Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! Mttth.6. v.t ~· - --------- ScrmM in the :...'11' ou~t-, - · -· --- ----·,- t1i I - -----·---.----:. ----·1 man know of ic, yet V:' ill his cOrticicocc·accufc ' A · of '1>/C:tkm:ff-: ftnd ~-al!ty,and tbCrdh~c is f'Ct,tJ · .:ind fi·ight him; which he wnuld aocdoc,vntcs I ·_ omniporcn~ b.ccauk _hcc. can ncirhc~ Jttc nl)r he were eo anfwcr for chat fa.C[ to God [h<r fo. I '\\'iii chc f:utfc, Tlm1~ M 1 e:,-c. Here allo \YC f.'~y ucraignc Lord o( all. · Got!s po·,ycr is hie,· ownc, that is, £it' himftllC1 Thirdly, men of death; th::tc is, fiach as hy i I a!one, nvt rccc:iucd from any Othcri a~ is n.fd fomc nmorious crime deftrue death, though fa;~:- vf l.lingdomc,and g:b'ric,to c~iHiogtnfh t!"lt 1 through rhc ignor:mce or negligence of ~~- ~ true G~d t\·omal crc:nun:s who hauc no~ pow .. gHhatcs they be lee eo cfcapc, yec ordin:m.y cr,and ktngdomr;Jrtd rlo:·it.: ofrln::m!Clncs,bur i they arc mtercakcn with fomc fcarehtll iudg:c:.:. 1 J' from God, wht::ras :il d~c:i(: ::re dfhimf~lf<tlonc, i mcnt, and one way ordthcr mccrc with rl1cir And rhelf,J'ic] By g.loric is mc;uit cxl.'tllc!1.: G~J, g!.1j!~·. dcferti v\'hit:h is a fpcciall \\'orkc ofGods fouc.:. cic' Jnd m"lic:Hit:': ll1d this prbpenic 1ightlt ~ri~ raignc prouidcncc. 1 i"crh from rht: rwo fo·rmcr;tOr i'ecing he hath an Fourthly,rhc GofjJt·l prc~chcd is as cotitrary abfolu:c foucr~igncic oucr all rh:ngs,:md po\V-' to nuns c:orrttpt n:~ture,as tire io: tti water; and I er anf\\'Crabk to difpofc at~d goucn!C thtt~l :1': yet haeh it i11 all ages vvonnc men Vnto itJ tb his pkafurc; therefore of right all gl~•r!c, and profelfc ir, and eo lout it fo,as th<) hatJe bttne B rhaieft~, and c~~clkncic lkiongs vmo hi1t1: comcut for the Gofprls fah:c, to torfakc houfc 1 yea> ~he gloriC of all crc:t~ure.s is hom him: fo' and hmds J wife, and children, yea and life it : that i1nnefull man mull fay with Dan;d, Vr;..t. fdfc. This no wordof man could euer doe, & i tovJ6e/or;p;s ,lhameandconf"wji:.Jn, Dan. 9· 7.lmr therefore it :ugucs plaincly that fomc fupern:t - ~ 1mto God te honour, andgiorit'iandpon•er, nnddo:~ thurai pofwer \~~ork~th with it;whtch dra\.\es the j mh:j!// ~:;, eu1 e,..mTo~':· c:tfc ht ·u . . d' ··-d' , ,\gro!ll'i..i uf eJttd llldllvlltOit. Jl!i/Jt'• • !Sr ' Ollt ISCOuCCIUC :t.O tm!l:!:){]..,,!. Here fomc 111ay fay, th:t.t the ficutll hath a 1 vndcrfio9'J,toncaim'::. a notable groundofuuft kinndomc conuanc to Gods kmgdomc v.hcr- 1 and canfideltcc in God, and ofpraver to God m h~ ra1gncch;and therefore liods ~111gdom IS in aH dil1rcf1C {'If life and death : f~y \\'C h:nic a not ab!olutc, An'f. lf "'c 1 cgard the 111~licc of I f:tthtr whofc is i:j;,gtk-,~e,powlr,andgtu~·ie,no"11 Satan, or rhc ptaCb(c Cjf the "''ICked, it may I !Jjg rQwer affiJ rcsvs thlt he is r.b!e £b hclpe vs: fccmc Gods kingdomcf11ould i10t be abfolmc, I cind fs he ou: Kmg, and welus fubrccts>thcn he' bec:rufe ehcy cominnally rcbell againit his reIS\\ dlmg eo hclpc vst I'iglorte h1s? why, whar ucalc"d will : but confiGcr the power of God, can n11k mote fo1hfs glouc then ro thewmerwhich ouerrulcth Saun :md al his inArnmcms, C ctc-to h1s people, 10 hcanng rhclt pro.ycrs, art'& difpofing mo!l wifely ofall their worl<cs,to his hclp1ng them in drllceffc' !'fa!. 50. 1;. I ,.:ff ownc glorie,rhe. goO"d efhis Church,and their IJ:art' thee, ar.d th11ujbaitgloufil my nanu. ownc ruine, and rhenV..·c fhall pb~nely fe't:that I I. Thcfcwords arc·a nota:blc forme of giGod rulcch oucr all; for ho,.vfoct•cr the dctiill uing thanks and pra-ifc t6 God: tOr when the and his angeh, ::md :1ll other h1s infinu11ems h'eattenly creatures :trc faid to giuc rhankes t<r oppolc themfducs vnta the word . of Cod, God, they doe it to this effect: lteu.4. 9. 11. which is the lawof his kingdome ofgracc,yct rqo:l art wortbie, 0 Lt~rd, fQ rect>iNe hoJJOH1',' God wil!ingly pcrrhits 'all fuch workes, and rmd.glorie 1 and pown-. Agatne, Phil. 4· 6. Bt rclhaincs, them all at his· pleafure, 10 as that dJlmjlfH!! in norhing, 6·:u in t~./1 thintr.r let JOIIt ~ \Nh1ch comes to paffeag:unfi Gods reuealcd requ~(!s bee made f:.!Jowhr to God l~ith._l(iHin.,.~of) wJll, ts not contrane to his abtOhnc \\!IL thrwl:p; vi:hcre we fee prayer and thanktgil~ing ! Thmeu thep(TIJ'erlBypov\e:r ts.mcant :lll abi... muil goe together. Now chis bc~ing a pcrfc~l: ! litic inqod whereby he can doe \'vhatfocucr fOrme of praier, mull nrcdcs ccm,prchcnd ·: he will,and more then he \\•ill doc:for the bet- ~ I thankfgiuing \Yith petftio.ns-; as thcrd6re in ' ter conc.eiuing of it, ~noce rhcJc two things. the fixe petitions Chrifl: tau~t v,- to askc ail ' ' Firfi,that God is nor onely powerful,but euen nccdcfull thtngs of God;· [a i~n this reafon hce 1 1 power it fclfc in ~cgard of his natUre as hcc is 0; tcacheth \"S flow tO giuc th5.ks: fot thcf"c three, goodncffc an.d Wlfcdornc,&c.Men :md Angels ! lqngdome,powe1·, :mdgion'e,: doegcncr:tliycom- , arc called powcrfull.f as rc.cciuing PO\Hr from . I prdicnd an Tflatter of pr:lifeand thankfi,iuin~" I G.od; but.God ondy is felfc,'hccauf.c vmo God:. yea, it is a fummc ofa.ll rhe Pfalme:~ ~ his nature 1s infinite i-n power, as ht·allother o.f prrri~C; and tflrrcfore- when Dauid GlcflCd 1 prop.tmics. Secondly, that tJOVver and will in 1 God, n was to thisdfcC.t) t, Cllro0.29.1 1 ,12. 1 God arc and the fa~1c :·for.our better COl1Thhu U Ln,·dis grf'.?!ncjfo,tfr.d pcw_er, tlnd.(lo- ~c:iuihg <?f rhem,chC~ ~1:1)' bs difiinguifhc~l ;?m 1 .-r,~<i ~;!ti viflorir_, a·,.,dpMij:; (o~ ail rb.~t zi,'n lua111 thcmfeluesthey d1ffcr not.. for Godsv\Jilu1g tte;za;;d t'artl; u rhml' : tl';ine urht 'v_n,g_aomr, 0 ! J of a rh~ng is.the-effcC:~ing :md d?inz of~t.h h. i [,r;;·d. and rhou exuih-_fi ,u ~~~.::~d oua ,d!: borh ri- ! J not fo m vs,for we wrll many.rh1ngs winch n·c ' chn a;.;d IJmiU11'f'C.brhPfrt~m tiJre,m:d rhcu;·a 1 .trmjl ! 1 cannot doe: : burwhar(oeucr God willcth tha< I ort< .· a!!t and ii1thinehand is pllr.·~r, 1md jlrc;,(f,IJ, 1 j he doth, and th:tt t\'hit·h he cannot doc,he canJ (;;~c. ·' .::. I ] nor will. The Stripturc faith, God e<amwt !tc, , This poim well obfemrd, dircclnh vs in , i.~~.~~~~~i';r:. ~ nordcnielnm{cl(e, nordie, C;:...c; now as he can- ,.tv\!o ChriA:ian duties-: firft, that we motf be \ r·ra;ftng.!:;d· j not doe thcfe things, fo neither can hcc wilt I carnefl :m~~ fr~qucnt in giuing prayfc & thanks \ ! 1 __ . _,;~~for they "'e n~~~c_s of powe1·, bnt ro God; ~r 1 the fit!! thhlg we ash, is gr•: \ - ---- -- -- - ------- -·-'--- ----·-----