Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Clurme.~&: A•1•ulcts,d.i• abl.lli,aU. s.COr-,11.1-f-. Pbee.tu~r~ reJbyeuiU fpiriumuA btihu. IdnExpQjition ofChrifls iHanb.6,j ':1.:!.1:_ maffc is plainc · are chc:ir,e;t- A cor,ifi.ncs tn hallo·wing [ale, br.ead, and water, their c2Hing out of t!c~ils by ccrtainc wotds, by the figne ofthe eroflc, the applica,ion ofrc– liqucs, and fhcb like: nay come to ot~rfclucs, what is mote ,ommon :lmong vs tht"u .t.,o vfc charmcs and Amulets , ·tO feckc to witches and forcc:rcrs whe11 any Changeaffiit\ioJtl doth befall vs? And the f<>tting ofa figure tho.u~h it be not-grofl"c magickc, ycuhcrcin fi a clot<: &. priuie workc ofthe dcuill :J his hilnd is dccp.c therein: am\ the Church in.fonner times hath condemned it for witchcraft: for 'harmcs,cha– raCters, :\nd amulc:ts, be but the dcuills watch– word and f.'lcramems to fet him a workjog .: B what though-tht: v\"ords vfedbe good,yet ther... !n Is Satoms deeper policie, """ho tlf"t'"nt"J bimfolfo into an AngeLoflight, vnder f:tin.: filewcs \\·or– king the greater mifchicfc. But what horrihl~ ttnpictie is •this; that when God giucs vs o~cafion to come vnto him,·wc leauc: him, & 1·unnc for helpe to hi~ profclfcd enemies. · . 3. Vj<. This brinch ofthe petition fcru<th to.direCl: vs wh3t to doe in ehis cafe 1fay that-a dweling houfc orfomc other pt~cc is by Gods permillion, haumcdand ab"!lfet~ by fome euill fpSrit 1 whcthu m:r' aman lavo.:fully frequent or abide in {uch o place? Anfo'. By this petition its plaine he may not; tOr here. we pray to her dcliuetcd from cuill, :md thercfort wee tbay not voluntarily thrufi onr felucs into· fuch a place as is hamcd by the dcuil:would we come wi;hin the compaffe ofthe Iyons pa\v,or with- C in th~ chaineofa mad dog, ora hunger-btiten beare? why then 010uld wee ralhly <hrufl our' fdues i•to the danger of the dcuill, who a r-oaring lyon fccb continually whom h<t may deuoure. Mauy ignorant people ate fo bold· h.rdic, that they will roilc vpon, and dcfie the deuil,& command him to he gonc.But without a calling thereunto we maytwt fo doe.lmked,. ifby Gods prouidenct: wee bc.ca11£d U> !i;ue in ,firch p-laces nccc{farily, fi1en this \'\'C ma.y doe, we tnufl not rcafon with the dcuill, but hctake our (dues to God by humble 2nd came!t prai– er, :~.nd complaine of Satans vexation, making God our fl,cltcr and defence both for foulcand bo·die: cls ifweprcfume to meddle with 'him D without a calling fromGod, ·we tYiay iu(tly be foyled and abufed by him ( •• th~ fonnu ofSctua Wt:Yt }bccaufc "\VC: hauc no promifc from the Lord to b<pr<>te61ed from him, For thine iJ the kJngdome,& the por1er, 4ndtheglorie~ fore~ uer: tU1men. Thcfewords 'ontainethe-rcafonofthe for– mer fixe petitiOns :touching whiJh wee mufi obferuc nvo things,tn ccnerall :firfl-, that they arc not a reafon to mo~te God wl1ofe will is vnchagc•blc;but to pcrfwade the chi-ld ofGod that prayeth thus, that God will gramlt his requdls.Second_l~,that thji rcafon is not peculiar to che lait pcuuon, but gem·rally ht1011ging lO_thc.mall:_as , haiCJ"W~dbe1hy nam~, h~cmtji: 1Jmu1s 1he Jtingd.tmu,pow~r, tmdg!ori<"andfu fOr rh.rcj}. The~~nning. .KingJomt l Th)s here imp<trts w h 2 tC<>.k three th~ng~: F1r!l, th<lt he io; a\l~fufficicnt of kin;;dnmc hirnfcltC to d~e all things whatfO:uer,nccding ''"P""'s. n~hcl.~e norm~humenc bdide h1sfolfCr-:.1ignc w11l: Gcn.1].1, I "mGod./1-fo.ffic;mt, SccOJ>dJy, that he h:tth a foucraignc right and tide to all thin_gs in_ heaucnand earth, as a-l{ing h:;uh to ~ho{c wh1chklel~ng to h~s tcnitorits anJ iu– ri-ftiiChon. ~hi~<~ly, that he. bath iOucraignc rule and autliormc oucr all thmos in hcauen & ca.nh, gouern;ng th~m:~,s he plc~1Cch ,&bnn•'"- jng them illto an abfoluct fubicCtion. ~ Further, the kingdome of God lscwoft:>hl·: 2:!~.:':: Tl1e k.f.ngdtJm~ of IHs proH;dtnu , whc:reby he foW. rules and goucrncs all d11ngs in hcaucn and earth,. enen the dcuill and all his angels & jn– Grumcnts:and.rh~ J.tingdomer'( grace, wl1crtOy he goucrncs hts Chmchbyh\s word and fpiri11: & bot~ thcfc a~e here tobcvndcrH<?od. Thincl The kmgdom 1s here calltdGods,tor t\Nocau- [cs. FirH, to fhew that Godhath hiskinodome of himfrlfe :md from himfcltC ::tlonc: th~s thEi: kingdome of grace , and of preui~n1cc arc both his. S«ondly, to diHinguilh God from carchly kings, for though [hey haue a kino– dome, power, and gloric, as Danieltelles N~buchadnqzcr;yct they haue all thefe fro God, not ofthcmfclues; but God hath them of him- ~ felfc, and not from any other. Now bc:(.aufc our nature is blindc in the Pti~oftHU things ofGod, I will here propound ~on~c r~a- ~~~~et:g. f~ns to proolJe that Codbath fuch a fouc~ign dome. kmgdome,as alfo tolliew the e:xcdlencie ofit. Firfi, this appears by that excellet order which 1. God hath iCt in all his works by thci~ et{"ation; for how firly doe timl's and fealons, as fpri·ng time and fummcr, autumn<:" and winter fucceed one another? how fwectdy doe the hcauenly creatures, the funne, moone,aml fb:rrcs, fcruc fot the creatures here bclo\t\ e , as he~rbs, and plants , how doe thcfe fcruc for bcafi.s a11d foulcs? and all ofthem forrhc vfc ofm., n? as this proo1.1CS againH the Athci_fi that there is a Gocf, fo it lhcwcs the foucr21gmie and mofl wife regiment '>f~ts kiogdomc. When a man fees a great armic in good array,and euery one kecping.his place and !tanding conllantly, bee , wi.Il prciently commend the vvifcdomc and au– thoriti<: ofthe leader: why then lhould we not acknowle,ig the power and foueralgmyofthe almightic:, in that confiant flation of the creatures m that fwcete order which they obfcrue from the creation? Secondly, the terror & ~ccufation ofa guil– tic confcience doth o.rgue euidently the abfo~ lute foueraigmic ofGodsNingdome,tOr when a man hath committed feme grieuous finne, either againft the lawe ofnature or the written vvord ofGod) though it be fo fccret~y-~at no ·----!::.--------------------·----·----~---- ~_an