Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-·- -------------------------=~---------- -- 1 r68 e..AnExpojition of Chrifls 1 ilhnh.6. i V.2L ---1 • . -:--~ I O\\ ne life, and dc:ercfi hcahs b!God muil ait go A come, wncrc!n "''C rcp~.reour tmft, and ~a1;:c <'. • for thi:;, trcnfur<.l5 rake:· tOdoth the vood pur- ,ij,cciall ioy and dcligh" By t;eart we rnuft COl>- I 1 cll3. .lh part JVtt"h 1lll he h·:uh to buJ ~he fo'e!d in ceiuc, not oncly t/gajf~Uion.s whichurc (cateJ 1 whic,hrhiJ t'I'Mfure U, Mlurh, 13-4-4· but if,,c in rhc heart) ::osfoue jioy,care, dcfire, and dewill rather ~'an vvnh Chi"itl then with fomc er light;but the m6rc in<~.Wl.rO'Powers ofthe iOulc j withal! ofil1tfc, then \'\'C vfc not ChriH as the i.n tho:tiT~t a~d imagh~ativn; yea a11d~th~ t:.fett.rl , the true trcaf~rc. Thus we fee how Chri!l behcrco{;n a6tton, as lai!lou.r, HuCi€, _ aDd. cndc:l- . 1 I aorn'cs our trc:ifure; let vs-therefore m:1kc conuom: }.,s if he fhould fay; ~·our trop.ft~re and ~~ie1:cc ta pn:rCl~!C:'r_he~e flue duties fv long as your he:l.!:t arc r-ogerher, lookc where we ltuc :.for when ChnH bctomcs cxn: trcafi1rc: th~t thin~ is wherein y6u'truft and take <.'hicfc I !'hnrkc V\' hat will foll()"...v; we 01all fit1dc in our delight, ~nd ~hc"rcon wi.l your:thoughts runne; ! hcar_rs [l!ch fwcn con.tcm thcr~in, th:lt neither your louc, feaFe, dc£irc,3lld care wili dr::;.~v vn- , 1 pro!p"(r.itic Ch:Hilift vs vp tOo l}igh,nor aducrfit~ it; and your ch!cfdt paincs, th:dte., and en- · 1 tTccaH vs do.•mc tOO lo\\o'C; nothing l11:1ll daunt de:ruour wili be ·after it. ! ' Vs. \\"h;!c \\"C hJt~C this- trcJfurc furc; no kind of Thevfo. Doe h&.\r( and tr€:tfr-rre g~ctogc- , d'dth,no HOt tlit day vf iudgcment. . B . thtr? _Then hllre fiiP.: wcclcarne _tof'"an;h cm_ I r follo\..·erh the particular rc~fon thtreof: where it be abottomclcffe gulfe, h ar.drJecetrfut aboHe 1~ le"".t:O.f· Thus much of the coll1mand~m~nt, nowc and tn-:: the (btc of ourownc he:lftsifonhogh ~ 1i~ithr:r thotb no1· Ct;;Jk_~r corrupterh. &c.This reaall thing!, fo Mnone c.-m elrorougiJI_j·;f0owe· it , i !~~~,;~~~t~~:; !OB is-drawnc f1om the vnch:tngeablc cni::tinyet if we apply this fcmcncc arin-ht ·nuo our our ol·.n::. tit and f.lfCi.'k -ofthis-trc.l!lirc:eatt.hly trcafurcs fC~u:s, we fhali be,abtc to giuc tF~~~il-ldgt·ltlcnt htan. I ate fi1bicCl to cot ruption, & to !afiCby ftc-alrh; ot tnc flare of our ov:_n'C heart. .An earth(! I but this hduCnlv trca.lin·c rs free fr~m all fit~::h trutfttre) and dn carth!J .hC"Ilrt ; --6Jtt keaftenly things , for"the "highe!l- hcaucn is not fut;':ect trcafore, and afl heaHCn!y heart; tho:fc- cannot tb (Orrurw.m, nor t\) rh~ viOlence of thCeues bee fcucrcd : thCrcfOi-c' lookc whcl!e'~n thou and robbers~ and thc.:rdon: our muttfpn1elcfl thy d1oligl1ts;-and fcttcH thy lotl<.', thy be there. Qisft. VVhy thou!cl the highdl hca.l care :111d 'klighr; and bdlowell thy \';·j·t, indu- . uens be free t·i·om that vanity,whncto :dl crcaf~ric_,. and-i:lbciUr, and thereby iudgc of tl1c di- ~(c,·-"·the tures cls are rubietl by the finrit of man? :..Hr.f: ipol!tion o-f th.Yheart. lfthc thing bee eanhly ~~gn"i~·}~c;· j The heaucns abou~ "\\ bich '"''elook.c vpon, and! and \'I.' o-ddly, ·thctnhy heart is C:lr~hly and tar- ! from v; 11 ;uc. f-thc qarth bdow, wah all ere:::.turcs m t!}_enr,bcnail : thou m:tifl-'plcad that thou he-arcH th_c · lbrigcd to man by the right ofcrea'tion',but' the ·word, rccc!u~H- tl1~ S:tcraments :md pr:1yeft: ofhigi"ldl: heauca i~ the throne of G'Od: N_ow ten; yet all thi-s will not proouc thee to haue· ·when tnan fell, !1c was punit'hcd not o.nCly ·in 1 C ChrHl 1cfus for thy troafure:for thinc-he':irt behis owneptrfon , hut in all the creantrcs that I ing fet vpon the \'\'orld,there vndoubtedly rhy Delongcd \'nt6 him' \Vhidi by his tinne were treafurc is, ana that pr~oues thyhear:: to bee m~-dc fubic&t6 ~,o·~nirie: But the high-clt hca- j earthly and catna-fl.And on the comrari<:,~fchy ucn WlS free from th.ot £urfc, bccaufe it did not 1 principall th"Otlghts, thy chcif(' loue, ioy, and ~ Delong eT-lerigHt of creation, bat is : Qdight be one ChriH crUcified, :1.nd thy fpcciafupcrnatnrZll ¥ift, -..vhcreto \~cc hauc right & \. all !:"ar<~. :1nd ind~dlry ~e ~.ftcr hismerits& ri~h- l tide ondyby tnc grace of Adoption :tnd ~c- I t~oufi1cs, th11:11 1S ClmR thy ucafurc, tmd thm~ Oempti~ ·n Chrift lcfus: now fl-th man had no ! l1cart is hcauenlv. .... ·1 righ! thC!I-c:tb by cre:J.tion,it w:1s nor mccte that I Secondly, hCreby \..,'CC m:~.y knovv " 'hechcr TfJel:nowthc finnc ofman lhonl<~ make·it fubicct to va- ! we hauc a~1y roni_on in hC~uc~:for lo6k~vhc~e j :it~~~;~;;r ~lllt, 6r corrupc1nn. 1f thcteforc tllc[afctle of f om heart ISthtrc our pn:-·tlon IS:lfOu~hE-art m . ucn, a.1 cndurm£ fub:lancc can allu1 e our hearts to thoughts;,defirc,and mdu!tnc,bc fer on ca1 rhly !oue and l1kc. thea let -.,·s fc::t our fclues for thts th1ngs, thcn1s'our portion vpon eat rh: 'but ~f hcauenly trcaJUle. b wcmmde lira.ucnly thmg3 ,'1f \'\'CC dchg1n m 1 I tl-iem, ~nd labour afrcr t.hcm, then is our port;- V. ~1 . l'or whereyour treaon!StlOtthcexciClfcofrchgtotlS :1Cbons- now& then, but the fethng ofthe hru t jure iJ 'therewilly our beart bee mhcron eanh orhelucn, that rh~" CS \\here j /; ourpott!OiliS. A~O. I '"' Thirdly, tl11s COllphngofthe heart and trca- ~~oe:,:t~of This vedC (Otlblnes :1 re:J.fon of the formct' nne together, tc:tcheth vs not to rq;Md thrs fht world m ~~omnundcmcnts,€0mon ro·thC both; tendin£ "\o\'orld nor tcmporaiJ J.fc, 111 refpct1 o_.f hC~u~n ~ ~~~~~~c~:r tl'J perfl.\'ade 'i"S ro-rhc obedience ofrhem both: :tndlifccrernal; nay,m tillS 1cgard 1,-vc tnu(l deTherc~fbn fbndcch chu$ : where J OFF trenfitre I f})1fe rhe t\ o1ld omd tcmporJ!I hfc; fo far forth M, th~re wAI!)'Ot~.,. b~rlr"tJ 6e alfo: Ifut j'01JY" hcttrtS as rt may be done \\lthout mgr~nnude toCod, (i,ould not 6c'on r.artb, but in hr:;mm: TheriforJ and\\ nhout hatred ofd1c \\ orkc oflus h;1nds, fay nnt -vp tr.-•afureJ 'Vf011 earth, bur N·hce!ten, 'J and of his tempor:1ll bicfTir~p.s : for as- caHhly T'hr:exp~(itiou. Ry treaftwe (as \\"C faid be- ~ crc:ttltrcs,:~.rc the workcmanf11ip ofCod, fo tt~ fore) nmft be vndcrl'tood Ehings prcttous and porall life IS his good hldfing , Fiue_n vs 3s :;. I c:~!Jcnt in o~.i!_~tion laid vpfor r~: tO~.. ome \\'herci~l~:1rc -~- pl(}~:::= _om fc!uc~ j for · ~----------------------------~·