Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ~i: . C!AnExpojitionofchriJls . . ~:~~:~·6.1 ... mndC:ut.e Thirdly,to modcr:lt~out nrc iti feckin.g.for A · alfo. And indeedhere we are b~r fia.,,·ar<fs ef 1:::--:-- '""""h" h bi fli of I . l"C '-" "-I . G " ' . !Jf::. • t c c ngs t ltS ne :<\vc mun 1~auc ca-re to I o\ls tcmpor.:J.U l>leHings, and .thtrcforc n.'"Y . '""C'"d J?~Otli?e tbi!lg,s ho~1cfi. and ll?Cdb~iC ; and llOt i1_npJoy then) 3~ WC \\·jJI, but for his glotit ;:;~1';~~,, tor dns cnde·mull ncrnfe our-tducs 111 the vlc. who IS our ab(olutc- lord: now his dircti.iEHl i.s ) of b\\'full ' nfdancs ~ othcrwi(e we fhall t~mpt to·this cffctl;th:u firH, we fl1ould glorifie God. 1 God; bu~ ye\ om-: c~rc muH ~e fo moderate"' with· our .rc:n'}porail S?~ds,. i~>:ploying thern ! rhat we li'tl1 drpcnd vpon our hc:tucnly fathers for the mau1tcnancc of h1s wodltir and of true 1 ~-~~e :l.nd p~duiGCIICC for vs)who biddcs vs a-s_kcrciig.ion. Secondly, that ~vc fhould i.nlplo~ chC l.1m breatL fOr cuf'ry day: and thus \fl'ce!l:r.l.U -for th€ comm.on _good, m cbe rclccfe ot the h:1uc enough,when as diihn!lful and imn-t~t·' povrc, and other n.ccdf:aic duties for the com..: .:h-otl.uf. n=c c:uc !}.all hclpe vs- }l(lt-hing. \Vhcu ,he c I I:'J'!Oil wealth·. Thirdly ,. that we ihoN>ld pi'O-'- t8•19• Ifr.·ulttcJ liucd by M:tnna, whrch God gaue ukk for our ownc, ef}~e£ia-lly th<'tno.f-our fa~ them from heaU'Cll~ they \\"C\"c co!r:o).aundcd t0t:'l;~ly,t~a-~ we 111ay !iuc in FCacc and qulttndfe;, . g1.thcr but fO·r one day, and to rdcrue non<: of a-nd fo -the beHcr prepare out: iitltics for chc~life it till the morrDwc;whcrcb-y God wou-!d-~~-ach n to £0H1C, .. r them to deflcl'lde "?Cri his- d<tay prouidcncc:.. f!" I. Poh1t. From whommufi \Y~c Jacket~ \vhi-cO whi-le thc}r did , th-cyh3d fufficicm, Jnd scc:iucour brcad;:n~amely from God :for wee drat whid1 w:ts good~bt1~ when through couefay VRto him that is eu:r. f3.ther in ChriG Giiu toufiH:tfc they v.:ould nccdcs gather more then 7/J : \vhich ~cachc'h \1S•,. that though we'behi!; f~r the day, ·:an~(~ rcfcrucd_ofit tiH the morchilctrcn, :md !0 h:\Ue right t-o t.crnporall blefmng, Gods cuxlc l'rght \"pon tt; d for i-t J"Pa&-[u!l fitig-s, yet whatfoc:.u.£r ·we rtaue,. w~: mdl know Id ..,_ of worn:.~ I ofiul.flm:k$ :a-t"'d ~f1.ct'i"V3Fd w~cn they lt c'omcs from God, and muH r~!!eiuc and vi~. it -' bcg<lnnc_t9'di-llihc ~'$:1·11:1:1 ,. a-nd-were not <::onas frem his hand. An(l dus we Jih-aUd<:>e i.fwcC ' eNUmo 1 r.4. tent with ht9-p,rou1.d~ncc) but c /;tjf"ed,tfttYflefo, fanCHfic the creaturesofGod vmo our t~mpo-. I s.,a;r.o,cionofour· . loodc:. ' I : /j~ "•ttf( t"iiWt/teir d~Jire, hm JVitha!Lhh· rvrarh fe-'ll rail vi~: f-or Clleric c.:rcature ofGod~is goaai if vp~1t thenfi.wYHic-Ihe.ftcJlrrvaJ b# wecJter.heir teft'h ic be fanC'tilicd in his vfc. Now the crcatur.e<is. ~~:~~~;;iJ before itPJ.1ip:he;v1d, v.3 ~· it will be with f:mtl:ificd noc as !Dan is,\'t'hcn the ipirit ofG:ed /an~lifi~J. vS·If wee dH1:ruft inGod: but if '"''C lcarnc lnd vwrkc[h in .bim) abo!Hl1ingcorruption :md r.e.... . praCtife this drpendai1ce on Gods- p=anicn.Jaz;: ~cwi-."'lg grace; noTyet :ts the cknlems in the: : r,rouidcncc, \\"CC fhall h:~.ut cxpcrien€e ofh~~ Sacrammts arc fanCNficd:, whi-d1 2Fc·fet t~part'" .. gOodndfc, thoHg-h ord"inat'ie meane~ failc, cj... by Cod eo an holy &fpiri-nmll'vft, 10 be fcalcs th-crby fi.1~ply;as Hking.17.6. or by p:ui~m:c and pledges of grace; but wflca R iS. t1_1adc fi't to·D-carc:~hc-w~~l~:;; , ' · a C ' to eur '-Cmporalll Eiui-ll vfe, whi'h 1s done FoUrl:b!y, hd~ '"'t-chtn:e 3. good grotmd of fb the word tutd pr.arcr, r.Tim.i. 4· Where,.. , rh:tt hory1'ra'Ctrfe of'G6ds.children fanc\ifr>n_gby theworrl i~meanc; firil, rJ,. word •f cn.:r;.: their m•etie'and urinkc by prai« and chan~fg•J "", whereby God in the beginning firrccl luing: fof hc~c we ~r<: taughvtopray for tempotha creature tOr .man_s vfc '.. anci ·g2uc .. him c~n.l.ti>Jo raU blc!Tings-, 2nd thqref0r~e wh<tn we hauc thC power and foucra1gnt1C oucr 1t : fccon~ly; rhr and vfc then\, we ll1ould glorilic Godbypraywo>·d of reflirurion, whereby after ·•~e fall and er and'thanlt(giuing for his- bkffingvpon thC: a~cct: W-e £lood he granted ~nto malllhe v.fc.of 1 rhc realon he-r~of-is grcu: for fidt, hereby we h1s crmt.ues,_.Ccn.9·3· tl11rdly, the word ofrhe are dill:i-ngui01<!d from bruic bcafls , \\'ho Hue GoJPdCOilCctning eur ChriHt:ln IibeNy-whcr...: vponG0ds·bleffings,eut yQ.t coa·nnot pr~5t.him in he h:Hh,inb.rgr:d· oar vf.c in tbe·crc-aturcs .of I as man may doe : fecondly, hereby we tdlifio <2od; Act. 10. l 5. And bypraytr, w.e ·de/Ire our right and'interei·~ i~~t:O Co<ls creatures.. by God to glllc hiS'powcr. vnto·the crcamres,anJ Icfus Chril'l>, 'iNhich \1\'C JoR- in Adam, fur true his blcfling vpon them t(<) fcruc for our gov& praicr is afruitc of faith, and by fai-th \~care atH:i comfort; as.atfo.· to giuc vs grace to receiac made partakers of Chrift Icfu~: thircily,fiu.-h is D Ehe~ :ts-from his band; at~ld tli> vfc t_hcm ~o his our corruption by n:Hure, that we arc pronca glonc. Ifv-.c could lcarncand praCbfc thls_duabufc all Gods bldlings , and therefore wee rie, we fhol1ld hauc more comfon in the crca.- muftpray for 4Jracc to vfc thC moderately and tures then yet wehauc ; yea it would rdlrainc: thankcfully. 0 ' vs from-fr-and, (.lpprcffion, cruchic, and ·from Fifd'y,hcrc we may lc:unc how to frame our. p~idc and vanit:_i: iu getting :md yfing all Gods da!lypra.icrs to Gorl, for this drcumHancc of blcili11gs : for 1t we '"'ere pcrf~·adcd that all . time mull be referred to·cuc:ric petition; and temporall blcffings came from h1s hand, how therefore this muHbe our pn~fifc, c~1cry day durHwe fin ne ag-ainfi him either in getting er to pray for grace to glorifie Gods n':lOIC, to vting cfthcn~? .... yccld obedience eo his \-V ill, to hauc ou1: finncs Scc~ndly,.tn t.hat af~cr our l~bour :1nddJhforgiucn, and fO for rhc rdl. gc~1cc mour cal11ngs we mufi: fl!ll pray to God V. Poiht. For whomdoe weaskcbrcad;not to giu~ vs bread,we mofllc:~rnc to t?hferuc that for o'ur [clues -:1lone, IJm {or our brt:thrcn; GiHc ot·d~r ofcau(rs \\;hieh God h~th fet in the p:o· I v1 : which fcrucs to reach v:; Orothcrly loue, ducmgof :~ll_tcmporall ble~Jngs for thls hfc: js bountiful towards others feeking their-good bour and dthgcncc there about arc fec~naanc 11lc:orJcrofl uufc:sintC:· poralibJd· fin:;s. I which !""c-cktth not her ownc·tOings onely, but for not onc~y foodc and r:m:;cnt , but ou; 1~- - --·· . -------------~~~-~"'---