Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~-.,......,...~----------:-------- -----·-·- ·--·----·-- 1 176 .,. rV1nEx:pojition of Chrifh · Ma11b.6. V.!q. I i --.--. t S;~ondl¥, wht:r~ai GOJ. and Manimon are A 1 • become a (hue aitd ;:a{faIthereunto. Secendly, ---~ I . 1 l1etc tJ.ppo[<;d ~'~u·o n~:~llcrs ·, bcn_cc we learnc he cby le s l b · f: · l ' 11 d" ~:~1:~-l'$ I tt.\>tttMf4mmon;Jb;~js, nches, is_ a-gre~t liml.imd fer: of w~r~dl;~~~~~c~0, a~~o(t:scC~~-i1ri"fait~1~~~ I ~~~fi:~rjn the wpr1.dh!thls Chn{t hc_~.·e takC's for o.1 mrrkJvs fitnd.swirb rhi1 Mam71'Mn of i1Jiq~t£tie, d Luk.:6 9 .j l {;HUnted) aL1d t~nctOrc doC~h fprc.warnc his by good di~>ofingofit to Gods glory in\.\'orks I I 1 ~jf,cip~tl of iq. Bu' how{v~ il fomc fay) can ofmcrcic; .tm~fo fhall we rcta1nc our nght of !n~qcf ~c a Gt)d? fi,[.·Not uohc:t:nfclues, fe'flr CfC<ltlOJl, whncby God made the crcatut:CS te I , f~nhey ,arc the gqod crc~turcs ofGod-; but to fetuc vs. ! tiT!= ... Ilorrup,t hc,i\rJ.¥, which makes an idol _, Thir.dly, Chrift oppofing G11dand A:(amm'i, .t : '19f.~~tn·;o it (dfe, by (etting·hls'loue and dCi'· an~ faying,r.oman t.'anforttr them both ,imports ~;~)·1 ;:~1t .Jigh~ ·vpon thcfil, -as on true ·harrincrrc:. and platnely, that hu that fuk!sro b~rich, Jenmg I hearton ri· l I t~ufling i1~ thq1) 1~9rt tbcn in d.1c:' true G.od:: I his heart thcrcoi1,[orfak!s God: I fay. not'that c- ~;~forf~kc a_nfl for thts ca\lfC: lS couetollfoeJie called irJ!Jla• uery rich man fod:'lkcth God, for when God · trit. (;olo!f. ) . 5•"and the ~out~-otu pcrfon an I about~dat~ce td ·:ltn:ms ~noderar.c labour ldal4w'.·, Ep~ef, I· 5• for lookc whcreon ma~ and mduf!ry m ins lawfnlkalhng, he may lawkt~ his htarr:, his Lord and his God, ,B fully pofltlf-cit, vfing it t.o Gods glorie: but to !)J.q~gb it be th~:<Jeulll himfclfe.Nowthat men fuk.!r•be rjch is a dm;ingof God, bc9 ule fo. . ~q<;'thus fer "'ii riches in thci{hcans.,as an idoJ, the heart is a feruamvmo Mammon ,..and not Vr"or:s. lt'}li'ch Go~ ord!Lit}ed eo fc.ruc them, I fuc:w bchauiour about v·:ealth, whether wc£coJ1fidcr l .atJd1 iQ Qcco~~.Jctuants and ..fla-ucs to that to the Lord.Thismly appearc by thc;ir whole I pi~\nJy thus: Fo; fidl,<>Ct the worfl1oip their getting, ot· their keeping, or imploying Prcofc. and fpuicc of Pod tOr luc.rc ·ati~~g:ainc:, and ofit; m all \-Vhich they finne againH'God~FirU 1 ! fJt~d(morc time.y~ith;grcatcr ddi,ght for earth.. ingntmg, for God giucth riches to y.~hom hee \;, jly ric~es, the~\ tl\cy,.cio fo1· the tru_pr:rtafurcs Qf '''ill, and hathnot tied himfelfc bv pron1ife to '1: ~ ~ · Gods heauclll.)" g1·~~es. Secondly~;., let a man make any m:m nch; &: therfore he ~ha.acfolues' vt:.... h.~Y~.worldly,wcalth at wi.ll, and he lS full of with him1C1ft" that he wil be 1·ich, cat)not.mak.c foy=\tld ddight,·~is riches giue him g·reat coh· confci~ncc oflying, fraud, iniuHice'; faQb,ath-· JF~'tplc·nt; but ifhe loofc his good:'i, .then ve:x'"!' breaking a.nd fuch likc,~,,·ben the coriu-nining ~~jop; and forrowe doth more. op}!reffe hitilJ ..ofthcfothings m:1kes forJ1is adu5.tage..Scc6d- .thet:t all the ptomiiC$ of God ·in the Bible: cllri ly, they finne inks'fph;g; for he dlJt rc.fOl.u~s to comfort him. Ti1iHlly, by tranfgrdfing Go.O~ be rich, \Vill rather forfake the truth, then his cotnmaundcments a man loofeth heauCn; but <; wealth, in time of trj,all: and for thc.fauingor w~o is fo grieued for his cranfgreffions,~hciClrecoueric of his wcalth ·,hc willno.r: fl:icke to byhc:e incurres this loffe, as he is for a fm3ll feckc to blcflCrs,wj'Zar.ds,coniurers,&.c.Third.. dommagc m fomc part ofhis riches.?Fourthly,1 ly, for dijfrofing orimpl~•i•g; he that refclues : o appe2le tomens confcicnces, whether they be be rich finncs therein: for he cannpt be drawn not farrc more lharpe and eager fct vpon the to wof1.:s ofmcrcie, adcafl with anyc·hcc:rfulrtle~ne.s of, then on prayer & other parts ne$; & hence: it comes that fomet!mes the poor ofGods worfhippe, v·:hich :uc the mcancs of doe: (larue: before mans doorc. g,rare :.all which doe argue plainly, that they The conl!derauon hcCc:of, ferues firlt to I V!e. t• fc:tue Mammon, and ltonour riches for thoir correCt our 1ndg~ment c::oncctnin_g..cel,Jctous ~ . God.So thtt howfocucr byGods bleffing,outwo1ldly m1nded pcrf-ons; our ccnfurc of thcm:j ward idol:uricbe ba.nin1cd out ofour Churclr, I JS too nuld and gentle, we: mdge themho.nelt J "SC:t·Wc: hotuc tnany Idolatoursjn our Land; for .men, only fomcv,·hat hard & nccr.e thcmfelues: e-ucr;e couct(?USWt'lrldling fcts vp the Idol of 1but markc Chnll:s fcntcncc vpon thcm,Wurld/;r wealth and riches in his heart for his Lord.And I p<rfon! forfol:$ God, af1d choofr Mammon fur th:at the(cM~n,.,.MniJfJabound eucric where, I th~,rLordat~dmaft~r: whJch'>pp<arcs by the.comm<>npracl:ifcs of opprd!i- , D , thc1finc, aud thcrefor.c nor to be 9 lightly pafon,cxtortton, and cruc:lttc, so hard dealtng to... fed oucr as mco t~1nkc. Secondly, 1\crc:~¥ ;~.\'c_c watds the po6r.c, by gcccdic Land.lords and Cec'it isa dangerous and vnlawfull coutfe, fo.r Vfurcrs; as alfo by the pr·a&ifcs of the rich in men to m~ke b.\'YCS with thcmfclucs, how ri~h the ~irnc ofdearth,, for by their hoarding vp .thcy·will be_; as to haue fo many hundred, or ,tl:orc, fngroffing of.commodities, ;md cnhaun- !Jtimfand pounds in fb:,c.kt:, orio much lands, c-tns: of~llci'r pdce, to the augmemin~ oftheir an. d renu, &c. for whot followcs vpon tbisre- ~ priu,attwcahh, they mightily. incre:Jfc Gr.His I i ~o.httiO~·hy furcly d\Cy ml:fl n~eds giu~themwr:ath·vpon the poore. IndecdeGod his !tJucs to the comp:1.fling of thctr pcrp.ofc., :m.d fquaqj>w~ich hauc him ondy fortheir God, fo thcyf,.IJ.imo manifold fnarcs of Satan, by pijtthe uum\Jcr of them is (mall, in refpeC\ of prat\•fcsofin•ufhcc,lyillg,fnud, &czifhirdly, l thof~ that fct their hearts vpon the world and bcceb,- ,.,,e mull be ::tdmoml11cd to content our make Mammon their God. . , ' , l I fc1ucs \' tth that porttO ofgoods,monc orldfe, Hcr:c then tirfl: beh0!{1 the Oauilh h:~fcne'f\(: ! I \\ h~eh .GQ.d .fcndcrh, knowmg that a'little JS ofacouctous he3rt , for ~3n .wa-s- made ro b'Cic ! f.utfictent "tlh Cods 1blcffing vpon it":<Arvn)' I thc .Lorli ofM:~~nmou and wcahh,and yet tho- j w~rhcot.trtuft{i'effi(as the Apofl!cc fatr.h) ar.d/;ec H(b '' J rough cott<.·toufneffc he fubicClcth himfelfe tb c.tmtcnt Yf!•t~~ tiJar;e hA!te,fur heeharhfl•id,., I n-:11 - ------,,"t