Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, 1 •u. ~-- I!AnExpofitionofCh;isll ·_ . \:~'.'h·6·j the (, to dgeJh,e dutics_o( religion, for A things arc far vnfceme!y for l;;ods people, 2nd ~- the apprs>batioPof n}~l~ .. ;~ whi<;h-notably betherefore let vs ltarnc to humble our fclucs 3t wt:ayeHhc hypoc"ri{lc of our l.lcarts,which na... Gods footcHoolc, firfi in our \'cry hcans, and turaH¥ hauc· more rqfpc~l to riicn, t,hen to the wit~all, we muft be carcfull to tcHifi~ the fame I LOrd, ~ucn then w~cn vycc dcalc ·with by lome conucnicm outw:trdliun"!iliation. G<)dhimfclfc: Thus ,lid the Scribes an~ PhaV, 6. <J3ut_ when thoupr 11 iell, rificli,an'd it is to be feared,~he fame fault is eO.., .. i 1 1 . I lrtQnamongvs:fQt: .mel]_arcfarr~moreforwapj enter into thy chaln6er' .and :tnd c:uefull ~hc .pub!ik:~·d~tics of h h relig<w,in thca!fcmblicsoftheChurch,then )}; en t OU, hafl /hut thy door~, priu;ltC duties, either in th_cir families, or by h ( 1 ' h• .l · ~ ' thcmfel;t.c.s:Many will pray i<l'thc Chur~h,th~t fray 10 t ?JJ atoer 'W tC!:J , IS ·zn ncucr regard priuarc prayer at hqme.Agawe,n! fee/et , and tp;f.ather l'Phicb perfonning pltbl!ks: .c{uri~s , .men h~U.-: more caceofthcoucwardal',tion, chenof.cruth and feeth in fe~ret, jhaf/ reTPard P!l~~riti-c in rhc h~art ~ a~d many J~udie more 1 h / forfi~-~.Qrdsw dqlig\~tmens cares, t\lCn for B i ee openry. .· gop!i·affetlions ,_ :-,vhi,c)1 Codappropucth ;for Chrifl hauing forbi<ldcn hypocrifie in the ,;"""'~'" whaLi!i rh.c c~uf~; thaf_Ol31!Y.:!lUI}CH}llt profdformcrvcrfe,doth here commaund the l"Oiltrapu.ic:r. ~: 1 ~- •... fo~$', "'llt:co thc;y c-o_n},Cr.o die,. kr;ow not how nevc:rruc;namcly 1 finuritie, fctting downc-the t0.-c0.Hitnend th.cir fout~s to God? Surely, this nght manner ofprayer to Ood in that hchaHC. ,'\l "';; ~h~t tl)\tPc _y..holc, cour(c.~f their Nowbecaurc the words arc not to be taken in ·I~· prpfefften;chcy rp~~<; r{fpcded mc;o the God; thlt fcnfe,.,.vhich at the firfi reading they fecm~ apd the_ref~m;. il) the ~imc of d<;ath..., whctl they to bearc; therefore for the better vndcdlan- .mulh'n.ecdts dcg.Jc with Goc! iqdc~9c, t~cy ding of them, I will here lay downc two knqw_ilQI;. wl¥J.t •to; doc., n01· ,ho~v to bchau~ ground(j: I. That in this place our Sauiour thcmfclucs, 1 ' :. ~ ~ 1 Chufi doth IWt forbid publike prayer in the ·vnreucrtcc L:1;fiiy., Chnfl~hcrg'rcpx:oouts their bchauicongrcgation,or in publikepian·s; for f'!!bl!kc in pray>r. aur in.p~aycr, vyh1ch \\aS /f4ndmg, WIChout prayer is Gods ordinance, where twp 01· three all hi.Jroli! ofth<unfclvcs, Clt~cr Ill foulc or (faith t Chrift.)luegnrhrredtoJ,ethn- in ml"~rtJe,' c Mutb.,r. boJ:l~~.:l!t~sJs-a thmg, me~ dent tp lt;l,any m our there nm I jn 1h~ middle amcmg ·tbem: n,d what~ J 9' 10' c:QI.Jgreg~ttQil:S;,.r~~·~¥'<.fc t9 '!<? mann_cr of I JoeH~r thryfl:llll dtjire: jl;al/~e·gitun tht>mO[.,fn..J l x:'ft.tC:t~t1g;,Q~\).li!lH~1Q,~Ctlmcofpray~.r.but father. Aoaule, pubhkcpr:ucr feruc:s formbtl Then:cclj cj.thcr:6imd,~r fj.A,~s though.t~~-yjpad no need C worrhy vfcs, for which itmuA: be maintained·;. lent vfc of •rohUmW~t~n}(e.l~s.;.><?r clff tn!t;ndcd ~ncly as firfi, tomake mens prayers vnto God more ~~!~:.e W~@c!dhAuld{cc:.d]OI¥.. Bun•f,l!lf!Hknow, feruent and effecluall ; as in the common-· 1 • 1 thathPwf.o;Cue.mhc word ;Of God pr~e_fcftbes no wealth, a priuatc mans fupplintion is nor fo ) ..,,!, , .•.. ~ p&.<iUU~( gellurG :ill ihi~ i1Cben ., Y-~t lt .IS n"Ot a much tcfp·eded, as when a whole incorpcr:lti1 ! cili~jpi)i-fcrcnt:, v~c~-oF-~lQ~ t.~ v~c on, or a whole Ihire mak~ .petition Jt~ thCJ r fome feemcly geflurc of hum)!ta_Uol.l;(IJ th1s Prince.Seco'ndly,by pubhke prayer aman·proWJ>rOiip ofCvd:;•biJt"(ome mu.fl Pf<ds,b,e vfed, fe!fcrh him!clfc eo boe 'a member of Gods• ' '"'''ll"o!fe ;md.furche~ U1C, hutHi)icic of the Church; and one that feucrcch himfdfc from' i ,he~o.<pNhi>h. is chiefly.t:.e,q,l\ir~~ ·: )fay,~.>., the oil prophancfocietics a11d <ompanics ofmen in Seraphim.-!hndn1g b,efor,<; G;o~ ,,cou.r thm the .world. Thirdly, publikc prayer fcrues to f•tM.:a1td focn witlr·thein:wing;, iD -rcgarp -of llirre vp zeale in them that be cold and ba~keJ G<J<ls ,p.refence ;:~nd !b.c:p<><l.r~ l?u\'lhcane ripe ~ard; for'they arc made acquainted-with P~·<Jcdwilh"die-Pha,fic;!t)owfqcutc bee prayed Gods blcflin·!\s, they arc lefi \O fee their ownc 1111 Luk.1 s.u fhm:di:ng, yet -m he t:afl;.dow»e h.u:~0Hf.~tn4'IC!, w~nts, and .they haue fhc ·good example cf a_izdf"! lb._ b~~ajf., ~o tc!lilic his huGods-children.' 2, Gro:md. Th.rpriu•re priiJcr af'lumtd'.4$ b t.King.Jif, .. 'E'l:ro9.J. d Dan.6.Jo. milbci.on. • Y«il,~bclll:leh.I,.SPJ.U' l.ord, _when D (though it be Godsowne ordmancc) ;s'Hot he~' fme f~-punifhtncnt of.o~r fin11cs In the hercdircfJI; commanded: for looke what \~as gaqkn:;~fc.J.l dowf!~¥poJlltis.facc,at1~ prayed: forbidden iri the former vcrfc, the contraric thuf~HO·did ~Mu{i;,anclx/.1rf/~,.b E!ya~)c Ez:._- thereto is hcrc·co?t~tan~cd;but C~riH~?id t1or ra, ond)! Dand;··h•mbl~ chcmfclues, And 1t fimply ehere fotb1d pubhke ptayer-,hc-o1mcd at hathl2lwaiescbeette th~ .praC\ifc of !Jodl.fcran b·igherthh1g therein:namcly,hypocrifie,and uatlt-sin_prayer, ,bf! fomf! c.onucqi~nt -g~flu~t therefore hc~e he c6m:llldcthhot p~iuat,e praiet: ofth.cbridie, to cxprcffc the humilitjcof thc;:u· direCtly,but iritendcth the right; hc~tS;V\:hich chccketh·~hc cuHom ~f~ur comof, for finccritic, whether pubiike or.Priuate; ! 0:10n people: in!pray.c.r-,-;'.who ,arc fo f~n:~ from Hauing laid'downc th!f~ two gromh.ls_,.'11 bringing a brokeQ heart to Cod; \,\'h!cJ),tS rl!~ corn: now ro the true rile{\nth~ of -the wol'dt;. thing he chiefly rcqitirc$, chat ~~ay !mow~ not when thoufraieft, t~at is, <'ither by thy fcff~ awhat.·to aske · and.rn3ny--t.hc-rc Pc that w11l not lont or with others, e11terinfo thy cbamh'r'/'Ki1'd fuhi! fi1ch outwar..d·gellut 1 C ,·a-~ whe,:rhouhaftJlmr rby doort' ;pr":l, &fi. th:?"t'H~ might cif're!fe cheir inward IJq111\ll~tio, Thcfe be-as t(1ough thoudidfl j>::<Y tri rh)' elofcr'; _ltlo · I < ~--~'-~---~------~~--~----~~~~ _ --·-·______:_~.·-----·-A.:..=..._-~r~dii!g --=