Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ ~1.4 f . f!Jfn-Exp;p(~on ofChr:ifl:s ~~;:h.6. I r~tTt p~aying trouble~ t:co,.v mcnS;cbt;~cjcncc,?ei A f~r~ \~C m~lt carefullymarhc: and~ttbfuh:c th<! VVhuwe mllibskeof Codh pr;a- "' cat:fCJtt ts not cafily·<itfccrncd, bctmg agamft dtreCbon,of Gods rw.ord! berh .for the tni 11 os tht·~rG: table:.yet it-is to be dl:c:c:::mcd·as a dif..o~ wc.askc, and for our'mnnu'crbtasking. · ::> graccvntothcAlmightic:andbcingcar~ldlC..: ·H '1 d':b 1 / ' ;~ • • -:·: • ly pbttifad, when it is onrcknowne' it i• atawe ~~ e,ttJy 1lf!1ne• . I plalnc.mockcrjc .ofGods maicflie, '"''orfcr rheo Thus:much oft the ptcfacc: liCtCJ!bQojj 1 thC I tp.ocking· therefore ,\·e pctitiohs:, which arc fixe in nianGc¥~ -:W'tH:i:eof muH.«i:th all olrcfu.Jndfe avoid it ,:aud fet our the thfc.ctlrfi niniertrc God )'th'eJth·rcc;rlaftcr hcar.ts w-.•id.tall·.l' <.Ii0drinp.ra.idrl'. c;onccrnc our.fciUcs;):Ag~ific, of ('libfc- ~·hfci\, !. -:.11[•.B~ncewe rpuH lcarnclto-askc of God ~oncern~·God,thefir.ll conccrncs Go'tfs.o!nr'i'e ~n_;.p~nycr .hcaucn}y.lthings) cfpedally: tbcfc it fclfc,~hc oth~t t:-v\;f\th'CilncanS\\•lf~t15y''Gbd! · •· ~- e-;Jnhl:Y .blcffingsrmay ,bc-askc:d , Io.farrC fonh gloric is manifcfic(r :tAdttnlar.ocd ~flilbn~owen ! ~trhc~ ~t·~ lidp.s..J;o fi~rthcr vs to.wards_ our e#o fO_r Godr n/lm~ ,; thm J.f~j:iji£'d~1mon%1n·/{~pJJ~ l,l:OJ;.hllling mhorrunJ:e 1n hcaucn; to \-Yhtch we hu k,jngdom:.durh t:omt jM1dhiJ Will HJc1:t"!1 · i a_tt"~ll<!d, 1.Bet>:t 13,4· _But to be .cucr g~m~C-· Nov• ..\;hi.s..pctit-~on fortht'glorlfyingrt)~9o<!S b.hg-:Hl ~kc c:.nh, <if; agamH thc·naturc ot lum B name~ is nghtly fc:t in the fir/! place:- for:CJctl! tAAt-:h:uh .a.f; hcaucn. ·~ . gloric is the abfolute fhdc Ofall thin"ds .IProu. ·.... rl r-" Ouraffc:8:i- :)!:..L1 J:.h ...Qut!>pfillcip.all care rnu-ft be how to 16.4. Tb~ bordmad~ allrJmtgJ.f9r hi',· ~efokt; · 1.·.•. ' h~;:;::r:fs c.OJ\l.C c.o hca.u.cni, fo.r cl1crc our fu~bs=r:is.: ord-i.. 7:.1 tHm thewicb..fdfor tbe day of c~iJ! .-r& thJre~ luri)y<C>child:dofites to be·father, and fore it mull be prcfmed·beforc :dltMri~>bc1 ~chdlple~fed onbis morhers,loppe, or in his fore life it f<lfc, yeail'cforc faluatiol, whiZh i; , f~dH;rs-:lrQ-lCS ;herein thcrcfor.<:tWc1llufi tdlifie life ctcrnall: loh! tz.'2.-;,~8.-our Sauiour ChrHl · Qut.felues to bee lt.hcrfonncs ·an.a daughters of pr.cfcrrcs.the glo.ric oFhis fath-ers r{amc Qcferc Go.d\) 'by~ our v~fainC'd .dcfirc·,td.bc iJl heauen his owbc life. And Pautj1rdcrres-.itJ:.ftbr'e 11 i; ·l··t·l··". w4_qc.o~ur father jS,. ·\lt is vnnatux:a)lfor ac-hild O\o\'nc falu'ltion:for hOptofdfnh that fbr C'Jods nj)t,to be dclighte.d ""~itluhisfatheu houfc, and gloric in the f.1luarion Ofthe 1c.wdrj"-bte!(pi;ld fo.i~ ar'gucs th~ro't<?J,.e V:old·ofgn1tc,rhat h·aue wi/J~himftlji-[eparare from Chrift, Rbn{~:i\3 :.\" \ .;t.o.c: p,q, 1 atfcC:tion tow:t.rds-:}uauc.n.. and .heaucdy In tliis·pctition, as in the.rC'H ~-W'e at-'~ ~· 0 eh.:. th\ngs: let ys tbcnJorc dClighttP:"pray, "'''here... fc1·uc this order ' firfi 1l1cwrrh{: mcan'i~ qf the t\y~w_.e may crcCpe into our fathers bofomc,and words;ltPen·propoulldtthelVfcs~ ·' 'uo, <'J1 .1 r-hwgh qut: bodies be on .cal'tb, y.t:.t·inaffeCtion I. The mcaiing .. Namej Theworthfcribcd c·oa,·.Ir~c. and defire let our foulcs Jmouhu•p to hca.uen: to God '1·i~hcrc takcn:-gen·erally ;,fiffl 1 'f0l''<Ycid· hcr~.we.~ce;but.pjlg,ims; ifQod br .our- father, bimfel(<;casi'[al.>o.l\ <JJ,, ,n•n'-•fl•he Godo[ .o_utlibc.~ru ~niUt .hc"pon·oui.home which is C l•cobdef<ndthee: that is, the GoJ ofi~~obdch~~Jl:Wbl:rF~titdathcr is. , . "-oc .. , , '" fend tb~,Rom.<a.rgm1 .ho{otll<l'j};lfilMAiplm ~-c',:?\ -·.N~\1\.thowbi'd! ofthis;pr~facc thus op<ne.d, thena,~of /h,!:wdfoailf><,fouetl; rh:rt•i~·;!v~orl ·" ,, ,_ ~;~~;~ 0 " ~Qntat,n~ a, twofold. potabkground & proppe the ' hord;.I:S:Ccoadl)'l'i2'" liere btMen~ any " >w.> ,:, to ~!Lour pt'a~&s.!.o wit, that G'od is both..6/• tbiotj wh.croby God""') Grrk!tonm,as4Jl~h arc·by •>I atid!"i//i~o.hc:lre aridih~lpc W.btn w~c\pray·: ;heit.Olantcmnd thus1it ~ornprchends;·l~hl!i.'di• for~hls ba6·iog irr~h~au''m; impOns.--that lie is ah 'uin~ flt-t.rl/ltfus; as lufiii:c, metcie/ poWtr,\ vHfmigh>ie,.ohdrihetllforc can ·heorc nnd he!pc·v$. ,domc;t&c,I Jd, his-wori/,,'tohc holy sb.iprurcs p{jJ~;ir.i: uuY,Godi,~ln·h(tJII;en ;.andhe dorh;Wh4t{oc11er h#e v ...· mcri t.h~ druc krrow.f~dge of{," An<blkeillg .afath<r.l y<> out father in .God, ~r.Gods/udgem("'"')pu&like•oo'jir·itme; <;briihh~m\),ft ntcdps b'Q,wil~ug.and readie~<> for ,tl1ei1cb.y he makci knei~neh\.§p;ef~hchj nis gi-}l\Qt Olir rtt]U~Jt.s~:-fot iS fo tc:nderpowcr,and)~flicc: iV4 ll:iskork§~fid crellt:~r:u.~ ly,alf~fud.<oY'iuxl:t-IJis naturdll f<'ulll!; auhc fov·all tbefc:boare'a !hmpCJof(!;<>ds nh~rc';11nd .L~;JtQr.9U~.Godj,sr~c>Vcilr~s ,,;IJ,:hi>-i~bildrcr:d,!! in-thom,mny:thc inuilib!e .things of<Gdd:bt<c :GJJ<ifi;.llfd•. l!OJ..ii~.A•4fo.tbi>>paffion ~ feene,•Ronp.>o. "'"'! • ·jl< . h{,,.,d .Of[biflfihildmi ,fo• h~rh;h<.bordmnppjJio'tf'p•l<fi . Hi/dWtd. orflmEiifi.d]ifohat..,, 15JtiiifAIHi>, 'two tu,,, tka(~~a/1, r..ipo1! :I Luke' 3lbm-I~l r/f•.J.PJ~ i(ro glorifie,Qods_name ~·aS':Ioh .. 2-~!!..;trl~~~s of hono~o~r. : 1(>JIJJbu ;Hill. <~i" gi~t ;gJJPdfiJ.i~t:f#.oJOif~ cbil.- we do, when we gruc.vmo-hrm the h:gheRho! 1 4r~n~-h.:m;;ro{hafi!Jp:~r hepfi••IJ.FAther.gi4< notlr<tboo '!'-'Y be :-,he! highelt, I f>y,: be:caul< ' 1hf-hq/J. '(ihtifl 1!t atk.!,ibjfif ·~ ~ndr he.nC~ , -ther-e~'Y'·o:ldnds of lrononr~Firfi1 thcflonor r. RrJjgim:s. j, istb~t Chrifi rfaith, pb4t{nf!'.<Jhf!""'"'/&lh< of rcligidJll oWhen w<'giucour hearts io God; , '[!mtJ b.•~ wi/1-gill.<:rifyq""'}o):,. 16. louing-him;£caring him, rrulling' and 'dc!igh- ,lj\oQf~hqfe·tWQ m.ufi cuery.onenlJee'perfw~· ting in ~im•aboue':lll ; •vhiclrwccrcilili'c liy all . ;!}o.cJah:~t pl"iycs.Q.r-ig11N 1 CUCricGn~M·ill grJ\lHl.t out\Vard adotacion Gods word: ' !~.'j~~.Pti is·ablc to,he~rp.and,h<ilp.e; bu< ofhis this is tl~.c highe(l hon.our ofall.S~comJtyj<~'<r< '· ci,;!L YiiJlaQgiJ~S t}1cyt-utitQ•IlbOC do \}f -..affured but 15' the liouotlf ,of-focJCtlC!'o)' ·whtcn paffct~l be- , is the: child of Go'd ;i "'~h'p -:kno<o·Ct:h pwccncman aud man; int(.bltuitonwcahhJ;ancl ~go;lr~d IJ~ ·his,£1ther. Yet hcr<>'lnu.£\ none deit conC,lleth in t.!re:ukn<mledgcmcn• ·ofJ>re• . ~ei~J):~\imfclfc , 1 t-o:Jhi.nKe tha~ ~h-~t~fp~ucr hcc hemincntc.m1d.1fuprrior.i.tia: in an orher,· cith'e~ I as.m<"on his ~'~nq~)ead,Godwilljlr,.;nt it/~r by,vcordJoii gb~urc; cmillyr: ,thus fubiet\§ rhol i€111\UOkc atni.lll>lll.~!hallp~ot re~~\!10>& there• hGVt lhmds:nndM:tgrllra~ ;· obd mfenoun ' • ·..H ___ t~;i•r'- -·- ~ ·=-,