Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Sermon in the c9v.f our#. [ "' 7 ------~~~~~~~~~~7" ' doe. The Ctxt coinmandcrilent f.·tith,Thou {halt A 1 r. This petition for our 0\.VO bread,tcach~ 1 1 A lawftll ul1 not kill; wherein the Lord inioynrth vs by.all· Cch V5 that cucryon~ Oiould haucalawfull c~l·, Jin:,: uc~crl"~ (.; good mc:mcs to prcfcruc our owne :md our ling, and thtrdn fo imploy himfclfc, t~at n~ ne. · neighbours lite. And this we may doe for two maycati:hi• own• bread, 1. Th~!f.J: I i. No I j caulcs cfpccially: firft, that "''e m:1y doe ali the ~n:m oUght to liuc out ofa_bwfu1l calll~g '· no~ 1 : good WC can to the Church' Co!lltnOl_lWC:t.!th, s·~t idJely therein }tl~c matter ITJI;l/t b~millidlc- :llld family whereofwe arc mcmbcrs:fc~ondly, ndfe om ofhis family; and th-e magilhatc out that \Ve.mly h:mc a fufficitJlt time to prepare ofth~ corilmonwe:l!th:.vagrant pcriom. ought I ourfflucs for hcaucn: for death will come, and not to bee tokratca, for fuch ~atC-riot thclt I the day of iudgemcnt; and after death t~rrt W · ownc bread, . ,· . . . _, , £cclc, 9 .1 a. l nowiftdom~, norcounfoll, work!, nor in-.;emi<m: I I I. Here i• condcmncd..all fra~d;imullicc:; 1 ~2~~~::~;~tf; therefore now muHwe: prepare our fducs for and cruelde, in the getting of tempot~!l bkf~ ! God, that \\'C m::~y be rc3-dic w n:j;:ciue him &J: Gllg.s, for vvc pray for our o...+t1c biCad; but ~ha~ , his comming; ::~.nd he that is prepared for the which is fo g:otten,is not ouf ~Wn_c,b_ut others: Lord hath Jiucd ,,·ell and lon.g enough, bu.~ . neither wil the gamdlcrs gain, _Oor that whi~h without this·our life is [pent in vainc. . B 1 is got by loucrie, fiand with tbis petition ; tor Ho 1 .,.tempnI I I. Poinr. VVhofe bread doewe pray for, I this is not to labour thC thing that good is, a.s ~~!~,~~~~,s ottr ownt,not other mens, But how doth brcacl the Apofilc rcquireth, Eph. 4· 18. neithe-r arf or any other temporall bldling become ours I they fanc\ificd mcanes ofgetting.0!1.lfthis, .Anf.Firft;when we haue true right theretohebread beour owne j what ncedc we to askc it? fore God:fecondly,when we hanclawfull pofA'f. Wc askc it for twO eau le> tho.ugh lt bee fdfi.on thereof before 1ncn. Our right before our own.:: for in bread there be tw.O things;thC: I ' God is ncedefull,for wcloflall in Adam,and fubllance of bread, and U,~ p!ciling of God 1 haue rccouery ofour right in the crc:auucs tln.. thc1·ein, which in Scripture is called ;t rheflafi • ~~~3.i. Jy in Chrifllcfus, when by faith we become, which is that venue and power therc:- 1 his members:.. 1 .Cor.3.: 2.. All thiwgJ ar~yosrt, in, wb.ifcby it no11rifhcth: for herein it farcth 4'-'d J"H a1·e Cbrifts. And ye~ for all th1s:, the with bread, as it doth with an old man, take :1,; child ofGod may not vfe all· things as his own w•y his !\affc, ancj he cannot fland bnt fal!othi· : though he hauc right thcteto in Chtifl, vnle!fc fo take away Gods blefling from bread, and it ·: by Gods prouidcnce he hauolfo lawlull nght be(omcs vnprofitab\e, and nourilheth not;. 1 <hereto or po!fcJlion thereofbcfor" men, as by Now becauto wee ma¥ haue the fublto.nce o( lawfull gifr, purd1afc, labour, or !uch like. In- C b1·ead, and ytt want the bleflivg vpon it; wee: deed right in Chrifl isthcchiefcfltit!e, but yet moy haue our garners full, and yet be poorc : ri_ght before men is alfo n~cclfarie: for Chrillii wee b""'1 t4tt mulnorbtforirjitd i iill,our b~!- h Hia.a.&. libenie doth not abolilh good order in ciuill lies, and yet be hungrie, therefore we praie to eflates, but eltablilh them rather: Cbrift is no God for bread: that fo we may hauc hot oru:Jy cnemie to Ccfar, & therefore the Scripture inthe fubllancc, but the bldlipg of.Qod thetrioynes eNnJ man ro taUhUownt/Jred, :.Thdf. withall: for which caufc Princ~s muft as well ;.·r>. thatis, fuch w.h.ereto hee hath right in make this petition as thepoorcfl bcggers. Chriflby£lith,andalfoinioycthbyGodsproIV. Poinr. For what time doe wee askc uidcnce in fomc honc_il: meanes allowed ofmC; bread :notfor a mont'th or 3 ycare _, but for :hie for by good orders dhbliJhed among men,we J..;,as Luk! had it,accordi".l to rbeda;,Luk.l 1. •re put into po!feJlion ofthofe things whereto 3.that is, meet and conuen·ienl for thi• prefent we haue right in Chriit. day. ~~:~~alJ~n .Thevfo.l. Here wee lcarneto recdue our Thtvfo. In this circumHance oftime,we are· bread from God, or any other tcmporall b!c!. uught; firll, to bcwailc our diflruflfulnelfe in fing we eni.oy as a fn:it of Chrifls paffion; and Gods prouidcnce for temporal! bleJlings, as indecdc ChrHl crucified is the fGundation ofc~ 'D foodc, raiment, &c. ucry good gift and b!cfling of God. As for inSecondly to ackuow!edge Gods ,particular I lidells and wicked men "ho po!fc!fe and vfe rrouidcncc vpon vs fro day to day, wherco we:' many temporall blellings, it mufl be graumed, mull depend and ea(\ our (dues continually for that they haue right thereto bcfor~ men: but all things necdcfull, though we fee no reafrin yet hauing no part in ChriH crucificd,they wit thereof. Thus did Abr~ham,whe he w~s about I the true fOundation, and fo arc no be-tter then to facrifice his fonne; for ·when lfaa'- asked, v!urpers before God, for which one day they wb..,.cio rht facrifce? .A~r•h•m an[wcrtd: my mufl be called to reckoning. Ifthis point were fonnc,Gcdwillprcmdt, Gen. 2 2.8 •. and fo he did, lcamcd, men \.vould fhc\ovc more confciencc in verf.J )· whereupon Abr:aham in mcmoric of getting and ~1ore reucrcnce a~d thankfulneffe this fingularworkc ofGods prouidcn,·e,called in vGngGods temporail b!dlings,tloeu vfually the name ofthe place, lchcvah ijmh, God will they dot::there would be IdlC riot and c"ccfle pro11ide,Y.14. A mofi worthy prdidcm for cue.. in diet 2nd atrirc, ~nd Idfe abufcof all Gods ry man in the way ofobedicn(c,to d<.'pend \'Pcrcaturcs; for the mcditati6 ofthis.pricc ofour on Gods prouidencefor all things necdfi.1l, <'ll- . rcO.itution, would re-flrain<"\'s fromdilhonoudcauouring to fee his difpofing hand m all ! I ril_lg_9od i:'_~y of h~:.0.':'T~g'-s. ______...:...: ·•c...h:cc ings that fall out t\~od pr ba~'~- I ---- _____Thirdly,_----·