Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ .llfatrh.6. ! ';1.%6,,'27· 1 o~ht.7.rr. I Howe to comecoJe– pcndvpon God.~ pro• uidencc. Pa.~ticubr prnui<lcncc: ; proouc<l, Amotiucto mcrcifulnu, J, Sermon in th~~ount. IS! Gods prouidcncc without dHlruHfull o.rc. A u::mcage ofpoorc mens w:mc,and_(o rt1akc thC- j' Gad (faith bee) i;yourfarher,pa 7ourheaum~r (dues fat by fucking the blood of the pootc. fiuher,andyoHArchUchtldrm, therefore depend 1T/:l' h { b 1 vponhim,forif•earthryfathmwi!lprouide V. 27. rr/JIC 0 YOU '.J ta~ [ more will your hcaucnly. In this realon alfb ts '\: 0 touched a meancs and way whereby a man cubit tO hiJ jftttUrt l and giue good things to t:1eir children, much LinO' care, iJ a/ble to adde one I m.ay come to reit vpon Gods prouidencc·. In the \\'ord of God there be cv••o kind of pro.. _Here_ Chrill propound~ his_third reafon, a- !' ~~:{~~- mifcs: fomc,ofcucrlafting life and faluation by g:unrt d1{hutlfull and cark1ng cnc for "' orldly ~-ut\ full Chrifi: others, ofinferiour gifts and blcfTings things, from the vnprojitablenc/fe ,md':ltthilic of care. concerning this life. Now if '"'e would relic on ic in man. The words of this rcafon arc proGod for tcporall blcllings,we mu!t fidllabour pounded b.y w"! of quejlion' which kinJe of to lay hold by faith on his Cf)intual and etcrnall phrafc imports the ajfi,.ming or den,ringofthe promifcs; get a.ffurancc of thint: adoption in thing fpoken of with more vebcmcncic. And Chrift, and labour to kno"" and fee le that he is hctc it harh the force of a more vth!'ment negathy heauenly f.uhcr; anJ then thou wilt ealily B tion: as ifChri!l had faid,Vndoubrcdly not any depend vpon his prouidcncc for temporal blefofyqu by taking c:ue can ~ddeone cubit t.o his fings: ifthou be once pcrfwadcJ trudy that he flatu re. A cubit is a mcafi.1re taken from a part ·will fau~ thy foule, hov\' canll thou di!trufl him of mans bodic, bcl'ing the length of the an)lC for prouHion for thy bodic? If a Kings fonne fi·om the elbow, to the cnde ofthc longdl finI know his father wilmakc hi1'1.1 hcire,hc wil not gcr. NowGod in framing mans bodie; bringsdoubt but hew!l afford him foodc and raiment it from this length in the mothers V\'ombc, by in the mcane timt. · cominuall increafe adding cuhit vmo cubic,ti!l Feedeththem] Th~t is,the foulcs that neither at lafl it concainc many cubits in lhturc,accorfo\'\',nor re~ape, nor c:irric into barncs. Here we ding as he ba~h ordained and appointed, And may obfcruc Gods tj)Gciall and particular proIookc how many cubi:s long God h:tth ordai... uidcncc:for in rcafon chafe creatures that make ned cucry man to come vnto, of that Hature no prouifion in {ummcr l11ould £larue in-"' inand t:JJcndfe he is; ~nd no man by all his wirt ter, wherein the earth affoardcth not fi1ch skill,and carcfull indufhie can addc one ntbit mcancs ofnourHhmcnt as it doth in fummcr; vmo his flature: for that-is the proper work of and yet experience !heweth, that chcy arc for the Creator, he that giues the bodie, appoints the moll part fatter, and fitter for the vfc of .... the Haturc, and by his prouidcnce brings it man in winter then in fumtner: ·what -argueth C thereto, by daily incrc:tfc. Now hence ChriH: this but Gods fpcciall prouidencc, attendmg reafons thus 1 fiom tha like: .As no man b; ra.. vpon the filly foulcs ofhcauen 1 & feeding them kjng care in all themennt.rheecan v[e, can attgin the dead wi-nter? oh then how :fhould any ment hH jfatllre ont cubit, hee c:annot doe the child of God di(\ruil his prouidencc; will he lea_H thing this way, asp S, Lu!,s noteth; no p "~"·'' fcC'dc birds, and negleCt his owne children? it more can anymanby his dij/ntflfu!l care6ettcrhis car.not bc.And yet this muff not nuzzle an idle omwardeflatt for rhin._'l/ needeftt!!to thU life·any pcrfon,or boHler him vp in the nrglcd oflawwhit at all: and thcrfore fith it is vaine and fruitfull ordinarie mc:ans for his prouifidn: for: God ldlC to vcxc our hearts hcrewithJ vVc mull: be.. would hauc cuery man to care his.ownc bread, ware ofthis diHruHfull care. def<ruing his prouifion by diligence in the duFrom this rcafon we may obfcrue and gaties offomdawfull calling: for he.rhatwi/1 not ther iundry in£huttions. Fir!l, th;lt mans la- /a6ot1rftJoHld not etUe. Howbeit we may here bonr,care,and induHrie, is altogerhcrvainc karne,.whcn all mc•mcs faile( without our deand fruidcffc, ·without the blcffing of Gods fa:ult)yet Oil to·rely vpon Godsprouidcncc;for proUidcnce. Pal. I 2 ~. 1. 2. Except the Lor'd he foedes the foules in the dead ofwinter, a.nd 6ui!d the hottfo, they [<rErum· m 'iMine that btti!d \\'C :lrc ~ettcr the": they. D it : txcrpt ~ohe .. Lol:d k!~pt the citie' the rizfepcr Laffiy,is God fo mcrcifuli to the poore fouls watcheth ir.vttine. it Uin vaine for JOfl to ,-ij6 ofhcauen,toprouideforthem?thenmuflwe earf;. &c. I. Cor. 3·7· Neithn- tJ bee that tharprofcffc our felues to be Gods children, plarttethn11J thing, nur hethatwatt:rrth, (mea-.. fhew our fdues ~!' belikc to our heaucnly fa. ning, ofthcfclues) but Godgiuerh the increafo. M::w~hbnur vaincwith– outC:nds bldling, thet, ln cxcrcifing mcrcic tow:1rds all Gods This point the Lord doth notabJy cxpreffc by creatures: GodiJ the.Sauiouroftr!inun,/mt eJPeHaggai, faying, '1 Ye haseefowmmuch,and6ring q H:1gg.r. cia'!J oft/gmth4t be!eeue. And wee mu(l be inlittle:---"and he that earneth wages futteth 6 •••,. follov.:ers ofGod as dt·erc children, extending it in a bottomlej[e hagge. Ye. !ookfd for' mHch, mcrc1e to thc ·poore of mankind, becaufe they and foe, it camt ro fin le, and whett it came 1 b.c our ownc Acfh: doe good vnto :tll,but fpc.. home, 1 did b!owe vpon it. The confdcr:aion (\ally to th('m that be ofthe houfhold offaith. whereof mufl teach vs to commend all the i Thi.s i~ nccdfull to bc .vrgcd vpon our fou]('s, fobcr care and labour of our lawfull callings to I for m tnnrs ofdearth mcngrindethcfacn'ofthc God' by prayer for his blcfiing: for it is his blr{- P~~, by ha:·d bargaining; the rich rake adJing that makphrich, Prov. 1 o. 2 2. If Paul and · _ I --~---------------=()...:~4--- ----- .Apo!'!_s,_ _ __.