Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

------------- - I~Tfatth,6. Sermoninthe~~ount. ~ Howtr:t fesuCthe (u,ee!fcto . ()od. I ii9 - 1- - the Apolllcs counfcll, Phi!+6. Bu nothing · A •pplieth meal< anddrink t~lifc, :ityl rainiirll l cttrefidl,that is, after a di!lrufifull ordi{lrathng 1 to the bodie : and yet we knowc that ::tpparell fort, (asthe word fignifics) but in allthmgs i<t fcnlesto prefcnlc life alfo , cfpecially in cold }'Oitrt•eqmffs bemade iz.nowneto aod' ,,;;rhgiuing countries• .But Chrilt cloth diHinguiOl. them I oftbankp: where it is ro be marked, that drfor iu{l c:aufc, for though in cold countrieS,apjlmftfu/1 care is oppofcd topray<r &th•nkf{giparell forues to prefcrue life, ~s we!Lis nit at & up:g, as :m hinderer thereof, :md therefore our drinkc doe; yet the firft and moll: gencr::lll vfc care muG 011 dy be eo vfc chc lawfull mcancs of 3ppard1, is ari orher niattCr; to wir,ro hide moderately for anyble~ing, and rhen ro r.ray the !hamedfnakcdnes; which the fin ne of AtoGod for good fitccdlc and blclftng, rclytng dam brought vpon it: Gen. 3•7• z 1. for before wholly thcrcon , that when it comes wee may thc:ir f:tll,tbcmanand the J'Pomdn 1iirlboth nak§d, giuchim thankcs. andwerenotajhamcd,Gcn,z.zi. J But fame will f:~y., it is harO for fldh :I rid HCrC tHen we rire to leatnc, that thC proper The prnrei· blood not to be carefull of fta:cdl"c, hoW then and mairic cndc ofapp~rcll, is for the bodieJto' endenof <~Pfl1ould we be able to lcaue it wholly to God? coucr thC fhamc oftiaktdndfe chat fitinC hJdi pare · Anfwer, We mull lay to our hearts the blc!Ted B brought vpon vs; which is fo great, that ifnepromifes of God made to them that depend I cetlitie would permit, both hoods and face vpon his mercic and goodne!Te, and !abourto lbou!d alfo !Jc couered, The confideration Iiuc by f:1ith thcrcon: Pf":tl. I 17. U invahu whereof; as it fl1cwcs th~ir irilmodcfiie and for 11 un torifo eady, and to lie downe !ttte ~ dr.d wane dffhame chat 1:\y open the nakcdndfc of to eare the brcado.ffarrowe,(mcaning, while he their breafls,or other parts bftheir hod y,more I uuA:s to himfclfe, or in the me:ines) hut God theh need requires'; fo ittcacherh vs, ne' ~ will JirrelJ gi:~ 1·cft to his 6elovrd. which ferue bee proud ofour apparell, but rather humbled 1 him,and truil in bim,in the vfe ofmeanes,Pfal. :ind2.bafhcd when we putir on, or ldokc Ypon : l4• to. 71u lJons dot lack! and Ji'.ffer hungerJ it, for it is the coucr of out fh:nnc, and fa an I though cucry poore bcatl ofthe field b'" Jirey cn(,gne of our finne : the thcifc bath as good 1 1 to his teeth; butth'} tlut foekt th< Lord (hall caufcto be proud of the bolts on his hecles; flfc/:s nothing that Mgood. If wee had no~morc orofhJs brand in the hand, or hole in the care, promifcs in the Bible, yet thefe were fuftlcient J as we of our apparC"ll; for as thcfe arc badges to caufcvs eo rdl vpen his prouidcncc in the of mifdemcanour, fa is apparcll a badge ofour fobervfcoflawfullme:mes. Againe,thismutl C finnc. And on t:hc other fide, thatV\'CC rn:ty' bee confidered t how wee{hall relic: vpon his hauc corbfdrt in this ordinance of God for our mcrcic for the fauing of our foulcs in the time bodies 1 wC mu£t labour therein to cxprdfc the . oftemptation and houre ofdea~h,that dare not gracc:s ofGod in our hearts; as modefiic,fobri.;.. trufi: in his prouidencc for the things of this ctic, temperance, frugahtic, and fuch likc.t {. life•.!2!!!.ft.But what ifall things go crofiC with Isnot the life more worth t~m meat~ , and~hl . :,~~:G~O:r:~~ men(will fame fay}may I not then O:icke more hodiethmraimmt? Our SaUtour Chnfi haumg. . derate ,a:c:. to the means?Anf Nay rather clcauethe more giuen commanderrlent againil the immoderate \ to God,for if the blcffiugwere in the mcanes, care for things needfull to naturalllifc, lc"a{t men would not be fo oftc cro!Tcd: God knowthe fame lbou!d paffc away without effeC\, c:th what is good for thee, better then thou doth here begin to enforce the fame with dithy fclfe, and therefore rcfl: contented with his uerfe arguments: the firH ""hereof is in rhcfc prouid.encc, though he croffe thine cxpeChuiwords-; taken from the crc:nion; \"·/herein God on for outward blcffings: want i~ tn:my times giucs ltfc and the bodie~ i.\'hich are better then better for Godschildren then plentic;and atfli~ food and raiment; from .whence Chrifi reafons Cl:ion then peace and profpcritie ~ as D.tuid t.Or his prouidence thus ! The life is hcttc-;· then I found,1'fal.t19.67 ,71.•nd therefore God laics food, and thebodre then raiment;but Godbj cr<ainpon them: Did not good lofalfall before D tiongiu<J life and.borlj,andther<fore will/mmt1ch PharaobNecho~which he lhould not h3uc don, morfgi1tefootle and raiment for therpreforttation. c J.Chr.J1. but that God would chaHen him i fore not reSeeing God giues the greater, we need not ·~ gardiwg thewords cf Ph.v4ohN<eho, whichJ•ere to doubt but he will afl'oard the lc!Te. -' • 4fthe mo.uthofGod,perfwading him not to fight In this rcafoo Clirifl tcachcth vs; tomake · Our(tc:acion ~s.~Or.Ji· ag3inft him: and al(o d that hemight he raftm rishc vfe of our creation; namely, by the con.. ~~~ i~~:~: ftom fuihgthreN•Ilto come.- and was not Ht~i.... ftderation of lt, to le:trne confidence itl Gods prouidc:nct. l iz!., heartpujf<dvp iw th<tim<afp<ace,in [o much prouidence for all things need<:fu!l to our nae s.Cltr.)lo thatwrathe camevponhim,~-tndvpon ludtchAnd turalllife: lob. to. 8. Thine hnnds hauemade 'l· lerufalnH. Therefore lcarnc to drpend vpon m< andfajhsoned mce, andwilt thou deftroy mee? . Gods prouidcncc in the modcratevfcoflawful where !ohperfwaJcs hitnfclfc ofprcferuacion, ~ mcanes, andwhether he giuc the bicllings or bccaufe God created him: and 1, l'et. 4• 19.: take them away, blcffe his name; for it is good Let them that fief[er accordin.( to the will 'Of I for thee it fhould be fo. And thus much for the ~God, commendtheirfo:r!eJ vntohim inwt'll-dofng, mainc commandemcnt. d.f vnto tt fitithfllll ~reatrrt' .- becaufe God is a Nowfurther mark in the words,howChritl f3ithful1 creator,therefore in de:nh \1\'C mufl: re· dilHnguilhch betwccne life and the bodie ; and lyvpon~im.Experience teachcth vs,t hat euery ; work!:.. ---·~·---- I