Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

166 \ eAnExpojitionofChrifls ' .~u;~:h.6. \ furt,of tl.1~ Chunh, \\.hich bceing g:nhc~c-d to- A man to Cl)ncciuc, 1, Cot;.2..9.nur \\hy'(\~'tl fo:n~ --- -~ Igether ~nd put imo af\orc-chefl·, is (fay they) fay) 010uld Chri!\ c(llc;fied be callct\ our rrca- I in the Vopes cuflodit; and hcc alone hath the iu~;c? Anfiv. lkcau{C hcc is the fountainc :md i plenarY, opening and ilimdng ofthis chcfi,and> frorc-h6u(cof all rrue blcffings conuaied from 1 the orderingand difpol~ng of thc(e·rncrits: by God t:0\11:1.1). _Would~fi t~ou ~auc rcmifiion of I. venue whereof he gillCS out indulgences and tinne,. and nghtcoufo.e!lc v~·1th God? why, pardons, when and to whom hcc will. And. Chrij!wM Yaadcjinnefor'llf ,.th.-a wee might bee hereby indcc.d~l).c n1a~nraincs and vphold.s his~ made th(,right~oufnejfoYJf God iu him, 2, Cor.5 ·I k-;ngdonw ·:.for hereby con)<lS ii1finit \ovcalth & I 2. Wou\J.cH thou hauc life cucrlaihug? This t·cutneyv<::s.Bur this cannot be thc.u:uc tn~afurc. fome fcfm Chr'{(/ Wvcric God, and lift eternal/, I na.y., it is corrupr:md dcc<:itfull fort.w o caufcs:, 1. Ion. 5. .A."Jd hre riMt ha!bhim h.uht:p, 1. fqr firfl:, hcn·by they :~.bafc the true rrcafure Ioh.s. I 2, Woulddl thou hauc comfort in Jiwh!g~l;is Ghrifbments,by :ldding fupply the.rnrdfc, and trneddtght Hl tcmporanblefl;nss? ,. I tofro.m d .h:! merits of;S:1it1ts: for tf ChriHsmethen get Ch,·ift lefm, fot he tshfe m-dearh; and \ ritsrecciuc incrcafe from the merits of men; B wuhout htm,thc good tlungsof thtS life ':.:>c no I , ; th,t;n it. is por ;d..,CiJ/ilcicn~ ofit fclfe, :md fo butr blctftng:; vnco vs. · I · apoorc ~rcafin·c: Sccondly,hncby they m:1ke [ If. Pomt. Haumg found ·what rhts-ttcafurc Hm r.1!ay r.he merns ofS~tnrs dcp:trtcd, to be the merits 1s, let vs now fee how etucryone-mtlfr by 1t vp ;~~~~~~:~~lco. j Q~rPthC'JI.'!i \\hit:hJiudong after thcrn, by the1 ! for htmfclfc :- fo1 fo Chnfi he le c01nmandcth, ot.trt·r..l~·{. I ~op<.S'3.~)plic.a~i-o~l; \\hieh is :1 rh~ng impoffible I lay-vpfor-.Jdurfo!ucJ, (jc. Th:lt \<\Ce may lq-vp :md abfurd:f(w_uhJm:ln c::&n meritof himfclfc: Chriftcrucifi!d for ot'Y rre-aft!';r, wee mu!l bee I 9u~ (~y he could., ')'tt llJquld bis merits bcJfor carcfull.t:o.doeftue thing.!'> tntim:ltetl i-n thepahiGnf~fc ale1>nC fOr none other: J'Or cucric ! rablc of hun rhat bought the field wherein the l m9-n•in regard offah!ation is a priuare,man,an.d> hidden rrcafurc was:~I·:. we moO: find<.· rhis trcar t:her~\•, of!H<Srwprkrs he cloth that \vay.oan ~ure: 2. w.c muflva1uc·it: 3· obtainc and get on!=ly..r.cdouod ''l\ta himfdfe, only Chrifr.Idi1:s· eo oudel.ues:5. vfc ic :lSa treafurc~ ~ur lvtcdiacour,.GoJ & lll::J.Q, who was by Go J I. Dutie. \Vc muH needes jindc this tre.<tfl$r~ j How eo find ' him(elfr; tnaJc apublikt"perfonfor Ihiscnd,c:ID firHof :11!) clfc .,.,·e cannot ''aluc ic, nor obtaine the: true: me1:i.tfor others. 1'. it, we cannot affure ic ro our fclues, nor vfc ir: m:;;lurc. The true trcafurc then ( to tct the. other· And thus .mnch is implycd in tb:lt parable, paffc) is in :1 word~thctru~God, tbat onc·oncly- it is c'a11cd. anhidden tu,afore; for we c:1n C{Cli.ll~ll dftnce iti three perfons, '1<\hu made aa I not,hauc a thing that is·hid beforewee: finde it. things1~nd goucrrles all things;.i>,_him alone iS" C Naw the finding' of thtsrreafHYe tbnds in Gods aH.gpodndfe and Wppmcs to be toun~:. Gen. reuealing ofitvmo vs , letung vs fee. that n:l!u15. I. lam thy. hl~ck.fcr, and.1hine txcadmg rallywewantit,andmakingvsfcele ·"re ' gr,.e;:tr.,erpard, (lfithGod to Abraham: attdB(d~. :1rc poore without ic ~ and therefore !land in \ 1.6-.·5~6. Tht AoK'rl is-the porriorl of mine inherigreat nrcdc of it, whereupon 'Wt bcginnc 1 (.faith D((uid) ~~-1hat~a.goodlfhtriragr: to fceke it. Euery rcuc:1li11gof this trcafure is A twofold ·. v.·ht&·J:s as-1nt1€h as 1fhc had fa1dc, The Lord if not the·findingof it, tOt God cnJigf1tcns the illu.111inuio:~. · · my trtaf~:rr. I will not fhnd on this , for men mindc of man tvvow:x),gencr.a\ly:whcrj 'tlo·o~~G~Cis by~h~hghtofnaturchautfccncarw:lfaidethus I byam:1n fn rc:tdiug thc ·,.,•ordis able to cool!. our trc 1Jrc. mucl1, Th!s r.atbd is to he c5fidcrcd,hov\· God cciucthc rruc fcnfc and lllC:lningofit.Sc:cond-' b,ccr;>n'l.csour tre~fut:c.. .And for this cndc wee ly, morc.fpccially, ·when bcGdc thC generall mu~t,:onceiue of God, 'as hcc hath rcutaltd fcnfe, God makes a m:ln;fcclc the truth and hhnfdfc vmO ''Sin ·Chrifi: for outofChri{l he pov~:cr ofthe wor<l in his ownc confcicncc:and is not our God, 3nd fo not o.ur trcafurr; but 1 in this fpeciallillurnination fiands ·the true fin- -God incarnate is our'truc,ueaftm::: Coloff.2.3·. 1 ding. This indccdc is a great bleffing ofGod, /.nw,home, that is, inChrdt, ttreJntN.,dlthetrea- D butnotcommontoaJl·: for our naturall eyes [N.res ~fwifodome ,(1fd f.:z:ow!cdg_!. Coloff. .~· ~. catmot clifccrn~ it, and the more we arc dazled Our life ,eucn etcrnalllife , U hiddewi1h_C/r;ift with the fight of worldly tre:tfurcs,pomps,and 'lf!. God, as in anc:.!iae. 1 .Cor:. I. 11. Chris1- is vanities, the blindcr \~C arc aboutthts fpiritual mad~ vntovs of God, »'i.ftdtJme, rightcoJtji,cj[e, trc:1Curc: ye:1 this trcafurc is hid from m:my that fon.Cli6cattbn, and rd~mplior.: :J.ucf, !oh. r. 16. arc able t'o expound theword ofGod trut'ly;:1s 1 Of hU (11/ne(fo, .asout of :t full trcafure, weall Chrift faith, ~ thc/e tbittg,Jare /;idde ( ofittmrs J a :>ht:h.u. receitu.-grMe for graCe. Now \Ye mufl not rdl ftom rhe l':>ifo and pn:dcHt, tmd re:!t'a!~d 7.mto J as. in hlsjnc::~rn~tion, but concciue further ofhim babu: for ri!l rhc Lord giue rhis fpcciall illu- 1 ;as ht W:!S crucified for. vs in our nature, :1nd .is min:ltion whereby a man fees his o\\'he miferic I fctfonh vmo vs :n his word :1nd Sacraments; in himfclfc, an~ hisgreat needc. ofChriflsrigh- ~ '.for .hi~ o!miienc.~, d~llth, a;:dp•i.f!ion Uour tr~oltcoufncs, ChriH is ahiddtd tr'e2fim:.~ Vmo him. ./~e·,-\\!hitJl is rcudled and :!pplied in the \1\'0rd In regard whcrofwemufl dcfcCd ifaoour own Qf.p.rqmi!c, ~IJd in the S:1cramcnt.S: :md rbi 5 hearts',..:1nd th-ere uie \Nhcthcr by the ftnfe of ] ,i& thut thing pr..tparedof God for·them that !Due our own't mifcrfc in our ['Clues, an&our o ...Ync i h-tn, wl;ich ~'te· hta.h not focn~, 4are h.ah ntJt defire :1nd hungring after Chri tl, God h::nh re- 1 bea:d, ncithcreNerenrr(dinto rhehettrt of r.atl!ra! uealcd tbis trcafi1re vnto vs: \'.'C m:t\' f:tv, b we b r~h.t 11 • "7,:---c-.:.l..;:__ _____ ______________________ -=~-::J'!.:_ -- .