'If wee' heare'mJ prayer. Wh(.11rf1en come t'Q rhc Lords would come with bo!dnell'e"in:to the, holy t;b!e , they 'forfakc'd·r'Nr finnes an'd.firrne vnto place, it r\IM be by the n~w\i~nd liuing Way} Go~;which mu!lalfo be done bcfort we pray, whrch Chrr'~harh prepated for vs tbroughrihf fO"rt'hCrein wear( "todealc withG&.d_,~vho can- -vatlc,that ls;his fldh.s-. Inpr-ayer wcthufi haue· not <>bidciniquitie. j. Amaumu(l feekc to be faith, wh'ereby we bclcfuc~ tl\atth't tl>in'g vice in Chr[(l, that w,ov.l<[pNy wi!ln:omfort; Ioh, D aske thall !lo dont vmo: )i'l~rk.1t.>4i"'hatff_·. 1 ~ ·7· lfJeabtdetfl ine1andmywordJahide iHJOH, et~trJei ~.4:! in prn..rn- ~ bcle~ue· that )'ee JhaJI a1k$ what }t!e wi!IJ tind itflHlll be done to you. batteit, anUitfha!l6t-~d~n~J~J,toy4H : n~W4tJ*' In thedd TdtaOlCnt the facrificcs \vere to be .groHnd oftl)\'s faith, mu(! be 'Gods comltia'W~ , offcrtd oncly vpotHhe alt<>r of Gud, in rru: menr and!>l~ptomifc, which·! menttoritwl>e! ,, .(Jd !l; 4 ·l· l ~/oh··~·rl; h :rrrr.s,.i:~ : ' Tclllple, or in the T:tbern:t,clc; \\hichprdi.gufore. j ' • ~ ~ ·:· :.1 t~1 _._. red this vnto·v<,th3t it} the newTcflarnent,our Thedttf.flJ'Jfrerpra;tr ~ ~t~ chirAy·'..di. t, i.t1utitsa£'. prayers, which :ire oUr facrifices , mutl be of. \Vc rnuH ca!i"'to remcmb.x:_ati'c.e the.pra7,er1wre fcred onely in <;hri(l Icfus, who is our' ince•ft rnldc to Goa. Ifone man ralkc wtth <tnotlr<rl altar in hemttn, a.o.douf"ipirifuailTemple. 4· 11c will"bc fa ~tcntitre, ~a~~rs m~y~b~ Before prayer a-mri'n tn:ufl himfclfe from he will remember rh~ wot<)s that pa(fcd·be. all creatures, in his th'bughu and dcfircs, :~.nd lwecnt ~hbtn~ -and much.tii~re ought .,.,·cro to bringhimfelfe.beforcGod, with feare and reH:Je when we'taike with God: now,,"voc tnuft ~tcrcnce, that cuc~rpowc.r :m<ifacultie of the tltus mcclit:r.d: Oh out pr:ry_'el's ~ f0f Jthi.s lfhdc, the rouk) n,ay fay':'l..S Corneliu'.! di:d to Peter' t~at we n'I 1 Gy')thc bettct~Q't the thingwe askc; .t wu a~eal/t~ere iH the-p1·e{ence of God: for this as'wctfaltlfiiiprayc~ffit:pardon of o'ut fitfncs i ende , his_m~~~ . :n~crnoti!= mu.fl bee fo we l~~~tl~_p_:~y~flirldea\lbur to ltatie,t~; ~ Id A&•o ll· ·--- ----\ifc ;