Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Mdrrh.6. Sermon in the ~Qunt. - - --~-i3St I v.u. - I caufcs dcpendm~,.vpon the blc.ffings of God~ IA for outw~d thmgs, thatthry ftHJH!d n"tf~boH~ ~ --- l wluch' 15 the firfl ~utC of all di(pofmg 3r1d ollj 1 f f~r that frod~ wh:ch p'rrijheth r4l:ng tb~l~n, 1Nl! ! 1 dcring all things ynto goodndf~.:! t~r it cortlcs--j ; lfo:· t1Mtwf:s~8 md:ert~h ~mo (JU'r/~1ng l~fc~ lea.:.:/ from God chat mcatc doth fccde-vs, and do~-· i l !du;_g cl~c..n trom?oddy c~r~ ~md laoourjto Ehat•! thcs doe kccpt vs wanm::.Ifhc f:;y ·mtoHoncsp1 1 wluch·Js.hdau;nty an~.f~uinuall. . - : . . 1 . become bread, they i11alltCedcv.s; Mauh, 4·4~ I To ~~mc_to thcpcn_norr,_ whcrcmwe; ;v1lL yea, in the want of bread heC> can prcferue h~tH.tlc,hrtf,tht!' nccdfiu~of tt : then th_~_~mca..:·~· frrength for many daics, Exod. 34· 8. and 1.. mng;.and hHl}' t~e. v(eg~ . 1 • • .•.:. • , : king. 19. 8. yco, ifhc fpeakc the word,poyfon ' For the firll: Thts pemton m•,Y fecmc t<>.be. /hall become bread and nourilh vs; but \\lth-· t nc~dldfe~f<>x.thcy that;mkcu arc Gods dul~ ..~;" • this blclfin•' nothing can doe \'S good: Pfa..• drcn, wbo haue 2U thl::'!r finncs, •· . ·.,,; .. ~. 0~7 1 1 Exc~pt rhe Lord ~Jtild rht hori'c rh<y ' .boch paH,-prefcnt, :ind to come. Anf This in~ Wh( Osi&J .. '· I [., •' • 1'' . d 'd oL h . . f o ·d Ch!horc.l laboHr j;J ·z:ainetht?.t build it; WC therefore thuH. I ~~ c mu_H._t}~ t cdaiely pet!UOll 0 al! ~ .~ rnu!l~JI!y ' ., lcarnc to relic vpon Gods prouidtnl'C for a·. t'htH:ircn 111 thts world, and the nccef!iuc. bi r.t rw .orplr• blcfling on 3ll our.I:abour :mJ Hudi'c, and W21t I is g~eat· ; fot hm\{ocucr i~ the pmpoLc...~£~o? od. for his bldTing in a!( thcmeancs wcvfc for our OJ./ a~J J:nnes arc ,pardoned to tr~l~ h:icc~crs;.~ea~ [ good and comfOrt/or he is our lifc,our health, B ::~..1 hnne:; pal'trcpcnred of, n.c io te~rgiu;n,umc t andprcfcru:mon. • I ! they lhaH neuer be -agamc 11Tipmcd: finnc~, • ~ 1 pn.:ltm,:m(i to ca.neJarcnoc aCh.z::~llyp-<lrdtmCJ V. U. d ndforgrtte 'IJI OUr• 1 1 \lull they berepcmcd of Tlm cxpcncnccrtl<h– J b f, · _; b ' I cch, for wbo canf,de the affuran<'c ofrmercto l ae tf) Ill 'fPCj orgtue OUf ue ~ • ifo< any r,;mc commmcd,befocc hc.l~a"e iepi:n• ICTS . . I red ofit)and though tmc repentance oncchad; • ict VIS fOr-rucr mGods fauour, yet tt mu!l bcc'l I. Tk Coherence. ChriA: hau!ng- taught vs da1clyrcnnc.d for our daaciY f211s,or cls \\C C<i\1- \ in the fo:.mcr pctttiOil to pray for tcmpot::dl 1 not !wow lt;to be ttur. Hence 1t 1s, that P11rd blc.ffings, & for grace to rehcvpon Gods pro1 ,mtrc:tt:Srhc-S.atnts of Go~m Corinth {thOugh I Uident difpcnfauon for [he thmt;s of this: life, j dH:y 'had tl'ucly rcpCnred :it their cortuerfi ... doth m tlus penuon and the next, dm:C1: vs to I on) tQ hu reco1Jciled vnto God; 2• Corinth~ aske (pmtuall blcflings for our fdues, to \\'It, 5• 10. mear'ling, b}' ren<:wing their rcp·cn• rcmillionof ourfinncs, and flrcngth againfi ranee. Ans! D11Hid was the true cliildC of tcmptaiion:andthc realons ofthi• order is this: Goll, yet beting'lefcvnco himfclfc , hecf~ll Chrifl rriakes the former petition a flcppo'vnto c ,. into two gricuouS finnes,wherein he lay~hpofi thefe; for a man mufi rc!t vpon Gods prouia whole yeare whhou·t repcntailcc; during£11 dt:nce for the Prefcruation of his bodie, that '"·hich time:, he had not pardon ofrhein aetunl~ will relic vponl;t.s mcr.cic fortbcfaluat.ionof ly; for JVatban rebuked him to bringhimto' his fo.ulc; he: th- cannot be petf.,.vadcd that repentance, and vpon his confefTion,pronOO'n-t God "ill giuc him bread, will hardly be·r<folced them pard<>ned : yea, and Dauid hiinToifc ucd that hce will forgtuc hi1n his finncs. · afte[ward, fdt the fuller a1fura:nce of mcrcic td !~~11~~~~ Where, firfr,...•c maynote "'·hat is the faith his foulc,tnofl earncflly intrcatcdpardon here.. or worldlings: th<y doe nottrull in God for of •tthe h2nds of God, Pfal. 5'. So thattb" foodc, raiment, and other tcmpor:.tll blcffings; petition is moll ncccifarie, as· well for aC:lual1 how then can we fay that their faith is found pardon of iinnes prcfcm, asfor thc·mbr<: full for eternan mercies? Ifay. -z8. 16. He rh~tt beaefurnnce cf !lnnt"s paH. -, luueth lVill 11or m11k§ lutft, bu{) ,,.ill flJy Gods The mcaniug. Th!s petition i! propounded lcafurc, waitiugfor his blctiings whereof hec in rheforme of a compadfon, · nawrally 1 flands in neede: But is th!sthe pr3Ctife of the fiaudcth thus; As Wt'e fo~-giru: our dd,ters, fo \ world?noverily:for.lcc a crofiC c:omc, and men fm-giHe thou to vs our debtJ: and it h:ath two will not O:i eke to vfc vnlav-.-fuil mcancs for D parts, a rcqudl for pa.rdonJand a rea(on theretheir ddiuerancc:.&: fo they deale, when hope of; Our_rcqucll for this; Foj~ltt•.vs of gainc is offcrcd,makint; little confcicncc of ourdebts. In thcv·:orddebris a figuradttc .k·ind.c I fraud,lying, opprdiion,& making l1afi offpcach,takenfrom bargaining, \Vhdrcin60d tobe rich, theyoucrrunne the prouidcnt hand is refcmbled to the CrriliroHr, Mmz is-•r!_l·edcb... 1 ofGod, that would lc_ad them by ordinanc 1 ttrr thcL?.W is the bond qr o,bligarion; ""/ lawfull meincs. is rh:udebt of ours, for whi(.-h we Rand bmurd I B.ight •reof Secondly, hence we Ic:unc how to eniov \ to God bythe law: thi.~-appcareS by this,l::hat i,I~Ji~~~:l :md v!(: all tempor:l.Il bldlings,foodc, raunePt, I 1 in the EU3ngeldts thev ..-ord fmh~ andddJ.r arc ~~ne ~Je~t.l :md fuch hkc; nan1ely,'as helpcs a.nd rocanes to ,,fed promifcuouGy; as ~llk. r1. 4· COtllf! ~ c draw vs to\vards Gods mercte 111 Cht1ft.Thns with this of·Matthew~ 30d JJuk. t 3.-;4. No~:v d1d. Iacob,Gcn.:l8.lo. 21. !fGodw,!! be wnl; I finnc mal<eSV$dt0tc:rsvmd<iod, ll.Pt fortktt t mer., and gate me btead to eatcand clothes t(J p11t I v. e O\\ e 1t vnto l1un, for w~ at c bot:nd byd1~ I on,----then jlMfl th~ Lord btmy God; )on. 6. law to ycclci the E'Ontrark- obcc\tencc ;· but be ~; :7. Chuftbtdstho[cwl;omchtciMdfed mrrdcaufc vpon ~<kfaulc of.obedtcncc vnro G odi J r:.!!!!:!!J!1, vohcn they fm.1ght him afccrwatd \\ hrrcto v.=ict a1c bound by rhc law,;:wc ;tr( .,__ __c._______ ~~·------===N___t _____ ~ ------~~--