Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

______________ · S_e_rm_· ~_n._}_n_.th_e~· -·--4_ou_n_t_~- --~------~ ~~ thei{hc:urs..; God kJ1owes mJWants,andW- care~ : A'. !y orpl1blikely irr the fcruicc df God"? Anj};J : full fnr the fupplie rhcmf,a:'dthercfore.l wiU.tmfrl ll cakt'a 1i:c forme ofpr.ayer, cirhCr publik.cly ,Oil / in him, mtdo];qhtm. . :· . pnuatcly, eo bcbothprofit;:lble~ndllcEo!lar'tcf Cbriflb.:~bc:. Thirdly,this t_cachcth vs,in at\y nccd!iuc or I (et ( Lfay) both fo!#thc n'lattcr anchtJanflt'r,;liff-i' Rc:~fori~ .~ffii;t~~:n aifliction, to (ubieC1 our fcluc:s to the will of l 1fnccd rCquirc~ fot.'thc vcryv~'Ol~ds. alfO: •Irf?' fur ic. God labouring to be thankcfull for that, rc::t(ons a;c thcic; 1. Th:u \\ 1 1Hth Gocl'- i 1 as w~ll as forprofpcdtic"and fiudying to·plcafc OI'daincd is bot~ profit~lble and nccdfarie: b~~t 1 and honour God theri-n: For he is afather who 1 6od hath ordamcd char men fhould vfc- Jrt ! feeeh. all our wants before v~·c complai~e,~nd .is fo.rmcs ofpraycr,for ,th~ PricHs•vvcre jnioyneJ.t/ careful for ou.r good,knowmg that affitCf10n ts a fct forme of prayer 111 bldfing. the Pcop~c, [ l better for vs thenprofprtitic, or ds he wo.tdd , Num. 6. 'l). z4.and the 9:.Pfal~ t3l fct pra1crfend vs dcliuerance : forit is all one "'·i<h hun, i. for the Sabbath day:y'-"",:()1 chci'falmcs ofD.t- / and he dd,ights not in the affiiCtion ofhis p.coI uid'Cfom.e fcwc Pf.1hncs·of dodnne qntly eX- '"J I pie. ccpced)me far formes ofpraycts t<l li< vkd of Fourthly, this fcrucs to arme vs againfl: all the·ChurchofGod f~r tuer : :md in thi:; pbcc ; earnall and !lauitb fcarc, 'v\'hcr.cby mens hearcs B Gbrifi 'prcfcribes a fct for me of Prayer, not ~~~ arc opprcf(c~, either in regard of de:tth, dr ?f, o.nly ~or the mlct~r jn~ manner,but aUO fDr the" the day of IUdgement: forthough the demll w~rds: and the hk£ d1d JohnBnpt~q when he 1 r11gc againft vs, yet whcn"dcath commcth,God uught his Difciples to pray. I I. Rtafo;-J. lfl l is oUr fathcr,:who knov;•cth~our '~·a~tS1:tnd..the man t~cre be fi.mdric w~ms• i1~ pray~r, as !gnoway to comfort vs,and JS b_Otbw1lhng and abJc ranee 1t1 the vndcrfiand1ng, d!!tr~10ns 1fl th~1 to flue vs .In a word,this meditation fcrueth to mindc, obliuion 111 the mcmorie both of Gods1 fiirre vs vp to all dutifUl_qbedience in rhc•whol commaO.demen_c and pfo.mifcs; in jhc heart io; courfcof our Hues; for who can be but thank• much deadndlc, dulndlc, and difhufi; in fhe.· full to fuch a father, as knowcs all his wants, 1tongue many timcs,is want.offi1d1 coriticnictlt and as he is able,fo alfo he is willing and rcadie : vcter<u:cc as thould be in him thae\A ... ould fpcak to make fupplic thereto: this thcn:for:fhculd God; and in moll men there is that b~(hl' r enlarge our he~;:ts to.bldfcGod., that lS fuch a fulncffc, that ~hey cannot Vttcr and d.ifpof~ thlf 1 (arhcr vrtto vs m Chnil. defires of their beal't before others m-that ot_. ' (!er which were m~etc. Now to rn'ake fi1pplic v. 9· eAfter thiJmanner of ollrhefew~J1ts,:ifetfonneofprayeris tb bo h .r:; 0 c; • 'L' C vfed, ;;h<reurrro•all the pmA·ers of b~dle ondl t ere, oreprayyee: , UY rtitf.!Ct: (oulemo)'be"·elHrctc'd, IIJ, Rcnfon."rlrcaJ:~ rPhicbart inheAUtrJ~ haforpeif be cil:nc Church of' God, long before th'< time of> " ' '" Popcrie, vfed a fet forme ofpraiar: iadced for' thy titlme. \. , - ·:~' ;,- thcfir!hhreehundred yearesaficrCh1°dl', l)y. · . •1. >r rr rea.fon oftontinual pertCcution,thcy could no~ Our Sauiour Chrill hauing forbidden his doe fo, buc after thofe times there V.· as a fet Difciplesall carnail and fupcrl\itions kiodc of forme ofpraycrvfed in a! Churchcs,in fo much·' praying, ddth here prefcribe vnto them·· rhofi as thefouldiers in che fidd bad thCir.feq>rakr.s. I holy forme oftrueprayer; but before we:eorrte And in m.:my Counccls .it was decreed, that no1 vnto it, .~e g\ueS: them th~s cofuman~erR_en~, Church fhould vfe any forme of pr.a}'cr, but• /!frn--'thw man•ir· ther.fore pr"J -}c : ~- LukJ liJcli ns•v;>\lS allowed a11d appoimtd, &that for11 h.ath \~ thu.$.;. f:Y/ pra]., fay, Ossr Fa!her, 1 thcfc caufcs: firil, that there 1mght b~Ja~1 vfii!: &r.'-ii'rwhrch·{\>dtds Chrtll mtoynes hlsOJfti! I the falemnc worll>ip of. God: and: pks to yfe a.right and holy forme ofpraie'r,-thc fecondly,that the Jgl'Orancc·and negligence of I p1tternc ;vvhcreofis afier fet downe. Now bemany mtght be p1cuented, who othcr- ~~X~~c ~callfe,this·point is controucrfall, I w1ll briefly D wtfc wou!d haue Otmtted th1s dhtic m theJt 1 Lordspwcr fct downc how farce forth this praicr ofChrifl: congreg:uion~and·thcrdOrc thtre \Vas.then'f6t 1 'tJd.erw. 1 is prefcriq.ed vnto vs; to wit, fOr•mattcr and down.a gcnerall fbrmc of" Cdnfcffi6nOf faith, 1 forme we rnufl imitate and.. fo!'low it in all obr ofrraicr,and th:mkfgiutng, and of adminiHra... 1 otJfet formeo! puyer. ·i -pi:aicrs, but we are not tied to the very w.ords tion of (!he Sacrarilcnts. 'j· of this pra{cr,but may frealy vie them,or other Now ton!idcring rfct praier is Gods otdi-- words :uoHr plea.fure: for our·Sauiom Chnfl natroe,• nnd the irnpcrfec1:-ions of. lnafl rcj ofttimcs pr~ied in oll:crvwrds; and fo did the quit:cit,.and the fame hath bcCL1C fo le1ng vfed. -ApofHC~, :lS' \o\'C may fee by Pards pra7er; in his in former ages, I doubt not to aftinnc the I EpifHns, wherein he obfcrueth the matter :md fa111c to be both P'fofitah!e and ~necclfaric;· mancr·ofthis praicr,but yervfeth other words: v\·hercbf we may fee how blinde and r!lfh they Iyea, s.:[Atk_:.fctting do\\1 11C this very forme of :lre, \\'hd tearmc ftrpra.yer an abominflb!e !del:' ! ihtrow •ne\ ptaie:r;doth..forncwhat alter from the words of and as Ioathfome vnto God, as fwines Ael1 1 . Grcen...:·(·~ds S'. Matth('IV, was to.d1c lC\..\'cs·. Thcfe be lOathfbmc and Vn- ! rc~\lt·\:'j::;· demanded, whether it be profitable and neat-_ follic and error the better, Iet v~ here. fcanne., 1 faric to vfe :tfct f'ormc of prakr,citherpriuate.. their principall·Rcafons againfi fet praier~ ~nd ' Vpon this commandemcnc it may \V ell be reuet'cnd tcannes: but th3t we may kno.\v their.\ ,. c________________________:L~L-----==--=-_:I_':Y ---