Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----~--~----~------------------~--------------------~---, 8 ItAnExpojirs'lno(Chrifh 1 M.'""·s·· dOth notably ihcwc forth this gr<'lC'c, faying, A ; hereby then \.\'CC arc admonifhcd to labour for 1 Pr.d.JN"· ._ ! JvMdNm6e , and opmcd not '"l momh ,bethe moderation of all our affeCtions, efpccia.l1. caufe Lord th~H diddcft it, SccQndly, n1.cckcly of anger h:acrcd, and rcucngc; and w bcncffe'c«ufcth one ~yvirh a quiet rnindc to bcarc ware of allr hindcr:mccs .t'o rhis blcffcd vcr- ~hc iniurics men ?oc vnto him: yea, eo forgiuc rue, as cho11cr,:h31linc'I1C, grudg:ng,impnticncc and forger thcru; and to requite good for cuill, vndcf \\'rong6, \'1'ith all rafling, rcu•Iing, chi- ~"ff8'rlng ~l rcncngc to God rh:tt iudgcch' ding and bta~vling, <Jn4 <lll fuch thrcatning ~.~~r~.Jt,:.. fJ_gh~c.o·ully .. \'VIien h Dauid.Jmcmiu !aidfnarn fpcachesJJ·(,..~Iuch come t00 ofc in prad:ifc,rb.,u f..t!r hi.ri;fe .' vtt~rtdforrown , ami iniagineddr.u tt ~~~ ~~r forg.m.:. , J,ur w~~ w,/t m.uerforgrt : ~·ea, dgab:ft hiJ-n conrfnuai'J; yet by this Vcrtuc lfcc tn Aclton womu{bwo;dc all qt:arrcl!ing, hghlUff(~ all patiently , h:~ing M ad~afo man that t~ng,, and goingw !a\'\'C 011 cutry hear(thnot,and a1l-h:dumbcu•hiciJ open(tb1Jol'hU l!glnotcafi~; for ttuo mte.kneffc ailmits n011c in~uth: fo f:.urc w:t.Shc from priUatc n:.:uen~~· of all th.cfe to take plate with Gods children. And our Saulour~Chrift fets forth himfdfe a And to induce vs hcrunro,l'onlidcr firfi ChriHs c: Matth. u. ~attc!hC of rhi's venue; flying, t Le.'lrneofm~, ~ precept and exampl'c, bidding vs ; ic11r~ of ~9• J''rJln. muk.! tlnd fuwfJ in •J:rart:hl"reit\hC , him,forJuismt(f:.!amJ foTPC/y. J.. gainc, C011lcft hiffifclfc ancx:tmplc chlt ·we fl1ould follow ~ fidcr Gods.owne dc:tlingwithvs, wee ~aiely d 1 .Pcw.sJ. hiS JtCppcs, d n•howhm bew..ureHil(d,h~reuilt·d wrong himbyour otfcnces, and yet h'c bearcs noZ..t~g.zinc, w!Jcn he hujfired, b~ethreaten(d with vs; tl11ll \VC then bee fo vnllkc·ouvhc:a- ".0:• h~tt referred a!lrotlu uenly Fatbcr,thlt we ,_.,·ill firai·ght rcuc-~1ge c.,H+- tmlgethrigiJuquft.y: ye:~., t; hepr~"tcdf9r rhem thd the wrongs.rhat others doe vnro vs?' See Co. dtlci{iedhim' So did Srrphm, Atl.7· 6o. L.,d, lo{[ j.U, q, .As the eM/: ofGod, hof; and6eW'herelrt f'llrcknc:frc: mill\ be 0\CIII'td. fit1..,not this fnnc ro th:-f!ch:n-g~:fo Z.achariah die loued, put on the buw(/s of merc 11 , gmtlir.l'j{e , f6nne oflehoioda, b'eeing floned, faide onc!y lowe/inefTc.of mind~. meel,;ntjfc, la"!. fiiff.,·in!., ~ ihi~(rli'eLordwi!l[ualfdreqnireit•dt1'urhandr, forl!et~riJtg O»( a11 oth(r, a»d forgiuing one an- ' '2.:'<!:h'ronh4··i''t": ~ .>~ 1. · 1 ·• •. >\\ ~t .. ,..,'\ ·, · fJther, i{ 111!.1 m.rn hat:e a;alnft/ln o- ;}\'l'f i. I. Pomr.\rwEer"einmufor.hti=flie'ck$~uJJ: heI th(r; eHCff"aJ God for Chrift.s Ja4! Jffl;ra:;( y_rJtt, (/,wed? 'Ylnfw. Not i;, th~ ·matt~>t•· :gf GO'a, ' fodoe;ee. bflly, the fruition and prac'\ll<>of ~Wh!:n hij.gloq~is j!pp.eached·: for fb<rem we. this grace hath the promifc i>f>bldfcdnc!fc be• mutt h~ttc zcai~ ~~1 tiore 35 Cfirc : bur in the longing to it; and thcrefooc :J.S \VC: w.ould bee ....rnn,;~ •n<L 'n,iur~na cone~rnc;ou<fducs. happie, fo wcmuft get thcfuirit of mci:l<encffc .~~e,"',,;,"s t'lo me\' m•-"•pon 1 'tlle -th ·,n r ~"'~"'r ,... :1 ..u <!( ..... into our hearts, and expre.fiC the vei\uti and his time, Numb'" 'r.'V..,J;,.aydyn_when the ) powcrrhcrcofinourliues. ~ ,,., .... Ifraelites had mad< agolden calfe, in zralc to C Obiea• ..(. Here fome will fay , If i'p'\f vp t .-;•Lls. 'God.-gforie, Lhre•brirk; tiN twoti6ksofftone; all iuiu,ics, I flull be counted a daflari!Jand a "'' 1' 1 &'pilito th<Jw<ffd that-faml day ·, ·rhuerhoufm~J foolc. .Anj. In this cafe karric of Palll,•to•paffe m_~ /'Of them who! had fp ·diihon~urcd God. littlefor mans iudgemmr_; 1 bUr bc;carefulLro gt"t D!!~;.J -alfo·that· hcld~his his ownc and praClifc this gra.ce of meekendfc, a~>~d.theu wrongs, didcon'fo11k~aw.9' w.ilh l:..eJlt againft will pronoGce thd:: bfelfcd,which ~wght /?.ifs' "''f'"''" th~f) fot/gAtl&edi: "'/Jf'&~ ltfal. It9. more to preuailc with ihcc;ltheo all mens eflit·; 9:JA1fdouit 9aut~ti.r:.C}u;ifl:ywhbt.tts a ltimb.~ mation in rho world; and fo it will,~ v'nldfe 6ef•h the fhM>·er o[knld noo.hiJttbdf!lh for the thou /ou..rl,.praifrofmm. mo>·crhen thepraife of -w~Oll~s do11e vtlto)'ilfifclf<i ;,;~idJtt'in refiue G'od.- Ioh,11.48. .· , ,. . ' · ofl hf!i•tiithtr;.glor•e~ mak,: a wiffppr.of <()I'M}:, Obiea, If. Againe,itwil! be fald,Thc mote aild·ilrliiJith•'PU,iii! otl'foftiu 1(t~1whomad< Lvfe to put.vp.!Nrongs, the morHhall.fhave hU Fftthcrs houfi a.dmn~of thee~(! : Matth. 2. I•. fiill donevnto me. An[. Thit is ondy fo'with Ji; ~· -b{ V l:c Jhr! x r · .... · ...~:· . . 'wicked m'en; for h whi> eifewi!lwrongth:r,iftha:l i <l"""'~.r '.:p:P:,.:':p.;~~r; T.ihc_Lca.ufo and:~·.•u.J of thu '.l follt!werbar.r•lhchtsgoodl Ycrfaythcj<db'o·,,ih.'J I\II>Cd,nc:s. ·&, • ;r. h h 1 d \ rliielf{Wfe-, is afflJefidh Md polio ienf {pirit.., as i parimtf;~Jjtring. Uprai,e-wort rwir f.Ioa: an the ~tder ofthefe 11\lcs dedarcth ;>~·herdt is D ' k he wiOrak.f.rhomat(erin?uht< hand, yelr.Chri{\ plac~&:lfi:er pouer'>ie.fJfJPir#, and"'•tn'ning .-and iefus, wh6 iudgcth not by the light of.cllll eiq therofdrc;Ffai.J11>t, wher\cc.thef~mords ar,c· ! h«,m/1r&Hf<r arighl, far.nU the muk! uf'the bQrrc>'wcd ;1ht .moeke petfon is ca! ·a <arth. .• ,, ; •·' '.· , 'namehthat fi"ghificth ~ne affliCI:d~;:ro-.reach.,, i •, Obie[/, 1 1I. But ycr,thou faifl, this is •he tha•~•e that ls'il.~ek~-indeedc , is one whoby way to lo.oG!, al!, that .a mail ,bath, an&ta bee , :lftlitti~n and dilrrelfc·, bath bctn< brought to thrufl\lan.e and harb.oun. .A11[Norhing · mourn~!f'or,his offt~t'os :for hardl)<can he·bee ldfc: for ,€htilt here<faith, rlu rncel,;,fba/1 ir.herit ni,t:k~v.mdt'ati<n! ln:Cpitit, tlraoh>th·not been thuarth;'<lailbt no>butGhriflwill•nak-c good ' acquainted witllOth~ crcffe., Lahren.j. >7,>8, his word: and thereforc1ifi~b6u refpect 'thefc 1 >'li Tht<ChuroH<<omh1endeth tfils!•lrearmg'of outward things, la!Jour to. get·andcimcifcth~ thecr'tJifoi")DUt'hJ.j bdc.suf-e it-m:tkcch lman to fpiritofm:u:ckcndfe. .;(·; .hr, · ;:i, ..• ft qJII<'t/J alone ,"tu'pUt'hidlnottth i1tto thtdHjh & , .J/ , P<ih>f,11lbmi11dith·t~w b.leffodi<Jfi ofth~ . id rJHihiJ chcel.:!·:mrc t'h~nt'ftpers. '):;:•" · m~ckf.conjijf! namely., in1heit· inhcrilingQj ;rhe- ' , D\ith plelfedndfe'be10ng tO"lJttkc'perfons? . ! earth. And.this is a grcat,h.:lppineffe, for al;;l:\.n I).:> l a to '.:·l·:__ ~tn,!e~tinn of~~.:liun~. Motiuc:sto 11.\CC k. h c.~. 3 h i T.Pct.:.Tg. kffal.tO·of• ' I