Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Matth,6. Sumon in thrM.:...'7v.lount•. V-19)10. ;1 effe called idoltrtrie, C61. 3~ 5. Hence it is that A gr_icuoufi1(:'.ff~=9f our fi1-mh, <!rl~ the gth_t·pcilf':. Chrilt makc·s it fo hard athi11g[or a rich man to j / ?t ~ods anger <iuc ~hcrcl~nto•::m. r!nn h~ lf~h enter intohcattm.' ~atth. 19 .. 2.3,·2~·· bccaufc ' n~1pnnte~ thoHa!np~o~ hi~ \o;:rat.h ~J'?~llk_I~{·F~t?~ rhey s tmft in then· n chcs: :111d 1f \NC mar-kc ..,vel, ! I CIC<~r_urc for t!lc fJJ!Il~ ot n1.1n 5 ,by lt.O!C~; g ~hr.IMt· \VC fhall finde it commonly true; chat men ' . to thls t'.VO·.:fold vamtJC. An.J.-~·hct,cfut:c \YI):(:'~~· arc proud hc:uccd and fccurc, not rcg<lrding ' we f<.:c 3 m~th .vpun ap.porcJI·, dr r·uH ~Hl<hc~l~Y! Gods iudgcmcncs, nor themcancs oftheir falkcr.Ypon mct,t"a!J or btf:or. ... ;r.~~t,(f.t~s~t.ortH.'f.:'~~~ h Pf:tl. 51 .7. uation; for they hra/:jnot God for theirjhc;~~tb; t}lem, we ~o.>Ug~lt<· rather to ye-h~m~lhcd•.fGif.i:onr. rJ 14 t rmflin tbci< ricJJCJ.Da'uids counfell "there... ~HlllCj, thc11 m fuffcr 0tl:·hc:a:~ts ~o h.t·.dil~w.u:w-! 1i Pfa.t.6 :.t<J. fore muft be follo\vcdj i if riches,fotn~t m~modc1~2.tC dd1rc ~na_ ddrghr .. aftcr eart.hl~.1 l yostrfHtlft therecn. . . . . tlung~. Sc~_ndly arc_t~c ncl):er~ The ~o!ltt;l The fourth praCltfchere forb1dden, Js when finneO,_fubJcd_td ~-anme for l'nat1s ~~n_1~c?. :,Lhc~~- pra.tbfc ~f menlt<-J vp forthcmfelues onely, l'vithoun·egard ro.l 1 how vame a thmg IS man,thaoby Ills tr>rlllfl<CI-' co~tctou ncs. tbe Cbr-rrclior Common-rvcalth, or rcleefc of rhc Hon bring~th Yallitie vpo:l'thc't.::rcattJrc~)'·J:n!..•S1 poore. This is a deuillifh praChfc: for cucryone .:1 therefore i1! ~hem behold bar~l.'l'nc \'anlt~:J)'!'lh.~: is but a ltcward of that hcc haeh, ·eo dtfpencc B when \\T pmc them, lcamc tolam~ne eut:o\.~•!1' the fame for Gods gloric to the good of o1 iniquities. · · '· _. ,.·. 1 'l thcrs. Thepoorc arc Gods poorc.J&ntembcrs : v. 20. Btt.r 1.1J vprren[lli:xt!fory~urJt:ft~t&~l : of his f:unilic, and therefore he requires, chat €brifl: hnu~n·g {hewed what"wt=t.o.·rnufiL'Il~~ ~· ctlcry llcw:ard in his family fhould fee they 1 doe in rcfp:et of uc~fi1rcs hete·~n d{\tth~'! h:J.ue their portion : God '"'ill call the rich to knowing mans inc!iuauon eo·be l1rcl\.,-tMebe~ !, their account, when this will noc be taken for wfll needes l1aue: 'fomcthirrg tf.b'r,his t.i:c~«~ro1 J good difpofing, to f.'ly I kept my rithcs'to 1:11y dath here c;omc "to d1c fecJ~: hrtttiGfplof:this f 1 1clfc: fo much will rhe. i1orhfull feruant fay, commandcmc.:nr;. fhcv-.·ing .what~tl:t"aCur'e'vt~'i that h1dct hi1 talent i111t ?tapf<i;t• • 1\nd t-herefore mufi by•vpfor our reJucs) ·nml cnfor.Gt!Ch 'Vt 1• let vs lcaunc to make con(dencc hcrtof; with theretoby a fpccipi>l i·itafotir•rird·tl:€"Jflfrt!(i~\"<? the refi of thcfc bad pr:H~HfcS~ . · muH lay vp· ar~c -;· tr.cafm·Os'~_ti)h~a(Jbn~'J~C?U~(i) I-f/here the moath a;td ctwk_er "c-oP::lpt_,._ and Ho'-{V fhuul.d ~ve by V}rtte:tfi.u-qsm hc-rru~forf Jvl;ere tbee~~u digge thonmgh and ftealc. Th'tfe we cannot of our fclues come. there·; nb.~rant words containc afpcdali reafon ofthe former can' faue hlm(elfc, the bCg1nnnrg; p-rogtG;ffc: & 1 ~ 'L1 , :T commaudement, to this ctfcd:; Earthly tre..t- C aCcomphfl:-uncnJ of our f31u~tl0n IS ot <£;011' in· 4~· furu ,,HricheJ) r.t:fiJmt, &c. arefobieEl to bet Cbt1fi wholly ? It IS Vfil;.H~t"rth• Gl:0-Gi1-t~ ~ carl'ied away by theeucJ: at:d thertfo,·e -Jeemuif Scnpture,to a.fct'l!?e rhcvvorkcoft~c.ptijf~lpaU nut <XC<jjiu•IJ orprincipally feeks •fur ,h.m ,[et <ffi<~ent eau re ,•tO the mftr,umet\t-the,~t>fi<I;Jln• I owr he4rl.f vpon them ,or hoard t hemvp for our m the laftvcr· of-O.bad1ah, Prettcher1 ~art: e.t·.. 1 bb.aU.u. feluu, . priffitrcalledSaw•~n,. anoi I.-Tu"-'4•'161- 1~, ·Th• E.~pojition, The word tranllated moth; tl.omg thu thoi<fhalt bothfuu!fi;.'eifd. thtm , fignifieth aworinc that eatcth the fineG cl oath; rhtuheare ~':he6' •;' and, 41. Cor.. 4:-1 5. fL~!Jb'h~ and confumc:th t!1e belt garmcm: yet here it gotun )Dtl throujh:rh-c G(}Jpei:· atJd y~t b:oth.fhf.! nmfi be taken more largely, for any wormc uation anxl tcgencrnt1on .arc ·rHe ".._·or-k'e"S ,csf\ tha.t doth defiroy or confUme any cr_eaturG. GJod alona.,. ondy P.reachcrsdr.c;r.~e: t.nllNii •:_~~~,~1~~ And fo theword trant1atcd can_f?..n-, mu!l bee thereof. So in t·hisp"lac'el';tO.i~hkc:1fs -~ · l~rgely ukct~,f~r any thing that by ruH or fret 7 rich with hcaucn~y trea(o~~fi'S thi:!Ow~t~;=efI i tmg dot:h catc mtoand confume mcttall, or aGod alone ;for-we-e· l':J.-thttlir~·a-nfiir6' vr'l.-'"nttJl(/fti' : Uo"m.~-s. ~'}1:h~~.i~~: Here then ChriH notcth :1 t'.Vo-fol~l vanitic .gre~ons ~: ~n_d yet.-hcca'ufc'Q.'c ~rcl'nfu:tu'!'trn"tt I ny other creature. . feiunwralbag.tmjl thed."l)frwtlfrh, byiJI,iu·a(c 'I •ofthecrcac,_urcs,both m rcfpcCt ofchetr nature, .by hJs·gr:u:e,m the vfc of menns~o.gctJthi~ ~~- j Vie. I. 1and ofabu~e: for their nature, they :~re fubicC.l: D' furt; therefore-he giucth thl.s. co~~nandCtn~~t Ito corruptionby ru!l, moth, and canker, bc·thc I vnto vs,a'i though the )A'O.r.k.\·VCr0'Nho!~Iyrors; I cre>tutcs neuer fo pure and co£lly, as gold, filthough bin&lfc be the pr.lncipal!.author, · ~ uer, p~ades,&c. for the heauens ther.lfclues :~re ~ J3uc yc:t that" we may 'the bttt'er· conC~itl'e 1 ~ubieCt to \:al.liti_e. And for abufe, th~y arc fubof, aad p-p.C)ife this·: c.Oml:n~ndCmen~ ,··['\\~ tcCtco the mmncs ofvngodlypcrfons,thecues po':ncs ate to..bc confidered;· :Firft~ v. 1 l1at tl\)s t m:1y flcalc them, and cou~tous pcrfons may ' trca(urc is : Sr.con.dl,-, how a 111a11~mufi·la~· it' ¥.p huard_them vp thauhey fhall feru~ for no vf~. I for himfdfo:_both [hcfc wcr!1nfi markwirh·rc·-. t:1ow 1f all earthly ~rc~atures be fu.b1e61: tOl vam- .ucrCcc,becacfc.thcyarc p~ints ofg(:e<'lt "~·ai41-it. ttc borh by corruption and abufe,then-_'f.'C tnuH ,:md.J.noment, in the pro.Ctifc whctcoflfan~fh not make them our chiefe treafures, bUt fcckc our f~h.l:ttion. For thdirH. In fearching i"t..,oi-11 \Vll.H tl!t for them and vfe them in a moderatt~ a-nd [.,ber wWC vvi} firfi-ec%d·Cr what is ertoniouflyt·nbu'lft)~ P:ti'llh m:tk(" ~ m:uincr. £0.£[1-. But whence c~tlle this vanitic tO'Ibe this trcaf\1re 'which Chritl.would hau~• d10.·t~ uo: il vpon the creature~? Anfw. God harh: fubi<'- tO·lay vp. J;ho Churr.:h ofRbtflc.h3rl).. fb~iliaily. ~-~~f;;rf~;ppl.\ C!cd tbem vnto it for t~e ~finnc of man, Rom, '\lnlnd1·cd ye3rcs,.~b_Uferl~J~e-wvri,Mr~t;'c~b~'u~,· ;~~;t~~~t; 5• \ i 8. 2_0. . . . · m:1"king theo::crplm ~f Chr;jhmerit.r, ando(the I Tvlict u•llr.. / 1 he confi.dcr:ttlon hereofrnufi let vs fee the . ~;;enu of S1:li;.ft.r.··and M;,r.~?~ ·f-tO t.~e-rb~·!re-~l ~~~crtl.l.6-t•+ I -~ __:__..____ _______ ..._._......._,-•.;;;-.: _fl~.... ~~