Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

------'-='=-~"----""~~~-----"-----~--· - A.fauh. 6 ·1 Sermon in the a9v.f~urit. - _ · ·- -- .ncucr come eo confcnt: for this pctiribn foro- A . \\·ill: )'cc, th('(r (OmfcOf life is hr;c alfo cbo.: 1 bcdiencc, rcfj>cCls not onely Ollf word~ and ~~ l, ~~:bm;dl fpcn_d t?eir liue~ in fpo:rs & g~:.· ! I deeds, bm our fccrct thoughts: for c.(JCll th_.ey I ;; ror iud: a_hfe- 1·_~ rcbclhot} agaHlH c~)d 1 . I mu!l be brouo\u to obedience t6 GO~l, 2, Cor, 1 who w~H be glonficd tn ~Yorks dor:e by vertU£ , 10,;. · 1 ° · .· · . ,· .·. .of01~r I:m_fu!I ca!lin&,•, . _ .f . '!·! 1 irdly, ~'\'C mull fcckcto<:ut·o~ uJl tbmg~ I · ~~rly, Jt ·1_s- t~1C "\f!lt bf G~d-,- ~h1r· ~ ~10ug_h l'~ti.t,~& .,;t. 1 that hindcr,vs fi·om doing Gods will, we rhult 1 mlntfOid aiR1t":hbflS vvtc l11oit!ti enter tnt? b1s til l [Lie I mortific {ll!d crucific tl~c lufts of~~c flt:f11-,Ja~H! I! ~ingdome; and_thtrctOrc vvh_en ~ny crofic.bei;u-..l!c. ! all Gnncfull n_l....,tlons of our·corrilpt lieart~'i; .foi' 1 ) faH~ vs \\l:'tlk!ng_it~ our l_r:" fu_l. !="n,IJ;n_g·"~ we mull 1 1 rhe[e mak~ •.:s td~cl.s-1\gain'!l G_o'd in ~ranlgreff !. ct:t~lcp_t.l~ll~ ~t? h1bicC~ ou~ kl~1c~ p~t-1~n~!y ~~ I . fino his w1 JI~ Tlus 1sa ltard tb1ng to i:loe, acd I I' d-ie \\'tll ofGo(hhcrcm • m ptoJpcrttJC \'\.Cate I vn~o a nan!raB m:tn ofhim. l~lfc 3ltogCth~e-:· ~:11.;. ~ CH'cb"(·full and th:mkcfqtl, bu_r. \'-'!~en affii~Ho1i j polliblc, and £hcrefore wc.e mufi vfc fplrJtuaii ,~ , co;ncs,_Ol~r nan,JrC \\'ould r~pmc~ 0 remember, mcancs , for the dccdcsot thcilcll!. !"flu!l bee i wcf::tytl~talldhttcs, Thy wz!fbedont: andtl~.crtnortified by the fpirit, Romal~.s:r~.mwtHe' f6rc10 th'c nJOWbittcr cr9_ffel->•i;~lt can bcf,tJJ~s, j ground of ~his worke is the death of\our Saui ... ~ n w~ omfi b.bou~ 'to f.iy wuh loo •. !he Lr.rrdg1:. . our Ch.nll,::~pplicd br. f:1ith't:o _our corr~uptth~rq - i!t~h;tmd the LordtAk,ttharPar bhflt-dbe rhe;;ar_nt far tlu old_m.w is CYIICijird n•ithhim,(3s·the ':-P.Oif rlu Lo;d, tob.r.' I.. So d.d tht Prophet D-tflle Pa~!taiih) rlwtf, .bodi"fJinne might bee ,;J, be~rng banrOJ<d Ins krngdome by h1s dtj/roy(d, hmcef(l.,=tiJ wee jliou!ii hcit _{(THe gwne fonnc, 2.~/TI. I~· 26,-Bt;tifhahsufa;, Jinm."Roman.6.6. This therefore t_t)l).fi v•ee do, Et-hold, 1haJJeno deltght intlicc, bth~ld,. hcrr· if we thinKt: our fcluc~·to·h:urc; I am-j!t-t bimdoe to me tU [ume1hgoodm_hu cinJ. WC mu!t pcrfwade our heari.'S' that .... \\~hCn ouc :md, chap. r 6.1 o, fr. whenShemej curledhtm; Sauiottr Chrill was vpO the- croffc .in _o'(tr'r06i)1 lrcc'Haicd A!Ji/ha_i from rcltcngc, vpon confi- :md !lend; bearing thcpunlfhmcm of mir fi'ns~ d~'r:nion of Gods-will tO hau.e it fo ; f11.ying; then were we, in reg~rd ofthe old n)q1~,t...truciS1tjftr hm" to cttrje, for 1h~ Lord hath lri.dd8;l .fied-with him; .the vCrtu"c and t!fica'cie vvHcrof, Mm. we thall vnlioubrcdly find;, our fciues;for chc . Jn e4J'Ih (!J it if in beaUJJlf, HJOttif)~ing offlnnc, ·when wedoe fruely bclccuc; .for our fellowl11ippc -..vith Chtifl bq;ins Hauing fpokcn of the grace of obedienct!' in his (icath; and ifwe be dead to finne) how &fired in thi-s petiricn. '-YCC now come to the ~~n the motion ':I thcrC"Of")•ct liuc and· raigne in mann,cr hov\•it inufl be petfonned: to ~o-vit, In vs?Wheri a malcfaa.vr i-s put to Jea..~h, hC: cca- ~artha~:t Mitrhe-mwr: that'is> of vs men liuing. feth fromhis baddc cevifes; ana fo;Wour cor- c .onearth, as the bldlcd Angels and glorified ruption be Crucified ,with Our.Sauiou.r Chrifi,it . S~ints doe it in lwauC"n : for the a A,;gt(J1h11t :o:fli.aj. mufFhot raign in our hcans, to bring forth the ~xce/1inftrength .,.do;GodJ ~omrnandtmenrt, In fruits of flnnc. Ut-JS thciefore 'r\)e'ditatc oh o/Jt]i»g rhf':loiceof- hM-word! ' And beeau(~ this' the death ofoia Sauiour Chrifi, andap'ply it to cxpofition is: SCi1erally rccciued, I wiJI not fl:5d ourfcl(le's byfaith,and conGdcr.thc vjlcn~!fe of to prooue ic: this onely wee mufi remc-mbn 1 our fihnes,·in the b;ttc·rneffe.ofhis r~ffion: and chat he~e wee pray not tQ pcrforme obedience then no' doubt we 01all be mooued to firiuc aequal! in mrafiue and degrrc, to the obcdienre gairi'fl.'tuill motions :for ifwc.he CWijtJ;we h4u; ofthe Sa'ints11nd Angels in hc2uen, but filch as crucifiedIhejkfbwilh Ihe "ffeElionsand!ufts,Gal. is like vnto it: for _this note ofcomparifonhere 1 5'.24: ·, .,. ·· ·~··">· imports alikencfic :mcl.rcfcmblance_,and not 4Fourthly, we mufi.n~t liue inordina.tely,but cq\1ali'tic. . ~i,~rderly in that fort \vhich God in~Op1c~~ ..ChriHians Now this likcndfchnc !lands in 4· things : in his word: cu·criCOne mufi haue'a'double cal_: Fit"fl, in chenr~fs~lnej]e and lPillingmJJC , fOr 1he ling: the general cal!in,g ofaChri{ti5.,common D holy Ange~s obey the commandemcm of God to all ·that line in the Chl)tch, :concerning fi.edy,and rcadily,wirho•tt 1n11rmuring or conthe Ceruicc of God, in rightcoufncffc ·and hotlrainr: for this caufe they are .faid to cflmeand Hncs;& a paninilar lawfull callin-g ,-in fc:me fct ft~-md before God, Job, 1.6• .-!Nd robeholdhkface, ftatc oflif<:,tCding to the goodof ~he ChUrch, Matth.t ~,to~ to c~prcffc their vohtntaric fcr- ~t::~~~~~~~- ,\icnce:v t!1el'in;;ch. c.ammon \.\'Cftlth, or f.1mily, wherin a m:tn muH uicevmo God,and fdhouldGods children o~ glorifie God in chcgot:>d.ofmen: rhis is ro Iiue be.y God, as' Paul fpcakcth of 1> Philonons bebJlblcm •+· in order, ttnd he that w:mteth both, or one of neficcncc, il 'f''ft" not has it n>ereofurccJlitie, thde,!iuesinordinately,for God woul_d hau( cb11t wifli,.gfJ. As in the cafe ?f Almes-giuing _, llery m:m to abiQc in that vocatio~ wherein he cGod~oud f!. ch/frcfu!lgiffcr,!o in all obcdicri.ce, c 2 .c.n 1 . 7 • hath called him:euery one therefore according he like! o. chrrrtfcrlll01nf-; ~nd therefore hee to his gift and gr:~c'e rtcciucd of God, NJUH faith, 11 if Ihtre hrfirfi A i»J/ling mindc, it i-s ac- '' :.Cor.S. line in~ la\\·f-i.tll calling, and He that doth nOt ccptcd accord,ng ro that aman hllrh. ]n tl11s refo, rcliftcth Gods will. Vihcrrby wee fee ga1<i, Peter bcfollghtthcEld(l s~ c to fcetlc t/,e e 1.Pet.~,'l. th:~t wandring bcggcrs are not tobee fuffcrcJ floc~ of God, rirpendzng tm them, ~.,d ro c4rc for ~n. Church or co111monwcalth; for they liue tt; n9t~} cottjlramt, but wtl!mglr; not forjiltht: Wtthout any calling, and iO uanfgre.ffe Gods l11crc, bmof a nadzc mmde- and the A})Ofilc . - . --- ----- --------.~~4----------- Pm:!