Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Matth,6. v.24,25· of 'l\11nshurt mull: not be diuid~dfrO G:Jd. \'le. r. SCrihiJJi in the e~bunt.; norfai!e fhee·narJor{.l/:.!rhe!. IA maficrs, for th.i~ fcruiC::C iS .VOlrii!t~ti~. ~d_vl j Fourthly, whereas Chrift faith; re t'am'!6t i I ~hough thcr_e be :n thce,rhc flcflnltld ~he fpltlt! fonte God and .AfamntoiJ, we lcarnc; that the ! ~he one l~::llrm~ tnce one .'"'ay, & .rhc ~thcr anheart of man nmft not be diuidcd bc;wccnc ·! other; )'Gt wh,Jc: thou finucH--agamft w.c ficJl1; l God and rhe wo"rld· the one hllfc ro God,aud ., ·dcliring and cndcauouring to be who!ly fub..: I rhc ~rh er to the wo;ld · no God \vill haue all · ict1: to i:hc tpir:ir, rhot!gh tliou failt: often in or none, i1erein he will ;Jot pan!lakes with the aClion; yet in Chrill ".'e.rhy fi~i1C: psl'.ch."lncd; ClC-ature: Prou. 23 .l6. MJ fon 11 egiue ?r>£ rh; . and G~d a,capts u: thee the \\·lil.tor rbc d:cd. l heart. I Endc~ll!our t.hcrcfor.e to acguaJnt thy klf.c The confidcration whcrcoffctucth~Fi~·H,td. mor~and more whh the 'Xi!l ?f r.hy hcm.tcn!y dHcoucr rhc hypoCl'ific and fpirituall ~gUile ot maficr, and fcckc .~o plcafcJlirn 10 ~11 tl:mgs; many, 'Nho thinkc thc;y nl'Qy Jiuc in tome a_ne and labo~1r ~o mo~t1t1c the dcc(!~s of t~c Hdh finne or' other, and yet be Gods feru:uus {hll: by the. lpnlt, and fo fhalt thou know GoJ this is the conceit ofdrunkards, adulterers,co.! to.bc thy on~ly m~ficr, and in due dme per..: , uetous perti:nu, and fi1ch like; for euen while ccmc thy freedome from rhc. bondngc pfthe they liuc in rhcfc fiuncs,thcywil come to Gods ll flcJl1. , worOlip,rorheword,andpraierotten;,ondro v. 25', r'Jhei'eCate ;:t fdy Vfi.J. the Sacraments, atlcaflonce a ycare~wh1ch /'- J J"! . . they w~uld not doe,buttha.rrheythinl<e G_od toyou, be not careful/for .)OUt bath rctpcClvntO themhcrcm; tathC\\ICl';{;, h jh a . ·· ked lewes,icr. 7·9.To.Buttheydecciuethc~l~ 'Je; )}1 at .)CC a Ctlle, Or fclucs, fvr Ho 'in.·tn ca11feme two majhrs_: wlulc "l"hba·t /h /1 d · L~ • · , t' amallliuc;illanyftnnethe feruanr ot the de- ... yce att Ylr)~. nor ;e uill,hccanneuerbeacecpred ofGod for his for your /Jodie ll!hatjee(ha/J t fccuant. Sccondly,thts f11cwcs, tlut theferuant . > . . . . . Nofi,,g. I ofgodisfofarreforrhdcljuercdfiomftnncby put on. is not the lift 1nort ~~~~;~;'ods l! regeneration that uo finnc raignes itl hi,n;f(n , ' . . fohefhouldicruetwomaltcrs,for cuery rargworth then meat, and thebodte n 1 ng ilnnc J..q: a Lord and Matlcr: Rom. 6. 16. h · ? Knowe,eenor,thattof4•homefoeUC'f" yougittC)'OIIf t enra;ment. . -' 1 folues AJforuanuto obg, hu foruant.t ;eeme to C <:>~1r Sauiour Chri!t.·hau~ng fb'rqiddcb tiH! whomJUo6ry, Jt~bcthcrst be offnn~-vnto death; ptad:t~~s of couctoufnc:ffc; andprcUcnred fuch · &c. and he rh11t commttuth Jinne, u the firuant obic81011S :~.s the corrupt. hciit·of roan rnigh! ofJinne,Ioh.8.J4·This thcrfore is a fure groiid, frame to fclfe rhfrcin,dorh here £hike that no ·regenerate pcrfon liucs in any finne. at the very root of coucto,ufnes, and fccik.cs to . Thirdly, hereby cucr¥ one is taughtta confcremoou< the caufc chereot; to wit; dijlrl-j/ftt!l crate both his foulcand bodic to rhel:.or:d, inand inord;naucar.e forthe of ihis li~, deaueuring to fcru r: him with all the power.s & though they be thi·ngs nccc!fari«r, ;rs meate, parts thereof; for God is Otlr onely L01:d and drin.kt, and cloathing;.andin tlifs atgmncntllc mafle.r, and t1lcrefore let,·U:hin vs proceeds tc the end of this cha.ptC~. Now this , bow the knee to him: Rom. 6. 2 I. The feruan.t verfc depends vpon.rhe form~r1 as a coi.l:clufiof.l' of God iJ onefreedfomJi;me, whoharh hi; fruiu il1ferred vpon all <lht·he had {.,id before.con-' in ·holiuejfe, a11d ttu cndc c«erlajling life. ~f:hc ccrning couctoufncs from the 19• .v. to this' r ,.king Io.s··~ f £2!...~eenc ~~ ShclM pronounced Salomons !ferefl'CCh -~ccing,they earthly nca~urcs, 11ants IMppre,tho.t Good beforeSa!tJmon to heart: nc.glcChng the hc!!u~nly, doe want rhe 1mgla his wifedome; how ·much more then arc thcv I \de oflj>irituall wifdomc)t<Y..d.ifcernc ofthe r'rue I ,.happic, V·rho in foulc.and bod.i~ arc (~ods. fer"- \ trca{ur-e,-a.nd al40 are thcn;f~lucs{ero~nts vnt.o Iuants, wPt-ofor bounuc and ·wifdomctnfimtcly 'I? j Mammon; thcr.Cforc.I fay ~nto yournyDifct.. I furpa!fcch Saf,.,monfHerc fomc w1Jl fay,!_ woul4 I pies, bcJlot.caroful(no.not~fo·r ~hings n~edful) gla~ly (crucGod alone,and I dcftrc I m<ght<lo inanoderatdy,and in adifhufifuJI.manccr.An<t · 1 it wit!b all my hcart1 but the corruption of my , 'here aga.ine hce mcetc£ \\-jth a!1ot.hcr pretence . ' n-at.ulc isfuch,rhat it tn:l'kes me-to r.d>el againfi :I .of a CQUCtous rriirtdc, .,~:herCwi'Gh it pfcads.for I the comm1ndemcncs.ofGod, :tnd -I cannot do the feruicc ofM:lrTimon·,to \\'it thlt rhc thinos tllc -good I would_., but rhc eL~ill I would no-11, I they fcckc for, ~n£things nCcc'ff:uic, .witho~t Acnmfort I thr.t doe l; fo as I teare I fcrue t·wo rh3'Hhs.An. ·\\"hich theycannot liue.H'cre-to Chrifianft,·.crs ~~ct~:~~~b~~d ~Tl1is is :h:.fhtc ofGods chiJdrC'~ itr-this life; I rea, hut I J4y, )'OIImuft nor fuk.$ no }JOt[Gr thi1.-g~ ~~'lth con up- ,but hereW1th they muil-!lay themfclucs: when . needful/t.ay.ol::r /jfr 1 immqdrrm.ely ttJ:ddiflmjlfit!- Mn, 1 they faile in obedience, they ~1utl: confitic"r ly. . ' ' ~ '·· ' '~hcthcr they doe fo fiTcly andwillingly, lOt · The E:~pojirionjlfilJ -:.·r.tojote] rh:a rs: 1, tha,t ag:llnftthcir "''i'lls.; if~hy:hclrt cannuCiyfsy, , lnl your·ttl:lficr,vpon "hamyo(J depend for aJ ' -t~0\,1 docfl: v.nw1~H.ngly commit' finne,. thou l ~1caucnly inflruC'tion,•& dircChon in ·~}1 things' \\ ouldell not doe 1t, ·:~nd art -truely gttciJcd :nccdfqlf b-oth for your foules and ilio.di.cs .'nd ·difplcafed with thy fclfc for 'it; then ;f fa; vr.;c )'":' by this hee would prcpa~ be of good courage, t·hou cl-o'dlt1ot .f-tn'lc ro;,·o~ ehcm to attc~ltiOn dedo, ....... ------------~.----~-----q_,:_. ______ · --- ~ r j I I