Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

JM.uh,6. v.zo. How tO I':\• lr~ethetruc trel,fun. I' Phil.J-1. SerirJon in the e5Vount. -- ---- --- --- ~ t-9·?. 'l [<-~,-.-"-'it_h_t_h_c -Ic-.,-,c-s-, a_n_d_J_'_' 6-,-6-,,-.r.d-, v_n_lc_ffi_e_w_c_· A--m-:-.,-, -ar_c_a_s-;,-.,-,e-r-e -tl-,c-L-o--r~d-s_n_v_o-:-b-and~;~·,··h~:~ ; ..--:= -::·ll. truly feele tbc want ofChtiH in our ~wn ~oul~: / With~~ rcachcrh_out tills heaucnly crulu:·c .~·. oh rhc·rcforc labour for this fpaciai!IIlummatJ~ : , all fp~r~cuap blcJTings vmoYs; ::n,1d our fanh IS ', on : for thedoCtrine of the Gofpcl will ncucr l ' the lund ot our foOlc wherewith \1\'Ct:: reed~ ! 1 be fwccrc :mdplca~ant to v~, till wee findc this rhf, '?owby our prayers ;\'Cr~_ni~c this faith,t£·1 I precious trcafurch1d therem. f1nt1dic vnro our (clues u1c t\'\O tor!n(jr meanso- . . I I. Dutie. Hauing faun? this trcafurc ,_we I~- D:uie•. ~au_ing goncn this trcafura,u•t] !~:~~::;,ru~d 1 mull bighlJ pri.:::,e andvall!ett, cucn aboue all muj}(ahoHrto mak,! tt fltr:,vt:to ourfdttCI. And li•rcr~.~ vu~ . that we hauc or can gee; nay more wonh then to t_!u'i purpofc we mull tollowc Ptmlf coun(cll. f..:lue$., 11 all the world befides. So did the m:111 in thep~- and charge to rich men : 1. Tim..6. 17J r 8, l 9a·l ) rable, ~1at.l 3·44· ejlumethe trcafi:re hidi,ubc Cluu:_~e th!ricb mm inthii world, th~tt the;_r ~a ; fieldabotuall h~goiuU: And c Paul [o ellcen_Jcd not h~(h m;:n~l'd,xeirlm tniflin ·::;:aniline ,·i;;l:n; of Chrill cruc1fied, that hcc counudallth:ngJ bHt m_ th! /;umg God: that rhey doe goodami ha lojfo for the ~xcelfmt k.ttowledgc fltk$ of ChriJ1-, rich in good IVor/::p--•- : la;ing v p m j}ore for and..,itldg~trthem IU doting that hu might wim1c thcmfol:tu a good fomuL-:.[~on ng:tinft rbctil'fH:: tfJ.' Ch•'ift. This high e~e~_mc_of Chri(\ is needfull, J) come ,that rluy m,!! obtaine ctcmaillife_: whcr~ I ifcucr we me:me to lay hin.t vp for our tr~afure; i marke ho\.Y by tr~tj!ir.g.m God ,:md by liberr!littC I anrl then haue wt made good progrdfc in this l and bo#ntie, we arc exhorted to 1:-ty a..r;oodfou;"·'il hcaucnly purchafc, 'Nhcn wee trncly value · dati()n. VVhat (will foma f.1y_) mulhve De 1aucd. Chrill in our heartsat fo high a rate : and ther- · by our Almcs-dccdcs , anci good \-\'orl:s? An[. fore wee mull endc3.uour our fclucs hereunto, N ot fo: for the f grom1d of our falu ::ttion \s f ::~r.t.uJ. and labour fo to our wh6lc conucrfati- 'I Gods eleCtion and Joue in ChriH ~ which hcc~j on in fpeeches and in allion , that theymay tchimfclfc hath laid vp in.heaucn for vs. But the, I I I' I· i' llifieathow higbar:ttc we valucChriH. And I found:uiOwhichwc mullJayvpfdrourfcluc:tj becaufe-the word ofGod rcucalcs ChriH Idus is i11 our ownc confcicncc, fOr our Jfli11·anc.c in d s.Cor.4.6, 1 1 vntovs, in which regard it j~ 4 calhd4treaG ods foundation: and this we Jriy byour gop,<is fl~re,therefore it alfo mu!t be highly valued , cworkcs oflouc, merCJc, and 1U1l1ce; all \\ h1ch ~:7ht~\=~~J ucn aboue all ~arthly things. Thus Dauid did, l be fruns off~ut!l: and bcetng done 111 fomh :md ofGocl. I Pfal. r 19 7z. Th~ .L.1w~of th; mouth u l-etter I w~th linglcncflc ofhcan to Cods glo 1 ie, th~y .. : vnto me tbm thoufmds ofgold and fi!uer : vcrf. 31C lUre tcl1unoi11CS of our poulOn 111 the tnf~ I J 17._1loHe rh; commandeme11t1 4bougold ,ye,,, C ' treafi.t.rc Icfus Chrtfl: for hereb; we }et<J:vc »eArt • , , c Pto,.&.J9. c: My f#zteu 6etter 1hengold, euen thmmuch brethren, I.loh. 3. 14. I 46oilonHchfinegold: hereof Wtfedome fa:th , tranflardfrom d,arh to life, becaP-ft wedouc rh• 'I fougold,andm;rell&ni!U 6cru r thm fine Ji!uer. r.Dutt(. H::umg got this trc:tf!.!le furc to l Hrm •(!H~ How to get rh£1TUe tf"C.t(lll"(tO Qllr!'llun. It were happie for vs 1f •-Nee d1d thus value the our fclucs, wemfl{f v[ert tu a trcafitrc.l:!creumo J ~~~~~.~:out 1 Word of God. Many holdc there is but one three duties arc requircd: I. We tnufi: hZ~uc our J 1 truth, and fo th3t bee knowne it is no m:lucr conucrlation in heaucn, f"or there ChriH: our I whence it is learned, whether out of Gods treafure is: and where our rrcafure is,chcrc w1If word,orthc writings ofmcn:but they arc farrc our hcan3bee: a.nd ifour hearts be on Chrift in dcceiued, for the Scriptures ofGod onely,are de-fire, in ioy, and dclight 1 it cannot be but qu r I th.u trmh which il ltccording to .~od!lncffc; and liucs will be: holy and heaucnJy, though oui. \ tne:y alone difcoucr vnto vs this hcaucnly trClbodiesbee here on c:~nh:but Jet vs btw:·arc th:tt I furc: ,and therefore t~cy mull hauc the preheour :tffcCHons be not let on things bCfPwc, fo~ rnincncc in our hcans,and be cfieemcd farre athen is not ChriH Olll' tre:lfi.!rc at all. It. VYa boue all the writings ofmC:which ifwe would mull turne our C:lrthl}' goods into heal:cnly I doc,wc thould feclc that power:and comfort of trcafurcs. This V\'e doe by employing them j~t the word in our harts,which naturally we lack. '-VOrks of mercie , for he: that giHrf vnt() ti:~ Ill. Dntie. Ha01ng found out and rightly D pcorc, lend.Jvnto the lArd, Prou. T9· I 7· fo th::tt 1 I valued this true trcafur~, -wemHftfoci?.!t~ gtt it the mercifull man h:.1th the ~ord for his dcfner: for ourfol11es, and ma~ 1t oHr ffWne : [o drd the , for the Lord fends the poore mi as his mcffenj man in the parable (Matth. t 3·44· ) when hcc ccr vnto the: rich to borrow ofhim fu ch thi!lfYS ! had found the treafun: hid in the field ; and fo · ~s the poore ma~ lackcth; and thC Lords r~~ I Chrifi here commandcth, lAJ vp t~ea[Hrcsfv'· turnc of paiement is in hc:menly blctTings: and JOHrfe/ues. No"" that we may get this treo.{urc therefore Chrifi himfclfc as it were cxplaning to our fclucs, we mufl con~cionably v~c fuch thi!>point, s biJs; foil that;eehaue, andgi11c nl0 i.uf;.t!.B· meancs as <;Jod hath :~ppomted for thtc; pur1 mt:t/(sJOH 6nt..f.~1'whiciJ wa.\·cnot old, a tJ·ca.. pofe: towtt, l.he3rc thewordofGodprc:t- [ure\ that cannot failri;r hclfum , n-·here no chcd with :1ll reuercnee, c:~re, and diligcnn;,la. tbecfc commctl, , t:rither moth corrt!pt(tb: This bouring to mixe it with f.'lith in our h(·ans : I I. then is the Lords ownc direCtion , for thf$ rc~eiue the SaCraments with all rcucrcnce and h:.ppie exchange of earthly goods for .hCaJucprcp:u:ation: lii. pr:.y to God m faith caruenly nc:tfurc~, rhen which j. who c~n wi!1 1 :\ I ncllly ana conJ~~n'tly for. the pardon ofour bener incrcZ~fc. Ill. ¥le muA: rZ~ther part \tith l ·rinncs,& t~e f~u~uon ofthlstrcafure. The rc:lall th:lt '\"N: h::uc, then with Chri(l Icfi 1 s ~ fon he_rcof rs p.ame : for the word and San af·icnds, goods, toumrey; libcnic- , n:1y our '---------~--------------·-----p ---- . --- ()\~c ____ _