Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1!/!nExpojitlon ofChrifls iMaith,&. "'· 9· 'l GOdth~ Father, and the· communion ofth~ ,holj .K qhofl k ·withyou all, .Amen: whtrt hee ,placcth the fecond perfon before the firf:l, bccoufi: by. the grace ofChrift we cotllC to-loce pattakas.of 1 I tncilouc of q]od the fath<!. " , \V:1enc: w.' .lll.ltl this title Fath-e~·, fee the tru:c gml!&:nd ~!~e.~~~d- . cf.rtkac- botdnc~t wherewith God5 children God m pra1- •: C~hC'bef~rc G-odt-iin-ptayc:r; natnc:ly 1 their ~n~r. _ i terdl: in. the coucnam of grace in-ChriA:, in ,.I_,.) T wliornt~t13.od bctemcs-d1ci-r fathn. (}'be Se~~iptul·e:tf.tnhondh·twb cou,nol!:Us::tS>no 'ofwork~ "·htdvfaith', Dtic thi.s, ~tnd.t.~IJ!jlutl.t·littc:-the a·– thcr ·ofGra'Cc, ~onctrni-ng l'CE:cn,~liati6 by th~t M<ffi·>s'through faith :ft" it laith, Belmtt in·•k• Lohl ·J,fiu, ,;,.t tr..ttfo,.Jt it<fau<d. Now •he I·tliorcuglfthc corrupti-on B - ofoo, flelh~ d.riucs VS" from Ct~d, ancl thr~·cs V"StD<hcH: bus the cotfcn:mt of g-race fhe ... ves z ~cor.f.11 O+J.r~i~conciliat.ioruQ....<JOOin.Cb.riA: :for~ God Chrift ,llml~om:ilt:d t~worldvmo him.: folfc-,inot t:nfutin% ...thelrfimt6J -vnto thmt; for whi<h thcfirll ,oucoont would haue ca>n4let:n– nc<i thcm.And w.~c" we< ;nCh<ill '"''t perform<:" tile ((()n.d<hii.on oft~f.s.cou~enanr, & I~;;,.:: (o th•ough b f-i•hJn him har~peace ••ith Goa, yc1, c boldnej/i ;·.and•e-;ztrance with conjideMC~. Andtll<lrefort.')'h®yyc.come to God inproyer) ~"1lc,1nu'fr gr0!l£Ci7pbn this couemanc in Chri!<, •nd folholl Wt'{;O boldly to ;!re throne ofgrace: bring taith.inCiuifl, then isGod thy f.uner, andfo thou lh<dihc welcome ~ .hence it C I I Howtodi· fpufc·our tducsuf wnd"sG<>d waso:b•1hhe Prop~•~•ndholy n>Cn vnder the La~..c d&C. fo"often inCreate: the: Lord in their prayers-tO .i·cmcmbcr his Couenant made ·with Abraham, Ifaac, and Iacob,which was the co– uenant ofgrace; •• the:Apo!Hc~ewoth,Gal. j:Ja'ndltoin.4. )q·r ~~m • .•. ~t ... i V. ltl>thiSftitlt 'falH~r, we arc:taught how· todlfJro'feour'.fe!uostQW<lrds G,<<cwh~n we~ ptayvnto him; namclJ':~l'ras thildrC:n·t:~:P.,vardcs their father fdr our whokbchauionr both ourw>rd and inward.' )lntllthis t\and~ efpetmlly in · fourc things :-1, in·due-r.cuel·ence b~rh.ofbcart ' and,gcfturc, like as·graclouSichildren cOme be... ' fore their •wfuU: pare!ftSl n. irt inlc-humilitie~ fromOur hearts rcn~u")cing owne merin and oUr 'tiwtlt "\oY"i:Us, 'and relying wf.\olly on Chii!h rigbtc~ufi>es,and:on(th< •,•iHof God in D hith f J.J/.in,'uue·· cGnttl.ciob :md forro\\'C of heartfOtoot"bwne finrtcs, whe-reby '\.ve haue offendedGod; whohath been fo gracious ond mereifuUaFather vnto' ;-~in Chriil: IV. in a found ~llrpofeo fbcar~t<> br<'3ke offthe courfe ofiiU1nnc,and to walkcJbcfo"te God in new o.. bediencC to all hiS '"cotiim:mdcments. ."!his is Juch'beh·auiour as b<fcemcth Gods.children in prayc~ i and hereunto mufiwcc labour to con· fOrnte'ou( fducs when·we 'come hctOrc·Qbd, of-elfe wC ihcw our fe1ucs·novchildt:cn but re– bells and ctoytors : bewofe therefore ofall vn– feudcnd bchaui"ot_tr in pr~ycr;.bcware ofpride, ofh:1rdnCs and wickc""dncffc ofhcarr.·,3s hauing the k:>ll·p~tpofe t0liue in finne: foros ·DaHid PIM<•'- faithl:ij lugardw!ck.fdne!fe- m."') h<~rt, Go4 willnot hear~m7 pi•;e>· ,. buc(filith he) h>riMW:afb m; hMds mtm:.occncie, tmd fo wit! I t'OvJP4]4 t.Hin~ altar :_l~tt~ a and!{rbk;,n li~m·t, Pf-a.L'1 1 ... l]'. dt!datn.1111g h1s ~wnc righteoufncik"""'~, ~~-~~. J.nd PlaLu; .J.. ~nd mall rcuoren,c ofbeh'aui..:. our, Pfal.9)~9. . J • ·;: ., • Thus-mu~b of the titla Fathe-r. Now let-\'S. kchow we muH aPpl•ie iv to aur_fclucsi!lPr:t~2 (.":r; o.~~rfoui.J,r, that 1s).myEuhe·r Rl Chrift.~--~H1<t not mine on<:ly, but d~c tathcl' ofa!:! th;lt·tniiV belccue.in1him, , ... 1 ·" .:-.. =: lrJcn~;c· we lc3tnc ftuldrT~ inflnrtlion~ · Pfa!.:6-'\. ...I ·· I._That vvhe-n. we {?ray, wee mull appHe ·to , Applyint:(.lf our !dues all thepromiiCs of Cod in CRri!-t ~;~t;;;:~r touching righteouli1etfc & lif.c eu-crl:flin!p·fo; fc!u.:s. he chat tuakcs them is our filcher, :-tnd thcr.dbr-e they vs tb:-tc be his children·. "Plrot~· promifcs.are_many and ~:te<:HCt. And that-they mufi be appl1ed to our !Clues-in praicr, j·s granted on aH parts;: but hewr there is the con:troverfie. The Papills fay, we mull apply tbcm to cur fclue>by hope; we fay, by·faith ,·which is· the ground ofthingsho~odifur,laying hold ~n. them tor our fclucs particularly, as Thvn1.-;.¥Hicil on Chrifi, a My God) amlmy i...m·d ."": which r . a roo.u.JJ.I prooue thus:Whatfocucr:we·a~kc in prayt:r,w~ mufi bbe/er~~ that God )Vi/lgrYuJYII it for hisfor.#es b fok!: but thts wee c:tnno.t dac.vnJdfe wC.o b·c11· leeuc God is our father in Chrifi , -:ind lam.t.6. Ctuttl o:.u redeemer: and ;_hcreforewee:mult fi.rfl by faith lay hold vpon ~h<'mainepromi1CS' ofrightcoufi1oife and life cuerlolling in.Ch;i~l which is the groUndof :tll --o11hcr blr:ffinBSwe:- ' vcceiue from Cod.O(wil fo:ilo fay) thidhurd tndoe;An{.Ytt w~· muftdoe.:ourcndcauo1lr herein, and1fi:rfu'c-a:gainfi doubting ,vfing--rhc tnc:tncs whcreby.:wc may come to.tb3t1nc~feye o~ grace, to ~1}' \o~ith Paul; 1/iuenO"W/JJfait..htn, G~o!.J,so. th~JonneofGod,wh"D-IJatbit~Red mce, tmdg~~ten bimfelfef.r "";doing thus in lin<eritic,Ged~<~ ccpts toht will for the dccd1~e~n our defirc ~nd cndcouonrw>pply Chrilbnd his bcn·efit.s!Or application it fclfc• .And if~re ~ontinuc itqhi~ Vfc ofmeancs ;:he' that batH bcgunne i.rl vs~ this: good defire,will fit~i(b it in~he fru>ci6 ·of'!¥'& and fuU :tffur'antc. ·~r. '~ · ::. "' • 1-.. I I. This t;ithcth vs vth"cn ke·pray~ to. bee We: mull lllindfull of Cods whole rrtilitait! Church and it:~~~oropeoplc' foJ wernufl f.1y, Ot<rfather: Indeed i> is not vnlawfnll to applytliis;title in'J'")'et:to oiir felues panicubrly, for Cad faithof cu•ry one ihor truly bclceueth;Thot~foait eaUmm•} fatlrtr,Ier:3-."r9·.and fa-did cChrifi, ~mdhis d it.- c Mn.JI.!t· ~~~~::/PJ~r;~ ~~~lil~c~~~~~l~h~:~~t~: !~\!~~:~ ~a.'' cu~.~~ w pr~ for our brethren •, ··bcefng from this his dirctl:io11 that tlrcy ·l.ikcwifepray for vs. This was Dauids vfa.~ll ptaC'tife no dOubt,~ for when hc·e prayed c- rr.oH:· carncHly ~ Pfal. 11 •1, for thc.p:udon.bfhi;. ownc pc'rftmttH fli1Ill'S, he then forgets not Zion, •l>ut praycs the et Lord :i v.n. to:do~ wt:ll 'Zmro ir, a11d to!JUild·th~ wtfb of ln·Hf~- !em. Now jffh cuery pr,.yer wee make , w~ mu!t. haue.rcfpcet to the Chucch.ofGod ;'then - V}>cJ__"_...