Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

144 [ eAnExtJo'ition of Chrifls 1Mauh.6. --::-----:---.:-:--:----:---:---' ' 'J' ------,--- - -- 1, .. ,l. 1bceing cfcaped out of the Deuills fnare,hcbe- A he trie him. Thus he t.cmpted Ahr41uvnby the i--- - Hurcs hnnfelfe by .all poffiblc mcancs to bring off.:ring of his fonnc, qcn, 2 :z.. 1 ,2.and the If- \ them in againc: gricuom tcmptadoan doe a!- raelitc:t, b;{eHding falfc Prophets among zbcm~ I waics acco;npanic: rcmitfton of finnc, which is Dcut. .x 3· 3· And 10 tbi:t feniC aff!iCNor.t arc calioyncdwith indcJuourto g!orifieGodJas qoth lcdumptatiJ,s, Iam. .x, :~. bccau(e God uieth j the W(.)rd of God,and Chri{Han experience do man by affiitl:1on,as gold IS tncd in the firc:and fully wimdfc: which mufr. be well obfcrucd; :1.!1 thdCarcgcod,both ih rcfpcCl:oftheauthor, both to !by the mindc of thofcthat arc d.ccpc• whkh is God; and of the cndc, which b the ly humbled throughSatans temptations, thin"' good ofhis fcruants: Iob. z3. 10. He l(nowcrh king that they arc nor·thc children ofGod,bcm;w.:~; ltlld trierh me, and I fba/1 come forth IU eaule they ar,c fo trouble-d with finne and Sathego!d. An tui!lrcmptarion, i~ a wicked moti- 1 1 1. Euill. t:lf1, when as is dcanc comrane; for on, aliuremenc, orperf\vation, whcrebr a man fpidtuall temptations; ifthey be rditlcd v\'ith is prouoked to finnc ngainfi God in the tranf- • . godly forrow~arc r~uhcr a figne of Gods1ouc, grcqi6n of fome comm.and~mcnt, E:t:amplc~ ' bccaufe the dcuills hatred is moH toward them \\then a man is in difirefic, he {hall finde pro- ~ wbomC God loucs bcH; and on. whomc God uoc:ltions tojmpaticnCe, diArufi, and murmufb.e~es m~rcic; towards them will th~ dcuill · ring againfl God; as alfo to vfe vnlawfull cxcrc;ifc his·malicc.As alfo this difcoucrerh the B mcanes tohclpchimfclfc:and inprofpcritic,he tOll~ of thofc rhat footh vp tbcm!etucs in this fhall finde fundrie :1llurcments to prefltmc vpfqnd conceit, that qod fur.cly loues them, and on Gods mcrcic in fome cuill courfc, to nrg. t.-ltey are~decpC1i.n his f::mour, bccau[c they-. arc led the ·ordlnaric mcat1c~. of graceand fal~:~ad-- frCcd from:tcanprtttions; when as indeed they on; :ts the word, prayer, &c. all thcfc-:md ought ra.~hcr ~d ftiJj>cct th"Cmfduts to be vndcr like, are cuiil motions~arifirlg partly from our I the power of Satan} for whm the ftrong man o .. "·Iic con:uption,andpartly from tbc fug.gcfii.. .. a<m<dk;<pd•h<hold, the things thm /m ·p•J!ef011 oftHe d.,il,who by h_imfdfc;i•idoy his in- , [61.h.m~ i,zpcrtce, I I. 21 ...... ·hereby is figni~ Hrurriems, thliS drawmen frOm \hcirt fie~;<\;hcwh:kcd of the world bceing pof4uti< lo God: and thcfe cuill tempt:ltions be' fcffcd ofS-at-an~<'~re at thcmiClucs in rethey; .. ; bfch 'in thi~ pet'it.ion'vrC'p~y again'l.t. g~rd of t~f!1ptations;: for whnt necdes he to , \ If. Poi»t. ~hat js it to Be lead into tamp0~~~:c'~~ ttoubJ~'thJ:tU·vdlich arc alrcadic at his corntation? .An[... Aman is lead or t;anied (as the uull, htand? but lctt ~b(.m bcginne·to .rcpi::nr, and l:o words- imports) into ~cmptation, when the' f~ek.e merdd"or>th.cjr Jlnnes, w'i.tb cndeaubur" ~ temp.lation poffcffcth.him, ::md holds himafter to ~~~ue the"" ~pd thFy.lhall foon~ findoth~" c itliai:h affault<d·hi{TJ:for we muft,knbw that in Cods fauour is nme'nioye.d without tlic Clc'uflS] cuery'tc:mpt3tion tlterc be two a6,liohs; one 0¥ . _ , . mallc.e~ ~,,, 't.L "'< ; ~.": .... ,:~~·(J , .t. God, whereby inhis!iUiliudgcm~tndHe lcaucs ::;f~i~cf' ~ , S~con..dty;,;hi_s petitiQilJf. i~yrlcd M'\thih-.-: · amaniohimldfc;or to the malicelofS'Itan> 6''" · ., fpnl1<F,.to teachys, tbat,.. w.i:murt another, ofm'an rumfelfe, w hcn:hybccing.lcT' to:bcggllmctoie.:ind r-<rdQn.forou'r Gt\neS3lo( God, he cntens-'inro ' s:Cadie p:Ut; fP"l § •''Y<>.I.c;hful! raprcucnt' ter!ipmlon, as·it.,;lcre- pluogingdtilrl!Hfe-'inta fiones:t6.c.o.m.c:r;.b.c trat (aHh,EorJiflevt o~~r tu.. it, For the better concciuing hcrtoff \'\!e- P.lUll fpaffu, rnu!l p.s;ayal!o, noft.rrd;c leadthr4.u!np:.r. ku~·w_t!lat a temptation~~a~~ f?~·{c''d·c:g_~cc's~by, ~~~~~~lj ttztion : :1s \~~\~culd not.haueou~ whJcli'.n : procccdmh; .rull rt btm.ganunl'f!htO f f ·/1.··~" confcicncc:s pljickcd ,..·irh,,he fling oflourold dcflnrclion, vnldfC".tt be cut off;•to~'tVit;S~tgg•~ "'~tl:- 1 6nncs, 10 we -mull ,be carofull w.e fall no•inoq jlsan, D•lighr, Confenr, .and,P<if•ll-i~cfalm;ql,j them againc; hcithcr be oucECcmc: with new '!if.. -liS'·· Suggtj{iititt{iSnt ..•hcn the!Jlin~c~con'Cht~ tcmptadons. m. #.:-..r; :'b'l•;rf :... : .~.:. ucdra·wickcdd\ou:ghr.,put.inrbys:n-:m; orrari:.. • !' Tb~mcflmvg. The w.~rd.s~thcmTelueS~~on'.. fing from n~t.urall c-orru.ption; l)elighf;i~V.·fit"n taine one oncly pe-tition, (though fomc:Jtane f"i •the cui:lf\Hought concciUcd, :m'd'for~ttnferCth~gh~\othq;''.ife{ ~onGfling,o(.cwo,w-q~thc 1 D cairied ii1 t~mind;c, ·; defcei1deii1{'-f0 tbchCar~, , fit!Hs We cb!lbll rt fdfc, :And!MdQs~lt;nto ':;ndihcrcplaafetlithh•;iH,.attd·&ligh<iih-the ti~pt.o:{tion~~h~fcc~n~,-~s tllc,Slflllollti~f}le_r:.,~: --affeCtions i•Conf'ttii; i'S"\vliCll tb~·,. of, ifuf"'"'"' VJ fromcu& for meffect 1t" thus the·euilllMtion;--orithlre heor~r.dliluc·s to pr~ mu:o:rh, <J;" w.c·he n(}~((~di>ztd temptation, d~Jiu~r , -.&ifcir;1 PerfeEfion,is when a f1Atti'is often:con1ll1from~,;i/i. ~:·.' ·. ·, • ·, · ~ ·mittcd r.~nd bf 't:MlOmc · bc'c~CS'J:tis:it:t..~f!rC.' Tert~ruriolu _. .For the fioffi rharwc may tightly-\'nClet.lhind ; ..;.ip~;whctC\lp"on·fb1td\"'C'sdcfh11Ch®.:NO,.v ih j twofold. it,v.~omuH.fcarch' O:Ut two thing~) ·Fi'rfl, what a J the fidland fccond of;fs, , I. tcmpt:utoni:i :;Sa-«mdly, ·"' .isto be le_ad fai·de!rdb~u·,nrr~ci·o·tl'ely.~ for fuggcnion'!tnd into tbn1p.tation.T-hcr.ebe tWO forts ofteinpta. deJca:a"tilJn·doe 0>6t Jcfile thQhcart/ .but ~b~ -"'~~, r . donS, Good, an.•fEuHJ'.ti call that a good. and , tht;W'ilt'otbn'fcms;·ttr'ert the tcm~t~tiotl 'ttkd's holy tcmpnttion, ,.\;hen as God tempts atllan; hOid \IPdn~imi~n.d pt>ffdfcth him: :1:nd byofand it is an aCtion of·God wherebyhe pioo.! ten.pra:CUH~:h:C'iSlph.m'g~Q Into it,it1t::mgled and . ueth•and tdctl;~ man, to make n1anifctl vztto,·~nd. l!lt~Jd ~<\ptiUc :v.ndt'tlt:rNoV.•,then manhimfcJfc and .vnto othcu, v.:hat tsJiit h{~ . (tO.applic lhis t,orthe ·point 'in ~and) a man is heart :.for God kno'-ivcth well Cnoug? before .1ca0 into ttmptation; \\ hJn ·he fsicft bf -Cod I• Ovod. to