Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

•(!.r.l("e5 he!~ .riftag:rinrl temp,:ation. , t>df'c:rtlloU bc:twec:nthc: "~dlytl!d w! tempution,• dn ExpojitirJn ofChrifls 1 Af.-t~h.6.! '::...'1:__ ons of finnc,as w~ought to doc:llay, We offer A the "''ickcd; fori:£' wee efcape ccmptatio·n, ir oUr fclucs intot~mptatiOn,:mamin1Her occafi.. is ofgrace and rncrdc; if we fiand in urrnptaou vnto Sat:tt'l, :tnd to our owne (ofruption to tion , and ycdd ~o:: to cuill fuggdhon; jf wr affaulc VS ofteN. This WC n,.u finde tobcctrijt dcniC confc?t_olw>ll ,or be kept from the-proin our fclucs, if wc'fcarch out throughly o"ur Cf>lc offin, 1115 all of gmcc: 2nd ifwe be fa!.; :rod thc1efon~·it fhould·gricue out Ien into finnc ~ ~nd rife agaa~c by ttuc repenthearts \Vhen wc"fede'i:hc Iawe of 1 0tii members ranee, that alfo 1s Gods fpccJall "tacc "<vithout :~ainH the.:l~wC of~our nlindcs, and }\'hieh vndoubtcdly we ·ii1all r~nne 'on wi-th lc14ingvscapuncintollnnc. · ' v· ·;· 1 thc wicked ·vntodcftruCHon. Here tlicrefore- ,·- - 1 - '"3· P"fo. GrAci-No bcdtjireJ. we mu(t learnc s.<> renounce 21J ccmfidcnce ih Hcrc·alfo we nlli!Hcarne to defire of God our fdues, and to walkc in allltumllitie befor~ all fuch graces as'may helpc vs ag~inH't'-'111pta· God, rtlyin~whollyvpcm his gr~<e and'mcrl doft; :~mf thCy 3i"C'ni:1ny: l ;Spiiiht;rlJ hcede en~ tn Icfus Chnfi:: we his annc our' :rrtd 'w\'3tchfulncs rOprcucm rcrripdti9ns, &>to .H:rcngt~ , and his grace our lhcild,ttt defend vs< :tuoidc the occafions rhcieof. 1~1. Grace to from. temptation. This.was Daflidt pr~tti(e, pray in ;he time of tC>tlpta<ion ,. that God n. 'who In all trouble and d·llrdfe had recourfc to would ldfeu :111d modt:'rarcthc violrncc ·and . God,calling·htm,hisl>Dp,;f"trtjfe, anJ Jei:H~.l. force thereof. I IT. Tlm in tcniptation God· r"', Pfal.9t'•hl·birftcr<t .,. bidingpl•a·..Jh6 would be fo f:.ttTe from withdrav.:·ing his grace prt[n-utth himfrom troHble, and' compajfot/,,him fro'm vs, that he would chC :1ddc giace to gracr, about Tl1fth 'OJfu/1 dtliHtrllrJU, Pfut~3'l. ?· and etten ncwC gf.tce vmo the former-. I V. That when his enemies cncrcafed ;ytc rhc Lordw:.ts in the contintian~cc of tempt:.ttion, when it ahU budi_u, ·his glorie, 1111d tiJ~ lifttrvp ofhM bideth long vpon vs,God would llrengthen VS . h;ad, 'Pfal.l·>yJ:And lhns n,ould we reil· rpo to hold out. V. That he woufd piue vs p:nien·ce God ,. c.onftdcrang that 1fwee recciue a. ·good' ro Dcarc theirkefomc:t'leffc and burthcn of it. thought, \Vtcanhardly rctainei.t; and whm V r: That itl the; ende ofit, God w9uld giut· a cuiJl motions comr, wee cannOt of our fel~s. comforu.blc-ifli.Je_, forhrs glo1·ie, and riut ownc refill them. • , go:~ir{.. Here ~Ifer~< ar; k;;o f~,h;,_v gr;at ··~[;:(~ .. ~:~~~ ;~!~~;:~;;:~~·~ot;;Yt~ :~:;:'• our Wcakcnctfe fs ',. cue(}- whc&.\\!C(c fie Gods I ' mus him: he C011ld not touch lolu good.s· hi's 1 .children, and hau'c tt~u gr.a·cc·;~ fG't..... ,fcl!'mu{}' C f c~il'lrm ,'»'Or his bodie, till Go·d gau·c~hiin I daily pray, that Gotf,duid~ot'l~iti/.v!i>fl_O:t~:· ' lca-uo i Iob.J:t 1. -..nd> ~.6. •nci'thcr could -'fhc lt.4tiolt'. 4 whereby wt impOrt, that ofoUr fd'ues I~Jion ofdcuils.tntcr into the heard offw.ihC~H Mark.J.u,· we arcfof..,refroril\~lthll:rndlngatettiptati6\l ' - ChHit.ba_d1thtm goe: wee therefore mull bee 'l· thai if:God Ihouitl l'eaue'vsJ Wi!\\'outd giUe"Yp' , pa'ticnl ilittmptation$,2nd lft'afc them as corn.. our felues "'!laucs-"VAto ,the".dcuill:. Hers mingttolflGodshtnd; ncither'mullwefnrc ·then-'behold thitl.:~llatC'an<f cclndltion wliat-· ' the dtuil ouermuch, though lie p.inch our foul~ fdC"~i:.r' ;hou art·, w'!>~de~cd in ·thy' fdfc; if ' by~iniolem ~{faults, nay "though ;he tlroold Gad leaue thee, thou un!t 'noc.~ fiand ~iu.any tprmtOt,&pofidfc our bodies rcrilly,fo·rwh'ar-o temptation, but muft.necdC'! -f~l into tlic b~n- (o~ucthc-doth,h byGods-pCrmiffiOn:'Only "'''.e d'"agc of,Sacoh ·.: yea ,fo ex-ceeding g><ac iimlr mull be cardi:dlto plcafe God;and t<> •di'e o-n weakcncffe in jour fclucs, that in tCf}tptati'on llfm, who,wiU fll..only tread .S~t.4n. ·•tmJn:-J, fhcrc·doth fcarcc appearc any ditlhcnc.e be: ft<t 1 ,.1/.h.c/rildren, Rom.J 6~1o.• · · · -' • bA>ctn·e the child OfGod,aud.a.wick~aonc;for ... !D.P"fo. )'hat-which we >skeof God "in·p,ai> both ·are fitbie8 tO thCJ¥emptation,of'Satan,·: tf., "'>cc mufi: 6nccrc_ly cndcauour after irl life;; 11ay the diild of God is-¥fually-more .alf•ulttd ind:thereforcas wc·pray to.God nono"be c:r, then thewickcd: w1i~n the euil motion-arifctll, r.iedjl)~o r~mputfon, {o muft~ f~ckc to·arnie 6ds-lilggdled into the·mindc, thc<l'·kkto-•c- {) ~inlrurnifh _ouHi:lucs.with gra<r; tb:it'""' 'A'Y ~due it~'arid deligHt tllci"tin : fo diQ..flRNid,an·d be able to encounter with our fpfrituatl :enr.; fo doe v>'t all-:-the wickc"d giO"t confcl\tpf wil; rnic:s., ~nd towithlland their i!faults. Thii ,is fo doe the-godly, ifGod'lcaue rh-ert>aheii-okihe"Apdltlc's:cmmftll-r Eph.&h r, t>rq·. I!<c. --H l ked fall w praClife finne,1lnd"fo~oo t~c g<><lly, ""J>utynnth•wh.timmour ofG•d;that, if God keepe haeke hi; gra~e frotnlli<nv.• the Ahit,.ftand aprinfhbt .jfanlu uf tlmlniiU, &c. Th< Cbriftil ..wicked lie in fin ne, and fo doe the-.g<idly ,,till thenafter-henameth--chofe Gh[\iftian vcit:ues1, ;:infiu::;rth~ Lerd l>y gtace ·doe rilifc-them ;vp;·w-h,re : whi-ch as::fpir-ituall .armou• the <hild of·God ,.,,.,_ rhen isthe diffcrenct?SiiJcly the perfons-th~•npmll. tal.-c..vrite .him , and ":lrme 1his foul• fclues doe.differ int~mpt2don, for th~-wkked wjthall ,;.iflt(e wou1d·perfcdere in gr:tct-,vnto is carr_icd wit\; Violence into flnne;and without ·The firfi part·of this armour,is fr'Nih rdifiancc in tcmpt:\tion'i b»t t~c,gb?ly H2th nvrritir,whcr.cwith tlle loynes mufi be girt 3.- fomc'rdifl:ancc in himfelf, whc.nIR:giuc:~·.conbout ::and.this is an excellent. grace, whereby fent to fin'nc, the euill that hCdoth; h"c would a man profcffeth true religion, and endcauounot doe : Ro:nan. 7. i 9· Bu~ tire· mai\wdiffereth himfclfnn the practifc of all the duues of i • rcncc: , is Gods grace and mercie· v-oUch• rcligt01'1'1llljincl>ntte; lus fpccchcs a.nd h1s aCl:!-:..1 fafed to the childe of God , but"denicd to pns ~te futable procecdmg from a11 hone£\ l~'§rt!_ ------------------------------------~---