Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

] MAtth.6. i v.11.. Sermon inthe~ount. to renue our repcnta~cc, and to humble o~r A· we may obfcrue, that we ought to be H~cond..: fclucs for our !in11C-s, feeking for a nc.w fuppl1c: • l~d with our brerhrcn, \\·hcnfOcuer we goe tO of grace, ch:lt fo ourpurpofc not. eo hnnc,may / God inpraicr:fordfe,ifwe come in malice ~nd be more and more confirmed m our hc+ns; j cnuy cowards our brethren,we: curfe our lCiucs I whtch is the infallible f1gnc of :1 new ereacme. <~nd linne agatnll: onr ownc i?uks: Ih praicr we I The puatfe 11 I. Here we fee wherein the: praC'l.:ifc of·l bring the fan ifice of our hcatts·)and the c~lucS ~ftruece· true rcpcm:mcc ft:mdcth; n::uncly,in rx~n:i~lng Of our Iippes vnto God; bla betOrc we offer ic, pcnunce. mcrcic)louc,pcacc,rcconclliation,and forg!Uc- j we mufiruond/~ unrfeiH(J ':lntotJUr brctJ;nn, as I ncffc: for though forgiucncffc bconcly named, 1 we 0 11eud bcforC. .. . . I 0 ch:p'.r. yet vndcr it :~11 other fruits of rcpcnnnce :uc ! V I I. Here alfo we may fee the grofft: hypd:. 1 :• 1 1·. ~ vndcdtood. I1dccd cohcarc the word, to recri fie of our nature, for 10 (,~fr as \:·emake: rhis ~f.~.,:·~~;~;;;J! ccluc the Sacrament, to preach and pr:~y, be petition,,._,c m.. 1kc profdTion ofa·ctormation of ~nr:c. 'excellent workcs; but yet the heart of man life in new obedience, (for this on'c branchof 1 may 1110~C eafily diffcmblc in them, rh.en in.the brotherly .reconCiliation here profdfed, dorh' I duties o!thcfecond toblc: the moll mfalhbi< piefuppofeour cdtiuerfion from all finnc; fith I markc of true gncc, is the praClife o~the louc B i true rcpemanc~ for.onclinne/c:thhbt fiand I of God :n workcs of loue and meme to our With a purpo,fc to hue m any otncr.) And yet brethren: Iam.l. 17. PIIYe religio• Andvndeftled behold, though men fa/ this £raier often, yet b.fort God, u rovijittht farh<rlcj['t, &c. lain.3. lltll they contmue mthm old tmnes,as m bla(~ 11· The wtfodomt tiJtJt' u from ah_oHe, y firft pl~ctm~,drunkcnncffc,...~·hor:domc,oppr~ffion;: puu,rlunpraceahle,gentle, e~tfe to ./u-inH't~t~d, lymg, fraud,&:c. as t~ough lt w~r'c n()thm~ to_ foil of mercit and ga.d fi'uirr. And hence it "• d.!lfembl• with. God: bl!t God1s n.ot mocliM; rhAr lout 1; called rhe fulftUing of rhe '""•Rom. etthcr amend thy w!cked conuerfatron,or !<~~t 13 . 1 o. . . . . .. . offro make this hol{ profdliou. . . . Afruef.gllt IV. Clmfl kmttlngour forg1umg our bro- . ~I I J. In that Chnftt1ctl1?ur ~uueoff~:-~ ~~ri":r~:;;it, ·oFplrchm 9 f thcr,with Gods forgiuing vs 1 doth here atfoard £1Utn~our brcth~·cn, to fo :\'31ghuc :r coRdm.. fial\e. vnto vs a notable.t1gnc of par.dou of fi"mc.; on, as1s our forglllcncffe With God: hcrcbyhel namely, a ·readi.e and wiiJing nlinde tci forgiuc would acquaint vs with the hor.rib'lc crucltic6 our ,brother offending "s: o1,1r our nature,andproncncdfc tb rcucngc.:wc mutt , mercic in fupprefling the. defire of reucngc thercforctake notice ofit, & !abom· t<b fecond . when we arc wronged, giues aifutance to our to bcw:1Uc this corruption of oOt hearts; :ut& confclcnce that WC {hall finde mcrde 3.t.Qods C on the Other fide, tO hu1.gcr ofior louc, m(:r(ic;" hands: whercbyitisploine;rhat the:ehi!dof gentlendfe;meekcnelfc,alld to endriauour tl!r' God may knowhis ownee!lacr·beforc God;in prach!erhe fame cotlti~ually. ' . .: "·': . ·.. - , , • . regardo£bis·mcrcic iruCbiifl, cuenby dii(cn~ Lailly, ioync both parts of this petitio)) to.: 1 ~1d~~~.p~1 ding into his.ow11c heart,tndil\etc finding the gcihc'r, and they ·iliew.vs a way•how to kccpe , P"''·"'.:' :. affeCtiOnofmercy,infoi'giuing.thofe that M.uc trite p_eace·ofconfcknufor cnci; n:~~·cly,Firfif\ c'Jnfeu:'1~ .l wr.ohgedrum·:cand this we mu!l labour f6'r,,;f we. mull caUvpon Gbd foNhepa~d6n of 6ur: wewou!d:kn:ow Gods-.mttdc· i11 Chril\.to; be< finnes·euery day.Seeondly,wc rnullfol!pw of..:: l.o"g vntqvs.,. .. · . · · ' . ' ,. l • •cx.pcac<"with men;inthc prac1ifc.of•forgiuci!\ iJeSrtbi'rt. y. :v-..Heteby..We are atimontfhcd, to.=bew::m! nc,ffc and recondliatioo \'\•hen offc.nces grQ\''f,_.; W.c'niC'mUii' : in.our [cluc:siof the commonfrnnc of~'hiS)age, fQr"JVvhcil_wc at=e-oWbOC! With·God ail<hi1a~,w~ ~~ . buOo!dc&. i J~ra1fed in~ur nature; to w!r,dcfire ofrcucgc, haue a: b!elfed pd4c f and ·hence:. wil~ follow I .fptte;;lns\.grudgtngvpon cucr.y occafioll.: fo1 p.ea.~e·mour ownt;hoarcs, which tS chat peace ! ..l&hen wCpray.:mo God with fuch m;ltti.Qt.tS whi.dt!thc\.V,orld:curnOt ~riuc; whi~h'1\1.hitcwC:- r .lic-:lrts,we doemdfcCtdcfirc the Lord to cxc{.r. rctainc, w~ nccdc not to fearc any.coill, l1o tro4 :,.cif<: his wi'ath, and to :-cuengc his i.ufiict.O!) •VS. deathti•dCffc-:~for<i'f <SodbCw.i-;:,h vs.,.whO can ;\.Al'd vndoitbtcdly:many a man do.thf~ord'ully D h<a~ainllN.twr.l , : , , ·.,,,,, ., ,.,,, 'urfc.bitnfolfe:'inhis owncprlicrs., whilch.c:ts n }t1:'~!1~ 1Jtn· 'A. •:JrJ]1~.0/ .J - ....-, . )! 1 tP ::~ 'i_ctucUy minded to.wards his br.c.tht«l;~nd Go.d "'"'J{~l,~,r!.nu tt!{l,a '511,Qte}J,1! I ,ofteotimcs~althAmm tofuchcurf~s tnofiileta'ti®:'htt.t-delitier''PS.-'tfonl cuiU· l(~,!(dly,l~mg men arcf'o·theM)own ...... l i •• ·.l, ... . t !-/ . :., ,_ {Qul:s.towrfe tbcmfducs ~ and therefore, .v.·.e Thefe \\'ords.-~~ont®lC,thc ti::r andla&pcu~ cohnw,t. . :hadnccd.tol.ookctb our hc:lrt£ 1 .,.,·.ben we f>Jay tion, v'!hich Is not nccdcle!fe as. fomc ;-inay ·to Goil;.thot~t forgi11e,menJif weY.Jo.t!ld!b.: ~\>itlk,.,'l>ttt for'waighti< oauf'e )Ct>"ll.the .• · forgiucnof.G?d. ·" . ·. _ .. -i ~ ·t. ~;J) -:::. · forlncr, though{\ frt:ut·had th'c frui~io110~ aH '""c"1'·c ~ rV·.-J.Hcr.c}lOtCa gcner;1ll grc:ffc.:lbU~,in.t.bts the'graccs there dcfi~~ lJj) wit, Fi'rfl., to·t,cach ; r;;~!:;on. ~age: mofi .mcn \\"ill fcck(! to l>c rccotwHod to Y:S '"J\:h.o they be thnt;itc' JliQ(t tl:onb.Icd with ~~b~r~~~:~. : $h~ir brctllJtn, with whQm they arct.atv-arttcalpta.tiqns;,th:~t ..once, when th!:y come to the !.otds t~~lc:-bu't (et themfclucs to fceka In• i;loric, to addan<e <"'~all Qthcr·timcs they take th~~r pleafure-Jf~inh~s king~lotne, to doe hi~ \\~ill, i.o-dcp~ildivpo.n · ·k1ng.they tT):~.y well ~nough pcrforme all .other hts proutdcllcc,~ and tOJ rehe vpon· hrs !mcr:ae ch.:tics o~ religion, though they r~tainc ruali<:e fPtt:"bc rardon of ~heir Jlnncs; thcfc of.3H ·o~ .an(.\ cnm1tic towaH\a their brethren. BUt h..crc thc't~~ar~ .moft :fubicd to tcinpr~ridn, foi ~----~------------------------------------~l\1~3~·---------~----=- __ - beein~. Goit~ chil. •lrcnl""fl temrtcd.