Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.~M.mb.6. -:-;. I],t 8. Sermon in the~ounc. 161 .. . - . . . I ncth the co·nccating ofit froni others, which A Gods: priu:nc v.:orfl1ip, for there is _the _fame , ---.. -~ cannot be done in a publikc f3!l: and yet the re:~fon of .all : JS m:~.y thus ;~ppc?r~; Flrfl, 111 al~ _ I nninc thing here inioyncd, is the approb:uion aCtions of GoJs worlilil), there mull be obfer.:. ofthe hearc vnro god, \·vhich mull be obfcrucd ~cd :111 hnly comdi_no:fi'c :'l.nd d<"ccncic, ~'·.hich 1 in :11l religious flits, as "'''ell publikc as priuJt::. :s ehen done, when tn~y b~.: pc!fonno::d \\ 1W fi~ .A-:Qmt tbi;;eh!!.<rd, a11dw4b thyface:Here Chri!t and corrvcnicnt circua:thulccs; that is, publikc ~dlud<.:th eo the cu(Tomc otthc JC'Ii\'CS, who to a~Hons of "~'oL"Ihl~>. _with publi~l> (Jn:u_m!hn~ Jl I {hc'I.\'C ch_cir chccrcfi.JlndlC,vfcd t~ anomt their ces, anri pnuacc <!Lh.ons vnth pr!Ultc Clrnnn.. . heads \\"Lth f"·eetc oy:1tmcnrs, ~nd to w:t!lt Han~c:-s: ~s·rt:b_Iikc l.)f:"l)~Cr nwlt bc:_madc of: . • J their facq; as ,, cc may fee by Ntwmie.s eom- ~nbhkc pcrJO!llll apL!bl!kc p!J<:c, 1,\·n!t an. :11:- , :t Ruth;.;. mand to .1 Rmh,aad by l>D.Jvilr pr:-Lthfct whcu aiblc and loud vvi~·c; ::fr.d priu:-!te poycr mlllt b l.Sa.n.u. he perceiued his child W:\S dtad,lnd wou!d tCbe made in :1 priLi.~g· placc, by priu;~:~ per Cons,_ Hi fie that he hac! ccafCd frommourning for ir: I vvi£haHill :1nd Iowl' \'Die~, and othrr fecmrly' a!fo by tlu: fj)ecch ot' Chrifi , iufiifying the priu:-.~c gdbrcs. Secondly , \\hen j'!"iuate wor.: woman th:u ann-:>inrcd his fccte \1\'ith oymD1ip i~ pc-rforme.J wirh pubii;.e cirt:l!m(bncco;, c tuk7·~6"- mcnt, M!•le cheold lhoNdidde_/Z. not annoint ,/;ut n there arc ma.ny or::;.fions gtU('!l to ambition; jhu barb tvmoi;-;t~dmyJute with o)'ntnunr: for pride) and h~·pocrihc; bur bccing done priua.r... as D avidLith, Gl)dgiuu o;l~ to mak.§ tluface Jy, thefe p:-cucntcd, & the he:ur to ft)i.u~, Pf.1l. 104- 15. Bur yet thcfe words arc ~s more free to fcckc the .approbl<joo of God nor to be t~kcn propcrly,ncithcr do_thcy binde ' oncly. , vs to :mnomt our he:;.ds whenwe bll, as m:;.y This dod:rinc 1eri!es to direCt durpraCtifc in' p,i~~~~/~fi; appcare bythcfc rc:dOs : 1.lfthe "'\'ords Owuld Gods worfhip;ls fir/},that \\'e n1uH not refcruc C:uih "Cr• bee rakcn propcriy, then i11ould Chrill conour priu:uepn:par:uion to Gods publike 'Nor.: !hip•. dcmne all the f:1f1s of holy men in. the oldc Te... ihip, til ,.,,ccnmc to the publik::- congreg::ttion$ ) _I I . d h b !"I I ' ., -· ] . ~ I Of !•nuate 1hmcnt t w 10 vle neit er oymmems nor •sa• Lit prepare our c ucs :n 101.1~ r~JUatc y m om l i'r'"f'Qration .{"hings, but abflained ti·om all fuch bodily dech:unbcr or clo!~t; for though ro pray euc-ry , r•t.Cqdl . , li•~hts for that tin\c, 2. ClniH fhould eom. where be la-..\'filll, yet bccaufe cOnuenient ci!·... 1 fbi~~~,({, w.orm~nd .:-omra-rie~,namcl)',thc vfC offuch things cum!bnccs mul.t be obfcrutd in all our aCtions in f.1lling, as n·crc more proper fe:1Hing, ofworlhip, therefor~ priuate .praicr in a publik wherein men vfc to be ioyfull ~nd d1crefull . pbcc i~ not 10 rr~mely nor conueni"t·m;for pub3· Hclhould inioyncthatto fomc countries, C like drcumlhnccs doe llO.t bc!C.emc priuatc which \\'ere not in their powe:, or at leait worfl1ip. Qsujf. \Vh:a if a man \.\':!l).ted t!m~; could nor be vfed of them without excefliuc or had fUrg~to prepare biml"clte before hand?' ch•rges; as i11 tbis or other colde cow1rries, An[w. Slight pretences cannot iufiifie any dif- \ybcre oytcs arc :ro:.rc and co!Hy. The order in Gods worfhip; andyet if :t. man wilf I true meaning therefore mull be.c gathered out needes there pcrformc his priuat~ pr.cp:u:uion; ofthe t:ircum.llanccs ofthcplac.c: now ChriJls he muH concealc all ou~ward fignes of_pr:tycri I intent is here, :ts in the former points ofAlms- 1 aJH.J only lif.tvp his hc!!.rt Vnto God:fot agood dccdes, and prayer, toprefc;·ibc"':.lntomen the ap- .dut-iemay become olfcnfiue by inconuenien.t p,·aotsingof tl1cir hearts vntv Gvd infafti~'l, by circumflances. SccoJldly, this {hpvCs how auoiding ojl-c.'":tt!fion therein; and defrc of the Chriflianfaroil.ics mull: orderthcir priU~tc expraifoofmen: and therdOrehe·namcs fuch becrcifcs· of religion, namely> fo priuatcly for hauiour, as doth noway a flft vnto ovoice :mdgcHurc, th::tt rhrymay conccale the thers; meaning thc.l·cby, that we fhould c.onflme from others, belidc their family prefc:m i ccale ourpriuatc fafts from mcn:as -ifhc lhould hnd fo mufl: p:aticullr perfons pra·):ing alone, fay, when tho"uftifl4!priuately ,focarric thy folf~, .obfCrue fuch circumfbnccs as may conccal.C that it mtt}' not appt'are to mm thoufaftefl, and m 1hcir prayers from odv:rs: for all occafions of allthJ fiifh [re/!.tonc'f to app1w!le rhy hra>'t 'imtb D oflcntation mull be "''oidcd, tliat fo the heart {Jod. mayapply 1t fclfc wholly towards the Lord. The wor.c:ls thus c-xpiainecL t\'ro . Th.u rl•ot: Jam~ not to men tofiif!.] This is parts; :1 comma;1demmt, :~nd a re'afon .thereof. 1 1 the feconJ branch of Chrills comm~ndcmcnr, The commtlndtmmt is two-fold: Fidt, that we wherein we lc:J.rnc a fecc~nd dmy in arcligious Ihould conccalc our foils fi·ommen, 'intimated , faH; namcl7, rbat rhn·cm wefeek.; to approoue om· by rl'ajh thy face, 1111dnnnoint rh; hud: fc"condi {dues w1d our aEfiom onr/_'t to God: for which l}', chat we fhould feekc to app.rooue ourfclues 1ende_, "'"'" mdl ob!Crue three things. 1. With not to men,bur to God 111 our rchgH1US fJJl s,rn m1r fafiing we muH ioyne- :1 ccnucrfion of our thefc \\ords, Tfult 1ho1s{eeme not1omen tr; faf/, I heart fron1 finne vnto Cod: loci 2. 12, Ti1rne 1 hut to rhr FatherrvJllch ss mfocret. Jn tl•1s fi.rft 1 _rouvntomer rvirhall}otJrhedr!:, tmdwit!J_(.rffing: ~~~;~~~~~fib~ btlnch ofd11s -comm:mdemcnt we rn:1.y lc3rn(', 1 !-there God hath ioyned them toget-her, and I (oucca!cd. that thcprulatc worl111p of God mult . they m:1y not be fcucrcd. Now .t:har .our hearts founed p1H1:1tdy vmo God, and concealed . may tmne to God in flftino' we rnuft hauc 1 frot_n mcn:t~or t_ha-t which is here (lid of.priuarc r 1 1 ipccial1 regard to ourb~hauio~; bod1 !Jt"fo'i't,ln., fafh_ng, whtch ~s a t~e~ncs to further or1r pray- · antl Aftci' our.fa.f/, \\het her pub!i~:e or priuatC. J crs,1s ttuc_ofp.!!yer tt felfc, andofcuery pan of__}_..!!._4'or~. the ft~ff ,~~~t:~-r_~cpa~--~oar fduC's the:.cto l"hc.ltnrf wufl~e:lp .. J'rooucdto ~~~nh~2.: HO',.;tf;c hcan m:w tururo inf<~llirlg.