Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

6 ___ ......_ ___ _ ___!n Expojitil'li1 ofChri~s --'---· -·-- ------------------ . m:~gni.fic the bookcs ofScripture, farrc ~bot:c: A,: fccondly, wherein their blc!fcdncfl~ conf fis? lll bmh3tu.: writing~ bn:aulcthcy doe fully iCt namcly,tn r~uiHing coP'f orr. For tbc tirfl: by ! .~1.lff\) , I :..:...1_· ~ \ out vnto V$ the no.turt::nd dbtc oftrue fclicimot<~rntrf, \\'C mu it not vndcdhnd cuc:ry-onc 1 l : tic, ''-hich no llltlllanc ..,,·orkc could cucr doe: that is any way gricucd, but fuch as ·hauc iuil 1 \ . · \\'e moHftht.Tcfurc ~ccount ofthem, not as the and waightic c:~.u!Cs of gricfc, and doe then:- ! V\·ord o man, but ofthe cucrliuing God: yea, fore mOutnc:for the words import an cxccc- ~~ra~r'llr. \ this ll•tdl petfwadc n to maimainc the bookcs din_g meafure of gricfc, fuch as ts.cxprcflM by l ofSet iptm_c ago.inH all dcuillifi1 AthC:.Hs., that crying:.tnd weeping, as is plainc by Saint Luk.!, T.t·l: ,-;,f. i : dcnic the bme robe tbc \\'Or,t of God. who rhus relateth ChriHs f.1yit-1g; 6/tJfetl arc aM:Jimr. 1 1 Secondly, h~rtby we ;ltetaugln,fromthe jurhat"now weepe. And yet cucr.y one is not PrJv fvr honom~ ~r our he-arts, to make that petition blcOCd,that monrneth vndcr grieuous diftrcs; I :i'u~~~-b.~gfor our ldncs,whi(hCbt-ill-tc~thcth in 9is hofor Cainc, Smd, A,hirophcl, and 1Hd 1 u wcrely prlycr; nat,lclf, tl5tlt hu rvuuld let hii kj_P.gall dccpcly affcclcd in iOule with their moll , dmJC·c6me: th:ltis,not ti.Jffcrfinne, S:~.tan,or wocfulldhtcs,thoughfarrcfromthisbleffcd1 the 1 Aorld to r:~ignc in v.s,but by his word and ncs, This·rH/e then, mull thus be vndedlood; fpirit to rule in our he~ms, giuing v~ grace to thn.t tbey are Mef[cd, who with their mO~trning be !~uidcd thcrcb.J' in :11! our \-\':tics. We affeCt B for Wlf~~btiecaufos ofg'·iife, doe withal/ moHrne nutllitll:!_llldr-= thenlkippincs,and chc1 C:forc we for theirjin11n: JOr lo was rhc.formcr Rule to muH otrc:mimcs mon fcri ouf1y1makc this re~ be vndedl:ood,-of thofc~that with the fenfc ofi quell to God,prcfcrring tHis cHarc with God, their outwa'rd difircife, had adioyncd an in4 1 befOreall plc:.ii1res and happincs in this world, wardfeeling of their jpirituall \\·ants: and this \ and vfc all good mcanes 'to feclc inour hearts verfc isbut a more full explication thereof, as \ thepower of Chritls kingdomc. ifheihould h'aue fa id., they are blcffcd rhat are Th irdlv, this !hould moouc vs to hcarc poorcin fpirit:Yea,pm cafC amanbe dHlrC{fcd ue 1 }Gods Gods wo~rd with all fcare andrcuercncc; for for moH \Naightic caufcs of gricfc, fo "'-S hee · wurd. by this mcancs, the kingdonu: of Chri!l is ~ow.le and~rie vndcr ~he burthcn of them:yct ereCted in vs: when the·word of Chrift takes 1f Wtthall,fic can vnfl1nedly mournc and ·w-ai!c pilee in our heartS by f:~ith, :md brin,gs forth in in heart for his linnes,non-..·idi!bridino till his I our liucs the fruit~ ofrightcout'ndfc, and true pouertie and difirdfc, he is ttucly bJc.ff'ed. . _. .. .-. ... rcpemancc,thcn may we trucly fay, the kingThis blclfed fcmence vpon thCill th:lt vrcs. •.: 'J dome: ofhcancn is in vs. mhurnc, feruCs fundry vvaies for a foucra'igne 1 c,,nrulan._,-;. 4 _. . LafHy, Chr.ifl: afcribing this happic title of C falue to the coilfcience ofaChrifrian. As fir.fl; Ion,. 1 ·'t:~ con(oJJrion h1s hcaucnly kmgdome-to them that be poore, ptit thc'c'afe a man were dHlrcffeU ·with grrc~ to t~lcl'oorc and of a contrite hean, cloth hct·ein ininifl:er a uous calamities, ~nd wi'rhaH w·creou'crtakcn foucraignc rcmcdic againft all temptations, with fome hainous finne, wliereUpo·n not Ontfrom outward poucnic and difircffe: Doubtly his body is ·afflicted, birt his eonfcicnce~lfo Ic!Tc poueP!.iC is a'gricuous c;.roffc, nOt oncly in ·\vounded, and fo he isc~fl: il~r-o tht g~Jre-bf regnJ of the want of bodily comforts; but -defperation: yea fay, that b)' re:ifon'df cfpccially b::Caufe of th~n contempt and rethe tcrrou.rof his confCicn-Cc, his fle!h~\,~Cte proach, which in this ,.,·orld doth hang vpon withered, and ·his mi'rrcSwe"t~nfuii'ledi111liS it:whcrc:upon many Joc'cilccmc thcirpoucrcy, bones; were· not this a ca1ff~ of cxc€e'dirig a<o a figne of Gods "''f.lth ag:~inCl 'thern, and mournrng? yet loe,our tridfitble'£frdP~ym:ron thereby take occaf-ion to dc-!pairc., thinking ·Clirlfl: lefus, hath m:tde·aplaifler for hiS fof(;. the kingdomc of darkcndfc bdongeth vnto for if this !ni)l of difire'flh, ciiil withall~fuely them. But here confider you poorc, this fenmournofot-=affeadihg God tbrough :hf.Hrah1:. tcncc of Chr·i!l, where hcc plaincly tcachcth, j\'rcffiflns,IIC:isvndoub(cdly blciTed;for'Chl'il\ thlt if a m:m in omward difirdfe, can be D harh faid 1 1t, whofe \VOrd fhaii nCuer ....fl ile brought to fcelc his Cpiriruall poucni<.·,:~mi the thougl(hei~le,n-:tn'd earth come to notliihg. <.l}.. wrqchcdndfe of his foulc, qy reafon of his 'bleiTed text, "'hich b"ceing well appli~;·\vm finncs';then he isfo t3rrc from1lauing iufi caUfc not onely fupport the heart in 'great dillrcffe; to dcfpairc of Gods f3uour, by reaiOn' of his but recouet rhc tonfdencc from vnder{it'cpe poubrie, th:u on the contrarie, h:·may gather defpaire.'...'S'ec6ndly , ·pUt' dfc a· man \Vere to hisfoulea motl comfortable aflur:mcc, from gr.ieuOuJ1}' 1fiCk, ~nd that he fc:lt·the very pongs .the mouth ofhim that dnot lir,th~t the kingOf dc:uh'~'*'i~oUrto.ll-ellfe rorfcaie' Vp0t1'1him, dome ofheaucn belongs vmo hito. <:[o as both rpeach ahd fig·hf, -with all oiit\\·:ud ' d h h comfortg1bef,3n't0 faile hl'm ; this (hue were v. 4· 'Bieffe ttre t ey t at lamentable': yetifln hisfoulchcc can 'trucly , f. h fh l'f I. mourne fo.r·h~s offcnces,cucn in this extremity, mourne:_; or t f,J Ill-• ue comhe is bl<ITt'd·:'fh'irdly.-put'caleaman w'cre '"- 1} t c/. ken of his enemies, :md his wife ~md children I QY e • : fhinc before his face-, ha~1ing thrir braincs 1 • Rule. I ·Here is Chriilsfecor.drule touching bletfcdd;~(hcd out vpon the lloncs,aftc:rward hlmfclfc ndTc; wherem confider two points; flrH, the put tO amoft·wocf~lll rackc anti torment: this 1p~rti_cs who arc bldfcd., thtJ tha,t ":ournt: were a~ e(l:~.t_e more woc[l.ill then clc:nh : yet '--"--J"'~----...__ ---~~<m \ ~