Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---'--'--'-'---'--~------.,-------------- \ : ~~~- •\_ iYJ.nBxfroji~n~f~ifls ___~ "\n'ock:c God, l~yl-Pg· .. \.yfl!~ &n.d·d~>ing nothing~ A Gad'S'kingdoi11 into t.hcir familycs!fot.this end lFiUl1ihcrCforc·, as·wec fly, Thr k.J.hgdom( c~m~, they mu(tlfccto thefc rhings;Fidl,th:tt t_hcr.c be (Gniuft wcfeeke t'o lli<!Ct it, a'n<l.llriuC to enter nomanifc:H or open ilnnc permitted in their i:m:O 1 :for this Cn1i:e.G0d gi•i~§V~ tlmc tb'llue fam1lies: rid-thy houfc oHuch apcrfon, ifthou ~:t ~~ll1s world, 'that here \VC tmgTn enter-the canfino~ r~fu.rmchim, Pfal..toi-.7· Secondly, g:it<;.ofgrace, ::m~h-\~ait tOr tht: ·fi"\ribon,ofgl£?.. inflru& thy family in thcw':lyof'thc Lord,th:lt tit :-a_11d thcrcforc:,wc muHdi~i~cntlrftcq~c:-nt. theyma}' kt'i?W to·liuc rightcoutly& ''.priglulY. rtlrc fi.tburbs ~fdlfs:·he~ntt:!y !oruralcm, c-ucn:rli.t! qoth bcftn:~ Gorl anchnan. Thirdly, fee vpand :p-r-e-aching ofr\ww0td,andthcr<;-ip labour botH rn.:lintainc the prittate wor!hip of God in rhy :fo.r ttuc Jmmiliaflon.. and coi1#1:rfi~n , or clfc:.~vec f';trnily, toynt thou with then"l in holy duties, · a.lnno.~ enter infOt:his ~it1gdomc, Mauh. 1i>.-3. cfpcci:\lly in daily c:tliing vpon the name of ·' l"0h. )·5. Firfl:, "' 1 c}nuH h:~.ue thc pride of oltt Cod. ln reg--ard ofthcfc ~nd fuchJikc duties i[ htarcs pl.lllcd ~ownt, and becOme as Hdc chil~ Js·, th:tr the.~ Scr"ipturc ":1-fcribcs faluation to a' c I.u\:,,,_,, ! ~r.on, b<.:ing: humbled iti our fcll!_csfhrhug~ tlic, where the maller or the goucrn.our of I \ 1-kn~wlcdg of.our tinncs,and th~ fe.cling ott-h:at B the houfc"<is conucrrctt to the f.1.i th. And for the ! 'mi{Crie'whi .. :h is d~e \'nto vs for them: yca,·wcc prat'hfc TiC'rcof, rhc holy ·Ihtriar·ks arc com- ,: wlif\.oontCnC:th·cm vmo Go·d) and·et;ic vntb mended roiaU pollctidc:God faith of. ::A/JraJ,;; ~ him for mcrcie,and by rhis mca1~s·b.y o:tfidc this 1! ~ iz:?whim that ht: w~tlc(;mmand hisfonnu, anJ • d Gtn.IB 19 1burthen, "'''hic}l hindc:rs ·ou'r ont"rarrcc into the hu · haHfoold a_fur htm ·, that th'eJ k.frp~ the ; -g~(c 0fgracG-. Sctondl)', we mufl be conucrtcd way vf-tb~t Lard: and ~ /;tc(;b C'()1fJ.mmmds hii J c Gcn.;p. -a·ntl dha"g~d·bythe renn,·~ll'J Ofour minds,o"lir famtly1opJtt aw.g!betrJlrang~gods, and to c/(nfe j hc.arts mull dcauc vnro God ). and ·we mqH rhemfi.luu: and · !t~j}nt~th profclfcd pubhke- If Job 4 1$ CMric~hctcin:arc!Oiute purpofc'nbt to finuc: ly, rh.u. bu and hu Flmnht woHfd fnue t~ h·h"rn thcfe ~},fngs be ~o v~ , ..,,.e cuter i"rfta Lortl. •' 1 ' • ,/ ~ • OGJC!s J<:ingdomc, bu.t ti'll '~'~c..endeauo4r :t_f~er· F1fdy, hence\\ cmutllc:unc, euc'ry day to 5 them in fame-truth, we f.1y'in Y_aipe, ThJ ~"%.: prep:uc out.Cducsto,die,for bydeatho.urfouls Prtp~rc: to dan-ucome. ·• ~ · , 'J."":'...J entedntothcgloricpfrbiskingdomc, which Jic. ~ ...<;crondly, .~,,·cc. nm(l: bee c!\rtfulf to~bring \\"C pray m::-.yconK"vnto.vs land therefore wee fonh the fnfits of God~ ~i_,{gdon~l', (or tht:rcmutl b(lc rcadi'e· to rtcd t1C h cut;.ry·day·, that tore doth_he fend~t.among J_nct~, and for·~'~am whC'nfocucr O'Uf King commeth vmO vs·, clhereof, doth be take it from rhe.tny Matth:tt' th<rr by- death, or in 1hc lafl iUdgmem,.wc may ~g ••Now thafctl:uitSI \).re Rik"J:te()Hfn~JTc.; ptltO'~, . pafi'c frOm graco t.o-,glCrrif. And in-dccdc. wee &il"]_Jn tht hd~y-Gh(;ft.•Rom.·Plf.•t·?·· wher:C'<'If\'{c :c ~<annot wirh c.ornfon 'make this petition ,rvn- !,ctann;~;or haUc J.. ij1okc:n.bcforc: all·_;,.vd\ich 1 wce-mu!l la- ~ ldfc·_wec bee in .fome: mcafure pr~Jiared for .,hi, P'"''•"· l.oul· to hnd .in'o!irhcan~,a~<l ~o ~~prc!fc ln'our . death, ~nd'ch>t cuory-.!ay:. N0wbecm'!}prppali.ucs,.clfc thh1~lngdomOhll he! t"akeb. fwlllt"'ts, red, '-\'Mnutl Wair~\.'~s lbb't'g diij , hje.fte ~eta; r,J{ g Iob t-t l+' ~nd ':''c !hall n~UCr fee the gl'oric ofit. :·; . " OH-" c{fdhgi,;g came-.Iieokchowthc.godly·in the .tuk,,.,,s. . ~ ·: ·;'fh.irdly'. htnc·c WC mull karJ1C to bcc·con:: otdc T_o'lhmcnt looked for E:hnfi<6rll·coml AJ:r('lund oJ ' itcnt~d in 3:1l citit"cs ofthiS).i.fC wharfoeurr·,~thc· ming in the fldh;fdm'utl -wc wairc f.or his corn-: cOu:muiun. . hope ofthe i to_rie of rlJ~}'l~1g:dome \\lhith·,~·cming to vs,_dthc.fihy1dc:tch; bt)udgbhtrit,nei ... 1 · . pray for, muH h\·allqw v~1 _all. ~;~he forrd\·,~tH~r thcr mu£l: anything diftnay vs in this ·tv:~.itlna~ f "fG..tthly calarl"l~tic.s (~n .bt:i.n~pon vs:.Th1s it no110t dcat.h itfdfcr-tOt th~ fb·dncr 1A·e.. d~e; the- .1::1 ..:~...;as th3.t made·t·hc."l>atrlarks tb:y.r:tlk·contcriCc-"G foo'n'h"\\ec' may en'tc'r inrctglorle;\0. And lrcre ! iti the State.ofiPIJgn1ncs an'd {hran·g~rsh~rc 6):1 \VC~'may tak'e'"a v!l;y.(.\of'thC·mOMlrou\s~hypo- : b s.Cor.4. cia\·rh, ·lzlcbJI! ,.JL3' I 4·. Yea~ dfJS.renuM'l>'~~;n_ 1 . enfie Ofrhc·w,orld ,~fo'rb.\lhO Wlll "lOt fay 'thefc; • l(i.l8. licr·miuJ, it chcercs the heart~ 3r.d kcc~CS~f.fr6 v.or~s, 'ThJ ltJngdMit'comt? but ·~'Ct thc 1 1noH Jaimii'tg ,thougbrhe;jb;!o~loQk , mcn'n'~'glCCt'to prcpif~thcmfdues for em_r~cc ~ter the iCIY<;s ofehis kingrlome, w~idl 'iir_/F[h; 1 P intd this kingdome; mty ma.ny c'otrtfmtic the J~ingimorften~:.· and·thcrcfer.c-Olfifl:, h~rc.With ·wOrd and praicr,'"'liieharc thcinc..lfis whereby I · tcomfons-hi:; Dilo.~iplcs ag~if)fi .the fi'>rrcW.,-ct·bf wee .~a\Je admitri)lcc into che fiitc of grace> : ;a!fl}8.ion~ ~;:Yin'"IJ,fea;·( ~ottiultjlo~l.t!;;r ~~rbu-,.. a_n(\~fC:prC'p_arcd _for1 ~~1c kingde~c ~f ~lot .Fnthcrlgootllplellpretogme JON the~ngd(;tn.,L~l.f. ' ne. .. . I •· • •· • J • • . ~~· r :· '.l.r.•;.!• ..z~·:c ''!< • ·: . .• ttctti.r ::: •SJ"Xr!y; w~·c maybcr'elcarne oteurSauiour ~t : ~u: l:ourthly."';.wu muH all labour in.our- p~:R~.; : Ciwi'll-th·cpr'?lEl:ife ef.humility,and"in':tll",things . - ~ ·a~'d· bri!ig o1_1~ ·:th othd intO ~rti ~ ~~ tB~iU;;n g_l:Oric ~o'G?,'d~tO: rho~1gh_th~S kin~- / ..kmgdomc, Ol)"C nctghbotfr an other·, ainJ.•tm'e . dOmC' pcrnmc eqil:-.11-y;to hml ( l S he 'i's Cod) ' 6 ' .:the lo~:d..m titc·houfc ofllt~d )'·m:d ca,ql Dnc : Fathet' as he is rhe'SOnhc, therefOre' heewiH .:ffi?nO al1ot~hc.r ;•~E7.ek~- T s.' ;o. Rtltn'.fftl (tf.tft-11 I '-\Vit~l-thC F3thcr:yH'9cl::iu~e he hftth it_ frb!l} 'rhc ; ! cf111othb ro~:C.'i(""c~ ThiS th.c.Pr~ph~t./(9' i10rcth h.:lyt? it ,.,~lolly :ltt.ribi.~iC'd Vmo 1~}'11; tod\_cte~.. j I as 2pT:tt'bfc.ofrhc{iJbi~Ct~ pf thJs -klll'f§dOtrt<!, -rhctl1 v-s ro f.1y, 01!~1tt~ha) :b; /&.'fk~o17?t c~me. 1 that tlu,r fhalhfa; oncJto. ~J ot·~er, come, lcr \l ;'_Larttr,hcrcobfm'J~rhr:~"lccclllue_oftlus pc- \ 1. VJ gop ':If to the m(FIIntainc ~f rhe Lord, lfa.~.i, tlt;.!'dn ·; m rcfpcCl ofiour·outW3rd cflnc; for 1 God~ krng- ~:,y00/r}~'-- But m:~!k:S ... 'pf.~,m~ycs c.,,ccially, mttfi !l-o_bkc I ·! ~hc ~t\m~riing ofth'l~ kitigdo_,~c to ·:mytfht,:~ !;~f;c~;;;·;.' mi!i". to> the prnt.fe <'frh" duc•c·. & Joh,.,ur t<>I\Y,;n~ I rs > lp~::':'.:..:t El~:.'~l'l';~~~~L--+·