Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~----------------~--------------------------------------------- I Ho•.no pwfcOvJ. Uow ,t)O~ uinc <>ur rc– quc:_Jhin pr.111Cr. ~nlt"n,wktc itr;gui!ics here. rU1n Expojition of Chrifls . _ \ ~1;';~1·.6 .. ---------I----· to glorific Gods name, ~nd the bftthing wee A know,th:tt ir hatb here afurther yfc,to wit,not 1 i here doe, is to afcribc bloric tOGod indcc:dc. oncly r'o cxprdfc our ddire of 1hc thil~:js \.., c ' Secondly, here we iec in '''hat m:mcr we mull: :1ske, b1.1t alfo to tdHfie our t~ith in :>JiUr~·ni:c l -giuc thankc:s to God)n:uncly; In curry blc:t1ing of rcn;iuing th,:m according to our Jdirc: for we muH afcribc /:j.'1gdm'!")JiHIprJivcr, ,md gfq;'.i~ fo it ts viUally taken _in the uc:w T<:lbmcm, VmoGoJ : asinthcvfcof.mcatcand dnn~:~, where' it is vfcd to affinncoran~ucrc a thin•.,. fit:ll, thcrcia Ltbom to fee, and :::.ccordingly to . with \'C'hcm.cncic and ccncnuc. :\gainc, ou~ 1 a!cribc the kin~do1ilc to God;th:u 1s, :lckuowSauiour CbriH giuing b_och dm:Chon and inkdgc Gods foucraignric in d1:1c nc;tture; that court~g~mcnc to praier 1 i"aich thus, whatfo~~w· the right :and imcrcH thereto belongs to God, JOH dtjir~ ,r>/;en;re· pral, bt'iuuc ;h,zt yu jlH:.1 . and rluc <hoa halt itfrom him ~md noc of thy h4*it, and itftMi[/,c don~ vnta JDU, M::rk. :r T. I fclft.:.Secondly,fee acknowledge the pow14. \vhcrc he fhcwcs ~wdpriucipall things reer and prouid~.:nce of God in that crcacurc:his quircd in prakr ~ du.: firfi. ;m camdt ddirc of prouidcnn:, in th:tt thou h:dt ic;and hispo..,,·cr, t.hc grace and blctiing we ;fS.kc; the ~~cc!?nd, is in that it f~rccs for thy good, znd comfort in hith ......·hereby wc belccue chat God ,,.iJ br:wnt thy nouritlmK·m and rcfrcl11ing.Thirdly,when ' '5 the things '' easkc. Now om ddlres \\er~ thou arc C<:1tnfortd thcrcwith,giuc honour and ' B fuffi<.:icntly c:ocprdl"cd in the fi)tcpetitions: and g:!t)ric wGod, fo thou 01:tlt b{' rruly·thankfull. therefOre, tl1i:\ bc~ing a pcrfcC~ pl:~tfonnc of And thus nu..: !I \XC be thankdi.til to God for praicr, here vndoubtedly is propounded tht his \\'ord,::md :tll other blcffit1gs that\\"<: cnioy. tdlifica:ion of ourf:lith, to this dfce1 : A1 we Yea, this: (hrcdioa m~dl: \\C ob[cruc for our hatu crtt~td thtfo rhi·~f(' ra 1~7 ha11d1, 0 Lord, bchauiourin affliCtion; we muft labour to fee fo dac Wt" hele~ue rhat in t~y gond timethoHJ>'ilt a#'Id ackno\\kdgc Gods fouc!·aigntic & ponfor Chrif/J fok.;, grmtl'lt the -[.1me 111. So er ouer vs :1s we :1rc his creatures, and U1!lt hce that it is: not here to be taken, as it is commonh:lth right to di~1oft" of vs ac-his plcafi.Jrc, :\lld ly, ondy for a b.:trc affcnt ofthe people anfv·:c~ thcrcfon: .,.,.c1t.1tdl humble our fclucs vndcr his ring the Minillcr in the congregation;but for:( 1 hand, dcftring grace io to behauc ·our fclucs parr of the praicr both to Minilicr and people therein, that \\ ~ may glcritie hts n:unc. And that pray in t3ith, Y\·hcrhcr publikcly or priu:uthus fh:tll we honour God cucn in affiitlion. Jy: anrl that fo much more exccllem then the l I I. licrc we f('c a "'·ay whereby we may former, by how lll!JCh our faith excellcth m1r obr:dnc tht things we a!:>kc of God: namety, dcfirc:yc:t,it is the fealc ofour hcarrs,v,hichwc we mutt cotJfdlC our owne vnworchindl"c, tamutt fct to rucrypetition, for to ratific and king (hamc :md contiJfion to our feiues, aud C confirmc the f~mc vnto out fclucs; as when we giuc-a!l praifc and honouraud glorie to God. f:1y, Hnlow~d 6e rh; nt~me, our hearts mull fay, Thus did lacoh, Gen.:;:. I o. J 4mnotworthte-· A1"Pcn: that is, as 1defire grace to glorific thy of the l~r.fl of all thym;,·cia, tmdof nlhhc h"Htb naw.;, fo I bcleeuc Lord, thou wilt enable me whicb thQu IJrl,/f jluw~d vnta rh; JCm.fnt .- fo, thereunto : and fo f"or the refi. , 0311.9. 7· Totbcc,O Lnrd;he}or.gerh ri._V,hteou[- Thevfo. 1. From the vnion of this \\'Ord ~~~~o~~~ Hefli:, bm ·r_,gtQ -;:s fJpc11 p-,m;c, And thus co:n.. ·with the pcmions, we learnc, lh:tr emry child be bdccu;J : ming in humi!iric of he.:trr, 'rcnouncin~ our I of Goclmu!t belccuc p::trticu!=:rly :md ccrtcnly rJ~in1luly. ' ' feluc.s and all th:at VI c c:tn doe, and cndeauou1 the p::trdon of his ownc !lnncs, and cndeauom· 1 ring to giuc :~11 gloric to God, we fhall finde 1 bygrace to thcrcunro, 1f as yet he c:m- . .. mcrcic with the Lord for the obtainingof all not be pcrfwadedofit. This the P:tpiHs dcnie, : ~~~,t.~~~~~ our requtlls. tclching that a man mutl •oncly bclccuc in ge- J &c1n.1+ I V. Isbngdo:ne, power ,:111d gloricGod~? nerall , that remHiion of tinncs bclon~s to then is he to be f<.·arcd allouc all creatures: for Gods C.hurcE, and hope wd l fOr himfdfc; and ' tto\\·focucr Satan and eanl!Jy Monarchs hauc tjn:y make it prd i1mption for a m:m to arrodominion 11nd po,scr, yet it is not of themt;ate particula:- ccneluy vnto him(clfc.But it is I {Cil!cs,buc fromGod:thcy c:m Jocnothing but D 1 110 ptdi.nnption, bccaufc we rnufi bclceue to by pown and pc-rmifiion frorn God; but God I recciue from God that we :tskc according to of himfelfc C:l!l runil1l and dcflroy. his will: now God bids VS askc for..giuencs of • Lafllr , hereby we mufi be mooucd to loue our particular finncs, :tnd therefore we mull God and to 1,1Cild obedience Ynto him in :~.11 bclccudt, and fo by f:1ith m:~y be :tffnred oflt: g~oJ duties; for to fuch will he fh~w his foueas for.thc::ir ~cne.rall faith, ir diffcrcth not fro~ j I ra1gmic and power for all good thmgs, that fo the ~11th of dcuJll.s? for the~ balccuc. there JS I they may giuc the glorie of all to God that rcmilTionof finnes 10 Gods Chu~ch.And to fay giuesihcm. . ... w.c hope wcl when '"c ~re not a!lured by faith, .Amen.] Vv'c h:mc heard the preface, and I is tobewray both ignorance :~nd neg:Tgcnce in j 1 the pctittons of rh is praic:r: now we . cor~:.:: to the rmttcr of_om faJu:~.tion; for t:.:tith is: the 1 the third p:ut of it, ''hich is the Conclufio11,in ground of thmgs hoped for, and thncfore : '). this word.' Amm : "'hich is <is tnuch as v ereiJ,, their. hop~ withom faith ~ufi needs be biindc I rmely. It 1s commonly taken to be aword nt I pttfUf?lptton. And here hmhr~ ·we m2.y note-, wi~1ing i_n d~is pl::_cc,imponing as l\lUch as, So that by their <'pinion. they abolr~1 a grc:~t ~:m · be Jt, I:_v~ 1t bc_!_<:l,or fuch like. Bur we mull ofthe Gofpcl; for Wlth the r'CJous r:om•f:'d___.~(