Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\Mztth.6. :::2:.-- lfaS.tS. i ·" I.,..,;.,. 'rowho:n= 1,·e.ftlufl }HJy. Sermon in the.cOvf oune. comrh.ooly called rhc Fatf:m·. And the f~cond A Gods \vorDlip: now thi$ d!~dh vs 6;cJtvmci ,. pcrfon iu Trinitic. is fomctimc e>lled Furber, God in prayer. I !.Godondy isthcaurhqr aod as jfa.9.6. rh, F•rh,r.of Eterniri'' becaufc he ts giucr of all good things , lam. r•. ~.•6.• 01\,J, thc_g:round ofour adoption, \\'hereby \\'C be· therefore WC mu(t askc_ th-~n: ~f him a!.en.,.C,o~~~,·~· con.1e eternally rhcfonncs of God.: and thereThe Lord oncly who 1s rntiqttc and -ormnp..o.-: , fore hcc is brought in rhus complaining of re- ~ent can hearc all mens pray~ri at all f~nrttnd 1-:. ., ; _., proach: Bebold, I, and the children which the 111 all places: and therefore hce alqn.e11t1tt.Pfl§ !I t. -.~.:/ LorJ.,IMthgiv~n m~, nreJU}ignesand wonders in prayed vnto, and not Saints d<:paqtJ~S:ar.W& · · lfrael:Jor the author to the Hebrews expounds Paplfls te3ch. · ;,;, , ', : i: 1 .,,.I .~ that place ofChri!l, Hcb. 2.13, andche is faid to I I. By tillS mic we may fe~, iti w)11!S:f>W~ll • ~t'~,~;,A;;6 haur fodr, Ifa. 5 .l· 1 o. And the holy Ghofi we mufi dire et our praiers vt)!Q-God<fo1J~S5M God. may proporriotiaHy·bc calledFarlm, becau(c wtJrd of God r<ltealcth Go.d,xnfO.VSJ,cifqMIIQ with the Father and the Sonnc he giucs beeing we pray vnto him: noWth~·SJOtipui~Cj@\l.,kth to a)! things. But in this place by Fathrr, is God vnto vs, to be bnein·elletk~~nd tht.t:~ (t\ mtant properly the firfl perfon, who is firfi pcrfon, vi<..the Fath<r,the Sorinc,, pd rh'C ~o]$ and chiefly the Fathrr of Chril.l, and in Chriil B Gholl; whereofthe Farhe•is fidt, '.he,Seml.<>is I ourfarlur.He is the FarhrrofChris1, firll by nathe fecond, the holy GpoH ·ti1e.third·iJJior<icJll ture, begetting him as he is the Sonne, of his. though not in time or greatne..{f~. 1Jli($JtildJ1Xlr owno fubllancc beforrall worldS, by commu-• othcrwaies mufi v.•e coifceiu~,ot· GP..d.;Qeither. ni_catlog vnw him his whole effcncc or Godfcuering the Godhead from tpe p.~rfom..s head. Secondly, he is the 6ther of Chri(\, as nor the pcrfons from the G?dh~J:. And .tli~s C.hrill is man, by the grace ofperfonall vnion: alfo mull we worfhip him,oeuen one.Go~ jn {or the manhood of Chrifl doth wholly fub!i(l three pcrfons, and threc,p.erfons in one.G bd; in the Godhead ofthe feconcl perf011, & thereAnd yet fccing the father 'is Jlrll in ord-c)1,1tpe fore Chriflas he is man(! fay not his manhood, Sonnc the JCcond,& the holy:Ghofl the. thit di which is ammuc,not apcrfonJmay well b.c ea:!- therefore '.vhen we pra)r'to·Gqd;_wee muftob-· I led tbc.Sonnc of God. Attd in this relation of fcrue this order, direC\in·!l:our praycr.s-tto:;;(l)o(\ himfcifc to the fidl perlon, Chrill faith, A1y the Father; m the medtatlotto.f t~c)SQijnr,• ~ Enth<r is greaur thm I ,'Ioh. I+ z8. God the the allillahce-ofthe noly.Gholl, as Ghr~her.ti ' Father i.s our fathcr,not bynature)or in regard' tcachcth vs to fay, Otirf4t'htr.a_ .,,,;, -~)L<"L.. of perfonall vnion; but by thegrace o/'Adop0!!f'· May not we.d,irec!.ouipra~r6 f<Ytlle tioninChriff .. for Godftnt hwSonne _made of a Sonn,,otto the holy Ghoflb'f'name? Anfil¥.'<!s: wom~tl), that is, incarnate) thatweemtghtrefor Stephcn praied to the SOoner, M7 .....59; ceil« Jb. 4doprion of [l/Jrnn. And this grace wee C Lordlrfuaecetur myJPirit .:-and Ghrift.hidsthi• receiuc,whcnwc ,truely luluHein'hW ,,,u,Ioh; Difciplcs, Goe ttach-a/l.natUns ba:pti2:.-iflg.;th.em_ Jl.fatt.l&,J 9 , .3·" .andGal.l.26. God for£hril\s{akc beein the n•~t~e ·of thr FAtbir.; the.S9""e p 4n(/-r/JC ing content to rcceiuc vs for ,his Connes and holy Ghoft, that is, calling.vpon ·t}\(: ... ~p.~ o.f daughters. ·' • • the Father,Sonne,and holy Gholl.'·05ieft; But WhtchArt i11 hraH<n.] God is faid to bee in in this p~rfe.O:platforme~}X69-te.taug)l.H6.p.roy I hrAflm, notasthough he were included in the to the Father·alone.!T.haughrhc.Fa!h~~a, , ~,.". circleof the hcaucns :for rhr hMums, and th<- lone !le here named ~,y,ct:<hc·otlw;: two-t>~rfos ht4'"JtJ cf he"uentltreuot ab!~ McontAinehtm, I. are not-hereby cxcl.ud~dt:r,theFatb,er itldcW.-ei-s king, 8.>7· and indecdehc is neither included mol\vfually named, becaufe he-is thej:firJhn .no~ excluded 3ny place, beeiog infinite, and order, buc~yAt wjth.himGlXV.;tics i? impl;i,e~ithe fo eueric where; ·but becaufc his·.maicflic and Sonnc,..and the holy Ghoft; for a.s all th~~~~~~.e glotic is moll eminent in the highcfl hcaucns perf<>nafubfi(t in one aQ4 the fa"'e .dil\i\'l~''li11 to his Saints and Angels :aod th<JJCe Joth he turc or.Godhcad, au<i ~r~ n!>r.feucrcd ·i'b'>till, manifefi himfclfc Vnco vs in his'power, wife- D io counfcll, or in outWard a~tions,as tre~(~Qii~ dome, iu(Hcc, and merde, while we arc 911 prcferuatiqn ,-and redemption, {auc'Ontly chat earth: for h~illkfl UhU thron~, andMrth.l,Mfootthey arcdiHinguilh,ed in fhe,mapnerof work. Jl:oole' Ifa. 66. r .~So th~tthe meaning of this ing: fo likewi(c mull' they be all•con~itea'in preface is this :\0 Lord God, thg;h:rt th~fJtther our 01i.i\d5 together whcQ:y\·c pTilY, *ll.<i.tl9~.~ 'I of o11r Lord lefiu Chrift,and m himourmofl mer.. fcuer;eddJJt though they·be,e'not nai1J,.eq;,1w~C cifollfarh'" bJ Adoption andgrAa,thou.,.r amoj/ mu(! pray to all though"lo)'e J:Iatn~ btt~!Qn1'1: hll.o. glor#m Gad,·wbpdpdJinhtatsenandfrotnheaUe~t; uing in that one relation t~. d~e~ctl.Jn.bur ,mam'f~ft thygfgriompower, 4ndmercie, th; wifo. tnindt ani:! heartJAnd if"~e.cQI~c~i.ue atigbt of dom~) iuftice, &c., '7' .• • r the order of the perfons 111 Tnmtlc!(upfifting - 'V The Injlrufltons~ . 1 "l in the vnitie bf.e£fcnce, we may fafely'0:lJ'W'tQ I. ThiS utle l:arher, here giucn to God ', our-prayetS>which perfon we wil,f<>'thnt;\>tit\1" teachcth vs to whom\\ cmu!t dl!cCt our pray~ all we include the refi in oUt .11\ind.e l ~md Ji1,a~ ~ m: notto Satnrs or Angds,otany othcHrci• allo (ifwe namc~ll)pl~cqh~m in fudu>r<kr a~ 1 1 tures,. but ro God ·alone. RcafoJI's·. I_:This .is-a bcH·firtctl11aur prefentpcs.a.G.on , as.:lh~ A.pO~ pc:f. . c,ct plttcr~e oftrue prayer, wantmg no dil file doth in his benediCtion : l~~or.,J..3f11-:i·• Thtt J recl~or_rt::_ ngl'! performan·ce ofthis p~gracr ·of:oin- Lordle]m .C}J>:if/., an{l,¥-.,'iqtte o[ ·''•' ·.,, ··---~- _!._4_ - God