Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- -- ---- ~- ~--· ·-· \Matth.6. Sermon in the~ount. ~~ ~; ~ "I/ though Ahabs fafling was but outward, )'et /A call fo\mcrcic: and for rbis o.ufc the Scripture : thus he humbl~d himtClfe be tOre the Lord, r. m:my cim~:> _ioyncs prayct and LHing u,>gc.. I Kln5 21.17. :9. Gods children rhcreforcmuft ther. I "" I tCe in their rdigi0us tans, that their bodits If/. PciNt. The c~1:t{..:J or OCI:t>fi'm.r of a rc1):- ' ~;12r:r~~~~:-3 ! be humblcd \onrh their foulct;. Here indccdc gious[.;ft, wi1ich may iuiiiy_c_~oouc vs rh'!rrun..- no~~ t.~,::' care muft be had, that in humbling our bodies ro: and they bc.fcaucn. p,,)., V\' hen wt'c out : i we de!lroy not nature, or fo weak~ our.fl:rtgrh f:.'!t;t:S h:~uc tJllcn i11i:O 3Jl y gricuous f1ni1C of : that we di13ble our {clues to fCrue God in onr finucs, wh-:re.ofour co:1fckncc ~cculc:rh vs,~ callings aftcrw:trd; [uchafflifling.ofthe body,the when: by we procure the w!·ath of Gad ~~_ain!.~ Apofllc difalloweth; Cob. 23. .vs; then to rc:formc our (dues, anti to dcapc' Theen..tsof 1 I I, Poiltt. Touching thcrrghrendJo(.:n·eI the wmh ofGod, we haue necde to g:ue our :lrdigiouJ f; ltg;o::s J.tft .- which be foure ctpcCial!y. I : To be iClucs to praj'Cr ::md f:.dUng: r.Sam ].6. T:u If"' t a fpurrc and prvuoc,.tion to true hUJmliatton ,·.ut.~res haP.j:;trfdlen to ldol~an·e, p11r trrMi' their I m '""·l·1· and repentance : for this caufc the m N;,,_ , .fo·tmg~ g odJ ~ ttnd tP.t'nt 1.1mo the LQrd wa/J v;w d;d nor one!; f.ff themfeln", but ca::fod wccpmg and f".JN:'1g : :lr:.d \·;hen rhcy kept th~~ tht tr bur.Jlsto /;ce rvifhout food~ ttnd iYilfeY, tha\ B fca!t of Expi.mhn, which W:lS a rypc of their I by hearing their 10\•dng and bleating for meat, forgi~1cncffc l.>y the Mc:fli.'!.s; th:n1he_; hHmb/cd they mighr more dccpcly Gee humbled by the riNmJelu!J inJP.jling htf::r~ r.h~ Lord, !.Cl:::. 16. I roofi'oO<foo of''"d&r<of,;,"ooo (, ooo, :9. S.:·cor.d&,when fomc ~m:oi~g vs hg into :lily and fo more vnfaineJ!y rcp::-m. This lhnds gricnous finnC, thm:gh v.c om {Clues be cl care with goad rc:.fon: for a mans abafing and pinfi'om it, yet then we mull faft, bo:caufc for the ofhis bodic, thewes him his vnwonhy.. linn<"s oforhers, Gods iudgemc-nts may iu!tlr ncffe of the comforts of Gods creatures by b.ll vpon vs.Hcncc it \Y:ls that Pmt!hlamcs the o 1,Cor.p~ J I rcafon off) is titlncs:ir l_c:ldcs him to fee hi:i -dej .Corimhians, u becaufe rhq for;'olvt'd r.ot for the fen ofGods wrath by rcafon of his rranfgrc[- j finn~~f ir:ttft commttrred t!fl'f·~ong rh~m. And .ill I fl.ons, and fo his heart is mor.c dccpcl:-; Hrickcn ! ·this reg3l'd, cuery godly pcrfon ought to hum.. I with confcience ofhis owne finncs: whcrcuv.. blc lwn1Cifc, becaufc of the gricuous finncs of on he doth more ti-ccly confdfc rhE lllltO God, Athfifinc, blnfpemic, .orpr.;!fion, &c. vvhi£h and more carefully rurnc· from them ~fccrward. abound amcng vs. ThiriJ;, "he!1 [he hand of j : l I. A religious tan fcrues for aJ1 out\'l·ard rcfh.. .Cod in any iudgcmcnt lies vpon vs: fo did rhe I' ~uJi.::.~. monic and profcffion of .OL.!r humiliation and PJfraditcs,when rhqfell in 6mtc! bcfon: tht' iJm.. "· I repentance :.fot by our ab/linencc from the deiamiteJ: and fo ought we tO doe for many lighrs Qf natur,c,.and the comforts of rhe crC"aiudgcmcnrs .of God that h:lllf: bicn long .vpon tures, 1\\'C fole1nnly profcffc our vnwonhincs :c vs. Fourrhly, wh~n the hand of God in any 1 thereof. at>d .of all Gods blcffings: fouhiS<he fcarcfull iudgemcnt li<:s hc:tui.c on others~ I Iocli.I-4· Lord bids, prociarme afaft, when he would among whome we liuc, though we O!Jr feJuC"s haue his people to te1lifi:e their humiliation. b.efree: in rhiHafe Dauidofi times hlllnblcd liI. !t{cruesto fubdue thejlelh, and the corhim(elfe, not onely when his..c.hildgottm in a• , ruption of nature : this ende is ncceffarie, for klrer;e w« jic(J, 2. Sam. I'· 16. bot <t~<n I the foulc \Vorkcth by the bodie, the inclin:uiwhen his enem;cs wn·eJicks hefcjl,cd, Pf.1l. 35. on of the affeCtions is .g'catly fwaicd hy the 13. FJfr!y, when Gods iudgemcnts -arc .~mmi- ~ 1 bodily confHtution, :tnd rhc foule is fiaincd ncnt, and as it \o\'Cre hang oucr our heads : [b . with many G.nncs,by reafon ofthe dJ{tcmpcr of did lehofaph~tt q wi1cn his enemies came ~gajn.f! ' q :t Ch:,:~. · the body,;£ut yet this end is not fa gcncrall as h-is counuic: -and i'l1_this regard \Y.e ought to · 1 ' 3 ' the t\''0 tormcr: for there be t\'I'O f0N:s ofmt i.n 11umblc our fclues, for the profc!fcd c~H;mics Gods Church; fame offo weak a c.ontliturion ofGod~ grace, are daily plotting our li1bucriiofbodic,that thdr ordinary fobrictie and temon. Si."rtly , when v-.•e !land in needcof fomc 6 pcrancc indiec,doth fiJflicicntly fubduc the re:".. D nccdfull bl<ffing of Cod, cfpcciolly fuch os ·bellion ofthe fldh;no·w chefc neede not to fafi -<oncc.rne ffrluation: thus~ CorneliJ~ be(oughc r h.!l.s-c.F• for this end~: others d1cre be,\vhorn ordinaric the Lord in prayer and falting, when he dcfi- 1 temperance and fobricty wil not fcruc to tame red true rcfolution concerning the Mcffias; & the rebellion ofrheidlolh, and thcfe arc' th~y fo ought we to doe, tO get a{furance ofoor:. rethat mull vfe rehg1ous falhng,for the fubduinocondli;~rion with God, in the p3rdon ofm1r ofthe fldh to the fp1rit, befidcs their-ordiparf fins. SeaH""' IJ,forGods bleilirig& good fuc7 4' moderation in diet. I V. Fa.!ling fcrucs to prccdfe vpon the mini!lerie qf rh<· Gofpc!; fo dill pare vs vmo prayer, and·to further vs therein; thcChurch for PtlHi :md_Barl1t!6aJ, wh{'IJ! thcy for firH ir caufcth warchfulndfe, anAwts otf fcntthemroprcach,AC:t1 I:1.~. and fo pught drowfinc{fe,and{o makes am:tn the niore Jiuc1 we to doe at this day. Thcfe be the iufl- o(c;;fily and .frefh in prayer, "vvhercllpol~ our Sauiom / or1s offaftingmcmione,d in the word,whcreto ~ftcn thcfe tog~ther, 11 J'Vatch & pr~t). \1\'C may rcferre th~ refl:: ::md when any ofrhcl€ Secondly, !t make:; vs feeleour wants nnd miI befall R'<ticular pet fons, f<milics\ congrt'gati.• "' fcrics, and 10 brings vs to fomc confcicncc of ons, citics,coumrycs,or ldngdomrs,tl:cn tbcr j our finnes; whereupon the heart is more deepI ought to hu!nblc: ~hcmfclu<."S in fatiing, bcfor.(: · ly humbled,:md fo llirrcd vp more fcruc.ndy eo I .rhc Lord. · 1 I ~---- . __ - 0 4 ___ :-V. l'oo•:;L-·-- _I