Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

16o 1--· . ~nExpojieionofChrifls ...... ;:~~~~~~6. 1 2 Second'J-, we hau.c ambng vs cominu~ll occafi.... A Condly, if this \\'ill not fcrUc to fubduc the J ~r'f:&i~.~~ . ons 0f fa~ing, both in publikc,and priuat-c_:as, flclh, ~l~t .th'lt i~ \Ni!l{l~ll rebell againfi the"l:l\~ 1 1 "' I. Gods,mdgcmcnfs ... prcfcm: fDl~\>vhcn hauc ofthe tpmt of life, (as 111 forne it will nor)thcn t t...·c bcenc free froni fOt'i'lc' one ofrhcfc, either fafiing mufi be vfcd, in ..,,·hiCh th.c bvdiet is to I famii'IC,:or pcHilcnct,O~ vnf~afonab:fc \o\'C:lt~cr? be .affiit'ted,and thc_foulc humbled ,forth!? fuh ... ·l I I. God's wdgcmCnts 1mmmcnt a11cl: :hangmg dumg of the rcbclhous A.t.~J!l): but yet 'h,crcin . Ouc-r•Our· heads; for dtir profcffcd•; c;Kmies wee mufl bc\\'arc; that 'v\'CCI dc!hoic not our 1 v,:arch for our fi.Jbucrtion,:~n~l ·we arc in danger hc3ith 1 our ihcngth, or ou-f·couHitutioh ~ :f~i I to ~al1c- the kingdomc· ,df hcauc.n,takcn from thus 'v\"C1 t1c'glcet. our life,. which is :1 fi1Hid of vs, 1n the power ofthe (Joipdl,thc: comfort of murthcr: whcrcm (though few) yet fofhc"Hoe pr::1.ici and ofthe Sacraments, bcc<nlic we doe offend, who in the meane rime liuc in ·rhc pra .. not bring forth the fru'its thnco£. I I J; We Cl:iic of fou!c;::~.nd groi1C1inncs orhetw~ieS: hauc ·our ownc corrupt natures to fubduc, and fifthly,- ~rra note how "fatre the Ph3riBcs many finne3 tobreak G>ff,with panicular iudgegoc in outward lll<miliation; they arc cot~tcnt mcnts vpon our tClu'ts to rcmooue;for any one to atRia their bodies,cuC to the dishginin ..oOf whcr~pf we h:mc great need t? faH of~ m. IV. f% their comple~~on; but yet thry wjJl not tep~m Though ...,,.e had no flfch caufc m regard ofpur ~nd leauc their fintlcs, no though lolm Bkpti.ft.., fclues, yet the horrlbie·finncs that abound in -and Chrifi pre:tch repent-ante vtlto thch : '3 " O"w'"j".l erclle$more cmhrlccd thcnwaigh· ti: duuc,.. l •,;;:?t·u·: ·\ Y•· r ~~--.:r ! cnf1alid, <ire ·caufc fufficicnt tobri11g¥s on our wherein beh0ld the prQpcrtie of our cqrntpt k"'hecs}lPirttl c.-fc:trui lA·~ jbMid be lmmblcd at nature in God's fcmicc, ifoiln.. ;:nd aC.Hon~s- and C~i·inJh;dbcw.1.iljng rrumy that had jim1cd:· and bodily cxertlfes will feruC the tutnc, ..,,·e c3n be {lnilt l"'"dt the common Athcifinc, the contemp.t content to beHaw much cotl: to· take oreat of qods \Nord and iudgCments,-th~ _bla~oh:... p~ines, and to cn~utc_fornc <'~fH(Ction; bu~ yet mit•s, Qr._prcffion, an~ fcarefull ~cclirme ot d11s fbll \:'c defire :o hue 111 dhr finnes. This 1s· citiagc -cauie'vs to wa·Jl~ and n}ournc? V. VVe dcntmPopene, farVI·hdaretnore aufkrc to !hould.Oft hmilhlc our fclucs for the .Church of their ownc bodies, inv·•·atchin·gs, wandrtn13, 111 God; a'nrl for the cominu~mcc of thC Gofpdl whipping rhCfc!ucs, faftiirg;&c 3ndyet .,.,,fi'crc itt"ftnC:critie among vs 1 311d to our-pollcritic ~ is more abhominable filthinefTc then atiiong !·;·., . I I d roh-:,17· £Sf.~:1'.~. ~ i~L~~~;. ... . ' hereby We fhlll bell cxpreiTc ;:.,ea.t~_toY. Gvds. 1 them ? and t~i·s r~_:tkes _th~t ~e~gion fo ",- which f11ould fJittc vs vp; as 1t IS f.119c of ccd .becaufe m d11penfing '{\'Jth finnc, fdr·the uChrift, andof' Da"idY Gods Icrujdltm jhou!d performance ofthcfc bodily atlions , it tlts ·fo be oul' f chitfo ioy : and we mufi tcfiifi"c it by C well to our corrupt nature. Whcreforc'.fct·V·S" g praringfm· thepcdc'c thrrcof: Cbri.ft pr11yedand take notice of th1s our cqrruption,and th6ugh hfiiftcdwhen hechofo hi> Arofllcs for the pl4ntint we mull not negleCt the hwnbling of the bo• ofhis Church:,much tnorc th~rtforc mufi \YC do die vpon iuft occafion ; yet let YS principally it forth'c continuautc lookcto the mortifying of linnc, and theobc.. Fourthly, Chrif\ l>ctc di(.,!lowcs .not onc!y d1ence of the heart. . the atfeEtation of praifr in thcfc Ph:1rifies, but: ~ h h 1 /J the disfiguring ofthdr f.1CCS by a kinde of pi- 'V. '7. ut ll> en t ou I a,.•- nino of tliem!clues ; whercbv he would reach efl' annoint thine head, and vs, ~hat a true f.1H: fiands n~t in d)c affiitting I"' and wc>kning of the hodic. Now albeit few )'}!ajh thjface, , otfcndthisvo.:ay:ltthisday, for moH~rcgiuen · 8 <Th h fi toonmch to pamper rhe fldh; yet here may I , ..t at t OU eeme nOt fi[lybcfbc·\NCd, what c:lrCt11CllOUght.tohau.c t e· t fitjl b t f th O(m•fo< oftheirbodic·s. Andfidt.ofall,>rwo-fold care vn 0 m n 0 a ' u vn 0 ry <i><bodio. mu{\ be auoidcd; as well an immoderate care .Father which uinfecret; and to pdmper the biJdie with mearc and dri"!!k.!, for D h h thattpakcsrhe hem heauic,and theh ead drouthy Father ll> ic Jeeth in Jefic and hcrc:bv lufl is kindled, ::tnd finne cheri- •J/ d h !11~d; 'which ;hcApofi!cforbid;,Rom.q.r4. cret> ll>W rewar t ee open~ as alfo too little care, whereby the bodic is piJ ncd and pulled downc to oucnnuch weaknes, l.J• which is one thing here reprooued: The care Chrifi the true DoCtor of his Church, ha... uquircd is that moderate regard vmo the bouing in the former verfc fought to rcforme the die, " ·hereby it is fo fufiaincd by meate and 1 exercifc of Fa{Hng, from Pharifaic:all ~bufe.s, drinke, that it n 1 ay al\\":tics bel·omc the temple I doth in thefe two vcrfcs feeke to refiorc the of the holy Ghofi, a.nd :l fit inflnnncnt for the fame to his dght vfe:not (o·much unending to foulc vnto ·worics of rightcoulndfc, :md the command vs to f.1ft, as to brin; vs to the right \Vorfhip of God. Now he th~t "''ould thus or- . 1 manner of fafiing. 1 - dcr his bodic, JWI\ doe tWO things: Fir!\, he TheE.<pojiri,n.whm thou fafief/, (7c. It fec- I nmHob!Cruc perpctuall temperance in tOode mcth th::tt Chrifi here fJ)cal{Cth eipccially of a and raiment, t:~.king th:lt ,_.,·hi eh may well fuf- . priuatcfafi, for bcfidcs 1tba~he. vfcth wo.r~.s of fice natmc, bm not fulfill the lu£ls thereof. Srthe fing~hr ntimbcr, Tno;~?[.h:nc,&c.hc lOtoy~ '! ·:.::::.::.:::.::.::.c.:::::..::.::.:~=-==::::.:::.::::==c...:.---""- ncth ~·