Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---+-----~~----------·--- ----- ~(~ :1 r£:11ttJ'Exfrojition"of£hrifls · 1;.1{'~-6- i •••'"c' 1\·dicd f~r~II(for 10 the Scripture faith) yet he di- A care to makeJupplie thereof, wl~;hen•·d;;hI"'":· G"J \ d~·~~:;:~-. l !d n0t a~ik: ctfcc\valiy~for:ll~: for ifRcdcmpt~- Godl()ftttmcs.deby w grau~t.thc praicrs ofhis ~~.~:~~~:~~~ l on ?rr.Chrtll h:u.L ~ecnc vnmcrfall, .then :~,ad fcruants ?•A_"[. ·~od dcfa:n:eth to _graunt the 1 l o::r pr~itrs. ] ·theT~X~! and th.crcfort d1c opinion,ofvniucrcling to-their great good: as, r. thl::rcby to kinmcrCiob_dongcd ahkc to all, "''hich IS agamft rcqudt of hts children for many rclpcCts,. tenI f:tll rcdcitnp:ion is alf"' a_forgery ofmam brairf. dlc t-heir faith, and to ftiHc vp their':l.calc in A~a!nn v~i1 ~od.c~Us net all men e~cCtually praycr,t~at they m a>: mor~·Clmcftly bcgg~ the u.en 3 !1 \'vc.J. to faluattO!l.,.by Cbqlfl, for chcn.f11ould cucry thtnp tHc.y·wam ; tor thls ende our Sau10ur 1 uon. 1 OtlC hauc.God to be their Father in ChriH: -:tnd ChriH: rcafoncd with the .woman of·Canaan, 1 .tbc:lcwchad no priuilcdgebcfore the GcntHc bcfolc_heC_would curcjhc~·· daughter·: 1. to \ ! iu.rcg1rd of mcrcic,:m:.l the gracea:adoption: kccpc them 111.;at.ld to prcucm fpiritu- ~ 1 but,hctc we fee, char God forrnany hundreds ~ll pride :.thus he denied to rcmoouc from the of·yc;J.rc.s, was the Father of t.hc Icwc,and not Apo£Hc. P4Nl, the bnjfittin,K of Satan, though ofthtcCentilc, in •·cgard of grace and adoptil he pnied ft>r·it, leaJI h•Jhould6, p•/Jed ·vp thoot!. And by this d.oChine we may, clcarc that roughmultittt4(of r(:J(AUJotiJ: 2. Cor. I 1. 7· 8. 1 place Of the Apo!llc Saint Paul, r. Tim. 1. 4• 9· ;. to make them cftccmc more highly of I where he fl.ith, Gud weu!d hall( all to f:,( {a1ud: B .the blctlin'gs of Cod, an_d to !lirrc them~ Yp to ! for he mcancth notal! men in all times, but in OIOtc thankfulndfc for the Iime: for tt ts com... l j th~sh:Itagc ofthe world,aftcrthc afccnfion of monly tru'1that thmgs Itgtuly goue,a1c hght1 Chritl, v·:hcn ;ts the p:mition wall was brokcri ly'l:..~ \! · .. ) : .. ·, .· j downc, ·and the dill:inCHon bctwcnc Icwc ana 3· Qf!..e/1: hlovJ' faltcth I[ out,that Gad doth WhvGM . I ~netile t~kcn away, in regard of.mercy,& the ncut-r graun.t fomc me.h fhctr rcqucHs? .Anf.r. ' ~:.~1~r:;~~ I grace of adoption. • B. ccaufc>make ·thcu pr-:ttcrs, but not ac... rcqucns. ! , . c; ~ . h /,, h cordihg toGods wil,cithcr:failiog in the time, I ·, - l ·or JOUr I"" at er- xzonut . o.s did tlw {pollfl> virgins·; who cried, Lord, f'bb ,£ b (i 1,,.{; - . Lord,opmjo·v;,Whentbedo.orcJWcl-(fout:Matt. I . _ereo 1, yeq aue nee etiC; :.;.11 .•.-. 8 r.in_. th< things they .aske,and'tothe 1 :JCC iJLe of him. · . 'fonnP!•fZ•Iudc ~adnot their requcfl,accaufe ~~""'~'• , _ '\: _ __ thry .Mk;tlrb~1 kfewnDtwh;tt· :. Bccaufc they l··r Jhffc word' arc a lccond.r.eafon agam(lth~ do11bt a.M'wflH"" i>tpra;<r, lor fuch !hall not re- ~ , fj~ath,enilh rl)_anner ofpray~t,!'?.t.lJis dfe~t;his cci.ue an_pbing pf the Locd,lam, 1,6,7•l Bcn~e4lt;ffc fOr you to vfc·vaine reJ?CtitiQhs.ii\ qufC~ tht)!hp.ray for WJ_ong ends; re Mkt ~and y.o~r pt;aycrs.\bccau(eGpqkno\\'CS)'Pttr~~·ants ttceiUf.!JPt, h(~'mrfiJ('tU/c!·amifJe,.that,)oHmight ll<forc ygu pray:and t,hcrcfor,c.ltjv Mlor~s well C <Onfim•r "il<-w;otrrhijh;]'Bm:4. 5. .. ~);cdarefulliqcnr. , ,, .f , . ,.. Th•r.yfo•.liidl,t)•isr,ouidenrcycofGodo. ChnNin . 1 0~he cxpojill01l. ,~pur FAt/!er ~owt'tht] This Uer all oqr, \'·vs what,to-do , ,~hen ~t~cutf~:F-ua !'~<'l""'."''·"' ~ut_Juch a krtQ'J ledgc as dot:h qr,fouzQ,dl'C '!'"0 firfi.of a!}makeGodcour rc- \f·tthall,mdud~a fpem!~car~.l\> l}"lake fupp!i.c fuge a.Qdt'!W<r!ofdof~nce;by gctu~g~ffurance kppy.-J~dgc qf Go~,;, not a Q~(i! notice t~k<in w9 are;a~~l!c<l by any·~•iemie,either ofhodic I vn~~tfcnt; for,this is 1 rule in the expounding._ ?~Oll~~dopt~on: fo~· ifV<.ob:c~~o.ds childi'cn,hc . A n.~tc_iu n.- of.Scnpt.urc, that wordJ,af k_nowlef{'!:( 4rt ofttli! IS ~ur.£u't..~koov•t1Llg.,.& \3.ttghmg.our v.~nts> I r:~~~::. I H¥f4fFUtfor..w~rtf.s of a;fcEtion •· -~~ P,f~I. ft, 6,Th( and h~.$.lnofi ca.tcfuU~o n;akc fupplie thereto, W,d.•kng\Hth tiJ(W'!T of tlu r~{h!(OIIJ~ 6ut-:,t/;d. Bcfe~tll}$ prsy. Gcn{2ry. 1:2. whtmthe two . ,l(h........ e:ra\;,fctiiiJ nodkno>~o•cs ~:.~?r:i.' fJJtt:J; of t,IJ~pngodlyjl:~t/1 pcrffb-:)\Jl~t~·the op.po) t\\'inn$:Hr~.ue~r.ogcth.cnin R(h~ck._hAr.'J.'ibmbc, fiq9n<>f. ~no,ylf,dge. to ,dd!,ruchon; .lhe.;v<.cli lhc'e.C~nn<><~ske theo!Nx<i'ohereof;n'o 'doupt by pJ,'\tnjy,, t~at Q1'~~mv!cdge thcr~· '' mean<,-!bt lf•ac.her.llu~baod, who b.eforc haorpraied for ~~duaegar_d4r.drtfp•ll vnlo the waies;ef hcr 0 )".ltll :;,So when J<hofophat was bofcr:with ~he go,dlf; w~ich it ~.point fitl_l of.;~ll com~ort m:my et'o~ics, h( cri~Ji~,JtoduLord{tTt' h(fpt, to,t!\ech1(dren ~f (.;od_: and_tor,~hc deanng 4nd.-w.ri.iJHfl<fl,12- Ghron. 18'.l t. apd-chap-. ~fit,,hrce ,~~cfi.iqns "'to be f,~n"c_d;whioh ' D zo,l ¥-And·it was the Prophet Dauidr.praClift ~~~~.ytwcll be mo9ucd O!lt~ofthis~.TC.'<t. tQ-·hau~ ... ;~~fQ(lJf~ to God:in all h1s uoublcs;for r._ Qf!;fo. If God k.llOW\qlir V.<ants before which (.""ufe-he <ols th_<!Lotdh:l rodk_,¥-nfhnl w~ p~ay~why tl~,n,fl>o~ld_we p•ay at~!!? .Anf · And"bidi•gpbt~f. · "''- -,- "' f, _,c~ _,. w~ pray,not to.ipform~ Godjof;thc .thinos we - Ss(9Jl~ly.; hcrcby.fw.e 'Jrc tauglitto-haue,a At:roundof ~IH, as thousJJ hc'kne.w them not; but for Q;.. mod~(.ratc ~arr for the things of th,is 'lifc:for we co~wuali· dTC.t;rf:l,Ufps.:-;~~)J f 0 •to !lirrc .vp 9(~r hearts, tc.i hauc·aht~r iil hc:wod, --.. ,·ho .tar.ath for vs, I on• .f¥1\k,ll VllfO <;usJ1 prefcncc a!H,l:f~IIQU~~ Ho exknowing :tl ou"w"'m,andi·ca<j!e ~o·m.akcf P- 1 qofe-ourfalt~ unhe mcdur.pon 1 of t,o.d> pro\ , phe(~'f'--~~,:bcf~ret'i''-_,P~ay,l1 i0\>cf~ d:'?',moll 1 ~-p~f~~: ~- to c:xf~pur wofu!Lh,cartl;by po,wring f men fcr_r~etr-hcansvp5~tfJc \ 'or1d,_and trufi: ~;Q~;J\out~'1·~uo ~p~ Jgrd: 4• tf/ JcJlifi~· qur <?be~ to ·o~f~"~rd mcancs mpr~ rhen !O\.G9d. him- 1· £ii,eJeecry~tp (;~ds cp~l1;t}~n4cm_cnt~,;:md'l0ui i (dfc\\11ich qm1cs fr'o.,mihi~;bcc:.u(c.rHcywam I t~y(l ,in_ I)JS P.'gui4encc,.fn-;)w;,ec9iuin~ of:<!~. :wuepbt(wa!ioh ~f.tiJ<il:adoptfoJj ih"<i:hrill: I tff1E~ gooj~tl.u.ngw-c~dqftrc.·r. ,, :_.,j, 1 ; '; • 1 0: for 1hhcy knew that Chfl!l: v~.·cre r.hclf f .. at~cr, f>i~•!il!:,•JI.Jf G.pd kJ]O"W_g~p.vant§, and hilu~ theu lirrc!y this perfwafioh'"culJhke p_I!Jce ln 'I· I f-._.~1 - l~---'