Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Serm'on in the8v.lount. I 1S5 - \ choughit had beginnirrg, yet neuerihall h'ue A Chrills ;~~~~f.~d\;;,(o;J,.cr ~~· ---·1 I.Matrh,6. t=- i ende. And herein he. fane cxccllcththem! (or that Joubting, ~~h~ch isjJlY\'.,clk: faith\llj 1 though hcarbs and .r:r.ces liuc flir a time, yet :u~d here reproou<:d> yet ti)c..f:lit'h i; fclfc is tr.U~.-1 dtclr life :uifcrh from.rhc matter \\•hereof they fai(h, and (uc-h a.s. brings a·mjUl to rhc H:u~ of ) eonull and fo vanit1lCth "ith it, but•thc foulc ' Adopr.iori and -of faluation: for Cl>riH b<;fotc , of ma1~ is a different [ubll:mcc from rhe bodie, this rcproofe, acKnowledged ofhis Di!(ipk3 l and v~mif11crh not though the bo1Jic ptri(h. that they were; G.ods t:f\ildrFn,calling (jod rl?ci~.l This 1 difference is plaincf in the .crcatien: for Juaumly P~rhcr:.·lf. apy iltall'f.1y or tbinkc tl1at. 1 d Gcn.x.Il, God -c.omrnandcd 11 rth~. ~~rth trJ ·brlnt, forth tl}is \\'Cake faith c-annot fauc a man, bc<:~u{s'Pis f h~ar!JJ ndd trceJ witli their !if~ and fobftance: Ynbclccfc beq)11g morc-thpn )1~faitb,fhtl h~l!c·; but w.hCn he crc~uid inan,thOugh~h~ made his 111brc force to concicmne,_ hi'in then hisfaith t9 1 6odi~of tli! di1f ofthe ~nh, yet hUfml~ cam( f:wc: him: lan[, tb~t·nO ~nan-is fanc.d byl:i.s c: Gcn,l. 7 . 1 frws ..God, for c het -bre'atbed into /,js faae the ,.. faith, bc:cau(c it is p~rfe&-without doubting, r 6rcafkof life. And herein man eJ<rtl!s"tot onebut beeaufe thereby he !ay-9th hold 011 God~ / Iy tbc hCGrbs .:>f the field, but all beifl:sand men·ie in Chr·ill: now a '-"\'e-a~e.f.1itb Qt:l.Y.doc~ foulcs, fonhough they,belidesJifc .hauc fentC: 1his truly, though not t'Qiperfedly and,v.~1h and morion from rhcir-foulcs, yet 'their ·foules B fuch comfGr.t as a!lrong f<].it\1. doth: a-nd th~ (wherbert'heybequalitics odi1bfticesir h.c-rc doubtingaod.Ynb<Zlccf~ chap i,.s jn v\'(!aka fair ..h ·skHiech oot-j ariting from the matter :o.\·hc:r(of cannot condchme vs, ~e bcv.·:i~f_aul! thci,rb.odics fubGfr, ar.c mort<Ill :md vaniih"T.o :vnbdc::efc, aorl· vfc mcanet diligcQtly; tO;G"Q19~ nothing when the bruhe pcriihcth; fo as•a bea'fi byafull a!furance; for by <his:wqkc[pjtl),l)'~x burnt vp is no heaH,-hut _a dead min is a man .arejn Chrilhand in himaU our v·:ants &fjnrue· ,_, , I though hisbodic bchuint to nothing,bccaufe lltep.ardoned. Whirh poioU};JUll c~rditll)'bS A <omfon his (oul:c: lines fo·r ~uer; yea and his b<!>dic, "<>bfcrucd.aod 1'cmcmbred,f~nhcJtay ~Hldl,o»:J• • to thcon •h'' though.catcnvpwit'h f:ica{h)or confume.dwith fott of rhdr foJ.tlcs, .tl12thauc in rh.Cm b~~-tbi-! }~~~~~ "'cahc fire, byvcrtilc,of Gp:ds·ordinance thal one day 1 weakc faitb, and ar<; tr>Ql.lblcd. IJluch \;;ir,h ~.,~h rjf.c a:gaine, & be rcu_niterl to thc:foulc: yea the , firutl and doubti1_1g. A·u.d ·· js maqy ·a~trtuC .dead bodies of thc-.c:lc&,by>Vcrtueofthe couc- ~hild of Gods.cfbtc, fo1· c.ucry one qm1jQ.t .att; "'~l.H nant of g.racc, hauc not ondy relation to their taine_to .A6mhams fu!l Hjjhrar;ce; bu~ be. )lOC' foulos, but a fpiriruaii v.nion with .Chrifl, fot· difcouraged·, 0 Jho" uf lit<lcfa_irh; rhy douQ• ! l.l'bc-tf.+ I the] jktptinhim,)and by his power lhall one ting and difhuJl may trouble and g.riclJC tl}cc; ·•• <lay be raifcd vp to gloric. And· this prchemioncly labour diligenrly in t)lc rT)O>lles fqr, fyr,; nence.Cbrill would teach vs, when he callcth C ther increafe, and by thy we;>ke 'f.,itb deGrJ'JI.o s~l&to.l~ God,ube GoJ ofA6t..,;,m, 1.vho wasdeadrn , !ayholdonChrill,a.ndfo,jhal!allthpvam•.hc regard•of his bodie long before, and yet faith <OUcred, and ;h_Y iinnes pardoned; fo;· Cjl<flcffc he, Go.rl ii the G•d,nor if thedr41l,(thor ls,which ls Gods mercrc tn thJS beha!fc, he wiUnor brrt<kf baue no becing at >all) hut ofrhc liumg, Now the bruifcarcedr,nor quent;b the fmotd,jng·j/4~1"1 this prcferremcnt of man abouc thc.creaturc, Ifa.4:2..j. l' doth greatly infotecrhe dude vpon·him to deIf. Point; The caufe »>hy Chrill Gql}.,thus pcnd vpon Gods prouidcilccwithout di.llrullrcprooue them for tbe(r fimll f,ith, is t-~eir d(• ful! carc}or ifGo1t'd<>aJh bafet' creatures with Jlmft in God forYflimt:nt; as <if hee ihqvld, f;\j', glorious<>ray,doubdeilb he will !lot fulfe·r man whereas you doubt whether your hea~~nly,f.,_ hi' more noble cr·cature towam,is the conduther will prOm.dc fufF.ocut...r-airnent for ,.vQU.;; lion.following doih<le~!are; norwirhffanding you (cc hCJ' araics .hi$ paf~J: Shai~ he not drJe mHch morevntd yott, 0 yuof creatures ln..glorious m5nef;euen for tbjs cau(<t little faitiJ! That 'is, fhall he not OIUch more arc you to bt bl~mcdfor.JilJall f~dth. vn ~:: CJoar.h you. Now hc ·amplifieth this cOnclufion Here then we arc to<>bfcr~ a fp~~i.3H)loint by il ttproofe, whc.reby he would cnforce·his D tO:uC'hin:g the propcrtie oJ<rr~c 1£\i~.h.; :,~;:l~~~fic 1 re3fonmore tlrongly ':PO" thern, faying, (') yee 'I n:~.mcly, that it doth not Qnely.laic ho)d,o,n·i]rc r.ti.h. of littltflljth.In twopoints arc mcrcic of God for the par.Oon of finue 1 and to be: con(idcrcd: 'th.cpcr{ons rc.Prooucd, and . Jifc eucrlaRing in Chrifl ~ but on his prornifcs the caufc thereof.The pcrfons are Chri'lls cho" · alfo for ten)porall b!c!fmg1 eh," coJJt<,J;II~t!t~ fen 1 DifcipJc.s, whotn hcc doth not here re.. lifc.Ncither mufi this fconk flr-angc to any:knd prcouc for wan< of foi<h limply, .bm for th~ to makcitplaine, con(id,crc~arrhq>romifes-of weakn~lfeand finall meafurc ofit,bccaufe their God m Scripture arc ofrwo forts; prlncipall,& doubting and diflrull in, God< prou·idencc, inferiour. TheprJncipakpromiji:, is'ofGhrjfl6lfr 1 l'W"desrm v.·-a~ greater then rheir redeemer, God :md man, and of rerniffion~of J "r fair~•. 'Here then we may' obf(·ruc :1 dif/inElirJn of finnc, and JifC cucrlafl:ing by him. Thtl.thfiYi1 fAit-h in regard ofdcgr·ee and mcafi!rc· towit rJKr promifes,are oftempornll bleffings:as.fO()d, God~ rro– n•it~s ntofo!J. 1 1 tioHbttth th1'01-;giJ -r;r,/ulre_(e, as it ,Js 'f.··dd of ,Afonh as they arc for our·gno.d:for h i?t}Cbrift 1 t!i h ~ Cor.z, I •. t-hat bdidc th:tt f-dt dj[Mr~nceJ v.lhntbf raimcnt,hcalth,pca<C,iibcn·i'c,_&·c.and thefc--d.e-i fo·r-(fl'('t-h ~n God~S•promifcs, that -hec nothing I pcnd vpotnhe maine prcimlfc of. Chri.H) f<ll"- r I hr~ham_. H.otl'l. ~- :•o. thc:c is aw~ak$J?.:ich mintbepromifo.rof God, ,,.,hetl-...u thcv cbncen}c-iifc , l~ J'gl~~~~~~--d-_o__~_~_~'_"_g_,_r"'_·~·h_·_•s_"_'"_'_in ___ •t_e_"_"_u_,_o_rt_h_i'_'_c_n_rp_o_l'~-H-Iirfc_, __ ~~-~~:::::;:: ____ ··=