Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

f 5. I ~L --------~---------~-----·~· ----·· -· ~ _ __ S_er_m_o_n_it._~_eh_e_& __ ou_n_t_.-___--..~ __ · _I .~ to be Lord of the who!<; earth. But how on A courfe, thcfc men fct the Cati before thc.~ --- this be rruc~fith manyofGods dcarcH- fCruam~, horfCs; for f1.·cing o.ll our right to rhc cartll W::l.$ ! h:tuc bccnc Jlt·tmJ?;ers M this e.trth, thru!t out loft by AMm; ~nd is onrly rccoucrCd by of houtC and land, ::md ""ander ChrHt, doubtldlc rill we hauc pan in ChliH; 1 in mountaincs, and dcf.·wrs, affliCted and mUC.. we cannot with the cernfon of ~ good confd~ rablc , yea Jdl:irmc ofconucnicnt foodc :md cnce, either purc-hafc, or poH.dlC :my inhcri.-. ~~~-k~h;~,he· raiment, Hcb. r r. 37~ aM. Aa[w. The rncekc r::mcc vpon canh:"In regard of <.'ertaimic, rr:Ui ric rhe wth. Jrc here called Inhcritol'~·of the earth, not for defire to bold their land:; in c:rpilt',·that is, in that they :l.lwaics haue thC potrdlion· thereof; thePrin,c, ~s bccing the bcH tenure; but ifwe I but fidl, bccaufe God g1ues a mccte and con~ would hauea fur~ title, and·ho!d. aright in cl!pi... ucnicnt portion ~f. the earth, either to. them rej we mufi labcntr'~o become true mc1hbcrs or to their poficnue: thus he dealt w1th .Aof Chi-ilt, andhold our right in him; for he is brabam, Ijdac, and 1.-tcob, they had fufficicnt theo Prince of tht Kir-gs oftht cttrtiJ, and Lord I o Rcv.1.5. forthemfclues, and :1 pr01t1ifc of grcatpo!fcffiof all the wodd; and till we·be in Chrill \\'t! I ons,which their po!tcntic did enioy..Sccondly, B fi1all nq_uorhauc an hOlyand iAnC'titicd rigO~ tO I if it f~ll out, that mcekc perfons die in want, any worldlypofidTions. or banifiuncnt; yet God giucs tl~en~ eomentaSecondly, this ferucs for :i bridle ag:1i-nll ill' tion, which is fully an[wcrablc tq the.inheri... immodc1·atc nrc for the world; fo1· if \vc be tancc of the earth; fo PaHifaith of himfclfc, member! of Chri(l, and mceke pcrfons, then m :.Cor• .s. andother ApofHes, mthq were tU men haui11g the inheritance: of the earth is our·s : \\'hat need nothing, and yet pof{rjfed. an things·: meaning haue we then to carkc and c11rc fo much for through contcntation, with the peace of a worldly pclfC, as mofi men doc 1 ..,, ho nCuc~ good con[cicnce. Thirdly, the mcekc haue thinkc they hauc cnoug!J? this inheritance, in rc,gard of right, becing the Thirdly, this fcrues tOr a iufi rebuke of all' members of Chrift, who is Lord of.all. Hence t~.ofc that f(:cke to cn_ri<h thcmfclucs by cruel-. £~:~~or.J. Paul faith to the bclceuing Corinthi:1ns, n all uc,.lymg, fraud, and oF,rreffion : for if ~ho11 things are JOU1'!, whethe_rJit he r4,Ul, or Ceph.u, ~c Hl ChrHl, thou hait-~:right to the whdlc A.r.vofol.J nghtto u nhly chtngs, I Ciuill. or the JJJor/d, things prefen~, or thing.r to come, world; what necdc then ha~thou to vfc vn... all are JollrJ, am{ yee Chrifh. Fou~rhly, the lawfull mcancs to, get th;u which is thiile mecke are made Kings by Chri£l, and after the ownc?But fur< i(is,thou 6£t no pan in Chri£l, la(l iudgement, thcy.Jhal!ru!e andra'ignewirh while rhou giuc(l thy felfe to thcfc couifes; himforeuemwre, Reu. 5· to. And in thefe tWo for ifthou hadde!l,thbn woulde!lbc content ' la(l rcfpech, the mecke arc more pr<>perly faid C with wh:itfoeu<r God fends in the vfc of!a\\•~ robe the inheritors of the earth•. ObiiU. Yer full meanesrPhilip. 4·"· f.~,- . here it will be faid againc, iha~-wickcd and , La£lly, hence all Gods children may 1~atne' carnall men arc oftentimes the grcareft Lords to ~omfort thc:ir hearts againf.l the fearc o'P~nJ of tlie earth, as Nimrdd in his time, and the punifhmem fo• the name of ChriH: for keep<! Turkc at this day. .Anfw. The right-lnto the Chri£l fu1·e;and ~hither focuerthou art fenl, carthistwo·fold; CiuillandSpiriruall•: Ciui/1 thou art vpon thmc owne ground: for the r.ight is that, which Hands good before men, whole earth is thine, and in Chrifi: one day by their !awes and cuflomes; and in regard thou fhalt po!fc!fc it, when all Tyrants fhall be thereof, men arc called Lords of fuch lands,as banifhed into hell. Now bccing on thine own they hauc right vmo in the Couns,ofmcn:and grout~d, what need hafi rhou to fCare? ~ fo the Turkc at this day, is a mightic Lord rf. 6 CD1./r, J h ~ ofagreatpart ofthcwhole\vor!d.'SpiritMII Ver • • DtC;;t! are I t!J Spidw~l. right is that, which is ;:arrantable an(\ apPrOO• 'fPhick' hunger and thi'r'/J. ucd with God himfcltc, and fuch rrght and ti1• tie had-.Adamroall the world, before-his fall, D '!fier righteoufnes:for tbf;) which he loll by his finne, both from•himfelfc, Jh n b and all his po£leritie;but yet in Chrill,the fame · ' a e ji/led. . . · is r~coucrcd toalltheclcet.Andofthisright, •· Hercis rhe fourth R11/e tou<hing blctlcd.. ~ a ..l~ Chnfl here fpcakctir, \vhcn hcc callQth the 'nfffc, which is alfo mention ea by Saint Lu/:5~ l ·mecke inheritors of the earth: in regard ·¥ctfomethingcliffcrcmfromthisofMntth!1i': ' whereof; the Turke, and all vnbclecucrs and ·for according to L1!k§, Chrilt- direC!cth his vngodly pcrfons, arc vfurpcrs of thofc things •'fpccch to his Difciples, and fpeakes of bodily \which otherwifc ciuilly ~hey doe lawfullypofhunger, faying; Bt1[cd m·c 7e that hungtr n'OJ!, l t1k.6.n. ' fc!fc. ' fqrJeefhA!lb•fati.<ft,d: asifhcfJJOuldhy, Yoi.l :~:-,!mtheHt~~eo t~~~~n~c:;' ;[~~~~7:, ~~~ti;~d~~,~~~~ -~~~{,c;J;~~; ~~~;~~:~~::~~~:'1i:r~~~ ;~~~~: moo m o• be Lords of the earth; wherebyfirfi; .wc may fdrhcreafteryotl'l'hall be fatisfied. NowMdt- . ~e~el~~~S: fee how furre mofi men doe ouer01ootc themthn>J gocth a d:~rec' further, 3nd lai<'th'Oo\V£1C;j felucs in feckin~ earthly po!fcffiori< ;\for the la cauieand Re7!on, ·~hy thct becing hungr,ic 1 manner is, without all regard of 'Ghrifr, to -arc bldfed; no,t _£lmply, for that th~y \\'ere \ j hunt <tftcr the vvorld:'but this ~sa prcpOilerous \pjnched with l>odify hunger', but bcc~ufc ~---~·-----~=~~~~-----"==----;B..:;;•-::>...::....::..__·_='----'::.'~it::_ha:;l:_ll_i _ .:...._