Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 1,8 / U1n l::xpojition o(Chrifls ! ----' --- ---:-----------=-:--_,_:______________ · The ~i~nc of I V. Point, The time of If religium {aft: thi:; A ,· Thus much of falling in gcncrall: novv 1 ; f:,fi_11!:.10a~ no\~ is free in rC'gardofconfcicnce, Indctrlc in come to ChrHbdoCh!neof fil.Hing here pro- ! f Lcv.t6.:9. 1the old fTcH~mcnt, they had a (er time offapounded. And fir!l, ot his rcform:nion of the I ' Hing , to wit, the tenth d.9' of the foaTmrth abufc:s thereof then vfcd among the Iev\'Cs: moneth: but in the ncvv tcHamcnt, there h ilo Whe~t ;ce fitft /,;ok£ not M tJu b;pocrius, &c. I fct time which bindcs the confcicnce; onely ~-Ho w. doth this agree With rhc com1 _men mufl faH- a:; iu(t occali.on isoffcrcd.Ifit be m::~.ndcmem of God, lod, .I, I 3 , 14. 1.vhcre f~id, that diucr!c reformed Churches haue fct he bids them. J,owleand er~~ in thei'l' fafl 7 which I times Of falting: 1 anf'.\'C~,thofc f<lft.sarc fct for cannot be Without a mournfull coumen:ulG"C . orders lake, :!.nd nor tobmdc tonfctencc, and and indeed in a trucf:-LH :ightlycelebrated, th; they arc ciuill fa!ls a:l(l not religious , for the forro\'\'e oftl~c heart mutt needs be tdlified by I Church m:-Ly alt~r them at her plcafurc. The fomc conuement fignn and geflurc in the botimc ofa religious fafl,is-thc time ofnxnuning, die. Anfw. Chri!t duth nbt here fimply conwhich is vncenainc vnto anyChut•ch,& theredcmnc a forrowfull countenance m falling, fore the time thcreof',l\nllol be fcr;v\'hich muft \o\'hcn as iufi occafion of(vrrov ..' thercjn is offeSell.trll".te be marked, becau(e the Church of Rome doth B red; for ~ NehmJiabloof:.sdf.1d: bur oncly the ~;;d~~e:,~~ herein erre, in that theybind mens coniC1enhypo,rific ofll1c Pharifics , who when they faces to their fct tinics ofreligious fafl:s. Tolcr.infh:d had a ('ld countenance, without a forrow.. fir. S.tcer. l.6.c. ~. full hc·an 1 fo~ ~li thci~ hcauie lookcs, they hatl Thckir,,h V I. Pvint, The~r.d; of a YeligioHsfa/1': and no brok.en fpmu: rh1s therefore Chrifi f~ith, ~~:f;~.t~ithey arc two; pnuatc· and publike. A pri.Hau c:urie not a fad and. hcauic looke, when rho~ faft, is that vvhich is performed priuatcly,eithcr hall: no !Orrowfull mourning he3n; n 1 ind.e not by one mart aldne, tOr Come ofthe forenamed thy ounvard countenance, in refpcCt of thy occaflons ptcttliar to himCcifC", as Cm·n~lius did hc:u~ and confcieocc. For rhcy di1jigrtre-thrir (Ad. 10. 3;.) \...,,hen hce dc(ircd to knowcthe. facu, &c. This alfo may fecme not bian 1 ctruc Meflias 1or by :1 priuatc f:nnily, vpon pcworthy, for Gods children hauc in their fafts. culiar caufcs mool1ing them theteto,and fo did diuers wayes disfigured their faces, and beene 11</l<>· b(l with her maidcs, Hdlcr, 4· 16, approoucd: E<.ra r·pluck! off the hnireof hu t Ls:.u.n.. This was fereto!d by t, The /andfhall b(ftdmul of his heard: and "L lojlm11h andth~ .'F· !Jew,ule , c#cry (.m1-ilu apart, r_he [dmili~'of t.he raelitu fell to thegroHndvpon thdr face, ~tndpm houfo of Dauid .1p.irt, and their ·?Villt's -:apart, duftvpon their headJ, \\'hich could not but dis- &c. A pub/,k~f..ft, -is that whirl\ is•performed C figure their faces. A nfw. The Pharifcs are blapublikcly, by diuers fam'Uiesa!fembling,in one mcd for disfiguring their faces, in diucrs reOr in mariy congregations: and this publlkc fj>Cfes ,.and that iuHly ; for firH, this was the fafl is appointed partlyby the Church, & part- <heifc an<l on<ly thing they looked torn their " lad '·'•· ly by the Magiflrare: the" Churchmoftiudgeof falls, cucn the outward !hewe thereof,- which :.~h~:i~~~. the time and occafion theYcof: and the" Magi· God haterh. Againc~'the word franflated d 1 5flrtUe i#uft authoYI~e andptoclaime it. Againc, figure, flgnificth the very aboliOung of their a religious fall may be difiiiJguifucd otherfauourand vifage,which is furre more then the waies; in rc(pcCt of the time of continuance, auncicm Iewes euer vfcd ~o Joc; they indCcd ~nd manner of .abfl:incnce therein : for fomchumbled their.bod.ies,& tdhfied thdr forrowc time a religious fatl is ont; fi:otn one meale for \ovhich God approooed: bur they fought not to one day, as Iudg. zo. 26. fomethnc it is from dcfonne their naturall complcxio·n, t-hey pined one meale for many daycs ~ogc.d1er, as I ,Sam, not them(elucs to make their faces pale, that fo 3-'·13· they fa{lcd feaucn daycs together for men might the bcttcrtakc notice oftheir much Sauf<md lolfathan; ab{hining from thdr dinfafting, asthefe P harifies did; andJuch were ners ,& raking tOme refrc01ing in the cuening: &hey inPaHls time, whqjpared not tbcir hodics, and fo DanidfJjledfor th,·u>.eckfsofdayu, D Col.z.zJ. Thusmuchforthcmcaning. that is, each day from moming till night,Dan. The vvords thus explained comainc two ro. 3• And fomnin'JC it is from all kinde of p:uts; a comrilandem~m, and a reafon thereof. {i.Jficnance fbr m:my dayes together: fo HePer The commandement forb1ddcth fained mourttndher maides fafted thrced~yu, Hefl,4· I 6. ning in fafiing, Look! not anheh;pocrite.r: as if Now the n vo fomrcr maybe -vfed ofvs as occahe fuould fay , The hypocrincall Scribes and fton fcrueth; but this laH is very dangcrE>us:for Pharifles when they fafi , make an outward not with vs ih"'this regard, as it w:rs \\'fth fhew ofcontrition and forrow,when as indeed rhc lewc·s ;_rhey liueit in hot countries, andfo their lieuts-are no whit humbled; but you lhal had cold ltomacks, by. reafon "'·hereof they not doe fo ..The reafon of the former prohibitimight fall three daks\Nithout anygreat inconon is dra~,.,·nc from the praCtiCe of hypocrites, vertience: but we thM liuc itl colder cfymates , which is fct out by the ende :md fruitc thereof: haue hotter flomacks, and fo hauc ncede of their praClife is to dUjigt$re th.eirfaccs, therei-n more and oftcncr rcfrdhing rhcn they had; is all thcir.forrow: their ende is otlentation, ndther can WC r~dl fo long without cndangct1111t the, might hefeenc 'tmto men t(} fail'. And I ring life and hc:llth: no\.v falling 1~ufl bee to the fruit- ts .anfwerablc•, 1/trily I [ay vnto you ?-fmrh.6, ':1. 16. y NeA11. '! Ezr.9·l• z loo•. ,.t. I humble & affiiCtthc bociy,bm qor to ddlroy it. thry htme tl1eirrcwt!rd: thfit is, reput:nion and - _ ____-_ _ _!'-r.:c•ic..fc:_:__ _ _ ---~-------·--------- -