Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

!.Jrm 1·.,. 1 ------ s;;~~~~-;;;;r;-~-;;.--·-------- ·r - 1-'/ ~ ! ~:.:_~----~ brought td fee.thc;r ~ndcrie m thcmlc!ues, the A the bmer conceiuing of this bie~lcjnefi'eJwe l----~~ 1 i true ground otthis lpintuall po_~cruc. No\:', mull vndc:rH_a,~d a lbrc.or conda;on of ~na11 ; I when they :uc once po<:Jrc: in fpirtt, theyarc m \\'l_1crc~y he JSlO~&od_s bLtouri an_d •lath_ f~J,~w: a bldl~d.ttltc in the tudgctffl:!mof ~lmH. lf :1 ~}up_wHh God. I he truch et: this ~1;-ftnpuon man bleed dangcroutly o.c thC: nokt th~;: bdl: 1_s cu1dct~t by the t~nour ?fthc new I_dl~mcnr. 1 I \\'ay ro faue hi! life, is to td !Ct hi!ll blood clfcNow this cH~tc ?t m:mts c:!.ll_c'l a Ktr.gdome~ where :md fo rurnc the: courfc ofthe blo~ anbceaufc hcrcmCJod rules =:s Kl' g, and nldn oothcr ~·ay: cucn fo, ..vhcn a man is o_pprc!fcd bcycs a.s Gods fubic~l: f~r no mo.n .can be i~l l with 'v\'Orld!y calam!tic~, hcc cannm finde .any {_?ods fau~ur,.ndr cn1~y l11~ fell?\' fh1p, vnldle ! comfort in them, tor 111 thcmfclueo; they lJod be lus kmg, n.llmg 1a h~s bearc by h 1s 1Gods cudCs; yet if thereby h'ccan be brought 1 word and f[lirit,and he ~ods fuHi~Ct rthg.nin~ to fee his lpintuall poucrric, ehen of curfcs 1 f~imfdfc to b: mled by hm~:for happ1e c.: they become bleffings vmo him: a11d there- I ~:ue co~1fifism ~~ds~rlctaus rultng ot man/ fore when we arc in any diflfcffc, we mull noi: I :tnd m:m:s holy iubu:C.honvnt? God, indeed oncly fixe our cies vpon the outward croflC, feW do fee any grc;H happindfc it~ t.h~s crlarc; I but by me:mcs o:f chat; lab?ut eo fee the pobur t,hc t~uth is; marts whole fchctue ~:md.S' uenie ofour foults; and Id w11l the croffelcad herein; Rom. '4· 17. Thcl~ngdomeof God ~e I t"s to h:1ppindfe. . B not m~ate and drinlz.~. bHt r:_ighttou[ncjfo, peace, f.~i;h""" Thirdly, they that abound with \O.:drfdly" andiOJ irJthchol; Ghoft. HcretheApoll!ctca~ iiufic. Wealth, mu!l her~by lcarnc topecomc poore chcth vs three things : naniely, that "'hen' !fl;bcy will btf.1ucd:Pao~·c I fay, tiot in go·ods, ~~ds ~~irit.rules in~ mansh,art, then firft, hee but in fP:irit: this iqclccdt is hard to-.B..clh.and I,S 1Ull:16cd, there ts rightewfiujfo : fccondly,' blood, for naturally ctlery rich maa bldfeth hehathpeacewith God, eucn that peace ofeO...; hitnfdfc in his oucw·at.:l cfhtc,&pcrlw:1ds him fcic~cc whichpa.~crh :1ll vndcrHa.nding: third- / . fclfe th3t God !dues him,becaufe he giues him' ly,<be ioy ofthe !-J.Ghol\,which i1an ·m fpcak< .I wcahh ! but fuch conccits mull hn H~iue a-' ~le comfq·rc,pa.fh. 111gal world!~ ioy wh~tfocucr~·· g:\in!t;add lcarne ofGodt1 rcioycc in th1J,thar f\nd th~icthrc~ do~ nota?if_kt out the Cl~teof 1 h.~ innaddowc;Iam.J •. H!J~ , , . . . an happ1em31H wiuch will yct,more platnely I I;.Ag.;;"ri fputthly, on·this faying of <;:~rill, that rhi ~PRcarc by their c_oiniaries in Iudg.s, who be-; t!u: Vo•yeof p~ar~ 4re hlcjfod, the Popifh tca~hcrs ( obfcr.: 1n~a w~ctched linner, vnrightcoufly betraicd I ~~~~~~~de uing the word t. ranflatcd pvore, to betoken I his maller, and thereupon fcJl into d1c mifcric I Mon~ch,t.,·. 1 O'l}ti{Vard poue,rtic} goe about to build~ their .... · of a guilticaccuting confcie.ncc, which wiS "P·'"· YO'\Vf ofvolunmie_poumic 1 1vlrtre"by men rethe eaule of his delperate death, and allo that 1 n·9·u'ncjrig theinve~lt!J and po!fe!lionsof this his bodie burlhfunder,and his bo,wcls gulhc\1 I y;pr!g 1 dc< bct>l<.c_themfelues r<> -fomc Mona- C out: Now ifan cui!l confcience b~ lo !earcfull 1 lJ~r)c'1Jlrc:.c to l iuc a. poorc an:d {olitaridifc; ~hcn how bkffed an el\a<c i.s the peace and »P~ tli6lr \jofunta~i'e pou'CrtiC' .r:•H not agref: ~oy of a good co~{deutc? whlch a man thcil with·tllistdtifor.€~tHls po-crr~here prono"ilnhach, when Go·d by his word and lpirir ru!cth ccd lrldfed,-:tre,!ildi,QS by reafon"qf rhcirpo'" ' in his hcatt•. A~:Unc, this cllate r. called the aerti~;·ift;n\:ile and ~rtl!ci)~d, ~Vatfti.tig' ~ngdom~ofhetmen; bccaUfCth~t hiarl.ifl wh01i1 outy;ard cqnif6~J.S;~:s wt lh'e>~e4oilt 6f LHk!, (::hrill rwcth by his'word and lpirit, fs alrcadil: 1 J .t ..k.<.io. .h rJ)crc \=hfil\ o)•pofcth,hcm•,q t!r<,ri"ch,who hin&lft in haoauen,•though in fiodic he be yet wii~ io;t r)>mi~d1wi~h all wGtld!t d~JJg}1ts ;· b~r ,p.~n..: on ~anh: for h~au~n. is like a dtic with twO' -~Cr(lQi:tltcP«pi9lcV~Y'.qfvolunJ~ric. ppucnr,- gates, tbiough both which a ma~ mu!\ patle 1 i~ n<l cfl~r~.~f 11!\fme or dill!;~\1(: 0;/'!r who d6 bcfprc he obtainc the full ioycs thereof: now , 4Ne (1l _grf:itcr ealo,~ oc enloyA'PJ~ .frcc.dome fo foone·as God by his w6rd aild fpirir ruJ<S· ·f}·<ep1 ~hocroffes:.ul_d·vcXaSi'tins-6ftPfs trfc,thcn· in any mans h~art, hce i's alrCadic entred the [email protected]~ ? Agains,1 t(~l}dr.vow~d D ~ate ofgtaCt!, which is thefirfi gate; the other~ l_p.·op~r .. tj~. h:1d a,ny ground in,;thib.,.tcxt, ~hCJl rcmai11cs tObe paftcd through at the time ~f l,epril\.11iouldpronounce fj•elri!pii~•J>_!c!fed,q~ drat~, wl•ich is th'e gore ofglorie, aird t~en he j' .lnaq~ fhpni~Iu·es !>9>?te_!.\>llrthpth;.doth n6fl . JS m lull polTeljion. . . fgr then in the n~xt ~.rle.he fuoyl<!:pm~ounGe' :both true happinetfc eonfil\ in this ellace; ITJ,.,r,. '· {f!ch_Jl)~.urnu~ blcOc~, ,aS Yplt!F!~r~AY 1 Cau(C' whert ~hriil rulcthand ~anobefcs?thcnhere 1'l:e ~rror of. j !h~mfclt(CS"to '\ISIIIWe,: f.,.,t\i'l~ll.._~rf• depen~ behold.rhe <rroul of all Phifolophers agd wile ''' ~?'" .l dcdl o'n thiJ.,:tS".am~t~f~ll ~?I'P.l._~n~tfonof tP!s ' inen of dlis w6r1d.touching happindfc: for 1 h~~e~~~~~ fisfl nl).e: \l'\lt n9, man•.will ,fay.tLat they rh\lt Come hauc placed it iR plc•lurc, forne in P · ' r mournc ~\'ithout a'c;:J.Dfe, :\r1~ tjl{~e.. caJI~d bltf.:;· "Y\'taith, and othCfS inCiliill vertues, :md forn,t ., j fed; and therefore. P bpitp ,v;c?.'ll;~-~ .PPO<rtic' in all thcle, Bunhe truth is, it !lands in none i bath no groundob'thispia«.•f.p;gilius much oftbcle.A naturall man may'hau,< all thefe,:hid : of the pcrfons. ,. , . , .., • yrt be condemned: for thc·ciuill vc:rtucs ofthe ·~ I I l. Point. \:V~er.cin the blt,Kedneffc of hc:nhcn, were in them but glorious finnes. thcfc p~ore conii{h;)'~.rrfclY,}fi.~au~n.g a:ight' Our Sauimrr Chrlfl h_at.h he-re reucalcd mort; J xi.,•.Jnra of tO the k1agdome of\JI!'!'I, . For t.~t~rr u t~c vnto vs,thcn al~ the w1fc ~en ofthe world did I!.:J~=n~ i k:!_;rg~ome-ofhcaner.. By kJ"gdom~ofhet~H(IJ (for euer know: & flereb~ we haut iuil occafion to· ..n;g: