Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I~·;:h.6. Sermon inth~·~9dount. ,. 173 wickedeye. If we haue nO-more but a gcncrall ' A · jnuiliblc, for if M the ekidcntc of rhing.r rvhich , confufed knowledge in· morall points, that ar~nor{cene} Heb. I I. r. hereby AbrHhamjaw ~ fcrucs not to fauc vs; but to make vs without thcdt'l ofCh,·i/},4ndwmglt!d, Ioh. 8.58. ~md all ! cxcufc :lt the Iall day. Againc, ahothcr comthe Pmrt.-rrk,p Jaw the promifeof God4~rrre o/f; /1 mon fault wonhy rCprootC is this, chat men Heb. I 1. I j. This \\'ill itublc ''j to \\':tlkc in' content chcm(c!ucs with naturall reformation; their ftcps towards the hcaucnly c!tic;t..:: there: / they "''ill graum rhat God is ~o be woriOip... fore let vs gee this faith, rhat fo bccomming j pcd, and loucd, rhat·wc mull hue well; d~;tlc children of thepromifC, "''e may be coumc(r1 ~ iuflly, and lone our neighbours: ~u~ the blm~ tOr the feedc. And thus much for the wicl\c'cf') eye ftcch thus much. The mccre Clutll man ..,,.11 cy~.·. . . . · I 1 I .., 0 e thus farre, and yet his life is nothing but · The third kind ot eye· is the blindq~ \\ hith' . 3· ·f:u.: bli 1Hf ' darkcncs: all this reformation is but naturall. ls fct out with the tfuits ;hcrof,in rhCfc ~·\·ordsl··· cy.:. 1 • VVc therefore mull labour forrcnucd hcans; wh~;·efore, if thelif:ht tbar is inrhee6e darl;j~.' by the fpi:ir of Goci,and reformed liues ~'cornefJe, ~owJ':e'u i.J r~at dar/zenefJC? Fo: the bet.{) cling to the l;ofpel;for ho\.\ focucr aciuill (Ot~- re: d1fccrnmg ot the flatc ?f man whh this'! ucrfation may commend vs vmo men, yet tc bl1nd eye, '-'H: Jliult fee what ts rncam by ltghr;- will not fauc vs in the day ofthe Lord. I B 1 and alfo by dn.rkpuJfr. By light is meant that Bcnneiclfc: Thirdly, is this cuill eye in cuery one by naknowledge of God, ofiuflice, ~nd of gcod &l .! ,..... rure?thcn beware we be not wife in our [clues, cuill, wh1ch is in the mindc by hamre: ndw and ffom om fclucs, in matters of falu:uion; 1 though this cannot be quite put out ( for theherein the word of God mull be ourwifcdom: moll wicked ·wretch, ond the vcridt Athci{l' 1 Dcut. rz.S.--1, .-- ree ftMll nor doeeuer;· ma11 that liucs, h:nh fornc confciencc remaining, I th"Jtt whichfocmerh good in hh· owne eJes---but \ovhich i;; a worke of this Iighr) yet it may be fb that which1 command you. Farrc be it therebuned and conered, that no 11ghr 01:d :~ppc::trf ; 1 fore from v.s to appoint to our [clues, how \o\'C nor any vfe be made of it, ~md dleJJ Js Jt tJid-co will wodh.ip God, or how Y\'C vvill be faucd:& bcdark!nc.r; \\'hich is the flare ofthofe that..are-· yet fuch is our blind prcfumption, that we wil giu~n vp to a.rcprobatc fenfc, :1s when a nl<i.n, be our O\o\'lle maHers in thefe thit'lgs.Thc Turkc dcmes there 1s a God, or that the Scriptures bt· hath his religion, the Icwc his, and the P:-~piH the word of God, or fuch like; in thefc men· his, all fwaruing from the truth of God:& yet naturalllight is become darkcridfc. And 'thS: eucry one ofthcfe look to befaued in their recaufc of this change in them, is their cOrrupf~ ligon: each one ofthcfe haue a different man~ will'and rebellious affcCfions, which ouefri1!." 1 ner ofwodhipping God, & all fwaruing from C ling naturall knowledge and confcic'riCe';· the true worlhip: and yet they all pcrfwadc caufe men to giuc themfcli.tcs to aChta:I finnes, themfclucs that God is well plcafed with their whereby at length they come to commit finne· fcruicc. And thus it goes with namrall meA agreedily and \1\'ithout rcmorfc;yc::t,cut.:'n againfi rnong vs, though othcrwifc fufficiCtly wife for confctencc,and the light ofnaturc,and fo bury I worldly things; they rcfolue vpon thcirowne them both in fuch fon,that they hauc no mOrd. courfc for the falu:~tion of their foules, let the vfe of thcm,then if they wrre quite pnt out'. . 2 . 111 ('" ffllic ..r preacher fay what he will: fomc thinke,ifth.::y , No\o\ 1 where the light of nature is rhusjmt the bl;nd cic repent at their endc, and then commend their out, the fruit of it is molt palpable darkcn2ffc! foules to God, it is fufficient; others lookc to flow great id that dtlrkJnrjfe? th:~t is, there=is befaucd by their wcl-doing, and others by nothing in that mans lifc,but brucifl1 confuG011 I thci.rfaith (as they call it:) but in truth,by their in hellifh actions, of pride, coucroufndfc~d1owne good meaning, and intent to liuc well; uie,blaiphcmie,artd vrlnatur;:::ll vnckanneffC;'as for what faith hauc they that know not Gods Rom. J .17 .29 .&c. \ word :mdpromifcs? TJmsbythcir O\.\·ncwifThevfo. Conlidcdt1g the liglJt ofnatltrc dome will men be faucd, and hereby t'hc dcuill D may be thus .put out, we muft hereby be ad~- 1 ddlroics m:my a foulc: but let God be wife monifhcd, Filfl,to enter into aferious confide- \and cuery m:u1 afoole, and let YS fubmit our ration of our ownc vilc:nefTc:; for nawrally we i feJu~s in the things ofGod,wholly to be ruled hauc in vs ( euen the bdl of vs ail) fit eh rebel:. I and guid.rd byhis ,_,,.~incn word,lc!fl: I:wif11l~ lious lu~, and d~mnablc dcfires,asvnldfc they and Poptfhly, we gomg about to nabh01 our be rdl:ra1ned,or renewed by gracc, ....,·il d:!.rkcn, I owne concei=s in the matters of faluation, doe and as good asput out the Iiohr of naturc.T~is plunge our foulcs into the pit of dcllruCl:ion. lhould make vs \'ilc in our o~,·n cyes,that nou. TJ:lc eye of Fourthly, is the eye of the minde naturally rifh fuch corruptions, and cAccnic fo of finnc, :~~~~:noc corrupt? then mull: we labour for a better eye; which will put out that light \\'hich yet A dams Al'lv>tiue to confi laour n~turaJ ,·ilt.'– ncj\C, thatis,theeyeof faith, by which \'\'e relic on falllcfdn vs. Gods mercicfor our f2lu:~tion;and on his pro. Secondly, hcrcby ""c are admouifhed to ""(omonifie u~d.cncc for all,ncr.dfu.ll things in l.ifc ~death. haue fpcciall care to mor~ific our corrupt defi~~~:•rt <h:. l. h1s eye makes fi1ppilc to that whlf.'h 1s ...vanfircs,and our vnruly affcChon.s,d1at ds will cxt~ng to n:-~tur~lllcnowlcdgc;hcrcby .we difcern {linguifh in vs the light ofna:rurc. Before the: nghdy ofGod, and of our fclucs; this enables fall,the mind rnicd & dircCl:cd the v.·il and :: 1 ffr- .:·s to fee a_furrc off: yea, hereby we fee things ~..'lions; but no\v thefe inferionr powCrs rulc,or rathe_; -I