Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1~z. I C?.An Expojltio11 ofChrtfli_ _ _\~~·:.h.6 . drme qur folHCJ, z.nd relic "vholly on our <\:mi- A flwnourablc,andthcrforc in zcal.e ofGods glo~·1 !our Chrill le!us for life o.nd J31u:ttion: Ioh. 6. I ne, a11d louc to our br,thrrn, we nmll b~ gric- ! 40. This is th~ wiliof Cud, that he thatfoeththc ued .., hen others fin ne Thus \\·as D :tuid affc.. IjiHne, and b~lceuerh in him, jl;o:1!d haue cuerdcd, Pial. 119, ·qo. andPnul. 1 , Cor. 1 2 • 21 • laftir.,~ lift: and I wi/lra!fo him vp ar the !Aj! d.fJ" I [e.1relcaftwbm l.•orm'7.m:oyo;~, Tn)' God ah.'1fo l The third is ourf.mU,ficarion in foulc, and bome.eamo11g _pm, an41fba!tbewnile m.-r"l of them !dic,:lndfpirit: 1.Thdf.4. 3· ThisUthewillof thath,.ftefinrtednlrea4it-, · -f.. [ God,eJJen)'om·fan£lification. ThcfounhJ is that z. Vfl. Gtacnr~/Jcd(Jired. · -~ cucry one rh::tt li·ucs in the Church of God,be.. As \\'C :nu{t bc ...vailc the w::ms that hinder o~lires fH-· fide his gencr:1ll callingofa Chri!Han, f11oUid the doing ·of Gods will in our fducs and 0 _ ~~~~c~J~~~ I hauc :1. p4niculdr en/ling to li:tctn, "'herein he thcrs; fo we muH ~irre vp our hearts vnto bea- ' mu!t ferkc the gloric ot'God,in the good ofoue.nlydcli1•es after thole graces \'\·herebyGods lthcrs : I. Cor. 1· lO, Let eJU1'J man abide in the will may be_ done. As hrfl:, that .,.,.cmayhauc 1 ~me voctttion whcrci11 bee U called, and therein grace to detue our fclue,., our ov.·ne \\ills and . ll74/k_: n:ith God, v. 14. The fift h part of God~ ! affections.: for naturally we arc herein vnlikc will, is to fubi~Uour folHu vndcr the hand of :... God, an.d ukethe dcuill: and this muH cuery God in :1.1l cruflCs and afflictions ""'h:ufocucr: B one !carnc that woul~ be Chrifis D ifciplc, 1when the brethren at Cef.trca faw Pau!J refoluLuk. 9, v. 2 3• . I rion to goe to Iernf.'1lctn, norwithftanding Secondly, that Cod ·would incline and dif- ! the bonds rhere rcmamcd for llim, theypoCe our hc't~trts towards )lis holy v..ord,rhat we ! f.aid (as it 'ACre.' expounding this petition) 7 hf m~y nm ~>ncly kf!ow, but obey Gods reucalcd : ~Pill of the L""dbed,nc, Act" I. I 4· · \\Ill. TillS w>s D411iM vfuall rcquell_, pf. 1 lm, Ob:di(ncc ! Bedonc ]·Accorcling to the Scr.ipturc there · 119.27. Makfmttovndnfland~hewai'csofrb, two.fold. be two degrees eff\oing Gods v'l:ill; the firfi is' ufi~moni_u: and 36. lnclint m; h(ll'l't vnto th; Euangdi;;:tl. prcfcribcd i_n tht Gofpcl, to wir, a fincere CHtl'jl:monres. for hovo: f110uld we doe the will of I dcaU;our and lldfe according to all the pov,·er God, vnlcffc we know it ( and how fl 1 a]J vvc of gr:lcetb:.t Cod hath giutn vs, to doe the knovdr, vnlcffc our hearts aft"cc1thc mdmcs ~ will of God i and thisefpni:dly is here mcam. of grace an<l of obedience. ! The fccond is c"mmanded in the Lav,•,and it is T1)ird:IJ', th:u G0d \-\ Ouid h:-dlcn that time ! a fulfilling of Gods wil,doing that v-;bicb God and ! ~'nto. vs, '"herein '"c !hall pertCtHy con:mandcth in rhat manner of' perfeCtion doe the \\ Ill of Cod: that is our fiate ofgloric. ·whi~h he con\m:mdcth: bur this is not anain'cd Fourthly, that vndca· cucry croffe \vhich vmo in this lifc::md rhetfore om tlcfirc of God C Cod l11a_JJ l:Jy ~pon vs, \\ c may poifeffc OIJr itt'this petition is, that he \\ Ould giuc vs graCe, foulcs With patience, and fo fubicCtour fclucs finccrcly ro cndcauour to doe hb ..,hcle v. ill 1 J to Gods abfolute will. Thus Paulpraycs in : here on earth, and to h;;llcn that time and !late I bchalfc of the Coloffians, that God .,. 011 td vnto vs, wherein we fl1al doe it pcrfcflly a~ the , flre11gthm,thcm /J; t~e_f.OWerof hi! might, vnro Law requires. i r.// patzmce llndlc>,g[uj{ering withiU.Jfn/nu,CoJ. l, J/fc. to bt bclVai/cJ buth , •• I 2. in vul·folucs tmdoohcrs. Fiftly, tl;at God wo~ld turnc the licans of !; ,J. Thispclitiontcachcth vstobnYailc our 1mcnfromhnnc,andbnngthcm cuery where natur"ll dHi)of!tion, "' l~creby ,..,.c ~re prone to. to the obcdien~.:c ofhis w~ll. rebell >gain it the will of God, bccing "holly J· Vfc. Dutic; to bepraf!i{ed. bent to difobcdience in doing that ,~·hich is c.. Bccaufc \-'I'C mull fcckc io pra8ite that which Dutiesfu~~r oill. we aske in prnycr,tl1creforc hcrt·by v..•cari alfo ~~~~!i~n~~~ I I. \Ve mPtl be" a1lc our n::nurall hypocri- _ taught to cndcauout our fciues ~ftcr thcfe lic,eoen that"'' h1eh 1 emmneth 111 vs afirr gtace I good duties ; Firfi, to priJOH~ wht!t r! rhegood I reccJUcd;:: for thouoh '-''C m:1y fay thcfc "'01ds, I willof GodJandaccrptrr61e, Rom. I 2 .2. \•Vc mufi yet Vo.f' can not pollibiy hauc our hearts afkClcd D by often trial! of our ~Cl ions by the word of '" 1th fnch a pn felt ddirc after <i>bcdicncc to · God, become expert in Gods will; vfc in nli Gods wil-l as we ought to hauc. things makes perfeCt, nnd therefore in all our I I I. Though we hane ncuer fo much grace, affaircs\vcmufl confult with God,whctherthc yet here '"'C mull: labour and bcwailc our'-' ant thingswe goc :lbout be :lgrecable to his will. of obccitencc in all good dutics:for though""" Motl men wtll h:wc an eye to the b \\es of the giuc our fclurs to doe good things,yet rhc bell land in rheir ciuill :lffJirrs,a::. in buying and fclofvs all failc· in the mann<r ofdoing ofthrm,as ling; and'' hy fliould ''-'C not be a:. wife for our J in hearing rhc word, in rccciuing the S:tcrafoulcs in the mattersof God? Doe ""e not dif .. mcms, and prayer; fo as we mU!l be humbled feJnblc \o\·ith G ocl, when \\'C fay with our ' for 011r wants, !lnd confdfC that we arc vnprotongues, Thy wiUhe don~, ::llld yet in life and j firable fcruants, .,.,·hen we h!!uc done all t·h::ttis conucrf:nion, hawc no regard to fquarc our .<Oml)l:tndcd vs, Luk, , 7. ro. \vorJ.:es thereby? Sc~.:ondly. we muft bcwailc tl~e (.innes of.o... 1 'Secondly, \\emufi be fhH~l: in the matter of I tl1er.s, whnc bythey dif<'bcy thc·w1 ll of God, linnc, making ~onfriencc of curry euill \\ay p. 1 a~Hl fo rcbcl~g:.i11~~-him; hereby God IS diyea, cucn of the f:~~ot.ions !nto finnc, that !.;_-___:...___________ ____ _ __......__.___ r.cucr ~.