Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

iW:atth,6. ; '!/.14, 15· ,- l ' offorgiuill:; o~hers. -- ------- - Sermon in the & bhiit• blc!Ttng we askc of God; accordmg to his ' A firincs may be forgiucn wirh Gdd, and )~c( kc •.vill. ../lmm. . t may Jong ttmainc without thl' a£fur:mcc thcr:. · L ~ r J , .r; • · of in his ownc i:~nfcicncc. This .,.ye may fee ir1 V, lf'• r01 .t;Jelfa()C_jOrgtue Dn:lid,forwhcnNathanfaid;' Th' Lord harb '' '"~i;: l · ,r; n; h pur awa; thy fnne>, no doubt it \-\'as forg-iutn •>· men tt.1etr tre;pal) es' your. ea, i.l heaucn;but yet his d"'"mfl P"~J''" for pnrdod d rt1Lj•. uen{y Father will 4!/0 forf[iue afterward, fhcwcs plainly that be did IIOt vpon u Nathans fpcach rccciuc the: comfonabk affu~ JOU.· ranee of pardon in his owne ~onfcicnce. This m ;{' J ·fi then b Chri!ls meaning,thar ifwcf~)rgiuc mcii V • 15, nUt I; JOU aoe no't Or, tlieir trcft>aflcs,God willaffurc vs in cilr congiue men their trefP.a!Tes' no lciencc that he bath forgiuen Vi; othcrmfc; if r /}' "Y~ v.:iJiudc forgiuc 1God will ilcnic Vs th<lt :1f..:: 1 more will your heauen/y Fa, furancc. . ··. I . ,__ r . lllt ,., r The vfc ofthis pC1i~t. is firfi and chiefly thi~! ' ~:~~~~ •nii!i toer;orgzue you your tre;pq;, WC muf! lcarnctoforgmc and forget alJ prlbdo;.<;"~· r;, · B uatc wrongs & iniurics done vmo vs whether I .. 1 es. ! great or finall, withour ddire of teucngc. The MotiueJ;. Thcfc two vcifcs ton!"~i1ie a reafon of the r.cafons to moouc vshereunto are thcfc. Fu·f1, fifcrctition;conccrning the forgiucndfc ofour 1 it is Cods ~oll)mandcmcnt here cxprc!fcly i1Y~ finncs; ·which is propounded with a limitatio~ \ ioyrlcH, .,.,,•hidTmufineeds bind the cOnfti('llCt"' and condition ofour fOrgiuing them rhat trcl- 1 to ol:i' Secondly, if we will not forgiu c pa!fe againll vs: the rcafon here is, bec~utfoitt men, God will not forgiue Vs:' this Chrift in.- , i thu behalfe 1 we[hall findefuch mefljit~·ewilli God, forccth by .doubling rllc J<'nceucc: now Wit l~ , ttJJvemetcomvnt!JottrVrerhrm. om,Gods forgiucncs there is ito falu:uion, 2nd For the mc:tnihgof the \ovotds three points therefore \w e muH be re<idie to forgiuc, as we \Vhomufl: fotglut. 1 3. Rorn.13..;.. bDtUt.l9• mull be difcuffcd. FirH, 'Nhomc this rcafon tender our owne faluation. Thirdly, th,c frailty doth conccrne,n:tnic!y,priuatta~lch fOrp'rluarC of our nature is fuch, that we om fC:Jucs are trcfpafl'Cs: it rc-achcth ndt to Magifhatcs and fuhicd to offer wrong to others:this is intima-: tmblickc perfons irt their funttion; who he the tcd ~n this .phrafe, Except yee fo?giue men their Minifters a ofG()dto tak.f Vh1u:eance on them 1har ti-efpajfoJ;fo thnt eucry nian is prone tO trcfpaffc dDe cHill: for to ft~eh tl}c lord faith, Thine againfr others: and therefOre as \\'C would bC rye b (hall not fParethuffenlier .· but accbrding C :o1 r11~irnuee"n'h,hc: 1 . 1",'cr"tfirpo•f~llis.e, fo mult we a.· lfo.for-· to the qualidc of the offence,. m·uft he cXccutC v ._ .. .. iudgcmcnt vpon offenders, fort-heretnoflUing of Now for thebetter performing of our dutie euill. And fo·rnufl parents {tnd nlaficrs dcalc herein, thcfc rules be obl.crucd. I. we Rulr.<Ot_ in their f.11i1ilics, and Minificrs-in thci.r ptrUlikc ihall pcrc.Ciuc in fundry men m:iny want-5 and I fotglllln,;. difpcnC1tioit of the word :' for el[c o'ffcnces frailties, "v\:hich ~en~· laws pun~tb not;a·s in:old \ would fo <tbound;that there coitld. he: no liuing .t'tJen frowardne5;m orhcrs-hafi:tndfc;& m fomc fer Gods people in the world, ambition ond defire of ptai{c: now thcfe ond I l. Poilit. !-low doe thcfe depend one vpfuch like we mufli in louep•lTo by, wi':h6UI ta,_ on an other, o1~r for,tilling ~f men,a;Jd God1 for- ·king nodc.cthcrcot: Prov. 19. J i ./t is theglor1 giuingvs.f Anfiv. We riluftnot conccitre that (Jf flJ'J'Jtmto pajfo~~ydnojfence. ll. Rit!c.lf mtn our fofgiuing men trefpaffcs, is acaufc ~~uc vS f.-.. nne ligli.u)ccafio'ns Of o~cncC, as vp-· why Gdd forgiues Vs :- for we arc by n:nure braid vs with cur ig:no·rancc,vnskd'fitlpcs,bafcdead in ftnnc, ainl c!fl not doe any good thing nc~,ponc~tic,or f~_ch like,-w.e muft lightfy paffc, of our fclucs; r1'll ~A't be Cn:tblcd thereu nto of thcni.oucr,prcfcrnng the .bond of.peace befor~ God: btit -our forgiuing .is a ligne that Gotl I .out'''ard rcpiuation. 11I. !?kl~. Though :\ hath forgiucn vs, bccing indeed afrultof our ntat'l doe vmovs that v.;hi'ch is indCede fht in.; l reconciliation with Go<i ~tOr It j·s a rigne of D i1ori~, yet tf it doe·not hi.nrler Gods I true rcpentance,which is -a fruft offaith,whcrcrione, or too much pre1i1dtce our good dl-atc; I by we apprehend the incrcic of God for <he by hurting our good·oome,our g.o.ods,or li/Cil pardon of uur finncs in Chrifr. . we .ffiu!t caufc Our pr~uare griefc and hurr to I How our 1I I. Poinr. How (houl-d ondOrnineacffc y~cld :opnbHcke.pea~e.lV. Rid~. Jf tnt~ do~ 1 1 ~o~d~b~f~~re goc before Gods forgiuing v~:for fo ;J,c word;, vs fucll gr<lt 'I{ man'tfeftly tundet; Go,Js. ' feeme to import, !f youforgiue---ypu1· hcar~cnfJ· Gods gloric,a~d our good -~fl~~c i'nlit~,g.oods1 1 Pather ;viltforgiue}IJ11, &c. An[. The pardon 01: name; then w,C muH v~~ tlu; hclpc of t:l~c of finne which God f.!'iuc!> muG be confidcred' Mlgj(lr::ttC'; ~nd r"bc h\,·futl defence of l<HNes I two w:>fcs:firfl:,:ls it j·s'giUen i11 heauen;fccondprou.iclCd ~~r th3t e~dc .. AI~'aies rc::flwtrbring,, ly, as it is reuc;;.lcd rind afrU.rcd to the confci- ! 1 . that ID (ecxwg•tO nght Our !eJuc;, WC Jay ;\fitlc encc of man : tld"<v th.c p:~.rdon Ofiinnc i'n heaall mal1c(', hau:_e.d, and dtftrc of reucngc, and 1 ucn alwaics rrocS before out f0rgiulw:o others· I with a .llnglc hcitt.propound GOds gl6riC.1:n bm our aflli;ancc or' p::ttdon with G~d, foi: the reformation of the pa-nic that doth vS : Jmvcs after 01;r forgiuingof men: for a lllans wrong. --------- --~-~-------------· --~------o-'- s<<'On~"-'"----<l