Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ' Jl1itrb.6. v.S. c J:rh :.,:t. ------j t'Serfitonjnrthe, ~'M.tJJitJt. ·i riJ? I \ ~-i e:thcy wcrc·lvithoilt Ood ;;; t~e-W8rld:•forthey A t IrithisfNcrfc our Sautolu Chiifi rcp't~tcth/ . '~''':A j; made him like vnco man, wich'out any prouiI the fornw.r.s:ollunandcn:cc'a.rtouclung pn.y.d, , 7: ~~~b /i I I i dcncc,and pcrf .. .,afible :Ufo by maris rcafon;and made after" the n~anncr oti the Hc-adicr~tJ <n.Hi f / bym:my words. ; . . , • "..\ tthaU .anhcXoth a d(rcol'd rc~fooltl010'~tt:n. 't' / , j 2 • By thcfc opinions of the heathen rouch1. 1 the fame~The ~omm\tndtmcmt 1s rcpc:t!.etfd~{n l ' I ing Go-ds, \\le may gather that ,thcrt: was not f t.heformcrtcaJon Ill tbcfc ~'vVOI ds, Ht7Y.r.dt~~ · alwai~s in rhc oldc Tcfiamcnt; an iwi:m"[all l t{h~m;l:m:ifw.c; :LS tf he tliould f;:..y;.coQ1jaorulg , .. lP'~ 11 ~YrlCCgit~m ((J afJ, Whcr'eby they might.bC faucdJ [~lat tlu:'l::h:.<fth'C'U t!l die")1 ptar~ri Jebkota be: '' 1 r 1 -1' I if they -would: for if,they ·had.bad.-'\ny flrch heard foi ihe mulmudc of11lm.wordsl'thorcJ. gr*cc,rhcywould ncuer haUc thoughtfo grol~ fore yc'tJifudl !lot pray Jn.rh~t' tn:'nt'Ct J\.\!luch ! Iy pfGod asthcy·did:onc fpark!oftrue.kngw" thcy.doc•.This <epctitiOl).Of the toi>lrt(lllldc' j lcd~e of thc.Mcffias~hwo~ld lla~!~xp.c~led all tntot !tnic~ro timpdnt the. f:1mc~ morc:xiccpei¥ J :rhclc 'c:.nulL conceJts ot God, out ot mens ;n,thchcansrqt(his hearers., .t,o G:lllfc nhcll1'}~tild 1 hc~uts: and thcrcforc,howfocucrnhe heathen fo vs in 't·he:m, to be more carcfuil tOauOiO.c had (o much knowledge ofGod;as niadc tbem nccdlc!fc rcpc:citions in pr:1icr. ' ... \\'ithout e:orcufc, yet wc'Jre tohold, that before ·B .~ Now hauiJ\g hJndlcd this ~;omni:1ildcmcl'll Chrifis comming,thcy were·lc:ft t~,thdnfelucs, .-r 1 ih thC fOrmer v~rfc, 1 I will hcrc ontly 6bferue ;md forfaking of God in his iufi iudgement,iu , 1 thispoipt oC.d6C1rinc toilching rhc diHimfti'on regard ofhis fpcciall grace and faupur.; '· I, of people befi>t.e.thedeathof CF.rill; fur .hol< Mensn.uu3· By thefc: hcarher'l we may fee.\\'hat b~e ~·· Chi'ill. faith vlito1hclc\.vC"s,Be-p·e not lik;'.·tlutr-1 ~J~cooteit ournaturall conceits of God, fdt'aur ~ature is : that is; li'kc·thc Gentiles; 'Nhcrc he putt.crbn the ilmc with theirs; & therefore of our felues ! pluinc diffcrimcc bctw.c:ct~c tho '!·s~anth\11 ~vc rhinl<c God to be like Come old trian1 fitting j th~ Na[ioi)s ofthe worl_d b~J.~:e.s. AnO rh~"·Cd Dirfiri:1iM "'pchpic before Chn!ts de.1th, in hcauen, wtthout"":ny regard of Vs at all : and · fore when htfirH fcnt lus D;[clplcs to"'frcach> whenwe hauoall thmgsllletdfitll;" e ''ill truf.t h~' fdrb::td''tlieiti a the wPJ~b/ rh~ 'Gm'lti!e.umd a M::~r!:.zo, \ inUod, but when meanc:s faile,weforfskc hun z.h~ ci.Jf;r of Samaritt ~ cbm._t~l:tndil\g t4pJ?\lB5• 6 Hra~ght : and tl11S we fi>ew, by vfing vnL1'Aful! :r;ol'tJ..,the!oftfl>rcpc of rhe'ho'iij<'-..f /frd(f. "Mi'il !lreffe, as b.y fcck111g tO"'<Jtchcs,&c,LaiUy,nabut had beene from the li. cghuung. of..!1>e turolly wdhink WC call preuailewirhGod by fpacc'lof-4000,-yeares. lj\ Hie firlbge ~T-the, r i j ex vive~bn1 r"Jm:Coneil. Tridcnr.fc!'f. JJ.caP-3• !ncaocs to hdpc .ou~ fclu~s 1h thC,_um~ of d1;; I this di!HnCtion was. not ori,<tr in. C:~l'\J.S.t~n.~ oui words. The P:1piirl> teac~, thaf•th~·~faying t ~voriWtl!~re:we·rec:~ tlie fonn(s ~f God ;·.?n~lMP a v~n.c.;. of liyc~ words, nam ha.eftcorpmompifiJ, will C I ilaughtel's ojj mm: after·the ·ffcwd rl:e &•t!inJ b o,r.4.,~. turhe-th<t bread andwjhc in the Sac1:amcnt iniiren •{!th~{ji2Jl!~HJtn:t\thi: ,chi/Jrm of the NfJ1 to the bodieand bloodlof'Chril\: ·~"it is the .) mifo. And vnil'r;ri4>olltw, a·, peop!(oFGJ'J, <Jna 'Hor.•.••. coJYittlM~·opi.nion 6f out; ~gnorlnt1people}that nopeop/(. Thi~ di(lin§H:mJtood iri.twotn1~ ,,, ···· 1 thc:foxing-ofwords plcalcth .GodI t.hty think r : •ln regard of the gr•cc>ohdi;>pdolj, -!In~ o\ rhaothowords ofScript,ure writtcrt lit fpokci!, the' efpcci:i!l! f.iuJur of G3d'i>for ih r~X. hauc.v~l>tuC>in them to dbe !\range things, and Cht'll f., it~\' the Ierm had G~tlfor ifri•· Flit(>JP. this i~lln~ m1ine ground of all thl!'pricHfes of which thc'·Gihli/n had noJ,0 ilir rlie:{''"1 (:\-~ foreerie which be io,cormnon ~-n~~ 1s; but J!rm;gif:s .fro,m;r'hc cou,n'ant Jf promij,?'EP:HJ!: wearc to know that there is no fuch Ychue i1t t/ll. 21 In.r~gdrd of'God~·tftre:'\1\'brlh.i'p),? o? 4 ,. ·~ .~ any wotd·s, it is om:d.y-fairh in the that tzoncc~~ing-p-ratct-,a fpc:ti~l p~T't r~_c:i'to~f'PhBJ.! .wt"''i··~~ i makos Gods word cffec'tuall, fot '?"r go·bll, hcte' forrh·w<k l~wcs, Tr P'1U nor b<, li~'f'/•'< i Word• no more but fig> lffntile1' Ifany'Oiall here thiii'll'e:that \his ~re'! nifie;,an:d that they dbc nbl;'ofthc:mfe~ucs, but fc.rmcrti.ofrhc lewts b::forci'hc Gdnllc~~in'l~l : ~y th.~.p-Ic~furc oftn<Zn; an,l th~rc['6tt4r,.~,a(~ git(! t>f,Oo.&, (p·etiall-mc~d~/,Calhc lf~ln:rinlfl ro renobnce ·thc vfC'of all fpells and .chahJ>oS< that Gdd for6aw fomethih••1n ~her!l':"'\'li'ieJ; · fo-; !Jc;·thc·wo•ds n·ct;er fo,gdod1t·~trol~;but i• D w~l Mof in th_:"Ct•milcs, I~flifem hltriteRh~! · the.dculls watchword;~<and.t!lccc~emomcs v- ''l .M'vf'J·f•rrh~o the Iewes; ''" ThF1!.bJ.tFIJid... ~t <! o"c 7 . 7 ,s ~ f~d th~r~.with~ll, as ,his, Sacramcrltrs: lto( c~ofc ! ftt~lih· !oUe vp~n_ror, ttoFtlioo_fr:yoUfo't' ).~1iPh!it71P1nrp· w ;"·?rke wonders. We thcte!orcrmutl ; tudr,/mt bccaufo•th~ Lord lolle'?l"Jim',' anj''I-Md/td ·lpal·~ehy.~he word of. God to condtl~e better , 1k.!•?~ rheoatiJ,hfl:hhefoarc'N]ot,.fo?km. •\ , , . N • 1 of God then nature can teach vs,'a~of an hea. . :\• 'Fr6iif tlfi~gro•nd ot rlHC\ilbel(o(tohlng th'e :1t•.p<l'miii -) .n· ~-, 1• ; uCJliyhntLim!i0.blc G-.o'd,\gouernl~1g1 all1 de::t- · 1 'Giifl4~etio!fJO·fpt"d~ICJ ili;i·e:tara:or(!),c;)'dS fpCd~ ~~·t~~~~-:;; ··:-~,... tures by.His protridCilGd:J and nor por£\O:A"d<.=d..Uy j all t1icrdc,follo\ov thrcc~\·aig11HCLpoUl'd"t01 fh:e ., 11 • ·"• . manoh lf<rn)>ut working.all ~hing-s>.rccc§i'diAg · . lonpwne and bc\eeued. Flill,•.~S,·thc jli<>i'\llle :-£9 th-c- 1 counfcn.:of'hi:s:o(wue will.· -. r, r! I of:rcthiflioh offtnhts',::md lift <:UerJafilng~·th~ I , .. ·.V;,:, 8" 1J~'!J.~i 1ib't 'f}Lpbem Mcl]ias, is~e.(v<ili>erfall '~>all~""" '"defi~li< '~'1' . o·u~ .I •, . _: ·' '\ ' r. "· t<>llt>>nJ1 ot aii-R>,is; k\h~d\'!l~O:rH:h<l,; 'fdi'jf tmr'!fore :>·'·Jo.r• JOUr ·F4ther ' •hti~,·on1tfepht>in<'t.I t6~f,;'t'hVn>i'lit.'re'c'1oot<l I i, : ""b ..h ' ;i, ' 'l' '"'' . j bNl<>-doitrn-alle\\' 61 m>rv alilt m•r1 "'<>P'6\"ih '\.n.Ol!et 111 ere.~_, you ~a.·ue n~ea ~~~'hn<!~~pl<';'i'h'\·eif~d•of::ri;~;ci~<;,;a d~Vel ! , bP'l, -~ .· - > /.;, ~),; ~ •• '\')uJ n fore the opmton of VmuC:rf.tlJr:nfacC) ~i\ Rtl~ .. .. ---' -~~~-:Y_o_u~~~.~ ~~ :: . 1,. 't '"~:'--~~"_d_'<_'~~"'-~c~ulf<~~anilly; that\l•llt!l;~:,::~