Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,...J_· Matrh.6. the t9ktonht. '::1:._ JlOUf\:\'C here pray for. . . Thevfos.l, wants to/Jr ' ~ their fuptriours.This is due tO the creaturc:the· A'' an; One ~f the,;,, We m:zj hihtollrrhuin o1irfihef former to the crcocor ondy, and thot is the ho< I ~mdfo~CI,fod vfo rhmof How\..chaThat we may y~t the bet-ter vndcr!land the hew~:ilrd: low Godt trtc:ming of this pctidon; we milfi know that 1. Hcrt we· art to call to mindt oUt ~~ttHfS, sin'ncs PrB; ~.3;~;;ilftoo Godsn:unc is b::tlowcd or f.'lnClificd of vs tWO 3ild to humble Our fOulcs for thofc fihnCSJ r;~:;~~~me. fclfc. w~ic's: either in God him(elte,orin his workcs! wh(rcby we·haue hindrcd Gods gloric or p'ro..: In hlrilfdfe by thtcc aCtions: r. whcri we con~ phancd.his namc:and thcfe cfpeciallyarc fou'rd ceiue Qod in o11r minds,and acknovYlcdgC birri I. PriJgf{ hiArr i a vile affeCtion -..-.·hereby we as he harh rcuellcd hit11fclfc in'his word; tO fetke our ownepraifc andglorie 1& nor Godsl wir,crcarbr and gouernour of all thi·ngs, matt I T~1is is nauirall; and fo tllhnore ~ardly difccr= holy, moll wifc,iufl, hl~ttifull,&c.z.VVhen we n~d; bUt wliilc it is nOuri01hJ, Gods giO~ic iS' 1 1 •. Pet.;.r 5 . 2 jimCfiJi~ rhe LoJ·d itJ oHr hearts_; rhat is, when ncglcB:od,and therefore whrnwc cidire to gto.. we louehim :lbouc lll, and fearc him :ibbue all, r Tifie Gcds 111tme, we mutt acknowlcdoc and lie.: lndput our trufl: in him in all dlatcs. ~ . vt.thct1 Y..•ailc this ,inward corruption: it. w:'mdf::..~a!e; wcpraifc and laud the name of God, for his t•idn<jfo of heart towards God; !his is an in" goodncs: yca,though we fhould ncucr tafic of B t ward corruption whicb deb.afcth the Lord irr his fp~ciall fauour, yetfor his gencrall mertic, j our hC:att~,and takes away that eJICCin.c of iullice~ and nlollwifcprouidencc,wc ought to q<?d whtch ~ught to be mvs. 1 hts caufemvs· cxtoH the Lordwith our !JtOUthes. '; to omit to' glorifie God,and ro ddCnd the cau7, inhis Godsn1mc is halovofed1b'r fan.Clifie[i in his fcs of God, nn~ thehonour of his ~amc1\\·hctr cren•tc. crcarurcs,by three fpcciall atHon·s:·r.When we wicked men difgtaceand rcproch the fatitc: he ~cknowledgc the wifc1tome of Go4, and his that harh any inflght imo his ownc dlarc rriaj{ powerrulrhand in c:uei:f CrCature. z. When '"!e pcrcciuc this inhimfelfc: no ... y it mightily hin~ ha{itili\'tuercnd 'Cili1n:ition of rhc ~rcatures, dcrs the ~loric of God,and dicrc(ort·wc mt!ft , 1 , , andvferhcmlnChr!f!i3bfobriorie,in·icgardof vnfaincdly bcwaile ititroui own< hdris. 1 it the {hmpc ofGods po.'ilcr and wird9m,which HardncJJ;, whereby " '' arc hindrcd appcaretl> in them.· ~··'Whcnwe fanclific our from the true knowledge of God in liis word, m0deratc\'[cofthcm~l1'yth~wordafidpraicr, and from d{ccrni11g his: wifcdomc, po'wcr,. as God rcquireth,lt:'iJl.iin.4·S. Sec the pratl.i(e iufticc, mercit,.&c_.~in his workcs, though "'·e.~ hereof in the wordOfG'od, which is hts ownc: hauc them b·ctore our tycs :' hc·nc~ it comes, folcmncordlnaoce,~hcrcbyhe makes h\mfdfe that either' we neglet\ the word, ond pa!fe knowrle~nto his Church:'fhercinwcf~ntlifie C by the •work« 'of God without ton!idcratiUow we andhalowGods nam~;I. when \VC 'acknowOn ; or if we V(c th.cmJ yet lt' is withOut gJ.otie ~::.~.~1~ :~~~~tt~:~~~:·~;!'JJ~;~~~r~~~,·=~f!a~~~ ~hr~~d;,.~~ ~~~p:.~ ;~~;J;;~j·~o:;;,r;;,~;,~; o.f<he\~ord,in rcga.d ofthe glorioits'l,t~agc,d of th< loaH<t, 'h<eaHfe rluir·hearts were hn>'d,• Cod·which •ppcareth in it: JI I. when·~vc v(e n<d; they dlfccrncd not,or at !call rememlircd· kin~ fantlincd and .holy mann<f,.cbtfiming ·notthe power of God in that miracle, though '\IntO it.rciuercndy with' p'reparcd heads, hUnthemfdues were infinnnenrs about it_,and_ they. I grin~, -afict ~he gra(lcs' ofhGed which are mightpcrceiu~ -the food to incrcafc in ih<'ir" n wr~~ghuhcre~,<l-~rl·qiuing our f~lu~s ~nhe:trt han4_s. I V. Prophan.ehe!fe ·imtl'impietil' iiz;t;f~:' and be fra:ncd. an'd :ruled thcroby·. And fur God is glorifi.e~, when wc.l:iring ford! iht' thus we fanclific G4o in ,affiibHons-(for they foHits of (race, loh.15. 8. an'd 'our go.ri 7>DH{tl att,his workc) wheh f~c the 'hand caufe otl1crs,to glorific <;:iod; ··Matth.',5~ JK ofGod.rhcrein,.in iuflicc, ~ncrcit?,& great wfl.. And thercferC oiir prophane.iifC is.a rcpro:tch dom111d12llcning vs~ ... vhcn we hQ.uc a rcuercnd 'Vnto the LoJd;and caufethothCrs ro dillionoUr regard to.rhchand of God oppoaring'in them; I)- and blafph<me ·his name; Rom. z. z.q.:'N:O>,; and labour to be humbled thcrcb.y lor rhc in-~1 i this prop~ancnctl'c >ppcafc1h;'"cith. er in ll>cris·, crcafc ofour repentance, & thc ·cxcrcife of QUr fpeuh;byblafphcming rhsha,mc of G od,abufiilth and pati.ence. ' .. i:. " fing1his tirlcs,~ttribut~s,hjs wOi·d,his crc:turi..'s, 1 Thus then in this defi!c it1·tf",ind, I or ::my v~·ork ofhis pro.uid<'l1Cs-:or fn their ~on-: • 1 in hc3rr, :md life, toglorific GOd Omh·i11llitn· ucrf:u-ion, when they difpofc' tlic \"('hblc c9urfe.1 I fdfc :mdtnhis workcs : and the meaning ofit· 1 oftheir lines to ,.,rong endS, fCckint; th~[~fue~ 1. \may be thtlS exprcff~d: 0 Lord, open. ·Oil'r c;·u j :nld not God~ gloric. ... 1 • • ' • ·1 i rh.-uwem.ttJ ~tfowd:ec ~rigiJt, ~md nta.y•d!fce,?u 1 ThCfe arc thc.-"fpcci~ll finne~· :tgainft G~ds"· . thy powrr, rrifodome, i:iflice, m~d mc,·c-ic·: ur.d ii; \ glodc, which \\'C to fee a!ld ro bcw~Hc ifi' 'I ·1 1[.' o11r lw:rtr rhat we m:t:;{tmEl-ijic ther: ir.. orw , (.)l!t owne hfaftJ : ifwe f<~C t hCr!i not ~n· Our I hel!rtJ, by ?iM~~"g thee our (ern·e,, foue, ioy, ,m:d ] felucs our cafe is the wo?ic; and \-.:c mu·f:tfO.f! \ I ctmfidcua: ar:dopen o11r lipp~s- rhat wC"m~i· /;/f'fje ! .pctt our fef(u!S th~ more:: if wt-pCrcCinC die?H .; , -theefar thint h:fi;1ftegoodm,T'r! )'l'•"~, 0 I...o"rd, opm ~~ in vs,v.·~ ~uH be ~1umblcd f6r thC.yc:a ,·fh:.i 1 \1,c«-P\ !· f!'(•·cyes th.1t w: mtt_J fee thee ia rkrwm-k-5s, aud and confoundc\llll our O'.\'!le hrans, thi~Ri1l"o(J !jlri~ otrr l•et!rtl ~Pith ,·c~tcrmcc ~f thy ,..:J1iU 11p- 1 cmll ofour fcl\les by reafonhereof:& t11tt\ !rSh[ I ·~ ~ p•a::: ~~~~~ :_a~ g~au~~!!''!!__:~':' >V< vfo_l w:~~c~0f:y wi~f:c::_::_~~;~;~l __.