Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

rUin ExtJo'ition ofChrifls . Mmrh.6. \ ___________________ r'l" ~~ workcma~s carcfiJll to prcferuc the workc of A God: and in the contemplation hqcof dirl he \ his ownc hands,ifit lie in his power; \\'hy then cxcrcifc him(clfc vpon the Sabbath daics,as we I fhould ,...,c doubt of this in our Crcator,who is may fee i11 the Pf..l!mewhichhe penned for the \ almighcic. Sabbath, Pfa!.9z·4·5. --lwilreio;ce inrhc:VIJrk.f l 6 <D h I'J h , £ I ,.j ofthine hm:ds:0 LoYd,holVgloriom a1·e rh; work_r! V.~ • ve Olj t e; OWteS o, i\ncl thcyv.Jhich are negligent in this dutic,arc I 'I the heauen: for tht'IJ fowe not' here called to attcndal1CC by our Sauionr . "j" ChriCl. I neither reabe' nor carry into But what mu(l WC behold in the foulrs ofhcaI'''""''""'' 1. the barne· JI.· yet your heauenf,, ucn? How rhc; ncirhcrfow,norrcapc,naYCa>'ie in- ~:~:;,:,!':·;~· "./ ro, &c. that is, they vfc not the means lln G.~ci~ I~ather leedeth tbem. eAre ye of protufion that m>ndoth' which fhews they I P'"'"·''"'· JlJ' hauc not that c:1re which mad hath. M~mmay 'not much better then they? I lawfully be carcfull tovfc thcfc meanes' tor I 2 • Rea(on 1 God ordaineth them for m:tns prouifion : but ld. . Thcfc ""ords containc Chrifis fccond rea- B the fo..,·Ies of the heaucn 20c not fo farrc to ~~.~~r..,.••· r d·o· d 1· or fi dfi fi h I ~ m~u.. 1011 to 1uwa c liS i1ciplcs rom i ru full a_uc care o :my rncancs. And thispriuilcdge care for thinss- nccdfufi, drawnc from the conot man to t!1cmrancs, doth firong!y enforce 1 I fidc~ation ot his prduidcl!cc oucr baiCr creaChrifls diflwafion :Ig:linft di{hufifull care: f0r \ turesthen they ....vcrc, for nccdcfull pwuH";on: the fo,Nlcs wanting fuch mc:mcs arc free from , the rcafon !landeth thus: . that care. Q.f;;jf.I-Iow then.:'l.rc.tiu:y prouidcd !I If God prouidc for ihcfowfcs •f hcaHm, thm for? A'-'fiv. I hey cxpe.5t lot loodc at Gods I muchmorewillheprqHidefot)'OU: hlnd: lob 39. 3• Thebirdscrievuto God, n>ar.- 1 But GodprMidethfort hefowlesofhe.tlten, a!fd dring for lacJ:.!of mettle. Pfo:l. I 14.'! 1 , The I)- I fecdcth thmJ: therefore much mqrewill omrMring after their pray,{eck$ their 7JU4te at heprouidcfo~'J"'· God. Pfal. I 45. q.Thcc;csvfallwasr -opon God, The lirH part of this reafon is here confirandhegi11eth rbemmcau in tbte /enfon. Pf.1l.147• 1mcd two v·:ayes; Fir IT, bccaufc the t>hildrcn of 9· Hegiueth tohcajh their foode, andto rheJoung G.od h:tue means ofprouilion,which the foulcs rauen.r rhar crie.But ha\-\' c:~.n vnreafonablc creaofthc hcaucn \'Yant ;rheJfowenor, nerrhn-rcape, tun·s crie to God? .Ar.fw. They doe nor vfc &c. Secondly, Gods children are !utterthen prayt.:r, as men doe; bur yet they arc faid to cry fo..vles, and therefore he will not fuffer them ro C to God, andtowait on God, becaufe by a naru:alL l3cke, fith he prouideth for bafcrthings then inflinc1 giuen them by creation, they fcek for th<ybe: both which arc fo fcnfiblc and familithat foodc which God ordaincth forthem, and ar, that they Ill:.\}' induct any man to depend and arc contented therewith; fo that by th~fe J v.pon Gods promdcnco, without difirufifull phrafes God would teach vs I hat they depend . care. } vponhis prouidcncc ·wholly for prouifion,and God~ v.·orlu \ ChriA: in prOpounding this rcafon, bids vs. reil: contented therewith. fid,~!A. con- Beholdth4 cre:~mrer ,rhat is ,rake a ferious viCI,\'C Here then wee ~re to obfcrur, th:tt the vn- ~~~~~~~C:~('$ of them, looke vpon them 'NiJ'hly, and with reafot,ablt creatures made fubicct to ,·anitie by m<'>tcobc6· confidcration,:ls the word fignifierh: \\'hereby the finne ofm:tn, doe come ne~rer ro theirfiri~ 1 ~:n~hcn we may learne, that cuery child of God ought efiate,and better obferue the order of ll<;lturc 'ati fcrioufly to confider the vvor:kes of God, (tOr their creation then man doth: for they feek'for I that \\•hi ehwee mufl doe to the fovvlcs of heathat which God prouidcth for them, & when ucn,wc mufl: doe to all the works ofhis hands) I they rccciue irarc content: but man is decpcly ::tnd therein labour to hL'hold the v.·ifdomc, iufallen from the cflatc Qfhis creation, in regard flice, goodncffc, louc, lr.C'rcic:and prouidcuce, ! pfhis depending on Gods prouid~nce'for tCmof God. This isS:domom lcff.on, Ecclef.7.15. D , por:~ll things: though he hauc thcvfc ofmeans lleh3!drhen.,rk.; ofGod : and Iob.16.24. Runiwhich the fowlcs afhcauen \\'ant, ytthis heart 661" tbmtmag~;Jie the wor·k.§of God whichmenbe:. ts fu1l fraught with diflrufifull care, \\herbcr !Jeho!d. VVfiy did God m:tkc the creatures· di- \1\'C refpcel: the getting, or imploying of earth:. ' fiinCfly one after another in fi:xc fcucrall dayes, ly things. This fheweth rhat rnan is more corand rake a Pflrticular viewe of them all after he rupt then other creatures, and more vile and had made them, with :.'l.pprobation o£ their bafc'in"this br.halfc then bruit hcalts: which -goodndfc, :in'd alfo f.1nC1:ific the fcauenth day lhould humble cuerie <?"c of vs dcepdy vnder for an holy refr, both by his own example, and the fcrious eonfidcr:mon of our finnes, that cxprdlCc~mman_dcmcnt?vndouhrcdly,among haue ~o dcpraucd our nature, that wearc more othc.r cauics this \'I.' aS one to teach vs ro confirebellious tothl' bwc ofour creat'or,and more dc'r diHinCHYof all the w~rkes of his hands: & difhuOfilll in his prouidencc, then the bruire ''·:unong other holy duties, to meditate 011 the -and fenfcleffc creatures. Sabbath ~av< on rhe oloriot 1 s workcs of our · And }'el]our lun11mly Filthrrfi·cdetl; thtm.] Creator, ihis was D~1ids pr:tCliiC: for, Pf3l. In rhcfc wor~!s i$ collchcd a, \ r9. J. &c. he rcfcmblcs tbe heaucns to a great whc1:C'by Chnfi would pcrfw:1dc l11s Dofc1plcs, bookc, wherein a man may read the glorie of 3nd 111 them all bdecucrs , to d_:pcnd vpon --- · Gocls 180