Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ --~~----------~~~~~--------------------- !~,:,~~,- ~And for our better inrrruction ~: ~~~~t~~:o~~~~;~:IS fubictl ro rhcfc three vnn 1 ect \ ~~:;~,:~:! :~e:f~,c lks.1ow, that th.e. mindc ofman by Ada;ns f3H reguides~ I. ro the corrupt will and affcct1 ,ms~ l A'.Um~fJI!. ceiucs ~ [';\'ofoxt blcn"'li!h: tirH, it hath lofi the . 1 I. to the '1-\'ickcd temptations ofthe dcuill cart gift ofdifccm mg & iudgmg in fpiritua! thing') into it i'r, ye'J. and that re fan:c, that fuch as the'ng cuill f~r good, C:trthl:t for hc::mcn!y) temptatio~\ i·s-,.ti.1c~ is the mirtd that is ;cfnprcd: j ~hing:s tv be n.:fu{Cd, for tbin_gs to be chofcn. ~ ll. tothc·.,,,orJcl, ~nd th'C ill cx:anplcs thnc- ~!~~~~ ~~~~· 'I This-is plaint by Our b!tndncHc and ig-norance 111 ~ for nztnrally men fwarwith the rimes, atld ehingGod. . in the true knowledge ofGods&of our fdncs. th\1~kc the ~~ommon cohrCc th~ fafd"UAnd in 1 Pirfl, touc.·hin!;!,God,howfocucr the noindc of this tref11(:a a4fo is it here'called a wicked cit. m:m bynatur;kn~w rhere~::; a God, yet natu- ~ow th-t jrt>it ofit is., tonu:lzy t!Je wbp{e bodi& Thefr1~10r rllly m:tn vvi·~l !10! at:know!t:d•gc rht:prcfCr:ceof dm{g; th~t'is-J the whole .life of tmrn full of aY.Ickcdelc OodJor ifhc diJ,hoc wou!J not vvirhom remorsdiforder and vnri&htcoufns:s. And how·fllould dr fearc com1nic cho!C firr'l'lCS i'll Gods tig.hrJ ir be otherwifc,whc that wh1chfhould difccrnf: v.•hidll'ic ~s afi aid and afhamcd to doe iB ..._the bctwecnc g"od :md cuil,and dirtC"tztcCrdino1 fight of many 1~1en. Againc, the 111.jndc by na.. J ly, is.dif.1bicdchcv~Zunt0' n rere will not :tcknt>",vlcdgc: &"ads particular priJThc vfo.,. I, Seeing by n«tul:~ we haue this. j11idmc8 J· for it~ the_ time o~ want o~ d.i!lr~ffc B cuill eye ( fOr thac Chri!l take~h gr.amed) when nie:ms fadc,h rs heart fS· dc~\\'lthrn hun:- '.YC mufi bbEJ1.1r diligcml7 to difccrnc i-t in our :md thcpromi!C d hclpc fmml'l"'G.n doth more feints, aOO to finde t!;tac namrally ""e cannot l cheer~ him, then his hore ia C<J<i>;: which iudgc aright of Cot+ :rnd of our fclucs. 1'hi 3 I fhc\'\'CS plaincly that he trufic:rh mofc j-1-1 the · i.s the firLt Hep·to·truc knowlcdg, ro rl.ifcc-rnc of c;,-~<\ture J then in his crcatOUl', Thf.rdly,. thC' our ownc: l~atur:tll bindnrs: and ciil wt -pcrmi·nd of t11.111 by nature dcxh I}::Ot ;;\.vlcclg.C c~iuc- i.t i11 l. our fclr~cs in fomc meafim·, ·we Gods.ft41ia,. fw-r !'l·afur:rlly mat'l' ~hi-nkcs ,- that lino\NnQthmg :ts we ought to know:Alfo "NhC thougi'r he finn·c,yct he fcapc punifhmcntJ. \1\'C fee it, \\'CmuH: bcwailc our mifcrie in ehis. a:s Dcut:. 26. t 6. Fourthly, though man kuow bchaHC, th:u ':''Chauc a mindc fo corrupt, that I God fnurt be \\·orlhi·ppcd, yet naturally the it (auferh ·tHlordev il1 t;>Ur who)e life; yc::r, ~·c n1indc difccmeth· not of GodJ n~~ht wo;f/;ip; ll'lUlil: rnn11li>lc :1nd d.1'is '9\'i:cked eye, Beherein rhefQolifi.Jbeart isf:t!t of dark!ncffe, and Jl dilydarkencs.criuferh fcrrrc,bm rarrc mOrt dan.. t!'trneth God inro .tn IJol~ Rol'll. 1'. :.1 2 3. And gcrous is this fPivicuafl dackndfc, for. hereby in a word, tiJe natt~r~/t m:m pcrteiu~th not rhc the fouk is kcpr from rhc fight .of Cod vr.der J thingJ of God, neithtY can hci:?;:ow r#xm, hecauft the power o(S:~r:m,Wc thcrcfort" difccrning in theyarefpiritt14l!l_difcanedJr.Ccx.2,I4.which .c · our felues this wicked e-,c, mufl: follcw,~hc lhcwesplainclythathcroin h< hat~ a wkked counfello~om SauiourChri(t!, Reud. -,. 18. ~ye. Bu; of mece;·tfolue, that tboumaieft fi6 :. that is, ! S-econdly, fol' our fo!uesJ tht nrf.n:d.c herein we mufl get of him the iBli-ghcning. of his fpi- !!':!Ji~~~~~" wants the gift of difcCrning:foii, 1. no manna, witJin the.: holy t:ninin.cric ofhis word;fo.r tbis i5 mindintl1e knowesthcblindneffe~fhUowntmindc, Ehat anoinl'hz~{ which tearheth VJ all things, t. ~~fc~~~:~ they thin/:.! n tlumfelue.F to be wife, when in the Joh. l,:!?J.which wbC!il "''C doe truly receiue, u 1.:.:. tblf.IT~gs of God,they be lhrkt tooles! I thendoth. our wicked-ey<: become fingle• . unnot difccrnc lright of his ownef,;ne,nor fc« Secondly; hnchy we fee that the courfc of rllc vilcndfc ofLhtmnatura'lly,th.Jugh his con. the \\'Orld,in reganl ofth,c{bee ofthcir·minds, {ciencc: oft acwfc him; far ifhe did J he would is iuflly t·d &le rcprooucd;for encry where both m0t' ~nne :ts he d6>th: I J J. mantianually doeh. y.ettng :111tiold contenc-thcmfclues with this. ""'"''' 11 th~mlclues \'Ill) ~ "iC' ked eye. fudge amiffc of his 0\1\'0C frai!tir-andmortaliti-r., M'it'kccl eic: ifthey c:tn fa.yJ there is a. G.ochan~ fot there is no'man fo aged, but hcc tltlinkes he this God •s toW wo~fbipped, to be lomcd,and o Pf.too•~'· fnay liue longer. Thi:.s MofeJ f.1w ,..·hen o h(!e feared;andthat"\vemu(bloue our ncighbo1:1r as p-raied God t<~ ttttch them fo to 1111m6er tbeir our fducs, and liuc wcl!,th,cy fecke noi'oither: Ja;es,that they mighrapplic-their hcarfJ vnto wif- :lD and yet if :1ma.u ~verc brought vp in the \\·ildome. IV. N:~uu·ally men cannot difccrnc aderndfc, h~~rnight fee all tbf.s b:y tht; light·of right of the [cope a!Jd mde tJf th1ir liue.t-; for ·narore; the wicked eye feerh thDs much: bnt whcpeas we ought to :lime at the gloric ofCod 1 ·we mull not contciit O\lr fcln~s hcrewichJ for if and the good of our brethren, eo fcruc God in there be Oo- :note, the life is full of darkndfc good: by nature we little thinkc on this.J fHI-1 ; aFid the: foulc n;~y goc to veter darknefT~ I but ·wholly fcckcour o-wne good,and our own wirll all rh is: V/c therefore mull remember to pr:1.ifc. V. We canrrot:~aturally dcfcerne of our gee the fingle eye, clfc we arc no fchollers in Iowneu·~chappmcffi: for dot we: not meafurc ~t the fchoole of Chrifi. Indccdc fo~r,e ple:1.dc, by out\V:lrJ things, dleC1'11ing the rich and hoth3t Prc:tchers nm f.1y no more in effeCt: but nour:tblc happic,a.nd chc poore man mifcrablc? this,. Lor1c God aboue all, and th; nrigh6ol:r M By <tll v·:hich it ismore then eurdem, that the thJfelfe: but thc-fe men 1wow not wha.t they minde h:nh loft the gitt of right difccrning. fay,b!cfling thcrnfclrl'Cs in rb~ir ign{)rancc:thcy ~l;1~~~,::'1i1~ The fccond blemifh of corruption ·in lht nHIH kn0w that gr·:tce muft: be put to n:1tureJ by nature, mindc is, in rcipcCt of it jlar:~[JJ fohie?lion and fanCtifi.c it; and fpirituall knowledge ioytho{e things which it ihould ru1e and diretl: nctd with naturall, c~clfc we rema~~ '\Yith the- --------·------------ ---------------~vk- ___ _,