Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~----------~-7~~~~~~~--~~~- \ i~~;~h·~· Sermon in the c9v.l OS#nt._ i4$ ) ro::m cuill motion fuggcH:ed ~nto bis mindc,lO A~r flll ffotn gt:;(~, a~1J be -~~~,d-Fnu:cd :-as 3HO., J I as he giucs cpnfcnt.vmo ir,anJ goes one ro the . the opinip:.R' of';forpc Pwtc.JJanrs, \:oho rhougn T!~e dUI~ "f I I cafl rhis cuiJ mouon into his heart;btd,u 6m·~ZJ naUy fall away and pcrif1}, y~;.t they hold, that ;7,%1;r~~!. pud:jfe of it. Sec rlHs in /udm,loh.I j.'Z.Sar:u'l 1 thcy will pot fay that the c.lnld of God 1rtayfic ... t c:~u,..,u th; m.iffer: t'his he rboughc vpon, and wa-s de~ :hcc may ~vholly fall awa;· foe a, ana rha,t · \Vlictber GoCschil· dr.n bclc:td in~tC/lJpt';l.· rion. ligh~cd with the gainc that he h~ped ·to reape cucric gricupus finne ~\ovh_i,_p he a>hlmits, cur; thereby: and here God left him to himfelfc for him off totally, rUI he<; l)oe repent; forloo,ke hi§ hypocriile a.nd other {innes, and th:n Satan what thc,(hilQ ofGod 3s' pr::.ycr~aceor.; Cntrcd into his heart, got coofcnt of.v.-1111' and cling to Gods will' that nlall b~ granted hi!TI: (o carried him to ,tbc praCtiCe of this trcafori. ·hut in this p~titi~n hce askcth preferuation fr~ Hereto al(o the Apolllc fccmes ·!<>allud'e, t, rot~ll ond liuall apollod·e, and t~:ir ac<ordiog Tim, 6. 9. 'l:hq thMwillherichfnllinto tempMto Cods,will, by the tcachitl£ a! .Chrii! him• tmt.!41fd[iutt'tl ;being lefr.of God to their cor~. fcltC, Leadvt nor inttl temptation: and thcrruption in eouctoufi1cffe.. , · , . 1 fore it (haJJ ·be graum:d. Indeed it O:ands \\'lth ,But fame will fay, that·GodS<owno children the will of God, and the good ofhis children; hauc bccne tbus ,,aJ•ricG into tcmp.r:ttiQn, as: B· th:u fomctirpe they fhould be buffeted by SaDallid in rbc cafe ofhis adult~de otud nuurhct, tan in t~mptation: and.thcrefore \VC:: pray not 2. S;~m. 11. and lJ'eur in.denyin.g his ulaficr, here to hc.frced frotnallaflaulrs, but that wee Ma.tth. 16, 70. 74· Anfi•. lemay fceme they. be not wholly left vnto our fclu~s, t«>r forfakc Wcre.~arrie'd intq t«mptatiou.,. for their euill of.God,b}Jt fo preferued by his grace, that we motions werenot ohCly rccciued with delight, be.not fwallow~d vp in tcmprauon: :md this but confented,vnto and prach,fed: yea, DaHul petition bceing accordwg to <;:;ad, wil,fhal be lay. in bi> linnc•almo(h whoJcy.~ac<. But we.e, gr~unted to him thaqskcs i~ faith,t.loh.5·'4· mu{t confider, that they,rc the childrC:n.of And hence it is, that he that is once the child God by adoption·au.l regencrotion:ond th<rof Go<l in~cerl, !hall fa remain< for euer, and for.fhowfoeucr God,kfc rhem to be tempt'cid, ciinor finally or rorally fall away fro grace, Da~ yet he forfooke rhcmnot wholly or finally,but mds f.11l & Permwere great & fcareful, bur yet lliH loued.them, fa as they wercmo<carried·in• therein they were noi wholy forfaken ofGod; to tcmptaoJOn \o\'lrh full confcnt of hC{lrr: hue vnlcffc h;,W~re m then· own(!-feclmg fora ttmc4 Gaels fau1hg grace' m them-,.1 '\lhtch. Ob1~El. B..u.t Dauidby hts two finnes became whcn.God lltrred vp, they wct'em:couaed'bjo j,, guilue of.Cpds wrath, and fo loll his nght o( r~pei>csnce. Irldcode'thcy·went aslalreas they thi•·1'rerogatiue in bccmg the child of God. could, and in regard ofthemfelues, farre ~- I• Anfo: Jfweconlidcr thcdefen ofthofelins,, hauc.cut offthctr faluauon;. but that c t;}nt vn~oubred\yJhould haue beene his dhte; was-laid vp wi•h.Obd in Chrift,for hiifounJa.. lout y•t iri regard·ofyoi\s clettion and, free. ticnfflna11ethJiere ,~andwhomehe /Qittr,tht l.oues 1 graceofadoption,wher.ein Godchangeth.n~n1 t6 the ende j hisgifts and callingare'f!>ith#Nt r.,..,_ as alfo in.tegard of the illward feedes ofGods tan"'" S0.then, t<>be lead ii1rdtempiation, is gracc.iohi•heart, he retiiained llill the c[lild t<>:b'~ carried into it with fulh:<inf,nt, hecing of God;ihough thdignes of Gods fauour ldi'OfGod vntoth~ malice·ofS:tdn; and tbe were chang~ into thcfignes of his an,ger ;tmj p<>w£rfull wor~ing ofamanSJo\v!te co"ruptia difpl<a(urc, ,oh. B~t byfuch_linncs, amall looohs: and Clu:ills,as i·fhc had.raug.I..< feth the g.r;tces wh1ch formerly he had,, Anfw, vs to fay thus; 0 bord·"'"' •ri!iider~iP'!.Jfiliti>U. :Ehc gra;s:s·ofGed'in tl)ii;~te oftwo fo'!1' f~mq tfitnpptationl ;-andb-J OKr jinncswe 'tk{eru/tD'rf:,ti arcnCCI~tiC to.faJU~ijgffi·a;~ faith, hope;, 3n4 leftJhercin, tQJthema!;·and tO/ {hr .cb.ari.d~}uwithout which nq man caq be.fa£1C.df P'"'crof our "''""'"'"flioJu·;JC"";," h'fi.c" b~l1er~b.e vcry·,<J(cell<:ooandprofitabi~,but \1.01 t/nt.not toforfo*tdJS>in di'J' (miprAqDN, hut'gitJniJr pfb)!~ncel'ffitt<•With rhe f!)ttner! j\S tb,~- fenfe . kttf'Pi~1 ijiiJ: tlnur~ r):jli!Lvjfi'oltiingCtwhJirhJ § and'feding of.<;iods loyr!<>11Jlf~vour,-pca~~4 grnul'. :111 ;! .. a :!! ·· .. .,. c ·"") ~l ,!d.- 'cl tcof\foien'Oe~ ipy irt; alacJ,iti~_ig. •l0!,Ho~~<can"Godleod.a moilintotempt:Won Jiraicr.,wJirage~p4 b,qldnetfe )V·i(h G<:>d: a!})j all\! yet oat bexhcauibar oflfinnca',!:An.f.Well tbcfdiste~m'ay J,e.(d.ft._bot the necctfasi~r~ T'nough,·is'·a~punifhme.nttof ' ce~t}riO~) .howfoep;r they may be gready linn~,foGodmay lead a man i'ntd ii by-pcroot£. weakqcdlfpr [q i< }Vas 'Yi~h·DaHtd,by his tall)~ {!an, leauing the parrio to<hiinfcJfo, arrd Sar:uis : 1ofi/ol'a.t)roe tl!e fce!tt>g,of Gods f.1uoqr ,.(Q~ lnalke, for fDmCJonncr.trihfgic!ijbnJ;J\galnt, ' ioy.ofJtl}~ fpirir,'&_s:.bp..r.fO;ith, hope, anQJouc,. Godnoudr p.wts.:<ny.euil n'l<l>dioruinta:drcmirtdi ~vcrenot~xtingujfl19d,l:>ut fo;e wea.4ncd ~n.d bur.yech~ futfers Satan to'!'ir:n,t!M\rgh<l,•aJ~fireip rhe~fhes. , ., • , 0 , ihe<lcuil bc>a mof!owickcd ihfHunlent;Ycrfooh ·, :!;i·,, : 2:.-V.f'. wa,.rs rohh(JI'nil(d. ;,... is Gods PO\,~erand wifedomc, 'that .h~··cnuvr~ :;,.. Mc~,alfo).\'fC.¥C (a-ught tomourn,e{qr th,e , ;J, ·-·: him withoutfinne', in a good manndr~:-atn:b~tO cotwptlqti'Ofour.l\atttrC;whCrby ~').~ :~re.pr9n~ , a good endc·. ~" . "":-. ? · ~ . ·er .f.b.y..ccld Vp··our (clu~s~-tO euqy t.c~n_ptation of · 'vfes, r. 'fhis'perition ferues to tot;fuieoa filincand·Sacan,"a4,be1lachc·andt)tgl\gentiQ grotfc crrour of 'the Papifis·, who teach that a re6Hing :..wce·do:e not' \11.'3tch and pray :1.gainfl man trucly iuf\ified before God, may fitially temptations diligently, nor fhunnc the occafi- , N -.. ~--- ~ on•