Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

r86 1 1- - dn Expojit'ion ofChrifls 1 nzc'n, that is, furC and ccrtcn to G<;ds children. ! I{ I .'1ndhchcc it is, that •then by-r:r·uc faith a m;ur ~:licth ho)d -on the:-mainc prdnfifc,cf God in Chntt,hc doth "Itholl appreh~nd<Hc promtf~~ df God for tpnpoia1l blclling\: 'the heart_that. f>~t,h PJ'f.,lth, a ilwtllpm·don mJ ji•n.j-nndfliu<fl ' 1 1 i r"!foklc, wdl fay a!(o bj'thc f.m'KI faith, God I ~ill 'gim: m.~efood~wnt:l raiment, -Und'la/1 thing! i Rom-4. 1 8, fojfici(Jrt fotibt5 fijt: Jhus Abr~1m_i by th~ ' fam~ faith whcrelly he "'·as iuflifi·cd; bclcc~~ed Gods p~rnnifi, tiNtth~Jbould haue 14 fonne in ·hi,· k Hcb.r 1•7• olde.gge: ,a!ld Noah k btUcut:d <..iods promifcs of·hi~rc~cFilltion 'in ·the 1\rkc, ~Y the f,;m~ flii!hwh~rchy he wlfs made heire of rightmtfl ff~f/! . .,Thispoint 1 rnutl be: obfcrucd,and rhe or:- dd''rCm€rhb', "\•herein faith )aics hold vpoh the rromile.o;: Pirfi., it .merc~e in I B Chfifi;, and ~hen prouitfrruc fc.rthis.lifc.No"'\\r ii.Cftct \Vc'lCarne, rhat a~we looke to be- f:nt~d by our fattk•after dcach,fowe mufl hue by faith ~n thl~wodd; tf we re:he vpon his mcrci-e for ourrfoUl cs , "vc t1mfi depend 'fpon hio; proui.. dtn}:c'for our bodics~htnv th?s fs done, we)'hal ~'aflt:t'\-\·,:.~il :··for .how· fbould we uH our!l \·pbaCods mcrc1c forthe! kingdbmcof htau'c!h, if' weeCannot dcpcud vponJhis proui– d'encc for food and raitrn:nr. " : Huwrnrric -l: Vaflly, hcrth¥. We may trie om· faltdr v. 1 hat ou.r f.nth. i:'t ~ts,.tiue or faincd; wcak-c or fi.:-ong. ~ for this ChrHt hci:c ttll.s- vs, that tllc more we arc di!lracrcd witlr<vorldly cares, the ldfe is our beiccfe in Cod;for dilhullfull care comes from vnbclecfe in GoC!s I"'ouldo'nce: and the ldfe w~ trufi in God for rcmpa;all things, the le!fc e docwe.belccae crcrn3:11 tncrdcs, for the fame fahhlaics hold On both:but if we can truly dc– pend•v"J>Ol1 God ,for'umporall b1cffings iri the fober vfc of lav.:full mc1ncs,rhen we!hall rcfie Vi>Oil his rmcrl!:ic for'che fahtatfon ofour foulcs. !his··trlall is'not m·adc in profpcriric:,for when G<:id fcnd3 abund::mcc, cuery one will trutl in"him: but whc11wahr comes then is the urttl ofthy faith; if thcrt thou relic on Gsd, though meancs failc, thy t3.ith is ftron~:bnt ifrhyh'can condly;to further his difciplcs in the p;a.fufe of fai,blor by chis often.ocpeticion he Qilfcs rWcm on·afion to meditate ::md thinkc vp;)n 1the duty the ofrcnc-qvvhercby th1cix;faithmuflnC:cdcs be mu,h,Onfif'mcdl forthis .;wc muG lcno~v: for 9:ut to get and Jfi:rc11gthcn in our h.clns; r-hat -a m:tn is not amccr·eo patient in thc R"c:!uing~'and frrcngthcning "of-this grace;, it Comc:-.~'nor from God to V's;as;vihons did ro thc ~Prophet!-~n ad'reamc in t-he n'ioht' or aS the plirh o£thc f:ealc is·fct into thc ...... ,~xc: but GOcf w.OrJ.."Cs in in the vfc of oi-tlin:trie mc:rnd. ~~nd tbcrcf~re ~if \v~· w.ou·ni haue faith wrought or inc:rzafed in vs, we 'mtifl doe, thar.y;•hid.. by !laturc\vc miV.doc; ro ..,;Vio!hear~ the"'''ar.QpFeached_,znd Jead_,wc'dttatc1 therein, :.ndbbour fo·to'nge the promifes of God v.pou our o\vnc hearts; yc·a, \t(:rnuft doe· "'t'4hat we can, to fiirre vp b1 our'hcarts·a-defire t~ b.ciccu:}'3tld to ftriue again{\- doubting and ·dt6huH,-and thC?rcforc muft giue our [dues to praic-r -\vioth Eighs and grb~n-es toGod,;for.t~c working of his fpiritin·Our' hcan:s. · NoV.· 'ou"chingthi~ cotllm:mdcment -againR– .dillrufl:full.carc.,,,,c h5dfcd it in the 1"S·"·fllewing how far our care Jtm!kgO for things nccdfu·u, and•whcrc it mu& iloy, lt.n!uft cx,cna it fclfc to thc,diligcp( ».fd·of la"fulhwdtnaricl' mcanes [.0 procur.e things ncrdfuJI, ana there fiay; giuingplacc to f.liihro wait vp.oQ:Gods , prouid.enca: ftlr!cffing ofour cndc'3.UQurs. The ditlruflful carcwhicll pcrplexcill'th<Xheart about the fuccdfe of our Jawful!laoeurs, is that which <..1uifi forbids}~nd itis that C:uill Jickene{fCwhich infeCts mofi mens.foules; as they may cafily difccrne·by obfetuing 'tpefe things :.what it u., that oft·brenk!t theirjlupe ili the ni._f.htt ,-r what C"Dmcr firft into·their thoughts wh·ewthry aJpal:.!;J.andwhat rh~ir mintier runn~ moft vpon nil th_e da1 long ;r and wh-cuabostt·r t1JeJ can tal:!gr{.a~rjl prtinn, Witb moft deitgbt _, 4fld leaft weafinejJ'e. If it b.~f0r the. things .of this world,then!iifiruflful car~infcCls their (oQlcs, which we mull flriudg•infi,~d learn~ to liue hfann., . · - ·'· , ' _. beoppfdfcd with forrO\o't' ::rnd feuc ,. and thou make no confciencc of vnla:\"\•fu}I mcanes, fo it may fupplit they want; then fulj>eet thy felfc, th,Y_faithis,,•c<J.kc, or none at all: for theiHft fh.. !J/iH<6yfoith in all efiates. · .Hare ooly obfcruc now ,Chrifltlefcrihcs thil vnlaw.full car~by tht.dfe& in di(ltUfifull '" perfons, :bringing th<ll)·il>,(aying, what /hall i ~e~Atel wliatjha//wedrink.;i or wherewith/hall . , .J~. ~~· 'Therefore ta~ ·np t~oaght,foying,What/ha~nlee -eai'e? or what /hall we drm{e? qr llllme»ith }hall 'fllee he clothed. ' Mortrh.6,' ~ Ilow dill~. fifullurc maybcdif· ~cr?cd~d 1 . Here ChriQ :1gaine rcpeateth his comD pm6e doathtd? And tht!$ indecde they •.fe to romplai-nr '· rfpecially w.h'cn tbey ~auc ~reat cbarges ar;td Gender m~anes-,or cls cloCfa.uaine any great lo!fcs,then,hfTr#foa!lru liue?whi!r fodl wedoe?an.d fijc)llikeJprcchcs ofdillnifl:wh<clj Chrifi here iulllyrcprours,brcauf~they blame Cod for his dealing towards them; as though be had no care o:f thcri),.or V·.'{)uld noi: prouide "ihingsfor th~m. We rhere~ore n~u£1-.learpeto )hut oupll<\Uthcs ogainfi c\l(l.uflr!ull though.ts . an.J ~wiu: v.\omu'rmufC not,nor complait)~ of 1 f.(l.;t. 19 • i-lis· dc3lin.g:tdwards vs. \ 1 ,1. · tonoes Nadah<>nd Ahiht<. were both !lain.c for mandcment a....ainft difhuft:full care gitlctl in· I thC 25. '•crfc. The reafons ofthis b~ thcle:FiHT,co fct an edge vpon the ~omm_:mdc.~ mcflt, that fo it may more fharply' and dcepely. I cntcrrnto t~eir hearts, as we (>id·btlorc. Seoffrino fl:rano-dirc, ./1.1ofos te-lls him 1t w&• the I~o1·;& :doi11i ~~~o :;:ott!df!!.,g!!!}fied in.!}_Ithal