Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

. M~tth,6. V . IO. l__li:_ vnto it; for where thiS kingdomC is, God'i A limply and abfolutdy willcrh to be dom· i / hand of blcfling and proteCtion_is in· a fj'c.- I for mt1£t nccJcs be done; but wh:'lt ~ ciall manner -: here the Lord r:ugncth, and. 1 is plcafing or difplcafing vmo hi:n, done hy J his glorious and. blcllCd Angels, whi\h are 1. manjanrl what he will h::~uc mar. to do<·, o-r nor / mighric in £hcngth .and pa.wcr, kccpc watch : to doe, if he Jcfirc to come to life, and woultl and guard in rhar kln&domc,,and about that J not be condcmncd,Andthi.> rcuc:dcd wil co:n.: people who hauc the Lg~d.fOr t:~:it:- King and (... prchcndcrh bvth the Law :md Golj)c·ll,\.\itllodl God. Hence it is,rbat d11s Qur K_ll1gdo:nc bath their , omandcmcnrs,pwh!bitions, thrctningsi I fa lono C!lioycd J>C:l'CC ':md proteB:ion from C.Xhdrtatiom, promifc::;;, aud (udlJi!~C"; '\.\ bcttto m:tny dangc 1 ous affatilrs, hccaufcwecmbr.tcc the ApolHe h:uh relation,,,·hen he f.1ith;Prr;o:~~ and profcife the Gofpcl, whtch lS"'thc fccptcr wli.1r iJ th:go,d rril!of God,and:Jcaptablc,Hom; , of Cods Kmgdomc; and 1f \'\'e.could doe It 111 I ll. 1, . . . , . . . , . fi!1ccm1e, and walke \\ onhtc ofrhC :(.md our ~.ow t!us dtfttn.C~tOn of C:o~h: \': lll ~>ti~Jg a~~ Kmg, ou 1 pwfpc11t1CD10uld be as the floodsJ I cotdmg to the Scnpn:rc, !.at.\ l.'lS vfc 111 d11S and our peace as rhe Sunne and MootlCm hca- , pl:lcc; for when we Jay, Th)'w111be d~nc1 ,~·c ucn, And therefore rhey rhat loue the pcacf of B not the abfol~Hc, bur the :-~rw~alr~ n;t!l thiskin'gdom,mufl cmbra~cand obey. th~ gof1 ttf G~d. Rea{on1, 1. 1 he a~folut: will ofCou 1&: I pc!, and pray for thchapptc and flounfhmg c-1 ~· aJw:uc:s dont,and .cannot DC rch~lcd; .tlfj~o:.m,l. . 1 Hate thereof for therein H:mds ourpeace, ·ftl!jlJtdLj}rwd ( fanh a the Lord, rmd I wt!ldo~ , 2 rr:~.of6.:('), , f'rL ' ./l:b;· ~ J •. h I J~har{oeHn"' I wilL: and againe; h rvhobath rcfi:.:: / b Rom.?.•? .1. /JY :w: e uone, .meart 1f!Mi:invilt, that is,his abfolute "ill:for his re- / • · • h ~ ; uc:tled \Vill is generally tranfgrefft:d by mcn 1 M tt t:l. tn . C4UCtJ. , and men doe that which fccmcth good in their The Cohe<·er.ce; this pcti:ion dependeth ~n O~\'OC cies 1 nDtwithlhnding God rcllcalc !Jjs- / both the former rhus; ~s a.:n_t~.·anes whe-re~~ \lo'C !~:ill to the contrari: I I. A ~11an m<~y fm~.!~timc / doe rhat. vvhich we ·de fire 111 the 6rH~cm~ot_J; drff~m fi·?m.~l~c nbio.lutc \\'lll.of ~od \' ltnout I for Gods name is glorified, whenh1s ·wtllis finnmg, fo belt he {hll fubnm lfunfelfc: to the done: anJ as amanifdhtionofcha.t which we wil ofGod,rdling therein,when it is rcucalccl. delire in the fecond pctition,for there weprJy, Thus Abraham cpi'aicd for the fafcric of So. 1 c t.~n. 1t. that Gods kinadomc may comevmov.s, and dome (yet fubmi{fiuely) which God willed & ~)·~7· hcc rule in outhcart.s by: his.wo~d and fpirit: r dccrecJ to dcflroic: andDauid :.i pr~icd for the.l ..J 1 .S:~.rr>.ll· now here we craue that we maydoe his will, C life ofhis child, .... vhi~h God '\vould hauc to die: ' u:.lf. & fo tdHfieour felues tb be his loyall fubicCls. andour e Sauiour ChrHt,p_raied fo.r the rem0.o-:1 c M:~.r.:e.39. The mea,)ing. This petition .is propouudcd uall of that cup which God'had;~bfolutcly <!c• in acomp3:rifon,which narurallyftandeth-.tbus; creed he fl10uld drinkc of, yet lummitcing hi~· AsthJ wi/4 is done i~ be.!uun, fo let .rh) WJ/1 het ~ill vmo his f:uhcrs: ~nd f Pau/.according to , f Mb• i· donei11 earth: And tt·hatb two parts; The firll: hts Apoftohkc funCbon, prc:!ch the I rcfpeCh the grace ofohc9i~ncC which we pray Gofpel i.n Bythinia, bu~. the ~>irit fitffcrcd hi~ for, ThJ )'Pill be dcme in earth: The fecond not; wh1ch Cheweth plamcly tt v as 11ot the Wll ~l.C\.\'eS the right manncr .. o. f, do it of .h~ fhould preach thert;and ~cr .. hc I u inheaff.en, dcfir:d lt rchgwufly wtthour fihne, as chd the Forthc firil,TIJ"iii;G~c. Gods will isonc!y· rdt befor< mentioned._And a~ in will, fo in 1 one, confidcrcd in it fclfc, as God is on~; yet affc£lion a man m:ly dificor frorh Gods abfo- ! for our vndcdb.nding,it maybe thusdifhnguilutewill without finnc: Chri!l as the fonnc of! GoCs·:~bfo· fltcd : It is either ttbfolute, or reucalcd. Gods God, knew his Father~ \.\'ill, concernin(T t'he \ lutewilf, tl6fo!utt)'Pil!, is ~he will. of his good plcafurc, de!lruClion of Icrutalem, and yh g hu w~tfo,. 1 g·~ 1, whereby accordrng to h1s ctcrn::tll coUnfell, he ir, in a tender companion ouer their mifedc to I determines of all rhlngs,what .Jball be dOne,or D cn~c: and fo the br~thrcn :1[ Ceforea; h,•·ept. h Att. :. 1 , 1 3', ! what 01.all not be done, and 111. wh:1t manner. and lamlnted for Pau1t r.olng to Icmfo!em, I This abfolflte wil cxtendeth ouer all c•eatures, though A,(abru prophcii~d that God would 1 and ouc.l' all their aClions~Ephef. I .I I. ff/ee rtr~ hau~ it fo! neither mhfi cL is feeme ftrangl! vnto 1 . : pr~dejthJttte accordint to the purpofeof htm that vs,for two things mayrcmamc both good,and ! workfrh tf!l things after the cqimfo/1 ofhi".s ownc yet differ one from another; :l.hd fo may mans 1· I will. Roman. 9. 19. who bath re!if/eel hu ,.,/f? crc~wl wil diffe,,from Gods ablolote and vn- · Matth. t o,. z6.. 1-Pithoutrhis n·illofGod,a[parrow creJtcd \\'ill, ;;,nd ycr both rcrn:tinc good, I Ctfi/110{ fa/~ to '.lil'.'{iOf!rtd. And t~l!S abfolut~· \.\'ill Hauing found ch:tt this reritiol~ rriufi be Vll- ~t~:;~~:~~~~. of God IS h1ddcn frorh. vs.• ttll God rcucalc derfiood ofthe rcucalcdwdl of God, we now I k1l ,·.Ill, J God;; r~ue.1it by the eucm.Codsuuenledwil!, Is the facreJ ·come to fcarch out the fj'cci:\11 br3nches of ' I lc:ll;rill. dq~hinc ofGocl in his \·\'Ord,whcrby he figniCods rcueal<Xi will; ""hich we {hall fin de fieth vnto man,_fo farrc asconcCrnes his happiin fcucrnll.placcs ofthe holy $criptta~c. The I ncffc :lnd faluat10n, what l1c Ot_Jg~t to cloe, or firH, is the cot~u.erfion ~fa fim;e;·, Ezck. ~ , .:! what he m!ght net to doe. Thts IS Gods ~bfoI r. A.t llllle_ (iatth the lord) Twill not the · 1 h~tC\\ill, but rat1.1crancffcC~ thcrcofconccrdc.1tth of .tt jinntr, ./mt th.1t tfg 'vick.5~ tm·ue \ I I ~1g_~n, reucal1ng _~'nto_hun, not what he ! fiwnhi~ .w~y and Ltne. The fcrc~ n•t \ _ ..._______ ____·- - - ------ ·~-----.-. t1'"i;r --