Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,\Matth.6, ~ Sermon in the c&Vlount. --- - --· ........,...,._!· ljl . : mn:J6ecompaffod. And he whofc mindeisen- A ·when \\'eworkc \·dth an \'prig:1t anci Ghg!f · qe. and ..,,.e 0'1.:\ll h:.\UC the apptobation and pra!f~.: f ... ducd herewith in fomc mca[urc, hath thefngle hean:fodoing,our •.vo:-ks (halll.:>c in witdomr, ' ... r· Thefruitof Now the fruit of this finglc rye is, to mal:! uf God. · .. ; ~~;:~nslc the whQ!e6odic light; tha_t is, to bring the vd10le Thirdly fc-cing ~his fi.nulc cvc of iiJiritt:j\1 li·"' w fc-t , l\'e n\aUIJ· hourto gc.t ht:luenl}· 1•1fJome. life in good o:·drr, guiding it in the paths of I v.-ifdomc, l~lakcs our 1ifC t~ n-,;n'c \\ ith rigla t.'- {,-·1 · 1 •1~l!ll·;oll I righteoutiles,and making it to abound in good ouJi1cfrc, ""e nmH lcarne to ftafon our n~u~r:\H 1 ' "" "11~~t~~J \.Vorks,Prov.8. 19.20.A-1;.fntit (faith ""ifdome) 1 1 \V it, with this lj)irituall wifdome.N:l[ur::tll y:f- 1 :1 h better rhen_jne gr,id.--1 ~tut{e towttlfzy inrhe i dome is acOn:tJt<.:nd:lblt oilt t•f God;hut '-''i{jh.,.. .! I way ofrigbtcotifiujfo, and i11 the mi~~ of the patl~i out this f])iriruall wif(Jon~<.: it is, fooliOH't-m· in of ifld._r,cmmr. Prov. I 6. 23. Tberrtifo heart gm- 1 the things ofGod, yea very corn;pr in Jia~maU 1 1 tkth t"hcmou!ln•;ifc!y,,tndaddeth~UrinevntuhM actions; and therefore \\C mufi ic:ync ~here~ I lip.t. \\ ith this hkcaucn!y wi(dOJn~c)~~ hi,c 1·h1 n~ax,~i:·•l 1 ?~1 1 ,,·_ Thc vfo. r .Confidering the ttlind indued 'Nith it and ma c ic holy; ttn· 10. In~!! t 1c vl.c ·c;:. .rt this \\ ifdom is thus c6mended;wc mufi hereby tend to Gods gloric. It is the_ mdCric o£ _this- ~ Jcarne, to labour for it in afpc(iall manncr:be- B age, thnt men of ('Hdkn-t pans fb-r natnrall l , fide this commendation of it by our Sauiour vvifdome, haue no reg<!rd te fc~IOn ;.h~ J~m1c I ChriH 1 which 010tfld be a fpurrc to ptouoke vs with ft'iricuall \Yifdome; hereby· come, I}Jap)l to rh is dutie, the fingular commodi;;ic that re.. ab::rrations in ma~tcrs of !mport<Htc'c,!0r 1 clounds hereby to fo~leand bodie m.ufl moouc his iuO:icc with God to curiC" d;c_:ir pro,cct.·- ! vs to :~.ffcCt it. Now chat we may the better obdings, that deft)ihng the hcatienly, lean£ aJrq-:, 1 1 t_linc;his hcaucnly wiit.iomc, we mull be care... gcther to their owne \-vifdom€. -~. ..j y- ~~~; full of thefc two rbings efpecially. Fidl,to get , Fo_unhiy,iCc.:ing fpirituaUprqHidcJ~cc iuf~_l;~.-~1 !~~~~~~::~~ifr r 1 1 rh~feareof God into Mr hett'Y'l.t, wh.icb is rhe beca(bng how to romp~«~ tt:__Ue hil·ppmdfe,,\S -:1. / pruui.ic!u:c, I !ginningof thh heallm!ywifedome, Pfal. J I I. 1 o. fpcciall par~ of cruc heauel}ly•,!'.ikt~ome,; we I I Now this fcare nf God, is a rcuercnd. awe of mull become carefull praC}J.vipnt?rs he~eq(~i11 +- the hearr towards God,whereby a man 1s fcar.t our liue~, that 10 ..,,·e m~· :\tt?-jnc to tnlo,happf:: , , full to oft(!nd, and carcfilll to plcafe God in ::lll ndfe. Whet_} the 1·ic:h 1 m~m. gro_Hh'(). hA.JJ;'?,hr. i r.~~k ~~. things. And this fhall we gct,if we rccciue tho fprth muchfmir,how p1-ot-fi~,Cill. ~.u IJre to 1if1<:1..'P'i s-;,s • word of God \\ ith rcucrcnce, and .applie it to flort for th~ tirve ro come: }'Ct C.od ql~s. him I ouL; O\\"Ue fou!cs v. hen wehaue it~ trembling but afooit·, bccatJ(c he h'l<lno rcg-:nd pr f.oJ'C:-;-:1 thereat vvhen ittoucheth our confcienccs; and C caH: to the Hate ofhis fot1lc~ .(}nd'ch~ 1i_ue,.y.irhumbly (ubrnitting our fclucs vnro it without gins arc ther~forc called !.."'foe!iftJ, f.~~ufe-Jh~.Jt k M;~.: ~H· raging Or rcpioiog; faying as Hezckiah did to c.ontented themfelues wirh..ft.!-a~i'!g .Jqmpt~,~A:Jlil · d m.,..s. the Prophe!Sreproof<, d Thewordofrhe Lordis had Hoforecaft f" '}le in their viJfof!J .: an<lc(<l good. Secondly, we mull \\'holly. clofe vp our tnany at this cby conrri1t· th('n)fdug_s ... \\i~tan eyes;(the eyes ofOur minde I meancJ & fuffcr out\vard profdli:on, 3nd dac not prot.tidt:'-'(o" out:- fclues in all things to be oucrrulc-d and or.. the graces of faluation. Bm,thQugh ama~1 lY.ttl dcred by the "''ritten word of Cod. This was all the.wifdomc of the worfd, and br his-.w-#ie e Pr.u~'-''7· eDaHid.rpraCl:ifc:hegauc him(dfc to continucould comp::sflC vpon ean-h what his he:lq allmeditation i11 thewordof God; hccmade ir ti could wirn, yetifhc failc in prouidiog for·trne h CoL~ f. How tu ..-~!kc v.ifc– , ly. f fa,;Jerne to hisfeete, and a li(ht V'l(tJ hi; f"tlu. happindfe, all his wifdorne is h.t:-tuf.\cl.:.l.t.Ife1.cfe And herebyhcc became s wi/ertl~cn his memiu this in I .Achitophel, n•hofc c.olti{ell fo_t \'\\orJ-elly . 1 :.S;tm,l.::. and g()t morr vnderftanding then ;./l his tMthinos was lik§ the or-eel~~( God, yet Vt:l)lting ~.;. chcr.t. Vl_ouldeJl thou then be truly wife? bethis fpiritua~l wi[don~: to f:Orccafr for tllllt~jul.p.~ I con1c afoolc to the world; le:me not to thine pindfc to hu. foulc, h1s cndc~was bath.J.hamq. ov~ne l.\'ifcdomc; but make Gods word thy fi1ll and fearefull: for in a d1fcomem, n\ lie'l!rtr.t . ~t·=-·~~lt1; whblc di<cClion, ·· D andhangedhimfc!f~· Let '<5 .thcrcfor<Cpra61ifr · Secondly, hereby ''-'C are taught to n•alk.! this wiJc forcca-fi for true happincffe,~rid)leucr 'Wifely inour whole conuerfaticn, that fo it may be \Ncll till vve gee afruronce hereof; thcn ·doc appeare wc haue this finglc eye: hereto h PaHI we ilicw our ll·lues trucly wife. If \VC faiJe in ! oft c-xhoneth vs. And thus we \.\'alkc wpcn wc this, we f3ilc in all; and therefore like the wife pr<1Clifc cue.ryat'tion ofour life in wi{dCJllC,::tcVirgins,kt vs grt oyk inour vdfcls,rhe fauing carding to thcfe foure rules," hieh arc to be graccsofG0tls fpirit Into ourheatrs,that when j ob[-c~·ucd in cucry good ail:ion. I. The thinoour brideg1:oomc Icfus Chrilt fl1:tll come, wi:; I ' \\e doe·mufl: be iufl. I I. The mCancs of cffc~ may enterv· him inro gioric.And thusil1uch . ! . Ctin[~ i~ nmft alro be iu~. I I I. We mutt kerpc of the fingle eye, ,.._.ith th<.: fruits thnGoL·.-. / I our !cll!es thercm, \-\·hlun the compaffe and liThe fecond point-to·bc handled, is thewic1 'fhc \ ; I mits of our caning. I V. 'Ve mull doe ·the k_t-d :rt", "\\1 idt!hefi·tti~Jtbtrcof; inthefc 'WO.ttds, I f~~;J!1~!lt[:~: ~ thing,,·ithanhon~H,vpright,a:1dfinglchcan. But tfthine9'c he wtcf.:.rrl,_th; wholebodic-fJ:t-1/J of. I ! ' And that \1-,!emay workcwifdy according to j hcdarf<!. Tl1c wic~d~_rc-,' IS rhcmindCofman, thcfc-fourc rules, we mull cucr hat1c the word hauin'g fomc light ofvndcdf.anding in''it by 11:'1- .,w r 1 :-- - - --u· f Go~, to tell vs wh_aus w~, '"hat ,n~eancs be. ,. 1 ture,yct ma_rut!oufl.y blindcC! and darkcnb<~ by, .1 :::: ~ .. ; ~~~{~_;~_:~~prec~~.:_c:!._?~~~~-g; and _:~c-~1pt1011 of finne .'thr.ough Ad;:uns'tall\ 1 · ·-·------ ---=-- A1id .~