Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I- 15+ / _ eA_ nExn __ofiJion,o/Cirifl1 M•rr£•.6. \ r v~1 6. 1 -- -, ii)~yas •:c·oaiiY. ?"d chcrcf.jij);obcy God :JY-A in thou£l)t, word,and ~~cde. 3· Ajincere cri-. ;11!£ ?S humg, 4· J"hat Qo.,Q: WJ?Uld g1uc h~s.. dcauour todo h~s wiH iq. :1!1 things witP Fhccr. !it<'fling vpon oil mconcs iY)1 (!ill! vfc fon:>ur fulncffd, 111aki~g confcienceofcucry,t)ti~g we j Comfort or rcCouc,ric , 111aki9t;-Y.S ComemCd know1 ~q~ ~c ~ut.ll; thi~ is an inf~llipJe. I~otr. of i \\;i;l1 his prouidcncc cucn in death it fclfc. 5, the c,lli!d of God., 4· .Vpright walk,jng jn a 1 Tl\l,t we moy !Jc truely humbicd for our (inncsi mans lawlUll calling, and yet !\ill by faith to re-. I a~d hauing co~n!Q.'nablc atTuran.ce ofmcrcic.&' ljc vpqlt.Gods prouidcnce, beciog wql plea. r ... ;~, ..., 'RhrdOn,may ~\~~) ioy;-c:ndcr Vp;P~lr ~Oktks ituo. fed wi~l} qods fending wpatfC?cuer.iti~:J5 .Euc- ,~c hands of God in the moment of death. 6. ry day tO'llumblc amans,fclfebpf~rE Qoc\for l t HJttfcCing Slt'lll 'is moll b~.ll.C .. a'nd tnalitious 1 his pff~pH!SJfccking his {auour in C~rifr"Vt~fai~ 1 iH 'our gfcatc(t'~vC~-kencOC; il would pleafc the, ncdly, an~ fo daily-rot1uing his fai~h & repen1 L_R~~_t6 magfl.~~c .~liS mcrcte,41 rrcngtheniryg coptinuall C9_1;llb3tC betWCer:'l,;hc fidh o~r!! a.ll ~he: a~fg~!~s of fm~1c _aJJ~ and the fpirit, corruption haling and 4tawing 1 Th~~ )'·c iec hov.,· l.n .yr <(lares of life~ one way, and gr:tcc:rd1£Hng r~e 1aw,~ .~,drawd'Ca:rh, WC rnax1l:'tue Cweccand .comfortablefc... B ing a~ochcr way: this fl:r~uifl&.~nd rcfi- ~d'Sr'fc t6 G~~l~,ftOwing thc!C~~~\tions : w.. ~~ llance is in mind and }lcarc, there is nhc fpifit-,; · ~~ft thfrcforC bbOur to know ana vndcrlbU.d for c~s all would goc.futfway with -~Ql:ruptio:n. : .. • t' ~l;j_~.J1cau~cuiY. P'l~Ct:, that fo ':¥.c.JTUY v(c·~l~.,~n· Hereby Fhen make fearch in thy fi:lfp~f9r thcfc ·_I al! occaflons i~~h.c grQri<; ?f q~r God, and the. g:-acp o\ God, an,dnif thou find~0them in ~9~nfon. of ?:..lf· f~t;ks ~ wesnup?t giuc m9fiS thee, comfort thy (<tlf~ ~ntaOUrance q(tQinc;Ae~1Ctem tf~tmOI1ic; _.9r the-g~qc7J{ Adoptio.~,; doption; and though thP.u.canft no,~~d them t.~en ~y thc,fin~cst. c~Cl:fi.f~ .a\ ~ne gi!t of P.t3:Y·-.' all,yct 1f therebe ,an vpf3ined defire ~f;H them er, when w~c'ln ~.omc ~;vith l;>eldncllc into the when tho~ putte!t vp thcfc rcqucfis--;ymo God, prefc'~ce of9Y/}1C;'-t~Cn1y FathC\::·and therefore' comfon thy [elf, for thou,a~t the chil4.Q( Qpd; I ~i\1'nu!l: g~~~oiuJduCs t<rr\~~ f~[i?us and ol~ fOr without the f}>iric of.prayer, ~hj~~ is the 1 :!tL~n v_!J!li!lh. ea_ucnly ea~fptpc,and U,Q;t fpirit qf adoption ' '-XC: caunot Cllll qq;l fitthcr, · C~1tcnt ou,t'-~c)~~s ~,o/:~y ~~,r\i~hs:words, bu~ nor fay h()/owtd6e th;,namt, from a.Jruc.hcart, frOp1 a.feeling l~t;·~!tj9"'vr~ sYt .o,I)I foulcs be-;: vnflinedly dcflring qods gloric, ! , for!.c God, a!~q~·s~~1g to ~~c1 t;u:a,qtng of .d1~s 4· Jl'fo. Out of thcfc petitions we .m3y ob... ~~~~f1o!~ :; prayer tn all slla.te.~'!\(1' 11 . . .! (cruc the plainc markc§of a.carnall qlal1 : as J .J,. Plt:er"c '· 2~ ffl..Jh~(ft)ct\t;iof)smay/crue for a no-. r. To ncglctl'thc glC?ricofGod, a.n'!~P feekc h~:. ~ud!:-o t~blc dt~CCtion_-a~fording.~io'. \)'h)eh wee ,ma.y his owncpraifc and glqrle. 1. To fqltqvsc the,!"'llol~.lil1CS :, tCn:· ~~hat. wee_a_s,k,eof C f•Nay ofhis ownc corruptions, fl} thc;m G_o,d'_ip pra.y;r.~t"af 1n~£t,we <,!ldc~uour _to P\•.~ to be hi§guide, af\d to,!)€glc,c! toy.s~fubie- ~Jf~JP p~r }.I~C~- 1\Pd-:tb~r.c(o;;g .~~ Etionan,dobcdiencc;tg ~y word of G,od. 3• ouucoudl$ •gWJT~ pctlt!onsnwfl wc!pend Tom?kc opconfcl<;o~ offinne.if it·li~~!sbuoiJ.ilii~Cin ·a'go~ly Cndeauour· a~tcr·t~~cfc fiX~ mOur,i~ his ownc will ~c fatisficd~hc: Garesnot :. 1. Our ~hc\(e care and ~uJ.~auqu.r {1Wfi fQr the doing·of GoclswilJ. 4··rdlon b~e_(:u<ry day to .bJ-'J'!l fomc gto\ie to God. :;2-• Gods prouidcncc for the things ofthis_life;but VICe tnutl cueric. day yecld xp our (clues in \\'hQliy;~orclie vpon thc.mcancs; if.t~c:y fi!ilc, (oul'cs and bodi~s vnto GOd: :fubmitting oUt' hishe.: art !sdowne, ,ciQ.d his. hope i~ gqQc. 5• (ciJ,C.~ in all thi.l}$ ; xnto his godl_r) egjmcm. ·3.: To go~ q~ in finne, wit.hq\!t rcmorfe~ or humWe nmtl cndcauour to doe his will iQ 2!1 bling ~ill)(clfe vnto Go,&: this impcni.~cnccis a thjngs, cucry d~y; making cqnfcjcnceof :11l plainc 1~1a.rkc of a · ca~nallman. 6. l'9; runn~ fii11~c whercb)r \~:erebell ag3infi him 4· Vlec hcldlong imo t,cmpta,!J<?P., WiJhout fcarc oz; m,ufi applyour ~d,ucsfaithfully to our callings, feeling,. foasl~c finde~ 110, occafion to .prayfor y~r "fq,as ..,,·e {l:jl~ 'Qc.pcnd vpon Gods prou_idCce d~ltuerancc from finpe :hc•rhar bath a:ny ofthcfc fo{a' in cucry thing we t~kc in hand.5. 1 .n fixe things r:tiguing. in ~1im , is a qrnall man; vide rqyfi hu,,;bLc our fclues euny day before therefore tric thy fcl(c; >f thou finge them God itlrcgard"ofol!rdailyoffcnccs, fiillcon- , in thee, turne vnto G.od by trY.e rcpcnfciTi.tng Our finncs JlOd cra.uing r_ardon tOr them tancc. -a~,d~e h:1nds ofGo~L 6. We 1!lul! daily flic to And lookc what wee h~ucfaid Qfp..r.aycr, :.cGo~t for hclp...c aw!_fi1ccour in our fpirituall j carding to the panerne oftheformcrnctitions, coinb~re with !inye :;.nd "S~t:mJ!riyingmanfulmay alfobc faidc ofthankfgiumg, after·the cxly ~~ainfl our o~"ti~ corrupt nature,againfi the :unple of.thefe words, Fot rhme Uth~ k.f.n.gdom, world and rhc dcuill. • . thtpo-wtr, nnd the glorie: •'A'ee haue !hewed i'o.,:;~:<>~~~~ ;. Vje. Thi:>_r~y:1ycr ofCbri(t~,mju~llcrs mcfi the vfc ofthem beforc,tmd fo all I ufllH: Lonlo h~:\uenly coml9rt to cucry chdd.ot GC?d, by God? bldfings and w.orks ofhisprouidcncc, I prJicr. j tCnifyinghim of. his Adoption ·: for ol!t of efor v. hi·ch \\'C mufl giuc thanks; ..., e mu.((6rf1:1al ucTV, pniriO h.c il)a~· f;-:~.rhc:r a fpscjall notc..thcr:- bourto fae therein rhe fQucr{ligmic 8l. powerof n ,. of. ~s, ), an C3r)l(.'~\ ~u~d hcar~.i-= tddirc in all God)&thcnwctmlfl,af,riQerhcf::tmf!toGod, i' . rl?}ns.s to furchcr the gloric of q 9 §.. 2 • A care with all gloric, and praifcr, and th:l~kfgiuing. 2nd readincs to rellgnc our {Clues in fubk&-!on I And notoncly giuc aifom·, but vvitb affiance of :_o_~~ ,_!?.!:~~~q_,b~_an_d fpirit, he:ut "'':::Utq for the fiuition of cuery ·gTJfCand bldring ---=-=----'-......,.- - ---